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Moves & Techniques in Cards: page 10


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★★★★★ $4
Allan Ackerman
ATFUS by Allan Ackerman

The ATFUS or Any Time Face-Up Switch was one of Marlo's favorite moves. Literally, hundreds of routines have been created that use the ATFUS. It allows you to switch out one or several cards during a fair face-up display action.

runtime: 6min 33s

★★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Double Deal Count by Allan Ackerman

This is a fairly easy false count but nevertheless very deceptive. It allows you to count less cards than you deal on the table.

runtime: 1min 32s

★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Hamman Count by Allan Ackerman

This count by Brother John Hamman allows you to hide a block of cards.

runtime: 1min 12s

Allan Ackerman
Using Biddle To Count More Or Less by Allan Ackerman

Use the basic Biddle action to count more than the number of cards you have or less than the number of cards you hold in your hands.

runtime: 1min 54s

Allan Ackerman
Marlo's Biddle Switch Out by Allan Ackerman

This employs the Biddle move to switch out a packet of cards while showing them one at a time.

runtime: 1 min 49 s

Allan Ackerman
Discrepant Switch Out by Allan Ackerman

Another switch of a sandwiched card by Allan Ackerman. It uses the same setup as the Switch Out Count.

runtime: 1min 21s

Allan Ackerman
Switch Out Count by Allan Ackerman

This is an idea by Steve Freeman to switch out one card that is sandwiched between two other cards.

runtime: 1min 32s

Allan Ackerman
Minch's Biddle Force by Allan Ackerman

Another handling to use the Biddle action as a force.

runtime: 1min 5s

Allan Ackerman
Here's Hockley by Allan Ackerman

Essentially this is a reverse Biddle action where the Biddle move is used as a force. This idea was developed by Ed Marlo. (If anybody knows why this is called "Here's Hockley" please email us.)

runtime: 1min 45s

Allan Ackerman
Vanishing Cards Via Biddle by Allan Ackerman

This is an extension to the Biddle Count allowing you to steal several cards from the cards shown.

runtime: 1min 17s

Allan Ackerman
Veeser Concept by Allan Ackerman

The Veeser Concept is essentially an extension of the Biddle Count allowing one to exchange a block of cards during a count.

runtime: 2min 12s

Allan Ackerman
Biddle Count by Allan Ackerman

This is a wonderfully versatile count by Elmer Biddle. It is next to the Elmsley Count probably the most important count available today due to its versatility and deceptiveness.

runtime: 2min 34s

Allan Ackerman
Showing Four Aces as Five by Allan Ackerman

A nice little illusion showing four aces as five.

runtime: 1min 21s

★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Carlyle's False Count by Allan Ackerman

This false count by Francis Carlyle is as Allan says "a work of art." It provides both a visual and audible illusion.

runtime: 3min 43s

★★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Ireland's False Count by Allan Ackerman

This count deceives both the eyes and the ears.

runtime: 1min 18s

Allan Ackerman
Elmsley Flushtration Count by Allan Ackerman

From John Bannon's book Smoke and Mirrors here is another 2-4-4 count - a variation of Larry Becker's Mirage Count.

runtime: 1min 39s

★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Rumba Count by Allan Ackerman

The rumba count is designed to apparently show all cards from the front and back, but in reality one hides the backs of all cards but one.

runtime: 1min 23s

★★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Flushtration Count by Allan Ackerman

This is a 1-x-x count developed by Canadian magician Norman Houghton around 1955 and popularized by Brother John Hamman. You repeatedly show the same card while tabling the others one by one. Very easy to do, but perhaps not that deceptive. Allan shares a nice touch to make this count quite a bit more deceptive.

runtime: 1min 40s

★★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Jiminy Cricket Count by Allan Ackerman

This is a 2-4-4 count developed by Ed Marlo. You show two cards at the same time, table them and then show the remaining two cards, all while you hide two of the four cards.

runtime: 49s

★★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Rhythm Count Ackerman by Allan Ackerman

Here Allan Ackerman combines Dai Vernon's Optical Move with Larry Jennings' Rhythm Count to achieve an even more visual deceptive rhythm count variety.

runtime: 2min 1s

★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Rhythm Count Jennings by Allan Ackerman

This is a 2-4-4 count and it can be used as replacement wherever a Gemini Count is needed. It is a beautifully flowing and deceptive count. By some accounts, the best card count developed to this date.

runtime: 1min 40s

Allan Ackerman
OPOS Count by Allan Ackerman

OPOS stands for Out of Position Olram Subtlety. It is a 3-4-4 count.

runtime: 1min 8s

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