reviewed by Pete Barnyard
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 15 December, 2013)
It was the great Roger Crosthwaite who urged me to check this book out. Roger is known for heavy sleight of hand but is also a sneaky one who fries magicians with easy-but-strong magic. He fried me and many others at The Magic Circle in London with Paul's great concept. F-R-I-E-D badly! It's a getter.
reviewed by Peter Simonson
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 12 December, 2013)
Again, Paul Gordon (with Jon Racherbaumber and Joe Rindfleisch) has released a wonderful concept. It's maths based but it's all worker magic. I'm a professional out of Boston and I use this at my bar. Go get it. It's eye popping.
reviewed by Peter Simonson
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 12 December, 2013)
I'm a big fan of Marlo's automatic principle and Paul Gordon's Eight of Diamonds trick in Explorations is worth more than the price of the entire book. Harry Lorayne liked it so much he put it in BOF. But, there is much more in Explorations to enjoy. A favorite book of mine.
reviewed by Jim Saylor (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 11 December, 2013)
I have rated this with five stars because it is a very good effect. However, if you own Ted Annemann's book "Practical Mental Effects" you can pass this by as it is in that book (which can also be purchased here). It can be found in the chapter Mentalism with Cards under the title "Mental Numbers" by Vincent Dalban. I have used this effect as a unique way for passing out business cards as suggested in "Practical Mental Magic" but had not thought of using it as a parlor or stage item (a nice idea).
reviewed by Alfonso Bartolacci (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 11 December, 2013)
No please, there are tons of time forcing, sure and safety, and here we find the worse !!!!! Oh my God, but where this persons lives ????
reviewed by Tom Tyler
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 11 December, 2013)
I thought I'd post comments because although I don't yet have the pdf, I do have the original booklet. I still use three of the tricks in Carbon Footprints; one from Jon Racherbaumber and two from Mr. Gordon. It's simply powerful workable material. Easy to do, but strong on impact. If you liked Aronson's shuffleboard, you will LOVE this. Highly recommended. TT
reviewed by Tom Tyler
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 11 December, 2013)
Explorations contains some really clever thinking and startling tricks. Paul Gordon creates material you can use. These maths based card are wonderful and what with contributions from Peter Duffie, you can't go wrong. Highly recommended. TT
reviewed by Cristian Vidrascu (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 08 December, 2013)
Very disappointing, I would not see myself using any of these. Many are mean-spirited and not so funny. Generally I love anything U.F. Grant, I think he is brilliant, and have fooled many magicians with some of his ideas. However, in this particular case, I would not recommend this booklet.
reviewed by Pawel
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 08 December, 2013)
It is not new concept but old trick.
reviewed by Eric Fry (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 07 December, 2013)
Exceptional review of Cards Across, complete with historical information. Very stimulating discussion. It's a pity there aren't many other affordable booklets about card classics.
reviewed by Devin Knight
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 01 December, 2013)
I just watched this video and it was entertaining with bits from the Simpson's mixed in. Dave has taken Ramsey's Four Bean routine published in 1952 and updated it. I am very familiar with Ramsey's method. Ramsey had you putting beans into your ears and eyes and spitting them out of your mouth. Dave has changed this a bit and has you putting popcorn kernels into your nose and one of them comes out of your eye during the routine. If you like GEEK magic, this is sure to freak out your audience. Although, there is nothing original in the methods, the video is worthwhile if you are into this kind of magic.
Eddie Joseph put in print probably the most detailed information on putting stuff into your eyes and removing it, but the printed description was hard to understand. On the video Dave gives you details, actually showing how to put the popcorn into your eye. This was very informative. He also gives you invaluable tips to avoid red and watery eyes.
As he points out in his video, you can do the whole routine or parts of it. His video comes out at the right time. On one of Criss Angels recent episodes of Believe, he does the bit where a popcorn kernel comes out of his eye. Magicians have complained that the stuff that Angel does on TV can't be done in real life (well, most of it). Here is an exception. Get Dave's video and when people comment about the Criss Angel Popcorn trick. You can do it for them.
If you have any interest in inserting stuff into your eyes for later removal then this video is a must have. Frankly, I am not into geek magic and would never do this, it is not my style, but for those who want to do this, you will find this video invaluable.
I now have a better understanding of how the eye trick works. Trying to follow Joseph's directions is something I would never have done. After seeing Dave show how it is done, I may someday try this.
Once you learn the technique you can do the thread from eye as done by both Blaine and Angel.
For those into this kind of stuff, then I recommend this.
reviewed by Wilhelm Eberhard
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 22 November, 2013)
Il est impossible de trouver ce livre au site web de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France et, bien que $20 est, peut-être, un petit peu cher, il faut considérer le travail de produire cette version digitale (que très peu de personnes vont acheter), or... Considérant tout ceci, c'est un très bon affaire!
Voici d'autres bouquins intéressants que l'ont peut trouver à Gallica: finalement, il suffit de chercher "Robert Houdin" à Gallica pour trouver tous ses livres (en plus de La Prestidigitation sans appareils).
Mais l'on ne peut pas trouver ce livre ailleurs qu'ici!
reviewed by Fred Larochelle
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 08 November, 2013)
Worth the money. I use the one year subscription to stay up to date on all things magic. Is very well written and comprehensive. Worth subscribing.
reviewed by Kevin Sentell
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 06 November, 2013)
I had been looking for a really good BIL routine & Scott's sounded good plus was affordable. He even offered to refund the first $1 if I didn't like it. His uses a sanada gimmick which I already had and I was ready to go. However, during practice, I was NOT very smooth with the sanada so I had to make a couple of changes. I make the $$$ switch in easier way for me & am never questioned about it. But Scott's lines & routine remain the same. It has raised my act to a higher, more "Magical" performance. Thanks Scott !!!!
reviewed by Dan Dent (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 04 November, 2013)
Quite simply, this is a fantastic routine. The combination of 3 different oracle systems and the climatic 'magic' ending (actually this is made doubly more hard hitting by the fact that it appears to be a very genuine display of the performer's psychic intuition and not some incongruous bit of magical 'ta-da' stuck on the end) make for a very powerful routine. It's completely impromptu, using only a couple of business cards (yours or borrowed) and a pen, and perfect for many performing environments, requiring no reset (in fact, there is no set up involved at all). Though Scott does give a few keywords for the Numerology numbers and Tarot Major Arcana used in the routine, having a good working knowledge of these oracles (and/ or Cold Reading) really helps bring it to life.
Very highly recommended and worth far more than the small asking price.
reviewed by Roy Eidem (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 02 November, 2013)
This is a steal for the money and all you get - it's loaded. True "Worker's" material in the real world of entertaining performance -- stand up, close up, surrounded. Paul has hammered these out for you over hundreds of performances. The introductory advise of how to get gigs and perform at different venues is direct and priceless if you are thinking about taking your magic out to the world. But then you get videos too. My favorites are Stickman!, his handling of Out of this World, and if you have never done Card Under Glass, this is a workers delight.
reviewed by Matteo Filippini (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 22 October, 2013)
I think that JACK's LINE-UP is a mentalism gem...One of the most powerful yet simple mentalism number perfect for platform and stage!
Great stuff!
reviewed by Dale Robins
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 15 October, 2013)
Lee Asher’s Losing Control: Fun, Fast, Affordable
Which scenario seems less suspicious and more direct for secretly positioning a selected card to the top (or bottom) of the deck: Simply having a selected card pushed back into a deck, or having a selected card pushed back into a deck and then having the magician shuffle off (or fiddling with the deck with both hands for no apparent reason)? If you said the first scenario, then Losing Control might be just what you’re looking for.
To me, this innocuous but devilishly subtle and powerful control qualifies – to quote Max Maven – as a “terrifying thing of beauty.”
While it certainly passes my Erdnase Test, “. . . the most critical observer would not even suspect, let alone detect, the action,” like the Pass, Losing Control does require (and for me, the fun part) a brief moment of misdirection. However, the handling is much more subtle and elegant than either a Pass or Shuffle Control, yet it still meets the purpose of both while trimming away any extraneous fiddling or finger fluttering.
In essence, it directly, seamlessly, and secretly places a spectator’s (if you wish, signed) selection on top of the deck before (in their mind) the trick has even begun -- a powerful place to be.
1) Clarity. Losing Control was created with the reader in mind. It is professionally laid out and pleasing to the eye, has plenty of white space for notes at the bottom of each section (if you decide to print it out), and is easy to read in a (mostly) 11 point Ariel font. The photos are crystal clear and their corresponding instructions are on the same page, so no need to constantly page up and down. The .PDF also includes small sidebars of pertinent information and, for the viewer, five embedded video links.
2) Video Section. I particularly like the video link section so that I can literally see the instructions in action. The sleight is powerful because of its brazenness. It’s out there for anyone to see BUT ONLY IF THEY’RE FOCUSED ON IT. (That’s why -- like a Pass or Shuffle Control -- it should only be done in the expository phase, allowing for time misdirection.) In fact, because it’s sometimes hard for me to think like a spectator anymore, I found that if I glance away at the crucial moment (you’ll know when) as when properly misdirected, the experience is simply jaw-dropping. Doing this can help to give you the confidence and timing for when and how you decide to make use of this elegant sleight.
3) Brief yet thorough. At only 22 pages (including photos) Losing Control completely covers the control without being too wordy. It is broken into easy-to-digest sections, including a concise-and-helpful introduction, brief history, and clear methodology. It includes a dynamite convincer from Alan Ackerman, two variations (one for use with a table and one for allowing the spectator to see all the card faces at eye level), and Mr. Asher’s personal tips for the control. Mr. Asher wraps it all up with proper credits and interesting tidbits, thank you’s, and thoughts on how to proceed.
4) Affordable. At $13.99 (as of this date) Losing Control is quite reasonably priced when compared to the cost of a book or DVD that covers Passes or Shuffle Controls. When re-engineered into a routine, the sleight can easily pay for itself many times over via paying gigs; (I think it is clean and unique enough to help set one performer apart from another.)
5) Additions and Variations. The Alan Ackerman Addition provides another subtle layer of conviction; the card is on top of deck before the “selection” is pushed in. The tabled version gives an innocent hands-off feel, and the vertical version is suitable for standing venues.
PERSONAL TIP: Having read and understood the differences between a regular and reversed spread, I have found that it is also possible to control a selected card to the BOTTOM of the deck by reversing the process.
NOTE: Mr. Asher admonishes the reader to not be eager with using the control for an Ambitious Card sequence. I tend to agree. This move is like seasoning -- a little goes a long way, but too much ruins the dish. It is a little-known sleight, and I prefer to use it sparingly. I do confess, however, that I love using it once in my own opening sequence of David Regal’s AC routine.
NEGATIVES: In one place Mr. Asher writes about the control as if the reader will become nervous executing the move. For me, this seemed a bit presumptuous. However, for those who would have been nervous anyway, Mr. Asher continues with how to overcome any possible jitters.
Also, I wish I were the only other person who knew about this.
To sum up, Losing Control makes magic stronger by shortening the expository (non-inherently interesting) phase of having a card selected and returned to the deck, while at the same time raising the conviction that the selected card is in the middle of the deck (it’s not; it’s on top) in preparation for the (inherently) magical phase – however you may interpret what that is. (Thank you, Darwin Ortiz)
Thus, Losing Control eliminates the need to yammer on and on (not unlike this review) just to cover any shuffle control or to pointlessly bring one’s hands together just to execute a pass.
It is fast, it is fun, and it efficiently and innocuously places the spectator’s selection on top of the deck before the trick (in their mind) has even begun -- without all the fiddling -- and at a reasonable price.
reviewed by John McLachlan
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 15 October, 2013)
CATCH 33: The Three Card Monte
This classic con has deceived the public for many years – and taken their hard-earned cash. It appeals to our impulse to acquire easy money but we constantly lose as the hand is quicker than the eye. The concept is great for the performing magician and when presented well teaches a valuable lesson in the context of an entertaining sequence.
Catch 33 teaches more than the basic moves required for such a demonstration. It includes well-researched techniques which I had not previously encountered. The list of standout magicians contributing to this work is long and impressive. Lee Asher has woven various methods into a visual treat of dodges and swindles. He demonstrates how to structure a delightful routine which can be performed close up, in a small venue or at a trade show.
As usual, Lee Asher’s writing is accompanied by excellent illustrations and by on-line video. John McLachlan
reviewed by Troels Holm (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 11 October, 2013)
The first time you see the demo video, you wonder where the sleight is. I din't see anything unusual.
The second time you might notice, that the handling looks a little strange.
When you look again after reading the description you will say: This is never going to fool anybody! But it just did! With the Ackerman Addition it is even more convincing.
This is a daring move. But the explanation and the fotos are very clear and easy to follow. The videos give you a clear picture of the timing and flow. It will take some work to make it look smooth and natural, but it should be within reach of anybody.
reviewed by Jeffrey Ashkettle
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 10 October, 2013)
Have this awesome ace production on Lee Asher's 5 Card Stud DVD and this is a great companion for easy reference points. Well written as all of Lee's PDF's are, easy to understand and when you get this production down... BOOM... you have a reputation maker. With as much as Lee has given to the magic community over the last decade or so, I have never found anything with his name on it disappointing. Just buy it.
reviewed by Devin Knight
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 10 October, 2013)
This is by far the best book I have read on the Three Card Monte. Lee presents a routine that is action packed and entertaining the entire time. Loads of photos and embedded videos provide you with all the details you need. The torn corner ending is a real kicker. This is probably the most commercial version of a Three Card Monte exposed that I have ever seen. Highly recommended. It will take some practice to get this down, but it is well worth it. Once you get the routine pat, you will have a real worker.
reviewed by Mike Kmiec (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 10 October, 2013)
Normally, I'm not a fan of three-card monte routines. They normally seem to belie the whole reasoning of magic because of the dependence on dexterity. There's no magical explanation, the hands are just quicker than the eye. This is what street hustlers depend on. Well, that and accomplices. In any case, a project I'm working on needs some gambling-based routines, so I thought I'd revisit the plot. Being familiar with Lee Asher's other work, I know his attention to detail and quality is high. Catch 33 is no exception (aside from one thing I'll mention later).
This routine has the same basic plot - find the one different card and you win. Except Asher plays a bit with the construct, and adds a kicker that makes the routine more like magic and less like hustling.
The instruction and photography is clear throughout. In the section titled 'The Hype', though, I think some of the sentences were transposed, so following along requires some deciphering. It's nothing too challenging, but you should be aware of it. Hopefully Asher will edit this section for clarity in a later edition.
This is a routine for intermediate card handlers, and there's no instant reset, but if you're willing to put in the time and effort, you'll be rewarded. Asher provides some solid magical thinking and nuance to the routine. Some of the moves and subtleties are quite clever, and you may be able to migrate them to other routines. The 'out' Asher provides is extremely good as well - though you probably won't need it, it's good to have insurance. Finally, the background and references provided are good. Overall, it's a great handling of something that many others have failed to deliver.
Am I a convert to three-card-monte routines? Probably not. Will I incorporate Catch 33 into my project? Yes. Now, back to practicing the toss...
reviewed by Matt B
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 10 October, 2013)
This is a very deceptive way to control a selected card. It is not difficult to do and the explanations are very clear.
reviewed by Julian Burt (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 10 October, 2013)
When I watched the video, it did not fool me at all. But when I learned the moves I tried it on my wife, the "Oh NO! Not another card trick?!?" type of audience. She was absolutely fooled. It took her several times before she caught on and felt foolish for not seeing it at first. I applaud Mr. Asher for his insight and downright brazen approach to bringing a card to the top of the deck.