Once more, with this new 3.0 edition, all previous editions are now completely obsolete.
Now added is the "Mendoza Countdown," the precursor to the Capehart Countdown (see below) and the version explained here may be just as effective because after the spectator mixes the deck it is spread face up to prove it really has been thoroughly mixed—thus the eventual revelation that the spectator has somehow found all the Aces, Kings, Queens and Jacks in suit order is astounding.
The "Capehart Countdown," won Chris Capehart a Fool Us award from Penn and Teller and is fully explained here.
All the effects use something we call here at the Bammo offices, TCF - The Counting Feint - a principle that others, notably Henry Christ, John Scarne, Martin Gardner, Nick Trost and Terry Lagerould have toyed with but, until now, its true potential has not been achieved.
Here are new, mind-boggling effects, raised up from the depths of the Bammo cerebral cortex - effects that will defy all attempts at revealing their secrets because the interlaced deceptive mechanisms - to quote Winston Churchill - create, "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma."
For example here is just one effect from many that are possible:
The spectator shuffles the deck (52 cards, all different).
The magician, without looking at any of the cards, cuts the deck multiple times, then tables the deck and writes a prediction.
Using the last four digits of the spectator's phone number (which the magician does not know beforehand), the magician counts down to a card - it matches the prediction.
No sleights of consequence. No memorization. No memorized deck.
With suggestions by Teller ("That's a helluva fine trick!), David Britland, Stephen Minch and Derrick Chung, TCF comprises a 61-page manuscript of Mephistophelian Machiavellianism explained in the usual Bammo illuminating style.
$10, but worth at least five times that to someone dumb enough to pay $50 for it.
Free to all those who bought previous editions.
1st edition 2022, updated 2024 PDF 74 pages.
word count: 17982 which is equivalent to 71 standard pages of text