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Change for a Dollar
by Ron Jaxon


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Change for a Dollar by Ron Jaxon

This effect is hard to describe. It's a very unusual version of the classic mismade bill in which the bill is folded in half then you cause the crease in the bill to move to a different edge. When the bill is unfolded you have a very unusual looking bill. Fold it in quarters and move the new crease to another edge and the bill looks even more unusual. Then you return everything back to normal and return the bill to it's owner.

You really should watch the demo video below to get the full effect. The demo video runs through the entire routine very quickly to keep the video short but you can perform it as slowly as you like.

Very unusual and memorable moment for your spectators.

The detailed instructions in this PDF download will take you step by step in constructing your gimmick and performing this unusual effect. Many images are included.

IMPORTANT: You will need a mismade bill in order to make this gimmick. They are readily available from most magic dealers or do an online search for "mismade bill" to find many sources.

1st edition 2006; 11 pages.
word count: 3110 which is equivalent to 12 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Paper & Paper Money

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video