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Marlo's Matching Routine

Allan Ackerman
Marlo's Matching Routine by Allan Ackerman

The deck is shuffled. Spectator cuts off a small packet and sets it aside. The performer selects one card from the remaining cards. It turns out that this is the mate card to the card on the bottom of the spectator cut packet. The same procedure is repeated and again the performer is able to pick the mate card. In ever more impossible ways the spectator selects cards which turn out to be located next to their mates.

This routine was first published in Faro Control Miracles. It uses the stay stack principle.

runtime: 16min 52s...

★★★★★ $4
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Elastic Thread Routines

(Benny) Ben Harris
Elastic Thread Routines by (Benny) Ben Harris... Even the illustrations are the originals. Enjoy and impress...

Subjects covered:

  • flashing
  • controlling the ends
  • camouflage
  • securing elastic thread
  • making a band of elastic thread
  • the slider (a precursor to Zoom)
  • the enchanted butterfly
  • floating smoke ring
  • flying pip
  • floating card
  • coins on the move
Some of the information within this ebook is still being presented by others as if it were original to them. "History is best ignored at your own peril" someone very wise once said. So, here's a brief capsule of the real story of Elastic Thread, firmly established and supported...
★★★★ $8.95
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The Drawing Room

Paul A. Lelekis
The Drawing Room by Paul A. Lelekis... stellar effects within, will "spark" those magical times in your lives that have lasted us for so many years.


Leave Those Jacks Alone! - This fun-filled adventure will drag your spectators into your world. You have the spectator freely select four cards and then she signs a fifth card. Remarkably, the signed card visibly transposes from the packet, into the deck. This amazing transport is easy to do and the four selections are shown to be the four Jacks ... which you just told her not to pick. You're gonna love this one!

Strike Three? - The pressure is on the spectator...

★★★★ $12
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Double Undercut

Allan Ackerman
Double Undercut by Allan Ackerman

The double undercut is one of the basic utility moves of card magic. It allows you to move cards from the top to the bottom or vice versa. It can also be used as a card control. Allan teaches you both, the in-hand and on-the-table varieties.

runtime: 4min 5s

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MP4 (video)

Poker Deal with Color Changing Deck

Allan Ackerman
Poker Deal with Color Changing Deck by Allan Ackerman

Face-up and face-down cards are shuffled together and then dealt for a five handed game of poker. Some cards will be face-up and some will be face-down. However, the performer is able to deal himself mostly face-down cards whereas everybody else receives all face-up cards. The four face-down cards the magician received turn out to be the four aces. On top of it the backs of these four aces have a different color than the rest of the cards.

runtime: 4min 50s...

★★★★★ $4
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MP4 (video)

Attacking ACAAN

Michael Paul
Attacking ACAAN by Michael Paul

Attacking ACAAN is a write up on not one, but four wonderfully practical “Any Card at Any Number” presentations, straight out of the working set of Michael Paul. Here's what you'll find inside:

  • Required tools and skills
  • Psychometry Card: a new and different twist on ACAAN that is logical, thematic, and entertaining!
  • T minus 1: A no sleight of hand version for close up or stage. You never have to touch the cards, and there are no gimmicks!
  • ACAAN OCD: Think outside the box as you learn new ways of routining ACAAN into your set. This comedy presentation might just become your new favorite...
★★★ $15
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Plan 9

David Devlin
Plan 9 by David Devlin

David Devlin loves gambling demonstrations. He is particularly partial to the routines that give the spectators the impression that the performer is an expert in card control and cheating. Very seldom does one find a gambling-type of effect that has the following characteristics:

  1. Completely impromptu
  2. It can be done with a borrowed deck
  3. It is performed entirely in the hands, which makes it ideal for strolling performers
  4. There are no false cuts, false shuffles, or false deals
  5. The spectators legitimately shuffle the deck several times throughout the routine
  6. The spectators do all of the...
★★★★★ $8
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Watch This One!

J. B. Bobo
Watch This One! by J. B. Bobo

This ebook features a variety of strong and easy to perform tricks. Of course, as the author of Modern Coin Magic Bobo includes a solid section on coin tricks, but he also teaches routines with cards, thimbles, rope, and there is also a detailed section on sleeving. Bobo was a master of it.

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Chapter I: New Card Technique
    • Multiple Card Control
    • Bottom Up
    • Bottom Peek
    • Top Peek
    • U Peek, I Peek
    • Color Change
    • The Ebling Crimp
  • Chapter II: Keys And Tricks Therewith
    • A New Key Card
    • The Isolated Key
    • Stop Card Trick
    • Found
    • Bobo Locatrix
    • In His Hands
    • Telepathic Miracle
    • Two Backward...
★★★★★ $5
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That's Impossible!

Paul A. Lelekis
That's Impossible! by Paul A. Lelekis... won't know how it works. This is the best one out there and the hilarious patter makes this routine a pleasure to perform...and so easy to do.

TRAP & TRADE - J.K. Hartman's genius is on display in this fun routine. The four Queens are presented and the two black Queens are placed into the card box. A selection is then lost into the deck. The red Queens are sent to search for the rogue selection. The red Queens "capture" a card...which turns out to be the two black Queens. The selection is found in the card box. This is a masterful study of a brilliant plot.

1st edition 2018, 22...

★★★★★ $10
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Ben Morris-Rains
Ambi-ga-box by Ben Morris-Rains

An Ambitious Card routine which cleverly uses the Card Box to heighten the effect.

1st edition, 2004.

★★★★★ $4
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Ireland's Red Black Shuffle

Allan Ackerman
Ireland's Red Black Shuffle by Allan Ackerman

This is an overhand shuffle that allows you to retain cards in their respective half. Say you have all black cards in the top half of the deck and all red cards in the bottom half of the deck. This shuffle will keep all the red and black cards together. But it is not a complete false shuffle, because each half by itself is shuffled. This is a very useful move for effects like Out Of This World, Oil and Water, and other others.

runtime: 1min 21s...

★★★★★ $2.50
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MP4 (video)

Jiminy Cricket Count

Allan Ackerman
Jiminy Cricket Count by Allan Ackerman

This is a 2-4-4 count developed by Ed Marlo. You show two cards at the same time, table them and then show the remaining two cards, all while you hide two of the four cards.

runtime: 49s

★★★★★ $2
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MP4 (video)

Benzais Oil & Water

Allan Ackerman
Benzais Oil & Water by Allan Ackerman

The performer hands 6 cards to a spectator who arranges the cards in red-black alternating order. The performer openly counts those six cards to the table. Once the cards are ribbon spread on the table the colors have, like oil and water, separated.

This is a very clean sequence that can be added to most oil & water routines or performed stand-alone. The oil & water effect is an Ed Marlo creation. This version uses the Benzais cop to achieve the effect.

runtime: 1min 28s...

★★★★ $4
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MP4 (video)

Mayhew Poker Deal

Allan Ackerman
Mayhew Poker Deal by Allan Ackerman

This is an idea by Steve Mayhew. He turns the classic Triumph effect into something entirely different. A face-up half of a deck is shuffled into the other face-down half. The performer then demonstrates center dealing only the face-up cards. The last face-up cards coming out of the deck are the four aces leaving the performer with only face-down cards.

runtime: 4min 53s

★★★★★ $4
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MP4 (video)

Mechanical Ace Revelation

Allan Ackerman
Mechanical Ace Revelation by Allan Ackerman

This was a favorite effect of Ed Marlo. The performer looks through the cards and selects four random cards which he puts face-down in front of the spectator. However, once the spectator turns those cards over they are now all aces.

runtime: 2min 15s

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MP4 (video)

No Throw Monte

Allan Ackerman
No Throw Monte by Allan Ackerman

This is a routine Roger Klause and Allan Ackerman worked out in the 70s. The effect is the classic find the black lady. The classic effect is to throw three cards on the table face-down. Here the cards are simply displayed and counted to the table to achieve the same basic effect: the spectator never finds the black lady. The three card monte is expanded to a four card monte and the climax is that the cards change to the four aces.

runtime: 9min 36s...

★★★★★ $4
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MP4 (video)

Faro Mental Displacement

Allan Ackerman
Faro Mental Displacement by Allan Ackerman

This is a 'princess' style mental effect. Spectator receives a few cards, remembers one of them and then these cards are shuffled back into the rest of the deck. The performer shows groups of cards to the spectator until a group is identified that holds the spectator thought of card. The card magically travels from one packet to another packet exactly to the position that a second spectator cut to.

runtime: 5min 21s

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MP4 (video)

Deceptive Perception

Allan Ackerman
Deceptive Perception by Allan Ackerman

This is an updated handling of a Le Paul effect. A blue and a red-backed deck are used. The spectator selects a card from the blue-backed deck. This card is mixed into a small packet of red-backed cards. Magically the back colors change and suddenly the selected card has a red back and the other cards are now all blue-backed.

runtime: 5min 8s

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MP4 (video)

Devilish Miracle

Allan Ackerman
Devilish Miracle by Allan Ackerman

Two cards are peeked at. Performer selects a few cards from the pack an shows them. One spectator notes that his card is among the ones shown. When the cards are shown again, the spectator card is missing and reappears in the other portion of the deck whereas the other spectator's card has magically appeared face down in the first packet.

This is a plot by Carmen D'Amico and Ed Marlo.

runtime: 6min 27s

★★★★ $4
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MP4 (video)

Pretty Attractive: a sandwich effect

Stefan Olschewski
Pretty Attractive: a sandwich effect by Stefan Olschewski

This is a dual language ebook (English/German)

"Of all the dozens of downloads I've purchased, this is among the two or three that have not disappointed. A bargain at twice the price." - Miky


The Effect: A spectator freely selects a playing card and loses it in the deck. You then show two "magnet cards" and place them on top of the deck. Without any moves, a card is suddenly sandwiched between the magnets. It is not the selection, but suddenly changes into the freely selected card. A real magicians' fooler!

  • No difficult sleights
  • No add on moves
  • No card controls
  • Spectator...
★★★★★ $5
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The Vampire Effect: how to cast no reflection

Devin Knight
The Vampire Effect: how to cast no reflection by Devin Knight... to the magic community. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time these secrets have been in print in English. [Lubor Fiedler has published in one of his German books a method very similar to one of the techniques described by Devin Knight.]

The Scrying Mirror: A spectator selects a card and the performer says he will go look into a mirror and ascertain the card. He walks over to a mirror and stands in front of it, but HAS NO REFLECTION to the amazement of the spectator's watching!

Al Mann's Smudge Effect: While performing some close up magic for a group, someone notices that the performer has a smudge on his cheek. The performer excuses himself and walks to a mirror with a handkerchief to remove the...

★★★ $6
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Tops Volume 4 (1939)

Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 4 (1939) by Percy Abbott...
  1. ... Braun
    • The Judah Slap Shift
  2. Of Interest to Magicians Overseas
  3. re: Encore Trick Contest
  4. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
    • Some Rambling Thoughts
    • Just Saw Wood - poem
  5. Wizard Club [of Chicago] Announces Annual Show
  6. The Magic Marathon - Mariano Palhinha
    • Another Card Trick
  7. Vents - Herb Rungie
    • The Drinking Stunt - Revello Petee
  8. Saginaw Valley [MI] Mystics Hold Annual Ladies' Night
  9. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
    • The Bibliography of Scot's Discovery
  10. Justo Hijo Jottings - Hugh Riley
  11. Impromptu Pocket Tricks [Contest]
    1. Impromptu Routine - G. McAthy
    2. Lo! The Vanishing Silk -...
★★★★★ $4
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Facsimile 5

Jon Racherbaumer
Facsimile 5 by Jon Racherbaumer
  • Last Card to Laugh (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Sounds of Silence?
  • Face Value?
  • Elevated Elevator (Edward Marlo, Frank Garcia)
  • Shiner Notes (Files of Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Remembrance of Things Passed (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • About a Procedure for the Clock Trick (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • The Cardini Control (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Niggling Narrativity (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • New-And-Clear Force (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Bare-Faced Boys With Decks In Hand (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Impromptu Casino Shuffle (Gene Castillon)
  • Notes on Peek Decks
  • Marlo's Spread Lift (Edward Marlo)
  • Magic: On the Edge: Trick-Soup For Dummies? (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Constructive Criticism ...
★★★★★ $15
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Turnover Palm Replacement

Allan Ackerman
Turnover Palm Replacement by Allan Ackerman

While you turn over a deck of cards you return palmed cards back to the deck.

runtime: 47s

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MP4 (video)

Displaying 265 to 288 (of 919 products)