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MINT: The Full 15 Volume Set
by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

$700 $500
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MINT: The Full 15 Volume Set by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

When Ed Marlo expressed his wish that his material be kept available "For the Guys," it was not his intent that the cost be prohibitive. That was not Ed's way. Ed didn't publish his material for the small amount of money they produced. He never received payment for most of the material he contributed. In keeping with the spirit of Ed's pricing, Wesley has decided to offer special pricing for those who purchase the full set of Marlo In New Tops.

In the month of October 2024, in recognition of the passing of the self-proclaimed "King of Cards," Harry Houdini, and the birth of the true, modern "King of Cards," Ed Marlo (October 10, 1913), the full set of M.I.N.T. - all 15 volumes, 1,786 dense pages, 3,297 standard pages - will be discounted to $500. Beginning November 1st through November 30th, in commemoration of Eddie's death (November 7, 1991) and Thanksgiving, the price, will be $600. Still quite a deal! From December 1st through 31st of 2024, the Holiday season, the price will be $650. Beginning Jan 1st of 2025, the rate returns to full price, $700, but Volume 15, the Marlo In New Tops Contents, Index, Bibliography volume, will remain free to those that purchase the full set - $30 if purchased separately.

Hopefully, this will help generate enough additional funding to create the "Edward Marlo Memorial Foundation" with the intent of becoming the repository for as much of the Marlo material as possible, to keep it available "For the Guys." Wesley is also exploring other pathways for the creation and advancement of the Foundation.