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Gemini Sisters
by Biagio Fasano

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Gemini Sisters by Biagio Fasano

A new mentalism and card magic effect, impromptu and self-working, in which the illusionist, making use of less than half a deck, will call the sister of the one chosen by the spectator and incredibly those cards will always answer the call.

An always improvisable experiment with a dash of mentalism where the magician, making use of less than twenty cards from any deck, after showing them, shuffling and having a spectator cut the deck, makes her freely choose a card. After further shuffling the remaining cards by chaotically dividing them into three separate piles, he asks the spectator to think of her card and shows her how, immediately afterwards, she is to proceed mentally to "name" it by spelling its name, letting each letter correspond to a card taken from the top and stacked on the table.

Instead, he will not ask her to spell its color, explaining how in that case it would be quite easy for him to guess it, since "black" has two more letters than the word "red."

He first shows everyone how the deck is actually shuffled, since now the arrangement of the cards appears completely random, and then hands it to the spectator for her to proceed silently with the spelling of the chosen card.

Getting the cards back, the mentalist turns over the card at the top of the deck, declaring it to be any card at all, demonstrating how, in the hands of an ordinary person, cards do not respond to such a ritual. However, he also explains that he has assumed the "power of calling the cards" and how they always respond to him! In fact, since only two cards of each value from Ace to Nine have been placed in the deck, they are considered to be between them two sisters and it will be sufficient for him to invoke them to find the one card of the same value as the one chosen. He will therefore spell out aloud the word "sisters" and, as before, match each card taken from the top and stacked on the table, placing at the end in block on these all the rest of the deck. The conjurer will then take the card at the top of the stack thus formed and, still holding it face down, use it to lift the spectator's card and turn them both face up.

To the general amazement, the two cards will turn out to be the very two sisters, twins albeit of opposite colors, who were able to answer the magician's call.

1st edition 2024, PDF 5 pages.
word count: 2579 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text

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