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Publisher: Magic World Publishers: page 15

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★★★★★ $3

King Koko: A Conjuring Entertainment in the Form of a Fairy Tale

Professor Hoffmann
King Koko: A Conjuring Entertainment in the Form of a Fairy Tale by Professor Hoffmann

King Koko is a satirical performance piece, written for the stage by the one and only Professor Hoffmann.

Your audiences will love this amusing farce about a colorful King, his beautiful daughter, her fairy godmother, and the two suitors that are trying to win her hand in marriage. Along the way, 20 magical illusions are performed that add to the enchanting tale.

The effects are taught in Hoffmann's clear, concise style with twenty-seven illustrations.

From the Introduction by B.W. McCarron:

"The tale that you are about to experience has a charm and magic about it that is equal to that of a Disney...

★★★★★ $10

Hellstromism (Nelson)

Robert A. Nelson
Hellstromism (Nelson) by Robert A. Nelson

The first and only true explanation of the miraculous feats of the late Axel Hellstrom, mindreader supreme ... the man who baffled many of the world's most scientific and magical minds. A topic of conversation wherever presented.

Magicians, students of the occult, psychic entertainers, scientists and profound thinkers alike have long sought ... THE TRUE SECRET OF GENUINE MIND READING

No gimmicks. No stooges. No electronics. No mirrors. Nothing prearranged.

Any time, any place, with any group of honest, sincere spectators, the psychic entertainer allows the spectators to merely think...

★★★★ $5

Flash Lites

Jim Sherman
Flash Lites by Jim Sherman

This ebook is crammed with 40 usable routines, tricks, gags and effects using flash paper and flash bills.

This cornucopia of magical wonders uses that amazing pyrotechnic wonder, flash paper, to spruce up your regular magic, mentalism or music routine. This newly revised edition updates and expands the original material providing even more incentive to dig that package of flash paper out of your magic drawer and put it to use.

Learn this attention-getting magic today and be the life of any party or gathering.


  • Introduction
  • Care of Flash Paper
  • Cautions and Tips
  • Methods...
★★★★★ $4

Enthusiastic Magic

Charles C. Eastman
Enthusiastic Magic by Charles C. Eastman

This work by noted magic author and dealer Chas. Eastman contains 11 great effects and tips for performers of all skill levels. We think this could be the best value in magic today. Contributors include Tommy Tucker, James D. Taylor, Val Evans, Harry Valcarte, and more. Here's a look at the contents:

Publisher's Introduction

A Most Subtle Card Force - Spectator inserts a red-backed card into a blue-backed deck. The card at the selected position is actually forced. No slip force is used.

The Triple Mystery - A dictionary mental prediction with three climaxes!

Call It What You Like...

★★★★ $8

Cut The Cards

Martin Gardner
Cut The Cards by Martin Gardner

The 17 effects contained in this collection can be performed with an unprepared deck. Never again be caught without a trick. The audience-tested effects range from no-skill puzzlers to outstanding mysteries that require rudimentary sleights. Nelson Hahne's clear illustrations help make everything clear.

Here's what's included:

A Close Fit - Some of you will win bar bets with this impossible-appearing optical illusion.

The Unconfused Joker - The Joker helps locate the spectator's card, though the audience thinks its impossible.

Double Vanish and Recovery - A beautiful effect by Ed Marlo where...

★★★★★ $7

Highlight Magic

Ben Berger
Highlight Magic by Ben Berger

Highlight Magic contains top flight routines for close-up, parlor, and stage. While not every effect requires some knowledge of sleights, some require mid-level skill. Nelson Hahne did the pen and ink illustrations, and as usual, his work is top notch, too.


  • Foreword.
  • From the Publisher. Introductory comments from John Snyder, Jr., magic dealer and past president of the IBM.
  • THE SPIRIT OF THE COBRA. Three cards selected and returned to deck are tossed into a lidless box. Patter about a Cobra and a card peeps over the edge of the box and rises. Other cards are seen to be surprisingly...
★★★ $8


Robert A. Nelson
Tele-Thought by Robert A. Nelson

Tele-Thought is conceded to be the greatest of all pseudo psychic and mental tests. Present Tele-Thought as a prediction - a prophecy - as a genuine experiment in mental telepathy, or both!

Here is a brilliantly conceived psychic effect, impregnated with showmanship and a superb presentation to baffle and astound the keenest of minds.

Read most carefully the following superb effect: With a few well chosen remarks about mental telepathy and the ability of a 'chosen few' to pierce the wall of the future, the mentalist asks any spectator to select any page from any group of newspapers. The...

★★★ $6

Cardially Yours

Al Baker
Cardially Yours by Al Baker

Here's a terrific ebook with seven mental-flavored card miracles that you will surely add to your arsenal. Written by Al Baker, past Dean of Magic for the famed Society of American Magicians, these effects are entertaining, yet do not require difficult sleight of hand. Your audiences will enjoy watching them as much as you will enjoy performing them.

Here's what's included:

Color Flight - A beautifully routined Cards Across effect where three selected blue backed cards travel across the stage and join a packet of red backed cards.

Out on Location - A great card location that looks absolutely...

★★★★ $5

Silken Secrets (Miscellaneous Handkerchief Tricks)

Geo DeLawrence
Silken Secrets (Miscellaneous Handkerchief Tricks) by Geo DeLawrence

Originally titled Miscellaneous Handkerchief Tricks.

Here's an exciting look-behind-the-counter of the local magic dealer to examine many beautiful silk and handkerchief effects. You'll learn vanishes, appearances, color changes, transpositions, solid thru solid and more. Several utility devices are explained and illustrated, as well.

This is more than a "tell all" book, as DeLawrence also includes an entertaining, 15-minute silk act that uses the very effects described.

Silks and scarves add color and glamour to any magic routine. Audiences will fall in love with your presentation...


How To Read People's Minds

Hardin Jasper Burlingame
How To Read People's Minds by Hardin Jasper Burlingame

From the introduction by B.W. McCarron:

This is not only a fun ebook to read, but it also carries some great lessons in performance mentalism. You'll learn from past masters of the craft, such as Washington Irving Bishop, J. Randall Brown and Paul Alexander Johnstone. You'll find newspaper reports of their exploits, lists of effects, and more.

You're also in for what I think is an unexpected treat: the method behind the "Mindreading Dog" routine that'll leave you with a healthy appreciation for the amount of work necessary to teach man's best friend how to be a canine David Blaine.

This revised...

★★★★★ $20

How It's Done

Edward A. Litzau
How It's Done by Edward A. Litzau

Available again at last. This privately printed gem contains the real work for some of the best card marking inks, daubs, shading and blockout inks that the world has ever seen. Even the infamous luminous reader formula is explained, as is an easy method to produce short or narrow cards that doesn't require a card trimmer!

Best of all, this revised edition includes modern alternatives to the chemical and dye-based compounds, making it easier than ever to obtain professional results in the privacy of your home workshop.

"Your Red Daub is very fine. I find that Daub is the secret of the...

★★★★★ $8

Gamblers' Tricks with Cards

Jonathan H. Green
Gamblers' Tricks with Cards by Jonathan H. Green

Scores of street scams, swindles, and card table ruses are explained in this 163 page ebook, guaranteed to separate a sucker from his money just as quickly today as when this tome was first written in the mid-1800s. Don't read this book to cheat -- instead, get it for protection so you don't become a victim.

This a fascinating study, filled with accounts of colorful, larger-than-life characters. Some were victims, others turned the tables and made suckers out of the swindlers. The author, "a reformed gambler," goes beyond playing cards to detail the inside work on thimbles (the precursor...

★★★★ $4

L. W. Card Mysteries

William W. Larsen & T. Page Wright
L. W. Card Mysteries by William W. Larsen & T. Page Wright

Every effect in the L. W. Card Mysteries is an apparent miracle. None of the effects requires long practice or more than a modicum of sleight of hand. Many require little skill at all. Just a rehearsal or two and you'll be all set to amaze and, most of all, entertain.

Just think!

You'll learn how to make two selected cards turn over in the pack without the use of skill and no false moves of any sort; to make a selected card vanish from the hands of the spectator and be found elsewhere; to make two cards change places - the positions of the cards being seen up to the moment of the change;...

★★★★ $6

Side-Show and Animal Tricks

Hereward Carrington
Side-Show and Animal Tricks by Hereward Carrington

Hurry! Hurry! Step right up, folks! See Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy, the Wild Man of Borneo, the Fire-Breathing Man, and that's just for starters! Learn the inner secrets of the sideshow including fire walking, animal training, ventriloquism, juggling, geek stunts, special stage effects, and even the inside secrets of the professional card sharp.

Teach your dog to be a "magician!" Several effects and methods are described. Amaze your friends by carrying on a conversation with your "talking cat!" When you learn how easy it is to "throw your voice," you'll have more fun than a person has a right...

★★★★ $7

Phantom Mindreader

Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
Phantom Mindreader by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

The answer to the mentalist's dreams! Available once again is Nelson's perfect, undetectable means of immediately securing full knowledge of written questions and detail. Spectator simply writes a question, seals it in an ordinary envelope and retains it. At no time does the mentalist so much as touch the writing or sealed envelope. Yet, in a flash, the mentalist has full knowledge of the written data.

Nelson's Phantom Mindreader does the work for you. It truly is a 'Phantom'; as it is never seen by the audience. It delivers the message to the mentalist in seconds in a most natural, unsuspicious...

★★★ $5

Silk Creations

Joseph Ovette
Silk Creations by Joseph Ovette

Stage magician Joe Ovette reveals the inner workings of his famous silk act in this 77-page ebook. You'll find productions, vanishes, color changes and more here. There's sure to be something here that you will use.

Not content merely to divulge the methods of the individual effects, Ovette goes on to provide several professional secrets that are worth $20 each to any working pro. You'll find ways to double the size of your silk production without increasing to cost; how to remove wrinkles from your silks without using an iron; a do-it-yourself vanisher that's superior to ones you can buy;...


TV Mentalism

Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
TV Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

No longer must you be content to merely watch and be mystified by TV mentalists. Embarrassing, isn't it, to have our friends recall the miracles of a TV mentalist and ask YOU how they were accomplished - when you might be a successful TV mentalist yourself! You, too, can bask in the limelight and glory of television.

All phases of successful operation are covered in detail in this volume, written by mentalists with many years of actual experience. Actual program methods and routines, including the sensational and baffling "Brain Busters" are explained....

★★★ $8

Miracles in Mentalism and Psychic Experimentation

Robert A. Nelson
Miracles in Mentalism and Psychic Experimentation by Robert A. Nelson

27 contributors! 50 amazing effects!

Some of magic and mentalism's most trusted authorities have collaborated to bring you this outstanding collection of time tested and audience proven effects. Not just one or two routines, but fifty from which you can easily select several excellent psychic programs. A Genii Award-winning book, now brought up to date in this latest, revised edition.

Effects from John Booth, Paul Curry, Eddie Clever, Norm Cummins, Bruce Elliott, Dr. C.G. Ervin, Hen Fetsch, Dr. Walter Grote, Stewart Judah, Capt. Jones, Joe Keller, Fred Kolb, Wilbur Kattner, Bill Larsen, Richard Lindahl, Orville Meyer, Bob...

★★★★ $10

Encyclopedia of Mentalism

Robert A. Nelson
Encyclopedia of Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson

The greatest and most comprehensive book ever written on mentalism and psychic entertainment. Every phase of its operation is exhaustively treated in detail.

Included is also the author's own time proven master system of mindreading. Easily applied and workable presentations for all types of audiences and situations are covered, whether it be for a small home group, a mental interlude in your present program or a complete theater or television performance.

Partial contents include a vast array of full stage theater presentations - Radio mentalism - Night club psychic entertainment - Hotel...

★★★★ $8

Visions of Tomorrow

Robert A. Nelson
Visions of Tomorrow by Robert A. Nelson

In this eBook, Bob Nelson reveals his complete "Diviner of Destiny" one-man Question-and-Answer presentation. This is a very, very clever and subtle mindreading act that can be performed solo, or with a volunteer assistant (who need not know the secret).

Can be presented anywhere -- even surrounded by an audience if necessary. Especially suitable for tough situations such as for stores, clubs and outdoor work. Exceptionally fine for stage, platform and cruise shows.

Details to be long remembered: The questions are picked from a semi-opaque basket and held at the performer's fingertips,...

★★★★★ $10

Spook Crooks!

Julien J. Proskauer
Spook Crooks! by Julien J. Proskauer

Spook Crooks! is Julien Proskauer's searing expose of the world of phony prophets, fake mediums, and other con artists who fleeced innocent victims of their cash, dignity and in some cases their lives.

Proskauer, a friend of Houdini's, took it upon himself to nearly single-handedly rid the radio airwaves of fortune tellers and psychic swindlers in the early 1930s, much to the chagrin of honest mentalists who were caught in the crossfire.

A slick billet switch, the gypsy money switch, and many other secrets are revealed in crystal clear text and illustrations.

Robert A. Nelson, owner of mentalism's most esteemed...

★★★★ $10

The Open Book

J. H. Johnson
The Open Book by J. H. Johnson

This is the book that tells the truth about cards, dice, punch boards, gambling wheels, races, and all other kinds of gambling.

Don't be a sucker! The Open Book reveals how crooked gamblers, cheats, and con artists fleece the innocent and unwary public out of thousands of dollars daily. Even that carnival game at the local fairgrounds may not be as innocent as it looks. Get the inside scoop.

Valuable secrets of marked cards, gaffed dice, ink formulas, holdouts and other cheating devices -- all clearly explained. Also included are scams and cons used by the unscrupulous to bilk the unwary....

★★★★ $8

Nelson Enterprises Catalog 6

Robert A. Nelson
Nelson Enterprises Catalog 6 by Robert A. Nelson

Robert Nelson and his brother Larry ("Alla Rageh") started the Nelson Enterprises in 1921. Their first "catalogs" were printed on thin, onion-skin paper. By 1927, their catalog boasted over a hundred effects and books, catering almost exclusively to the mental fraternity.

This catalog is nearly impossible to find, being jealously hoarded by mentalists and collectors. Now reprinted in convenient eBook format, the Nelson Enterprises Catalogue Number Six is once again available to expand the mind of performers of every ilk.

Because catalog printing techniques of the 1920s were not meant to...

★★★★★ $10

Inside the Medium's Cabinet

Joseph Dunninger
Inside the Medium's Cabinet by Joseph Dunninger

Kidnapping. Murder. Intrigue. Dunninger, the world-renowned magician and mentalist reveals the dark underbelly of Spiritism in this 238-page eBook.

Discover fascinating, real-life psychic adventures pulled from Dunninger's 3,000 investigative case files. Like Houdini before him, Dunninger led a tireless campaign against fraudulent psychics, offering $10,000 to any Medium whose séance stunts he couldn't duplicate by normal means. Working with news reporters and the staff of Science and Invention magazine, Dunninger's well-document accounts are a fascinating chapter in the history of the arcane arts....

Displaying 337 to 360 (of 375 products)
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