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Davide Rubat Remond

Davide Rubat Remond

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Coauthors: Biagio Fasano, Renzo Grosso

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Davide Rubat Remond
The Lie Detector by Davide Rubat Remond

The Lie Detector is a card magic and mentalism effect that can be performed at any time and employs six cards, randomly chosen by the spectator, which put together in a pack will act as a polygraph. Alternatively, it is possible to use six cards on which to write as many names, cities, emotions, instruments, or any other idea that makes it possible to freely choose between six elements. The spectator will have to choose the six cards, one of which will have to remain a secret, to be guarded at all costs, even in the face of the four questions that the illusionist will have to ask him so that...

Davide Rubat Remond
La Macchina Della Verità by Davide Rubat Remond

La macchina della verità è un effetto cartomagico che può essere improvvisato in qualunque momento e impiega sei carte, scelte casualmente dallo spettatore, che unite in un mazzetto svolgeranno la funzione di poligrafo. È possibile, in alternativa, l’utilizzo di sei biglietti su cui far scrivere altrettanti nomi, città, emozioni, strumenti o qualunque altra idea che renda possibile una scelta libera tra sei elementi. Lo spettatore dovrà scegliere le sei carte, una delle quali dovrà rimanere un segreto, da custodire ad ogni costo, anche di fronte alle quattro domande che l’illusionista...

Davide Rubat Remond
Undercover Jokers by Davide Rubat Remond

Undercover Jokers is a totally improvised and self-working card-magic effect that can be performed with a borrowed and freely shuffled deck, with the addition of the two Jokers. It tells the action of two investigative jokers acting undercover in search of a particular pair of cards, two figures representing two dangerous fugitives. The last sighting takes place inside a small, mysterious, and crowded club, the Card Club, popular with magicians and gamblers. After identifying and capturing the first criminal among the many people in the club, the two jokers, thanks to their intuition gained...

Davide Rubat Remond
Undercover Jokers (Italian) by Davide Rubat Remond

Jolly sotto copertura è un effetto di cartomagia totalmente improvvisato, può essere eseguito con un mazzo preso in prestito e mescolato liberamente, con l’aggiunta dei due Jolly. Si racconta dell’azione di due jolly investigatori che agiscono sotto copertura alla ricerca di una coppia di carte particolari, due figure che rappresentano due pericolose fuggitive. L’ultimo avvistamento avviene all’interno di un piccolo, misterioso e affollato locale, il Club delle Carte, molto frequentato da maghi e giocatori d’azzardo. Dopo aver identificato e catturato la prima criminale tra le...

Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond
Double ACAAN by Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond

With Double A.C.A.A.N. you will perform exactly the miracle the title promises: using a simple deck of 52 cards that is unmarked and not gimmicked in any way, you will find first one and then another card, both random, after generating a number in an equally unusual and random way.

A special "pad" to be printed in A3+ size, made available as PDF, will be the ideal mat for performing the effect. The various boxes will be completed, first with the choice of a mystery card kept face down and then two uncovered cards, the union of whose suit and value attributes will form a new card absolutely...

Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond
Double ACAAN (Italian) by Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond

Con Double A.C.A.A.N. si compie esattamente il miracolo che il titolo promette: utilizzando un semplice mazzo di 52 carte non segnato e non truccato in alcun modo, si trova prima una e poi un’altra carta, entrambe casuali, dopo aver generato un numero in un modo altrettanto inusuale e randomico.

Uno speciale "tappeino" da stampare in formato A3+ , messo a disposizione con il pdf, sarà lo sfondo ideale per l’esecuzione dell’effetto. Le varie caselle si andranno a riempire, dapprima con la scelta di una carta misteriosa tenuta coperta e poi due carte scoperte, la cui unione degli...

Davide Rubat Remond
Quodlibet Omnia by Davide Rubat Remond

"Quodlibet" means "what you like", to mean the free choice on the part of a spectator, which is the fundamental condition for a successful magic effect. The classic mentalism effect 'Guess the Age' has been explained in all its main aspects. In this treatise, the principle of the binary system and the method of using it in magic are comprehensively examined, and it is explained how to construct classic number tables and their structure. You will be able to construct the new number tables according to a new mathematical structure, which allows you to guess the number thought of by looking at...

Davide Rubat Remond
Quodlibet Omnia (Italian) by Davide Rubat Remond

QUODLIBET significa letteralmente "quello che ti piace", per intendere la scelta libera da parte di uno spettatore, che è la condizione fondamentale per la riuscita di un effetto magico. Il classico effetto di mentalismo "Indovina l'età" è stato spiegato in tutti i suoi aspetti principali, in questo trattato si esamina in modo completo il principio del sistema binario e il metodo per utilizzarlo in magia, si spiega come costruire le classiche tabelle numeriche e la loro struttura. Sarai in grado di realizzare le nuove tabelle numeriche, secondo un nuovo impianto matematico, che permette...

Davide Rubat Remond
Quodlibet 2 by Davide Rubat Remond

Quodlibet literally means "what you like, or what you prefer" and is the theme that links the two publications that bear this name, the first dedicated to an evolution of the numerical tables and a development of the principle applied to a 52-card deck, and the latter Quodlibet 2, which proposes the Tarot version.

An upturned Tarot deck is placed on the table in full view; a spectator will be asked to choose only mentally any one of the 78 Arcana, of the major or minor series as he or she prefers, and to concentrate on it. The spectator will be handed a series of seven folders depicting...

Davide Rubat Remond
Quodlibet 2 (Italian) by Davide Rubat Remond

QUODLIBET significa letteralmente “quello che ti piace, o quello che preferisci” ed è il tema che lega le due pubblicazioni che portano questo nome, la prima dedicata a una evoluzione delle tabelle numeriche e uno sviluppo del principio applicato a un mazzo di 52 carte, e quest'ultimo QUODLIBET 2, che propone la versione con i Tarocchi.

Un mazzo di Tarocchi a dorso in alto è posto sul tavolo in piena vista; a uno spettatore si chiederà di scegliere solo mentalmente uno qualunque dei 78 Arcani, della serie maggiore o minore come più preferisce, e di concentrarsi su di esso. Si consegnerà...

Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond
Wanted Twins by Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond

This is a new self-working card trick: the viewer will choose two cards, to represent the law and by means of which he will get two more cards, lost in the deck, which he will then divide into four bundles. Over the course of two separate stages, the spectator himself will insert the "sheriffs" within the deck, as arbitrarily as possible. The decks will be shuffled, cut and completed but, despite a thousand adversities, the two "sheriff" cards will succeed in tracking down and capturing the two "outlaws," generated by the combination of the first two cards, chosen at random.

The legend...

Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond
Wanted Twins (Italian) by Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond

Questo è un nuovo effetto cartomagico, completamente Automatico: lo spettatore sceglierà due carte, a rappresentare la legge e per mezzo delle quali si ricaveranno altre due nuove carte, disperse nel mazzo, che dividerà poi in quattro mazzetti. Nell’arco di due distinte fasi, gli “Sceriffi” saranno inseriti dallo spettatore stesso all’interno del mazzo, nel modo più arbitrario possibile. I mazzetti saranno mescolati, congiunti, tagliati, divisi e, nonostante le mille avversità, le due carte “Sceriffo” riusciranno a rintracciare e catturare i due “Fuorilegge”, generati...

★★★★★ $12
Davide Rubat Remond
Quodlibet by Davide Rubat Remond

With this work I wanted to celebrate the famous number tables, protagonists of the game "Guess your age". I thought that this game, considered the 'oldest mentalism effect', could be improved and that that weak magic effect could be transformed into something powerful, without increasing the difficulty of execution. By accentuating certain qualities of the principle that governs them, I developed the new cards, the evolved version of the number tables. Everyone knows the classic version of the game: a spectator chooses a number and indicates which and how many tables it is on, the mentalist...

★★★★★ $12
Davide Rubat Remond
Quodlibet (Italian) by Davide Rubat Remond

Con questo lavoro ho voluto celebrare le famose tabelle con i numeri, protagoniste del gioco “Indovina l’età”. Ho pensato che questo gioco, considerato il “più antico effetto di mentalismo”, si potesse migliorare e che quel debole effetto magico si potesse trasformare in qualcosa di potente, senza aumentare le difficolta di esecuzione. Mettendo in risalto alcune qualità del principio che le regola, ho elaborato i nuovi cartoncini, la versione evoluta delle tabelle numeriche. Tutti conoscono la versione classica del gioco: si fa scegliere un numero a uno spettatore, che indica...

Davide Rubat Remond
The Third Eye by Davide Rubat Remond

I started from Karl Fulves' idea called "Voodoo Cards", published on pp. 588-589 of The Pallbearers Review, Vol. 5-8 (November 1969 - October 1973), where a series of five effects proposed as bets are described, with the use of only three cards or tickets written on the spot. Always winning bets and of immediate revelation at first glance, also considering the fact that there are very few elements at stake and the (perceived) probability of success is 50%.

I propose an evolution of Fulves' work with three effects based on the same kind of principle, characterized by an apparent increasing difficulty,...

Biagio Fasano & Renzo Grosso & Davide Rubat Remond
Bending Minds 3 by Biagio Fasano & Renzo Grosso & Davide Rubat Remond

Bending Minds Vol. 3 ends the collection of effects centered on the principle of the binary system, according to a new and innovative vision. In this third volume, not only playing cards will be used to tell our magical stories, but also tickets or some business cards.

You will find 4 new effects and an extra bonus one, using cards or just some tickets, with a number of elements varying from 3 to 7. Throughout the course of the effect, the cards are subject to a dynamic, the positions are constantly changing, each time in a different way. Even more than in the first two volumes you will...

★★★★ $10
Davide Rubat Remond
Souvenirs d'Italie by Davide Rubat Remond

With Souvenirs d'Italie I have wanted to remember and celebrate the old, beloved tourist postcards that were the backdrop to everyone's holidays, those who lived them and those who received them indirectly, almost as an achievement for a promise kept.

Souvenir d'Italie is an effect that makes it possible to make an impossible prediction: one Italian city out of the eight depicted on the postcard is chosen, or even only thought of, by a spectator, who holds them in a bunch in his hands.

The spectator will have to distribute them face down on the table, covered by their respective place...

Biagio Fasano & Renzo Grosso & Davide Rubat Remond
Bending Minds 2 by Biagio Fasano & Renzo Grosso & Davide Rubat Remond

With Bending Minds 2 continues the collection of effects centered on the principle of the binary system, according to a new and innovative vision. From this second volume on, not only playing cards will be used to tell our magical stories, but also simple notes or some business cards.

We present four more effects, two with cards and two with notes, with a number of elements varying from 4 to 8. Throughout the course of the effect, the cards are subject to a dynamic, the positions are constantly changing, each time in a different way. Even more than in the first volume you will be able to...

★★★ $12
Biagio Fasano & Renzo Grosso & Davide Rubat Remond
Bending Minds 1 by Biagio Fasano & Renzo Grosso & Davide Rubat Remond

What is "Bending Minds"?

In this ebook, which will be structured in three volumes, you will see us use cards and simple pieces of paper, to develop mentalism effects that can be conducted live in person, or proposed at a distance, with a video connection or just audio (Zoom, Skype, Meet, etc., or even just on the phone), without the performer being able to see the cards, which are always handled by the viewer.

All descriptions come with a presentation, which is also original, very detailed, and inspired by movies, games, books, or just a simple emotion. A precious dress to be worn whenever...

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