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13mm of Si Stebbins
by Unknown Mentalist

#3 Mentalism & Spiritism author

(6 reviews, 12 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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13mm of Si Stebbins by Unknown Mentalist

The owners of this ebook can purchase 6 Special Stebbins Stacks in 60 Startling Seconds for half price.

This is a secret method in plain sight. Maybe this can also be called as Si Stebbins Easy Memory System.

A simple method to use Si Stebbins +3 stack as a Memorized Deck. Given a card position you will know the card identity or vice versa, very easily. Once you learn this you are bound to get the "why didn't I think of this myself" feeling. There is also a novel but easy suit sequencing method which makes the suit order more random instead of the red/black alternating look of chased, shocked etc.

A cool routine is also included where the performer "subtracts the participant's problems from his destiny and makes him the King of his own fate." Easy and self working without any sleights.

Included is a SINGLE EFFORT DOUBLE PAYOFF BONUS. You will love this.

Also included is a SINGLE EFFORT TRIPLE PAYOFF BONUS. You will absolutely love this.

As part of this, you will learn what I prefer to call the CID STEBBINS STACK to remember the magician who actually introduced the Si Stebbins stack to Si Stebbins.

Now in its 2nd edition it contains some very useful suggestions shared by Dr. Hans Christian Solka.

1st edition 2016, 21 pages.
word count: 4819 which is equivalent to 19 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Geoffrey West (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 04 June, 2022

An excellent, easy-to-remember and use cyclical stack, with some very good ideas. Well worth the cost.

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 24 January, 2016

As far as 13 mm of si stebbins, I think you have another winner. So far I like your card stacks in the following order: SLOKA DECK, KARMA DECK, 13 MM (with the random stack ideas toward the end of your ebook), and YOGIK DECK. Each of these are winners in my opinion and I can't wait to see your other stacks. They are great with some mental routines that I use the decks for.

Reviewed by Doc Harris (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 22 January, 2016

Of course, this is more of a 'discovery' rather than a new invention. But what an amazing discovery it is. In one shot, this elevates SS stack many notches. SS is now an instant memorized stack. On top of that it combines with the cool random suit method and finally comes out as a killer professional stack. And the best part is even a kid can now learn this in no time at all.

Reviewed by Hans-Christian Solka (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 21 January, 2016

I read your book with great interest.

IMHO the 13mm approach is completely new for Si Stebbins. The approach is an elegant one. Easy to do and easy to remember. Thank you very much for sharing the idea with the magic community.

Reviewed by Simon Hood (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 21 January, 2016

I am surprised nobody has thought this up so far. Its a masterstroke.

Makes the ancient Stebbins stack many times more powerful.

The suit system offered is fantastic. For me, just this one take away is worth much more than the price of this book.

Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 19 January, 2016

this author works hard to work on and produce his quality ideas which he gives everyone a chance to be able to afford with introductory offers not to be missed at full price either