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(3 reviews, 5 customer ratings) ★★★★

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This is a chilling routine. Performer must use this with responsibility. The effect is a little enigmatic, a little eerie, a little emotional, a little bold, a little tragic but with a very positive climax and a positive take away for the participant. Of course, you can personalize this to suit your persona, performance style and situation.

A routine which has 5 multiple moments of spooky amazement. The theme is to liberate the troubled spirit of a departed celebrity. The process consists of a unique combination of some standard methods but used in an unconventional manner to heighten the impact and create an emotional involvement for the participant. Innovative variations of the classic methods are explained. You are likely to like these variations.

A participant chooses a celebrity from among nine departed celebrities. The 'spirit' of this particular celebrity conveys its 'willingness' quite visually. Then the participant proceeds to make some mysterious choices just by imagining and visualizing. It leads to a final choice in a chilling manner.

As a climax, very visually, the chosen spirit conveys a message 'my soul is free' indicating that the process has been successful.

Overall, simple methods combine with a stunning theme and script to create superlative multi layered impact. No sleights. No stooges. No preshow. Easy methods. Presentation is the highlight.

Printable props are included.

"I got a chance to read it and I honestly like it. It's a nice, portable mini pocket seance. I love how you combined a bunch of ideas/effects into this total routine. That's usually what I do when I create a routine. No wonder I like it. When I perform this, I will end the routine after the message from the flame is revealed. That's strong. I think you hit a homerun with this!" - Mark Piazza

1st edition 2016, 27 pages.
word count: 5026 which is equivalent to 20 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 21 August, 2022

Long routine. Flash paper and friction pen are needed. Other than that-5 common methods are explained. Great for Halloween or home shows. Professionals can use it. Recommended.

Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 22 March, 2016

This author creates ideas that stimulate the mind and purchase was as always in my opinion well worth the small price

Reviewed by Simon Hood (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 14 March, 2016

For the first time, I came across what may be called as 'disguised equivoque'. This is a mind blowingly clever twist to the standard equivoque. That and a couple of classic methods are crafted together into a chilling and spooky routine. Fantastic theme and presentation. Very unconventional thinking this. Commendable. You could really start a cult, if you wanted to. Not only numerical thinking, which I enjoyed in one of his stacked decks (13MM of Stebbins) but this author's emotional thinking is also terrific.