The Lie Detector is a card magic and mentalism effect that can be performed at any time and employs six cards, randomly chosen by the spectator, which put together in a pack will act as a polygraph. Alternatively, it is possible to use six cards on which to write as many names, cities, emotions, instruments, or any other idea that makes it possible to freely choose between six elements. The spectator will have to choose the six cards, one of which will have to remain a secret, to be guarded at all costs, even in the face of the four questions that the illusionist will have to ask him so that it is the machine itself that reveals its secret.
First of all, the spectator will be free to choose what kind of role he wants to play, whether he always wants to be truthful or whether he wants to lie and never answer with the truth; he will have to answer the questions only with Yes or No, and he will be completely free to decide whether to tell the truth. He must always be truthful, from the beginning to the end of the experiment, or, if he chooses to lie, he must always answer false, until the end of the test. After receiving the packet, shuffled by the spectator, the performer will formulate a question four times to find out whether the chosen card is visible among those turned face up; each question will be preceded by a particular shuffling of the packet that will change the arrangement and direction of the six cards each time. Once the four answers have been received and the six cards have been collected, without any further requests to the spectator, the mentalist will be able to recognize the chosen role and it will be the deck itself, once opened, that will show the card of his secret arranged in the opposite direction to the other five.
1st edition 2024, PDF 12 pages.
word count: 4970 which is equivalent to 19 standard pages of text