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Hellstromism (Nelson)
by Robert A. Nelson


(1 review, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Hellstromism (Nelson) by Robert A. Nelson

The first and only true explanation of the miraculous feats of the late Axel Hellstrom, mindreader supreme ... the man who baffled many of the world's most scientific and magical minds. A topic of conversation wherever presented.

Magicians, students of the occult, psychic entertainers, scientists and profound thinkers alike have long sought ... THE TRUE SECRET OF GENUINE MIND READING

No gimmicks. No stooges. No electronics. No mirrors. Nothing prearranged.

Any time, any place, with any group of honest, sincere spectators, the psychic entertainer allows the spectators to merely think of certain actions - mental commands - which he promptly performs. A few of the possible tests:

  • To find hidden objects
  • To deliver sealed messages to an unknown addressee
  • To obey mental commands such as 'take Mr. A's handkerchief and place it on Megan's head'
  • To unscrew an electric bulb and place it in the refrigerator
  • To turn out the lights
  • To remove John's shoe, untie and remove the laces, then tie them around another spectator's wrist
  • To locate the performer's check that is hidden somewhere in the audience
  • Etc., etc.
Thousands of similar tests are possible. And let us remind you that the actions to be performed are known only to the subject. They are not written down or confided to anyone in advance. This superb dual effect does not employ any stooges or confederates. It is strictly a one man presentation, and suitable for presentation under practically all circumstances. The performer is under complete control of the situation at all times. Can be performed under true test conditions.

Are you a Nelson collector? This was a feature title in the Nelson Enterprises catalog from 1935-1970. Now you can fill that missing spot in your collection.

"The mindreading [demonstration of Hellstromism performed by the author] as presented by you last night was the most convincing demonstration I have ever witnessed." - John Davison, President, International Brotherhood of Magicians

"Your mindreading without contact is the best I have seen in my long years of investigating." - J. P. Lawrence

"The most Amazing demonstration I have ever seen." - Harry Pavey

"I didn't believe it until I actually acted as a subject myself--then it was beyond belief--nevertheless, a fact." - Cecil Coke

1st edition 1935. 1st digital edition 2016, 53 pages.
word count: 14647 which is equivalent to 58 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Cortez Magicus (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 17 January, 2017

This was a fascinating read. Interestingly, this author claims that this book is the only authentic account of the feats of Axel Hellstrom.
