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by Stephen Tucker


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Sherlock by Stephen Tucker

"I really enjoyed all of these routines! Very nice. The White House is especially cool!" - Cameron Francis.

"You have some very nice thinking in these variations." - Peter Duffie.

As one of Martin Breese's customers I recently received a newsletter from him that drew my attention to a routine of Peter Duffie's called IDEAL HOLMES. It's a really great self-working routine, and this is what happens...

A regular deck of cards is shuffled and then cut by someone a couple of times. You take back the cards and spread them between your hands and have one FREELY selected by someone. He places the card directly into his pocket without looking at it. You turn to someone else and say, "You will now discover the secret identity of the hidden card, first the suit and then the value. However, you will need some help to do this, so let's call upon the greatest detective of all time, Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

He will first help you to identify the suit." You hand the deck to him and ask him to spell the name S-H-E-R-L-O-C-K by dealing one card for each letter in the name into a face down pile on the table. You turn over the top card of the tabled pile to indicate the suit. Next, you say, "Okay, so that's the suit taken care of, but the value is much more difficult... even for Mr. Holmes. I think that, this time, we will need to use a little 'magic'."

You now ask him to spell the word M-A-G-I-C in the same manner as before, but dealing into a separate pile. You turn over the top card of this pile to indicate the value. You finally announce both the value and suit together - thus completing the name of the card then ask the first person to remove the card from his pocket. It will prove to be that very card!

Well, this set my brain cell(s) into action and I have come up with four terrific (modest eh?) routines of my own, that I know you're just going to love. Plus, Peter has very kindly allowed me to include his IDEAL HOLMES routine... making FIVE. And best of all... they are ALL self-working miracles!

The Sherlock Holmes theme is very topical at the moment, after the BBC's recent TV series (now on DVD) and the film starring Robert Downey Junior.



1st edition 2011; 10 pages.
word count: 4485 which is equivalent to 17 standard pages of text