New tossed out deck where 5 people peek at a card and each sits down one at a time as each card is revealed.
"Devin first released 'OuttaSight' which was really good. Now, he has released "Knockout Tossed Out" which is as good, if not better than OuttaSight. Any student of the tossed-out deck can learn a lot from Devin's version. It's not just the method behind it but the psychology as well that makes this one really special and fun to perform. I enjoy it, fooling laypeople and magicians alike, and so will those who use it." - Robert Marsi
The Knockout Tossed Out is the latest craze in tossed...
The trick that fooled Al Mann! This is one of the best impromptu feats for apparently demonstrating psychic power that was ever created. You could spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on clever electronic devices to duplicate this effect but that is not necessary. This creation of Bob Hughes allows you do this effect using nothing but a technique you carry in your mind.
Nothing to buy, nothing to carry. Yet anytime you are challenged, you can do an impossible appearing feat using borrowed objects that you NEVER TOUCH!
EFFECT: To demonstrate a psychic test, the performer asks a participant...
#12 In Devin Knight's Psychic Sight Series
Here is a different approach to the classic Out Of This World effect. It does away with stacked decks and having to change the color of the indicator card in the middle of the deal. The participants can shuffle the deck before the effect begins.
Effect: The performer shows a deck of cards and four opaque envelopes. He invites two participants, a man and a woman, to test their psychic abilities. The performer points out that a woman is normally drawn to red cards, because of the hearts and diamonds. A man, on the other hand, seems to be drawn to...
This is e-book #6 in Devin Knight's "Magic Marketing For Magicians Series."
This ebook contains a new, never before revealed technique that will catapult your website to the first page of Google searches in one simple step. This is Devin's most closely guarded web secret and he has used it in the past to get clients on the first page of Google when everything else failed. You will not find this method in mainstream SEO books, because this is a technique Devin Knight created called "Piggybacking" and it will get you on the first page of Google searches for performers in your area. In most...
An amazing mental trick for kids using small packets of cereal.
Good comedy mentalism for kids is often hard to find. This funny effect is one that kids love and can relate to. They all eat cereal and are familiar with the cereals used in this effect. Devin Knight has used this effect in his kid shows for the last few years. It plays extremely well for kids.
On the performer's table are eight packages (or one-serving boxes) of breakfast cereal. The performer invites a kid to come forward and play a game with the cereal called Eat-n-Toss. One-by-one, the performer and a kid take turns...
This is ebook 5 in the Marketing for Magicians Series.
Are you having difficulty booking school shows? Are schools telling you that their budgets have been cut and they no longer have money for school assemblies? Many school show performers have been bemoaning that their school assembly shows are declining. This is because of budget cutbacks that most schools are experiencing.
Suppose you told the schools that you could provide a quality educational magic-themed school assembly at NO COST to the school. That is right, a school assembly, at positively no cost to the school. How many schools...
A spectator freely selects a card (no force) the card is pushed into the center of the deck. The magician gives the deck one cut and immediately spells to the card. A No Memory Self-Working Miracle.
Effect: The performer shows a deck of cards to be well mixed and hands the deck to a participant to cut as many times as he likes. The performer tells the participant to stop cutting whenever he wants and that the top card of the deck will be his selected card. The performer asks the participant to look at the top card of the deck while he looks away. The participant is then instructed to take...
"Devin Knight has done it again. If you have ever struggled to make your double lift look and feel more natural, then look no further. I've been around the block more than a few times when it comes to finding just the right double lift, and this one is a winner. Period." - D. Ulin
"Looking at Devin's performance clip of his double lift turnover I was wondering what on the earth is he doing? Devin smoothly turned over the top card only. Now I was anxious to see his explanation - and at once I tried to follow Devin's instructions and to my surprise I could easily perform Devin's turnover...
Vampires supposedly have no reflections in mirrors. This is folklore, but suppose you as a performer could really create this effect. What kind of reaction do you think your spectator's would have, if you had no reflection in a mirror? Would they be amazed or scared?
Devin Knight is finally revealing secret techniques that he developed. These secrets allow you to create the vampire effect, and in some cases do it almost impromptu.
Knight revealed these secrets to Al Mann in the mid-80s and at that time Mann wanted to release volume 2 of Invisible Men with these techniques revealed. Unfortunately,...
A brilliant routine which is perfect for children's shows. Both the magician and then the birthday child, manage to correctly guess which pieces have been removed from a completed tray puzzle.
Puzzle Mania is a new twist on the standard jigsaw puzzle effect. This version has been designed especially for kid shows. Yes, it is mind reading for kids and has been a proven winner in hundreds of kid shows. Every phase is logical and makes perfect sense. You can easily make this up using kid tray puzzles available in most all toy stores. This effect has previously only been shared in Devin's lectures,...
This is one of the most novel ways ever devised for doing both mental and card effects. Devin Knight shows you how to buy a gumball machine bank and gimmick it in a few minutes to allow for some of the most baffling poker demonstrations and card effects ever devised. These are regular gumball banks that sell in toy stores for around $10 to $20. Gumballs are marked with card values from A to K using a fine-tip Sharpie. Once this is done, you have everything you need to create miracles.
Sleights appear impossible as the hole cards come from the machine, and the hands to play are freely chosen...
A version that fools those who know the original. A spectator correctly guesses the colors sealed in four envelopes. No gimmick markers.
NOTE: Do not confuse this with the original Blindsight. This 100% new method will fool those who have the original trick.
The performer shows four manila envelopes. There is nothing written on the envelopes, nor are they secretly marked. He shows them freely on both sides and points out the envelopes are opaque. The performer hands the envelopes to a participant; saying inside each envelope is a different colored card: Green, red, blue, and yellow. The performer...
This effect will get you more publicity than any other headline prediction. It has many features that you cannot do with other headline predictions. THIS NEW METHOD INVOLVES NO SWITCHING OF THE HEADLINE PREDICTION SLIP. There is only one headline prediction slip and it is signed by the VIP! Best of all, no gimmicks are used.
This method involves so many people and has so much hoopla, it will almost ensure you front page coverage in most local papers. This headline prediction will have you on the 6 o'clock and 11 o'clock television news. It will also be discussed on local radio stations;...
A step ahead of the old coke vanish in a paper tube, with a kicker ending to fry any audience. Magician shows a bottle of coke and actually moves it around so the audience can see it is full of coke. Yes, you can see the liquid in the bottle! He puts a small white paper tube over the coke bottle, the tube is only about half the height of the bottle. He drapes a small see-through silk over the bottle and suddenly the coke vanishes. He blows the silk through the paper tube to further prove it is empty. Ok, you are thinking, this is an old idea, BUT...there is more. The magician then unrolls the...
"Devin Knight is the Guy Jarrett of our time. He exposes many common magic "facts" as myths and explains why they are not true and should not be believed. You can improve yourself and improve your magic if you stop taking to heart those age-old lies that magicians and magic dealers made up just to ease their conscience about taking money from strangers." - Jim Kleefeld
"A fast, informative, high-impact read from the ever-interesting Devin Knight. As magicians and mentalists, we often lose sight of the observations detailed here. Highly recommended!" - D. Ulin
The theme of this e-book is that...
A rare insight into Al Mann's least-known manuscript, The Sensational Boiler Escape. In 1987, Mann revised this effect and sold the exclusive rights to Devin Knight as a unique demonstration of psychic powers to be used on a TV show. The effect was as follows:
The performer is visibly locked into an examined metal boiler, which is then filled with boiling water! The performer claims he will be able to survive the scalding waters because of his psychic powers. The level of the water is seen rising on the indicators and the temperature is recorded on the boiler's thermometer.
The boiler...
This is ebook #4 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series".
This guide shows you proven ways to make money with costumed characters. Although written for magicians, this information can be used by anyone wanting to start a costume character business.
This eBook is the results of over two years of research and will save you lots of time. You will learn from a pro who knows the costume character business inside and out.
In today's economy, magicians need to leave no stone unturned to ensure a steady flow of income coming in. Many magicians offer balloon animals and face painting along...
This is ebook #3 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series".
[Note: This plan may work to a limited degree world-wide. It is best suited for the USA market where there is an abundant of these venues. Non USA buyers may not have the same success that performers in the USA will have with this program. Please take that into consideration before you purchase this plan.]
"Mr. Knight delivers an interesting and practical approach to earning income as a working magician and mentalist. The material here is well-researched and presented. It's a lean, mean read, and a very good value for the money. Well worth a look." -D. Ulin
"I thoroughly enjoyed Devin's last two books on marketing that covers SEO and Facebook marketing, but this book wins the Gold Medal! He teaches how performers can literally start booking shows right now in a market even I was unaware of! And Devin was being conservative...
One of the most talked about effects at the 2006 Mindvention. It virtually fooled anyone who saw it. Since then over 5000 copies of Blindsight have been sold world-wide. It has become a classic of mentalism and used by some of the biggest names in mentalism. In fact, one performer was able to book a $10,000 gig by performing this one trick alone for the decision maker! Yes, Blindsight is that good.
This routine is now available in a Do-It-Yourself PDF and can be easily made up in a few minutes.
Performer patters that Blindsight is the apparent ability to see colors and shapes...
This is ebook #2 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series".
Almost everyone is on Facebook nowadays and odds are you have a Facebook account. But are you using it to properly promote your entertainment business? Do you even know how? Sadly, most entertainers don't realize the full potential of Facebook. To them, it is a place to shoot the bull and play games, but did you know that the proper use of Facebook could double the amount of shows you do in a year? No, this isn't hype, this is a hard fact. The trouble is most performers aren't even aware of how this can be done! Just being on Facebook...
"REPEAT BILL IN LEMON is simply PURE SIMPLE GENIUS and to think that 2 years ago I invested $250 dollars in Doug Malloy's THE LEMON GAME. I paid less than $10 for Devin's method and I can do it twice!" - Carl de Rome, Norway
Here is something that Devin Knight kept under wraps for more than 25 years. Imagine doing the bill in lemon with a borrowed bill and immediately repeating it with two lemons that have been in full view on the table at all times. The lemons are NOT concealed in a bag. Both lemons can be examined before the effect begins and there is NO SWITCHING of the lemons. No...
A superior force where a spectator stops the magician anywhere during a running cut. Yet, that card is forced without any sleights or slip cuts.
One of the cleanest card forces ever created. Perfect for the mentalist looking for a natural force that doesn't scream card trick. Imagine showing a regular deck of cards and repeatedly cutting them until someone tells you to stop. You very cleanly deal off the card you were stopped at and believe it or not that card was forced! Once you stop you can ask the person if he wants you to cut again. If the person says, "Yes," you cut the deck again and...
This trick sells for $100 made up, however, using this PDF you can make it up yourself for a low cost and save some money.
Invite 3 people on stage. No stooges or impromptu coaching. Can be any 3 people. One is given an envelope to hold before the trick even begins. This envelope is never touched again by the performer till the trick is over.
Performer has three different newspapers face down on the table. The first spectator freely selects any newspaper. There is no force of any kind! He has a free choice of any one of the three newspapers. The front page of the freely chosen...
This is ebook #1 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series".
If you need bookings now and you have not worked on your website SEO (search engine optimization) you will benefit from this ebook.
"How To Rank Your Act On Google" is simply outstanding! It's streamlined, impactful and actionable. Mr.Knight has made an often difficult and complex subject easy to understand and provided simple steps one can follow in order to optimize Google rankings. An essential read on the topic, and not to be missed! - D. Ulin, Los Angeles, California
Devin's most anticipated ebook in years is finally...