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Aldo on Trost Volume 7
by Aldo Colombini

#1 Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#2 Cards author
#3 Magic & Mentalism author
#3 in Italian (italiano) author

(1 review, 5 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Aldo on Trost Volume 7 by Aldo Colombini

Magic with "Special Decks" by Nick Trost. All the tricks requires special decks (not supplied but easy to make up).


  • ROYAL TRIUMPH: Four cards are selected from a red-backed deck. You produce the four Kings and these have blue backs. At the end, these four cards are the selected ones.
  • MATRIX MIRACLE: Five cards are selected. Spectators help to select any other five cards and these are seen to be the mates of the previously chosen ones.
  • STRANGER IN PARADISE: One card is selected from a blue-backed deck. A red-backed deck is shown. The cards are counted and they are only 51. The selected card from the blue deck is turned over and it is seen to be the missing RED-BACKED card.
  • DESTINY DECK: Using a deck of cards and two dice, you reveal a couple of very strong coincidences and a stunning climax.
  • STRAIGHT POKER DEAL: A spectator shuffles the deck and you deal poker hands and, of course, you will win with the best hand.
  • INCREDIBLE!: You show a deck half blue and half red. One card is selected from each half and these two cards match. All the other cards are seen to be all duplicates of an entirely different card.
  • HALF WILD: Probably the most famous routine by the late Nick Trost. A deck is cut into two. Two half cards are selected: They match and they are seen to be the only normal cards because one half of the deck has no faces and the other half has no backs.
  • OSCAR: A spectator thinks of a card in the deck and you name it "Oscar." You show all different names on the backs of the cards and the selected card has the name Oscar on its back.
  • DUO BRAINWAVE: You place a blue-backed card on the table. A card selected from a blue-backed deck turns out to have a red back. Your blue-backed card matches the selected one.
  • TECHNICOLOR CHANGE: After a selected card has been revealed to be the only different colored card in the deck, you will produce a series of stunning color changes with the appearances of a Rainbow Deck.

Reviewed by Scott Weilblood (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 14 March, 2022

Nick Trost was a genius. 3 great effects and some really great principles here.

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)