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★★★★★ $4
Devin Knight
Controlled Actions by Devin Knight

Effect: The magician says he will attempt to control a spectator's actions. The magician displays three envelopes numbered 1, 2, and 3 saying these are predictions. A participant selects three cards from a regular deck. The performer shows the participant three blank envelopes and asks for a number from 1 to 3.

The magician proceeds to write that number on the envelope and the participant takes one of his selections (no force) and the magician slides it into the envelope with the number the spectator named. This process is repeated with the other two envelopes and cards. The performer then...

★★★★ $4
Devin Knight
The Red Hot Coin Revealed by Devin Knight
"This is perhaps, the greatest 'come on', or 'bally stunt' the world has ever known." - Floyd Thayer
This is a sadly forgotten effect that was a big hit back in vaudeville, but overlooked by today's magicians. It has been used by Thurston, Blackstone Sr., U. F. Grant, Tommy Windsor and other great magicians. This is one of the funniest routines in magic and you don't have to be a comedian or comedy performer to pull it off. It always results in hilarious laughter.

The premise is simple; the performer invites a boy up and shows him a half-dollar. The performer says, "This is the one and only RED HOT COIN. After years...

★★★★ $3
Devin Knight
The Wandering Queens by Devin Knight

A card trick that is flashy and plays big, it is suitable for parlor or stage and requires no skill.

Four Queens are each seen in four glass tumblers facing outward. Each Queen is then turned back outward and returned to its glass. Three indifferent cards are placed in each glass with the first three Queens. The fourth Queen is left by herself in the fourth glass.

The performer waves his hands and the magic happens. The cards are removed from the first glass. There are only three cards, the Queen has vanished. This is repeated with the next two glasses. Finally, the card is removed from...

★★★★ $6
Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
Foolzum Newspaper Tear Revisited by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

A full size sheet of newspaper is handed for examination; both the magician and a spectator sign their names on the front of the newspaper. Without adding anything, the newspaper is openly and deliberately torn-up with the audience plainly seeing the signatures being torn.

After the newspaper is torn into small pieces, the magician blows on the pieces. The rough edges of the paper are seen to get smooth, and upon opening the newspaper out, it is restored. But wait, only half the paper is there. The other half falls to the floor.

The audience thinks they are the torn pieces. The packet...

★★★★ $3
Devin Knight
No Way! by Devin Knight

This is one of my all-time favorite card tricks (miracles); because after seeing it, most spectators say, "NO WAY!"

Imagine this; you spread a regular deck of cards face up between your hands. All the cards are seen to be different. You tell your spectator that you want him to remove one card behind your back so there is no way you can see the card he selected. You turn your back towards him and spread out the cards face up behind your back. He is asked to remove any card and not let you see what it is. Next he takes a Sharpie pen and puts his initials on the face of the card. He inserts...

★★★ $8
Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
Grant's Challenge Magic Act by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

Imagine being able to offer a challenge that you will do a trick with any object, any member of the audience might have on them. Yes, you can do just that and with complete safety and no fear of failure.

The advertising and publicity possibilities with this act are unlimited. Challenge your friends or family to stump you. Advertise that if someone in the audience stumps you, then they don't pay your show fee. This will give you a competitive edge over other magicians in your area.

HOW WAS THIS ACT CREATED: At a meeting of the I.B.M, Grant commented to another magician, "Wouldn't it be...

Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
Magician, Ghost and Girl Illusion by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

NOTICE: This is an expanded version of an illusion described in Grant's Lost Illusion Files. It gives you far more information.

Although this illusion can be done year-round, this makes a great illusion for spook shows or Halloween shows. For those affairs, it is the perfect illusion and it would be hard to find an illusion more suited for those occasions.

EFFECT: The magician shows a three-fold screen with a black interior. He forms the screen into a three-sided cabinet with opening at the front. The performer says that he is going spook hunting. As the saying goes, it takes a thief to catch a thief.

The performer...

★★★★ $6
Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
How To Make Santa Clause Appear by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

NOTICE: This is an expanded version of Santa Clause Arrives in Grant's Lost Illusion Secrets. There are more ideas in this PDF.

Yes, Santa Clause arrives - and in such a manner that any performer can bring about his appearance. There is no elaborate or expensive equipment required. Indeed, you can build the necessary items right in your own home without any difficulty. If desired, some of the items may be purchased at a very low cost. Yes, you can have a full stage illusion for less than you have to pay for many club effects.

Here is an illusion which has eye appeal, will mystify your audience and, most important,...

★★★★ $35
Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
U. F. Grant's Lost Illusion Secrets Revealed by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

This is the largest collection of U. F. Grant illusions and illusionettes every assembled. It took Devin Knight several years to compile this collection. Grant wrote a few books on illusions such as: 15 Great Illusions, Chinese Magic and Illusions, Modern Levitations, Victory Carton Illusions, Grant's Illusion Secrets, and many others. However, most of the illusions in this PDF were not included in those manuscripts.

Over the years, Grant sold many manuscripts that just contained one illusion along with building plans in most cases. (Some of these were released by Percy Abbott in his catalog without credit to U. F. Grant.) This compilation is a collection of those plans released by Grant and also in the early...

★★★★★ $6
Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
Walking Through a Woman Illusion by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

At last, here is a new illusion effect and one that any performer may own. Yet, here is an illusion which will compete with the best of them and it will not cost you several hundred dollars to own it or even a tenth of that. In my opinion this is more effective than the Interlude Illusion at a fraction of the cost.

EFFECT: Setting at the center of the stage are four chairs, in a row facing the audience. There is a space between the two center chairs wide enough for the performer to walk through. A girl assistant is then placed in a reclining position across the seats of the four chairs....

★★★★ $6
Devin Knight
Secrets of Floating Mediums by Devin Knight

Have you wondered how the old-time mediums and even some of the current day crop of mediums levitated in the air? Devin Knight reveals some of the deep dark secrets in this PDF.

Colin Evans achieved a lot of notoriety for his ability to levitate in the air, claiming the spirits lifted him up. Even today his photos are on the internet and many people believe he was a real medium and that these photos prove levitation. You will learn the real secrets in the PDF on how he pulled it off. An eye-opener.

Douglas Home was a world-renown medium who is still controversial to this day. In this PDF,...

Devin Knight
Natural Facelift for Entertainers by Devin Knight

This is not an ebook of magic tricks, but rather a book of tricks of the trade that will make you look younger and more professional on stage. The same techniques used by Hollywood stars. It is not my normal book on magic, but still, is one of the most important PDFs I have written.

Youth sells. I will say it again, youth sells. As performers get older, they often find that their bookings diminish and that they lose gigs to younger performers. These younger performers may not be more talented, but they are younger and often preferred just because they are younger or younger looking. I know...

★★★ $2
Devin Knight & Al Mann
Secrets of the Non-Liftable Person by Devin Knight & Al Mann

Learn the secrets behind having the ability that no one can lift you, be you man or woman. A strong man attempts to lift you off the floor and easily does so. A few minutes later he is unable to lift you! An amazing, yet easy to do feat. No gimmicks, just know how. This feat has been featured on TV and in side shows. You get four different methods. Two were used by Al Mann who taught them to Devin Knight and are little known. You also get the Resista Girl method that was sold by dealers many years ago.

Many mediums used these methods during séances to show that spirits prevent them from...

★★★★★ $20
Devin Knight
So You Want To Do A Magic Lecture Tour by Devin Knight

The first PDF of its kind; written by one of the world's foremost expert on doing magic lecture tours. Devin Knight has done multiple lecture tours and hundreds of magic lectures from coast to coast in America.

He shows you step-by-step how to book a magic lecture tour. He shows you how to book magic clubs, magic shops and conventions. If you are a talented magician and want to make a name for yourself, then Devin reveals the inside secrets. He tells you what they will pay you and all the details you need to know. How long should your lecture be and what do you need to bring with you? All...

★★★★ $15
Devin Knight
How To Escape From Any Handcuffs by Devin Knight

Every magician should know how to escape from any pair of regulation handcuffs at any time. You can even challenge people to bring cuffs from home to your show and yet, you escape. You can challenge any police department and yet escape from their cuffs.

Imagine you could do this without carrying lots of picks, keys, shims and without years of practice and study! Imagine you could do this for less than a dollar! Well, it's true. In this PDF you will learn two easy ways to escape from any cuffs within a few minutes. A secret source gives you everything you need for less than a dollar. This...

★★★★★ $3
Devin Knight
Comedy Coin Prediction by Devin Knight
"I just got this today, it's great! Sometimes, the simple tricks are the best. I've already shown it to some people, and it really DOES get a big laugh. Thanks!" - Dave D.
Effect: Here is a very novel comedy close-up prediction effect that your spectators haven’t seen before. Almost everyone carries a cell phone nowadays, and most all of the cell phones have a calculator. Tell your spectator that you have made a prediction and that it is contained inside a small coin envelope. Tell him the envelope contains some coins that will predict a number he will create at random, from a number...
★★★★★ $2
Devin Knight
Improved Jumbo Pop Eyed Popper Forcing Deck by Devin Knight

NOTE: These are the instruction sheets that come with the trick. This PDF does not explain how to make up a deck.

The Jumbo Pop Eyed Popper Deck is one of the most used "trick decks" of professional magicians and mentalists from all over the world. This "secret weapon" is one of the cleanest ways to force a card without sleight of hand. This deck is drastically improved over older versions.

No more fumbling to separate paired cards. This has been a problem for many magicians. These cards have been especially prepared so you only have to place your thumb on any of the four corners and the...

Devin Knight
Fortune Telling Card Trick by Devin Knight

After working a few card tricks, how many times have you been asked "Can you tell fortunes with cards?" Fortune telling with cards has always been interesting; but, how many of us have wanted to spend the time to learn and memorize the meanings of all the playing cards? I would dare say, very few of us. Besides, there is no trick to it.

Now you can say, "Yes." Not only that, but you can actually tell people how many brothers and sisters they have, how many children they have including their gender, number of pets and the month of their birthday, including their current age (without doing...

Devin Knight
Impossible Card Flights by Devin Knight

Note: You will need to purchase a special deck of cards from a magic dealer described in this PDF.

Read every word closely, as this is an accurate description. A new effect never done before, designed by Devin Knight to close both his stage and close-up shows. In the audience's mind it is mind-shattering effect that defies explanation. Imagine sending a selected card backward in time and proving it! This is something your audiences have not seen and is so strong it has to be a show closer as nothing can follow it.

A VIP is invited to come forward; this could be the president of the club...

Devin Knight & Robert A. Nelson
Headline Predictions Baked Inside Bread by Devin Knight & Robert A. Nelson

This is probably the best book ever written on headline predictions. It describes in detail the methods behind the two greatest headline predictions ever performed. The first one was performed by mentalist Robert Nelson in 1947 and was known as the Miracle Prediction of the Age. It achieved world-wide publicity overnight.

In 1985, Devin Knight ala Jason Michael, did the Ultimate Headline Prediction, and achieved world-wide publicity and fame overnight. In fact, it achieved more publicity than any other headline prediction in the history of magic.

Both of these predictions generated publicity worth millions of dollars....

Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
Marvelous Devil Illusion by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

This is called the Marvelous Devil Illusion because you will marvel at its cleverness. Imagine producing the Devil, surrounded by a committee from the audiences, under test conditions. This is an almost forgotten U. F. Grant idea that has been revised and updated for today's magicians by Devin Knight.

Here is the original Grant ad copy:

Several people from the audience are invited to step up and surround a cloth cabinet. It is quite empty! While they are still watching the cabinet closely, from all sides, a person dressed up in a devil costume appears inside of same. He takes a bow, steps...

★★★★ $3
Devin Knight
The Svengali Fooler by Devin Knight

This is a new effect from Devin Knight's recent East Coast lecture tour. It uses a special Svengali deck in a way that magicians will never suspect. So you know, you will need to own or buy a Svengali Deck and gimmick it to do this trick. Take this to your next magic club meeting and puzzle the members.

EFFECT: The performer shows a deck of cards and mixes them. He invites a spectator to stop him as he deals the cards face down on the table. The person can stop him anywhere in the deal, there are no restrictions. The performer deals until the person says stop. The performer shows the card...

Devin Knight
Shooting Through A Woman Illusion by Devin Knight


"The method is brilliant! It is important to realize that in this trick, like in the buzz saw illusion, no one is hurt, injured or killed. Also, no state or federal laws are broken." - Ron Levy
This has proven to be the most controversial release that Devin Knight has ever released. Granted, it is not for everyone, but under the right conditions, this can be the most emotional effect you can perform. Devin used this for two years in his mid-90s tour of his illusion show....
★★★★ $4
Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
How To Produce A Rabbit by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

No one can really call himself a magician, unless he can pull a rabbit out of a hat. It is the most expected trick in magic today. Even though few magicians do it; you always have kids asking, "Are you going to pull a rabbit out of a hat?"

Potential clients calling about birthday parties, often ask if you can pull a rabbit out of a hat. Some magician's try to pacify the mothers or children using a mirror box production of a rabbit. Good try, but it is not the same. People want to see a rabbit produced from an empty top hat, or even a borrowed hat. If you can do this; you have a big advantage...

Displaying 50 to 73 (of 241 products)
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