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Optik Deck
by Unknown Mentalist


(3 reviews, 4 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Optik Deck by Unknown Mentalist

Optic Deck is an optical/visual memorized deck. You 'see' a number 1-52 in your mind's eye and you 'optically' or visually know what card is at that number. Similarly you 'see' any card in your mind's eye and you again 'optically' know what position the card is at.

The stack looks very random, the suits look random, there is no red/black alternating pattern and even after reasonable scrutiny it would be almost impossible to spot a sequence because there is none. Even magicians after being told that there is a stack involved will find it extremely difficult to spot the stack.

This is a monodistic stack meaning there are no repeating banks of cards. The underlying principle is probably a new approach in the field of card stacks. Optic Deck is very easy to learn and use.

There are no algorithms, no formulae, no brute memorization, no mnemonic phrases, no complicated rules. Best of all the card values and card suits do not have separate tracks to work out. You get both of them in one stroke instantly.

Stacks are a pet subject of mine. There are several stacks I created over the past couple of decades. But started releasing them only recently from 2015 starting with the Karma Deck which is still the number one best selling stack on Lybrary. A few of them like Monk Stack, Fun Stacks, Stebbins Surprise Stack etc. have been released but a majority of my stacks are yet to be released. Each of these stacks has its own specialty but the common property is they are all easy to learn and use. None of them need days or weeks of struggle to acquire. Of course, for every stack a little practice is always helpful in the early stages of learning that stack.

The strength of Optic Deck is its unconventional construction and lateral approach to learning it.

1st edition 2018, 14 pages.
word count: 2290 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Simon George (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Friday 29 June, 2018

The idea, in theory, is great. This is an easy way to memorize the number cards in a deck. However, the description is very misleading.

First, when someone looks at the deck, most of the cards are clumped together with their matching four mates. While there is no "pattern," it's obvious and very suspicious looking. In other words, the deck looks like the cards are placed in a specific order and not random at all. The basic Si Stebbins looks more random than this. Even a quick glance at the cards and they just look wrong. I can't even ribbon spread through the deck in portions because most of the cards are clumped together. In other words, spreading through any six or seven cards will almost always show a four of a kind at any given part of the deck.

Second, there is no "optic" way of memorizing the court cards. The only method is brute memorization. The way he words it in the book is even misleading.

In most cases, the whole point of a memorized deck is for the cards to look like they are in no particular order. If I can't show the faces of a deck, I might as well just use new deck order because that's easier than trying to use this system.

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 23 June, 2018

First of all I only have two words to say...BUY THIS. (Especially while it's at this price).

As I said before I'm very familiar with deck stacks but I believe this is very similar to other stacks I have used before such as THE SIX HOUR MEMORIZED DECK by MARTIN JOYLE. The deck will definitely seem in a random order to the spectator.

I'm now in a three way tie as to my favorite stack...KARMA DECK, SLOKA DECK, or OPTIK DECK. These are ALL explosive deck stacks. You definitely have dynamic methods here that can be used with about ANY card effect you want to use!

If you haven't guessed this you're not psychic. I definitely recommend this!!!!!

Reviewed by Lucas Carlson (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 11 June, 2018

Optik Deck is legitimately awesome. Within 10 minutes, I have been able to commit it to memory, every single card. My previous favorite memorized stack was The Solution by Atlas Brookings, but that stack had 6 or 7 cards that didn't fit into the method and had to be committed to rote memory. This one works beautifully for every card in the deck. A+