George L. Boston
(Chicago, Illinois: 6th January 1905 - 14th March 1975)
Aka "George L. Merlin". Inspired in 1915 at age 10 seeing Thurston show and immediately learned from books and then buying tricks from Roterberg's shop. Semi-pro debut in 1916. Pro stage magician as assistant to Duval Brothers 1924-28, assistant to Birch 1928, assistant to Howard Thurston 1928, stage manager to Harry Thurston 1931-32, assistant to Carter 1933, assistant to Mel-Roy, assistant to Virgil 1937, chief assistant to Will Rock 1938, assistant to Nicola 1938.
A manic-depressive, he was fired by all of the above. Improved after moving to Los Angeles. Assistant to Blackstone on 1943 USO tour. In 1944 switched to mentalism. Associated with Jim Sherman's shop in Chicago in 1945. Worked in Abbott's LA shop since 1948. On original AMA Board of Directors 1962-64. His good autobiography (written with Robert Parrish) is Inside Magic (1947, 224pp). Wrote Super Quiz (25pp). NOTE: Did not invent the Boston Box as assumed by Bobo and copied by Waters.
Coauthors: Robert Parrish