Developed by Ed Marlo, it is a well-covered method to palm one or several cards from the bottom into a left-hand magician's palm.
runtime: 1min 53s
This is a palm from Gen Magazine where the top card from a pressure fan ends up in the gambler's cop after the fan has been closed.
runtime: 26s
This is a very efficient and deceptive move by Steve Draun. A card that is inserted into the deck automatically ends up in the gambler's cop.
Chris Wasshuber independently developed this move in 1993 during his stay in Japan including an important visual convincer. If you want to learn this improved variation email him. He might be talked into releasing it. If you can't get Chris to talk then check out the Huot/Duperre control from Magic Menu volume 10. It is very similar to what Chris is doing.
runtime: 33s...
This is an idea by John Cornelius where a card is pushed into a fan and during closing the fan the card is stolen into a Tenkai palm.
runtime: 1min 17s
Tony Slydini used this move for his famous Helicopter Card trick. A card is stolen into a Tenkai palm while it is inserted into a fan.
runtime: 56s
This is Larry Jennings' version of Joe Berg's palm, originally published in Classic Magic of Larry Jennings. It is a multiple-top palm.
runtime: 46s
If you need to palm several cards at once, this is an effective method. Originally this move appeared in The Royal Road to Card Magic.
runtime 54s
Learn the basics of dice stacking. You can go from zero to stacking four dice in half an hour to an hour of practicing, assuming you have good instructions and good equipment.
In this video you will receive clear step by step instructions to first master the basic back and forth sweep motion, then the dice pickup and finally the stack. You will also understand why it all works.
When you are ready to go beyond the basics we can recommend Mr. Dice Stacking and Friends and Dice Stacking Teach-In.
Here you can watch and study the best moves of some of the best dice stackers in the world: Annika Wahl, Janine Krauskopf, Clemens Schlink, Thomas Fischbach, Jannick Zittlau, Donato Marro.
You will find anything from crazy point landings, juggling, cross overs, backhands, super fast stacking, downstacks, downstairs, and much more - mind blowing dexterity and control. But with practice you can learn these and other moves, too. Keep in mind that this is not really a teaching video where moves are broken down for you to learn. You will see the pros do the moves for real and you can certainly...
A card is selected...signed...the deck is shuffled and boxed...the box is inspected...a lighter is introduced...a corner of the deck is burned away...and the selected signed card is the only one not burned.
Wrath is a gimmicked deck. You do not need to burn a new or different deck every time you perform. The deck takes approximately 10 minutes to make. The deck is re-usable and has an instant reset. The deck is shown to be 100% legit and so is the box. There are no difficult sleights and no deck switching. The deck can be given away to your spectators afterward. Wrath can be made...