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The Box Goes-In-Da Box
by Peter Prevos


(2 reviews, 9 customer ratings) ★★★★

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The Box Goes-In-Da Box by Peter Prevos

A treatise on the Gozinta Boxes

The Box Goes-In-Da Box. A treatise on the Gozinta Boxes. Magicians have been captivated by the Gozinta Box since it was first introduced to the magic world by Lubor Fiedler in 1970. The essence of the gozinta plot in magic is that an object fits into itself - a topological anomaly.

The word gozinta (also spelt 'gazinta') is a form of eye dialect, just like words such as fella for fellow or helluva instead of "hell of a". The word gozinta was introduced by primary school teachers to explain long division using the gozinta method: 2 gozinta 4, 3 gozinta 6 and so on.

This ebook discusses the gozinta box plot in detail, including its history, forms of presentation and instructions on how to design and construct your own props.

  • Introduction
  • Goes-in-Da Box
  • Designing Gozinta Boxes
  • Creating Gozinta Boxes
  • Presenting Gozinta Boxes
  • Closing
(You may also be interested in Gozinta Boxes Revisited.)

1st edition 2016, 36 pages.
word count: 7660 which is equivalent to 30 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Chris Sutton (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Monday 24 April, 2023

Best thing about this item is the blue print to make your own Gozinta boxes. The Historical background of the creator is appreciated.

Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 18 October, 2016

In regards to the article Triple Gozinta Boxes I think you have a vision to bring the box up-to modern times and materials and I admire you for you taking on a challenge that although problems at first a day will come and Gozinta boxes will be in use again not lost Lubor Fiedler creative mind gave the magic world a wonderful prop. Card board ones are selling on ebay for £149.50.

So "The Box Goes-In-Da Box" by Peter Prevos was an excellent addition to my library marine ply or balsa wood or perspex may be a choice for me. I hope to see your perseverance with this project.