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Roberto Giobbi
Card College 1: Chapter 06 by Roberto Giobbi

Riffle Shuffle Techniques

  • The Closed Riffle Shuffle
  • Squaring After the Shuffle
  • The Open Riffle Shuffle
  • Riffle Shuffle Stock Controls
  • The Waterfall Riffle Shuffle


  • The Red-black Location
  • Royal Flush Finale

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

Roberto Giobbi
Card College 1: Chapter 05 by Roberto Giobbi

Force Techniques, Part 1

  • The Crisscross Force
  • The Balducci Force
  • The Goldin Force
  • The Ten-to-twenty Force


  • The Lie Detector
  • Further than that...

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

Roberto Giobbi
Card College 1: Chapter 04 by Roberto Giobbi

Card Controls

  • The Overhand Shuffle Control
  • The "Whoops!" Control
  • The Diagonal Insertion
  • The Peek Control
  • The Post-peek Overhand Shuffle Control
  • A Peek Control for Two Cards
  • The Multiple Peek Control
  • The One-card Middle Pass
  • Other Controls


  • The Shamus Card
  • The Question Is...

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

Roberto Giobbi
Card College 1: Chapter 03 by Roberto Giobbi

False Cut Techniques, Part 1

  • An Optical False Cut from the Hand
  • The False Swing Cut
  • A Simple False Cut
  • A Triple False Cut
  • The Slip Cut from Dealing Position


  • Hat Trick
  • Court Card Conclave

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

Roberto Giobbi
Card College 1: Chapter 02 by Roberto Giobbi

Overhand Shuffle Techniques, Part 1

  • The Overhand Shuffle
  • Running Single Cards
  • Control of the Top and Bottom Cards
  • Controlling the Top Stock of the Deck–The Injog Shuffle
  • Controlling the Bottom Stock


  • Thought Stealer
  • The Spectator Cuts the Aces

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

★★★★★ $6
Roberto Giobbi
Card College 1: Chapter 01 by Roberto Giobbi

Fundamental Techniques

  • Dealing Position
  • The End Grip
  • Elevated Dealing Position
  • Squaring the Deck
  • The All-around Square-up
  • Giving the Deck a Complete Cut
  • Spreading the Cards in the Hands
  • Outjogging Cards as They are Spread Between the Hands
  • Dribbling Cards
  • Dealing Cards
  • Dealing Cards Face Down–The Draw Method
  • Dealing Cards Face Up–The Stud Method
  • The Swing Cut
  • The Break
  • The Little-finger Break
  • Forming a Little-finger Break Under the Top Card–Two-handed Method
  • Forming a Little-finger Break Under the Top Card–One-handed Method
  • Forming a Little-finger Break Under Multiple...
Roberto Giobbi
Roberto Super-Light by Roberto Giobbi

Dies ist der dritte Teil in einer Serie von drei Bänden. Eine umfangreiche Sammlung der besten Selbstgänger Kartenkunststücke. Diese Kunststücke sind von jedermann erlernbar und verlangen keinerlei Fingerfertigkeit. Roberto, in seinem ausführlichen Stil, beschreibt jedes Kunststück im Detail mit vielen Tips und Ideen die den professionellen Schliff versetzen.

Roberto Super-Light hat keine besondere Gliederung sondern beschreibt eine Reihe von exzellenten Kunststücken.


  • Dankeschön!
  • Geleitwort
  • Die Spiegeleier des Paul Bocuse
  • Einsteins Kartentrick
  • Durch den...
Roberto Giobbi
Roberto Extra-Light by Roberto Giobbi

Dies ist der zweite Teil in einer Serie von drei Bänden. Eine umfangreiche Sammlung der besten Selbstgänger Kartenkunststücke. Diese Kunststücke sind von jedermann erlernbar und verlangen keinerlei Fingerfertigkeit. Roberto, in seinem ausführlichen Stil, beschreibt jedes Kunststück im Detail mit vielen Tips und Ideen die den professionellen Schliff versetzen.

Roberto Extra-Light besteht aus vier Teilen. Wählen Sie ein Kunststück vom ersten Teil, eines vom zweiten Teil und eines vom dritten Teil um ein Programm zusammenzustellen. Der vierte Teil gibt eine Menge Hinweise zur Programmerstellung. ...

Roberto Giobbi
Roberto Light by Roberto Giobbi

Dies ist der erste Teil in einer Serie von drei Bänden. Eine umfangreiche Sammlung der besten Selbstgänger Kartenkunststücke. Diese Kunststücke sind von jedermann erlernbar und verlangen keinerlei Fingerfertigkeit. Roberto, in seinem ausführlichen Stil, beschreibt jedes Kunststück im Detail mit vielen Tips und Ideen die den professionellen Schliff versetzen.

Roberto Light ist in sieben Routinen mit jeweils drei Kunststücken gegliedert.


  • Geleitwort
  • Die Vorführung von Selbstgängerkunststücken
  • Routine 1
    • T.N.T
    • Intuition
    • Der Telefontrick
  • Routine 2 ...

Roberto Light Trilogie (zum Wiederverkauf)

Roberto Giobbi
Roberto Light Trilogie (zum Wiederverkauf) by Roberto Giobbi

Diese Trilogie bestehend aus Roberto Light, Roberto Extra-Light und Roberto Super-Light ist die umfangreichste Sammlung der besten Selbstgänger Kartenkunststücke. Diese Kunststücke sind von jedermann erlernbar und verlangen keinerlei Fingerfertigkeit. Roberto, in seinem ausführlichen Stil, beschreibt jedes Kunststück im Detail mit vielen Tips und Ideen die den professionellen Schliff versetzen.

Roberto Light ist in sieben Routinen mit jeweils drei Kunststücken gegliedert. Roberto Extra-Light besteht aus vier Teilen. Wählen Sie ein Kunststück vom ersten Teil, eines vom zweiten Teil...

★★★★★ $26
Roberto Giobbi
Card College Lightest by Roberto Giobbi

Card College Lightest is the final volume of Roberto Giobbi's acclaimed 'Light' trilogy. In it are taught 18 thoroughly astonishing tricks of professional quality, complete with performing psychology, presentations, valuable tips and insights, all of which contribute to making these sleightless effects into near miracles.

The tricks Giobbi has selected this time range from time-tested classics to little-known wonders by masters of the craft, including Larry Becker, Henry Christ, Aldo Colombini, Paul Curry, Alex Elmsley, Karl Fulves, Martin Gardner, Stewart James, Howard Adams, Richard Vollmer and more.

Also explained are simple methods for achieving false shuffles,...

Roberto Giobbi
Testament de Jérome Sharp: An Analytical Essay on the Card Magic in the Book by Roberto Giobbi

Le testament de Jérome Sharp was the third of a series of five books where Henri Decremps (1746-1826), a Frenchman who had studied law, physics and music, would expose the secrets of Italian conjuror Giuseppe Pinetti (1750-1800) as the result of a challenge. The most famous book of the series is La Magie Blanche Dévoilée (1784).

Le testament de Jérome Sharp is the book that contains by far the largest section devoted to card magic. Several facts make this book of outstanding interest to the students of card magic. First, the section devoted to cards is quite large and more comprehensive than any other...

★★★★★ $15

Roberto Giobbi
Card College 2: Videos Only by Roberto Giobbi

This is a companion DVD to the bestselling classic book "Card College 2" by Roberto Giobbi. The menu of this DVD mirrors exactly all 11 chapters of the book (English edition chapter 17 - 27). For the companion DVD to volume 1 follow this link: Card College 1: Videos Only.

Each technique is demonstrated with short video clips showing Roberto Giobbi performing. There are close to 100 video clips on this DVD. Sometimes a technique is shown from different angles or in slow motion.

So pop in this DVD into your player and enjoy to see how Roberto masterfully executes the techniques from Card College 2.

Please know...

★★★★★ $15

Roberto Giobbi
Card College 1: Videos Only by Roberto Giobbi

This is a companion DVD to the bestselling classic book "Card College 1" by Roberto Giobbi. The menu of this DVD mirrors exactly all 16 chapters of the book (English edition). For the companion DVD to volume 2 follow this link: Card College 2: Videos Only.

Each technique is demonstrated with short video clips showing Roberto Giobbi performing. There are about 100 video clips on this DVD. Sometimes a technique is shown from different angles or in slow motion.

So pop in this DVD into your player and enjoy to see how Roberto masterfully executes the techniques from Card College 1.

Please know that the video clips...

★★★★★ $22
more than one
type to choose



PDF & softcover

Roberto Giobbi
Ask Roberto Giobbi by Roberto Giobbi

This is a totally unique book. 52 reader supplied questions. 52 opinionated, informed, expert answers by Roberto Giobbi. Roberto spent often several days to thoroughly answer each of the 52 questions. It is no wonder that this ebook has more than 330 regular sized pages. It is a publication unlike any other, where the readers gave the direction which the author followed.

Download a free extract.

The 52 questions asked and answered:

  1. Injog Overhand Shuffle
  2. Presentation Ideas
  3. How to Study
  4. Staystack
  5. Fear of starting to perform
  6. Three Card Monte
  7. Memorized version of Out of Sight Out...
★★★★★ $26
Roberto Giobbi
Card College Lighter by Roberto Giobbi

Roberto Giobbi's newest survey of sleightless card magic, Card College Lighter, gives the famous Giobbi treatment to 21 baffling card tricks by some of the craft's greatest masters, including Vernon, Annemann, Leech, Maven, Fulves, Hummer, Vollmer and Krenzel. These tricks do not require sleights, but they all show the cunning perspective of a professional performer, guaranteeing astonishing and entertaining results.

Following in the footsteps of his Card College Light, Roberto Giobbi teaches the secrets of professional-caliber card magic, providing insights into the presentation, psychology and routining that make these simple tricks into...

★★★★ $9
Roberto Giobbi
A Gambler's Dream by Roberto Giobbi

This is pure Giobbi, a great card routine including Poker, Stud Poker, BlackJack, and Bridge demonstrations where the gambler always wins. However, the real value are the lessons Giobbi teaches you in terms of constructing a routine, timing and psychology. He explains why he says a certain word or sentence at that particular time and not earlier or later and why not anything different. You get the reason and thus you can apply these lessons to many other effects. These insights transcend the routine at hand and will make you a much better, more effective and more knowledgeable magician.


★★★★★ $80
Roberto Giobbi
Card College 1 & 2 by Roberto Giobbi

You get both volumes, Card College 1 and Card College 2. And since you are buying two volumes, we can give you a bit of a price break. (If you are looking for the 8 hour video course please go here Card College 1 & 2: Personal Instruction.)

For a detailed description of the contents of volume 1 and 2, please refer to the separate product pages. You will find in these two ebooks almost 200 embedded video clips showing you how master magician Giobbi works the cards.

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

[Note: If you want to use the green cross-volume links in the PDFs you have to rename the PDFs to: 'Card College Volume 1.pdf' and 'Card College Volume 2.pdf'.]...

★★★★★ $26
Roberto Giobbi
Card College Light by Roberto Giobbi

This is by far the best ebook on self-working card tricks. (For the second volume in this series see Card College Lighter. For the third volume see Card College Lightest.)

From the author of Card College, the world's most acclaimed course on sleight-of-hand card magic, comes Card College Light, Roberto Giobbi's first text focused entirely on professional caliber card tricks requiring no manipulative skill.

For whom is this ebook intended? It is for beginners, of course - but by no means in total. This ebook is intended for everyone who has always wanted to perform card tricks, but who didn't have the time necessary to learn complex routines,...

★★★★★ $22
Roberto Giobbi
Roberto Light Trilogie by Roberto Giobbi

Diese Trilogie bestehend aus Roberto Light, Roberto Extra-Light und Roberto Super-Light ist die umfangreichste Sammlung der besten Selbstgänger Kartenkunststücke. Diese Kunststücke sind von jedermann erlernbar und verlangen keinerlei Fingerfertigkeit. Roberto, in seinem ausführlichen Stil, beschreibt jedes Kunststück im Detail mit vielen Tips und Ideen die den professionellen Schliff versetzen.

Roberto Light ist in sieben Routinen mit jeweils drei Kunststücken gegliedert. Roberto Extra-Light besteht aus vier Teilen. Wählen Sie ein Kunststück vom ersten Teil, eines vom zweiten Teil und eines vom dritten Teil um ein Programm zusammenzustellen....

★★★★★ $45
Roberto Giobbi
Card College 2 by Roberto Giobbi

This is the second volume of the famous Card College series. Volume 1 and volume 2 can be considered a unit, covering most important moves as well as most if not all crucial theoretical points. Each section describes a move or a group of sleights in minute detail, using carefully chosen words, beautiful illustrations and clear video clips. There are a total of 108 video clips in this volume. At the end of each section you will find some of the best and most amazing effects. (If you are looking for the 8 hour video course please go here Card College 1 & 2: Personal Instruction.)

The many video clips, some in slow motion, some from different...

★★★★★ $45
Roberto Giobbi
Card College 1 by Roberto Giobbi

Card College is a modern classic. It is without a doubt the most important work on sleight of hand with cards. This is the first volume in a series of five. The speciality of this electronic book are its 89 video clips, which show how Giobbi executes each and every technique described. (If you are looking for the 8 hour video course please go here Card College 1 & 2: Personal Instruction.)

This ebook has also been nominated as a finalist in the prestigious EPPIE 2004 ebook award in the category non-fiction/how-to. This is the first magic book to be nominated for a non-magic book prize.

Please note that there are significant...

Roberto Giobbi
Grosse Kartenschule 2 by Roberto Giobbi

Die Grosse Kartenschule ist ein moderner Klassiker. Es ist mit Sicherheit das wichtigste und umfassendste Werk für den modernen Kartenkünstler. Dies ist der zweite Band in einer Serie von fünf. Das Besondere an dieser elektronischen Version sind die 108 Videosequenzen, die Giobbi's Hände zeigen, und jede Technik veranschaulichen.

(Bitte beachten Sie dass dieses Ebuch ein HTML-Ebuch ist. Sie brauchen den FireFox browser. Starten sie den FireFox browser und tippen sie in die Adressleiste about:config ein. Dann Enter drücken. Klicken Sie 'Risiko akzeptieren und fortfahren'. Dann privacy.file_unique_origin...

★★★★★ $45
Roberto Giobbi
Grosse Kartenschule 1 by Roberto Giobbi

Die Grosse Kartenschule ist ein moderner Klassiker. Es ist mit Sicherheit das wichtigste und umfassendste Werk für den modernen Kartenkünstler. Dies ist der erste Band in einer Serie von fünf. Das Besondere an dieser elektronischen Version sind die 89 Videosequenzen, die Giobbi's Hände zeigen, und jede Technik veranschaulichen.

Dieses elektronische Buch ist meines Wissens das erste seiner Art nicht nur in der Zauberliteratur sondern generell. Die Einbindung von mehreren Dutzend Videosequenzen erweitert und ergänzt die Beschreibung von Grifftechniken und ermöglicht dem Studierenden ein...

Displaying 34 to 57 (of 57 products)
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