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Elemental by Unknown Mentalist

The owners of this ebook can get Elemental 2 for a special price.

This is that rare routine which can be powerful even in the hands of a beginner. And for a pro this can become a reputation maker. Stunning impact and yet so easy to do that it can be performed within 10 minutes of learning. No sleights, no stooges, no preshow, no reset, instantly repeatable. Nothing is spoken or written down by the participant related to her choices.

About 40 cleverly designed and ready to print props are included. You may not actually need all these because you will only use 5 cards. But they are included as creative options for you to choose from or you can have multiple sets for different performing venues. These sets should suffice you for a lifetime. You would be able to print up to 180 cards, if you choose, with various combos and sizes. That is the range of the printable props included.

The theme and routines have a mystic flavor and relate to a participant's zodiac sign, birthday, weekday of birthday, influencing colors and elements, a birthday magic square - all of which the performer will be able to reveal to the utter amazement of the participant.

The performer will also have a 'natural' option, if he so chooses, to go even further and give appropriate readings to the participants. (Readings are not a part of the scope of this work and so are covered very minimally)

Extremely 'venue flexible'. This works equally well for close up, street, parlor or stage. Packs small and flat but plays really huge.

The method is an old classic but reworked, redesigned, revitalized and repackaged so well that you will find it at a whole new level - very impossible, very memorable, very mysterious and very entertaining. The author has been using this version, in different stages of evolution, for over 15 years now.

A couple of very cool and clever 'no memory' methods to calculate day for a given date in just a single step are built in and included. Finally, the performer will be able to leave some fantastic souvenirs with the participants which they will remember for a very long time.

Peculiarly, the 'Introduction' is given at the end of the manuscript and there is a good reason for that.

1st edition 2016, 100 pages.
word count: 7709 which is equivalent to 30 standard pages of text

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 25 June, 2016

I haven't wrote a review for this effect yet but always meant to.

I like using the ELEMENTAL card backs for this with the Zodiac signs and dates on it also.

Then I can reveal a lot of memorized information starting from this point.

I also print the cards out full size on card stock and laminate them. I call these my ELEMENTAL CARD PLAQUES instead of cards.

I like using SIGNATURE at the spur of the moment when meeting someone and like using ELEMENTAL to give a lot more detailed information to the spectator when time permits.

There is another effect on the market that you can reveal a zodiac sign and birth date on the market with just one card, but this is nice because even though you use 5 cards instead of one, ELEMENTAL is roughly half the price and you can print up more cards if you need them. David W. Burmeister

Reviewed by Chris Cross (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 22 May, 2016

The original fantastic classic principle was unfortunately reduced to a toy. But in Elemental it gets resurrected as a powerful mind reading tool. The author has given a clever new direction to the way this can be performed. The attention to detail is very deep. An enormous load of highly useful information is made available. The ideas behind the printable props are marvellous. I got this a while ago and could perform this many times so far. Easy to carry, very easy to perform and always gets stunned reactions. Apart from the main trick, there are couple of other tricks like day for date and magic square etc which are really cool. I am enjoying performing this. Strongly recommended.

Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 20 March, 2016

Even if you don't buy at special offer price. The full price will still be worth more than the asking price if confused by that statement just follow the Unknown mentalist purchase what and when you can and be amazed at his ideas that flow fast from his fertile mind. Put the practice in add your own style and slant and maybe even encourage your own mind to create more ideas to maybe publish and sell hear. As all except one from hear at the library I have purchased with pride and place amongst my magic working library he wont stay Unknown for long at the rate he produces working and practical ideas that take up little space enjoy I recommend 100%

Reviewed by Scott Druid (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 19 March, 2016

This is enormously power packed. Until I got to the secrets section, I just could not recognize the old classic method. In a most devious manner you gain 2 bits of secret information. Then you use that to do multiple stunning reveals. On the way, you learn a couple of very cool, cheeky day for date shortcuts and a nice birthday magic square. Fantastic props. And what huge variety ! This is way beyond brilliant - just like The Unswami. I would have easily paid 3 times the price. Highly satisfied.

Reviewed by Loki Jedi (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 16 March, 2016

Never ever in over 10 years as magician got this much value for money. Both the design of props and the routines are unbelievably top notch. A definite 'must buy'. The one emotion I feel right now for Mr.UnMe is - gratitude n admiration ! He has taken an old method and turned it into a pulsating power horse.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / DIY, Makers & Builders

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday