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Martin Breese

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New Pentagram Magazine Volume 7 (March 1975 - February 1976)

Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 7 (March 1975 - February 1976) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Lightning Link Plus / Roy Johnson
  • Haunted Spheres / Hubert Roberts
  • Colorblind / Francis Haxton
  • More Patterns for Psychics: Colour Coincidence / Peter Warlock

No. 2
  • Strike a Light Note / John Young
  • I Am A Camera / Jack Avis
  • Gelleritis / Christopher Mieritz-Agito
  • Billy Card Read

No. 3
  • Sympathetic Poker Chips / Lewis Ganson
  • Go Between / Arthur Setterington
  • Happy Birthday / Peter Warlock
  • More Patterns for Psychics: Hypnoprise / Leslie May
  • Flash-Back to Chair-Back / Leslie May

No. 4
  • Carte Blanche / Ali Bongo
  • The Two Guns / Robert Neale
  • Two Into One Will...
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New Pentagram Magazine Volume 6 (March 1974 - February 1975)

Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 6 (March 1974 - February 1975) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Dye-Die / Ian Adair
  • Synonymous Selection / Francis Haxton
  • Colour-Future / Peter Warlock
  • Magic, Pure and Simple (continued) / Peter Warlock
  • Fugue / Peter Warlock
  • Early Koran No. 7 Take it of Leave it!
  • The Givers Professor Hoffmann

No. 2
  • Simple Prediction / Alex Elmsley
  • Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat - Where have you been? / Leslie May
  • Magic, Pure and Simple (conclusion) / Peter Warlock
  • Finesse I / Peter Warlock
  • The Lever Turnover Move / Yeo Soon Kian

No. 3
  • The Spectator "Peek" Force / Jack Avis
  • Think A Word / Peter Warlock
  • The G. D. Coin Fold / Gus Davenport
  • Mexican...
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New Pentagram Magazine Volume 5 (March 1973 - February 1974)

Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 5 (March 1973 - February 1974) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • The Houdini Slates / Peter Warlock
  • Near Future / Karl Fulves
  • The Floating Idol / Douglas Dexter
  • Chipo Lata / Phoa Yan Tiong
  • Security Plus / Francis Haxton

No. 2
  • The 543rd T and R Note / Sam Dalal
  • All in a Box and Drop Through / Peter Warlock
  • Early Koran - Copper Sandwich
  • Herbert Milton's Sympathetic Clubs / George Blake

No. 3
  • The Magic of Mohammed Bey / Sam Dalal
  • Simple Future / Peter Warlock
  • Early Koran: 2. The Ring, Coin and Handkerchief
  • The Unlimited Take' Elevator / Jack Avis

No. 4
  • Monte Plus / Trevor Lewis
  • The N.P. Book Test / Bernard Weller ...
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New Pentagram Magazine Volume 4 (March 1972 - February 1973)

Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 4 (March 1972 - February 1973) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Newstear Telepathy / Fred Lowe
  • Just one More Chance / Ian Adair
  • The Long and the Short / Peter Warlock
  • It is Not What It Seems / Francis Haxton
  • Cut & Restored Knot / Bernard E. Weller

No. 2
  • Claude Chandler's 'Yellow Ray' / Peter Warlock
  • The Incredible Prediction ... Another Handling / Jack Avis
  • Tidy Puss / Peter Warlock
  • What's Your Name??? / George A. Dallison

No. 3
  • The Insto-Transpo Slates / Bayard Grimshaw
  • Fourtuitous / Paul Maxwell
  • The Throw Through Knot / Peter Warlock

No. 4
  • Fade-Away Knots / Peter Warlock
  • Silver and Copper / H. Dudley Whitnall ...
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New Pentagram Magazine Volume 3 (March 1971 - February 1972)

Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 3 (March 1971 - February 1972) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Another Change Fold (1) / Sid Lorraine
  • Delusion / Arthur Setterington
  • Improved Routine for Lippincott Coin Box / Mike Rogers
  • I'll Die for You / Tan Hock Chuan
  • Let's Make it a Prediction / Peter Warlock
  • Another Look at Swindle Flip / Bernard Weller

No. 2
  • Indestructo Envelope and Pound Note / Peter McDonald
  • Black and White / R. Woodhouse Pitman
  • In My Estimation / George Blake
  • Platform Hofzinser Revisited / Francis Haxton
  • Telekinesis / Peter Warlock

No. 3
  • The Invisible Travellers / Phoa Yan Tiong
  • Touch / Wells Lee Payne
  • On the Birthday Magic Square / Bob Neale ...
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New Pentagram Magazine Volume 2 (March 1970 - February 1971)

Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 2 (March 1970 - February 1971) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • It's a Date / Ted Danson
  • Coin Go / Phoa Yan Tiong
  • Doorway to the Unknown / Charles W. Cameron
  • When the Pull Snaps / Ed Marlo

No. 2
  • The Crystal Prisoner / Fred Lowe
  • "Quid" Pro Quo / Tudor Brock
  • Wisdom of the Ages / Arthur Setterington

No. 3
  • The Day of the Reds and the Blues / Herb Runge
  • Simplex Four Pennies Through The Table / Harvey Rosenthal
  • Covered by the Press / Mysta
  • Getaway / Arthur Setterington

No. 4
  • With Thanks to Jennings / Bob Ostin
  • Gils Game / Peter Kane, Gustave Southall
  • Repeat Cut Ribbon / Arthur Setterington
  • The Card on the Ceiling / Gustave...
★★★★ $5
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New Pentagram Magazine Volume 1 (March 1969 - February 1970)

Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 1 (March 1969 - February 1970) by Peter Warlock

No. 1

  • Tele-Card / Milton Kort
  • Pick A Pencil / Ali Bongo
  • Pick A Ribbon / Peter Warlock
  • Strangers Till We Meet / Francis Haxton
  • Imprisioned Ribbon / Arthur Setterington

No. 2
  • Two For The Road / John Derris
  • Queenie / Piet Forton
  • Haddon's Curse / Arthur Setterington

No. 3
  • Chromo Chop Cup / Fred Lowe
  • A Gamblers Insurance Policy / Peter Kane
  • A Strange Levitation / Douglas Dexter
  • Val Walker (1889 - 1969)
  • I Knew That Would Be Your Card / Stanley Jaks

No. 4
  • Ex Pells Ior / Leslie May
  • One Good Turn / Dr. Nicholls Harley
  • Pippin / Peter Warlock
  • The Tredown Joker /...
★★★★★ $5
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Horwitz Add-A-Number Pad

Basil Horwitz
Horwitz Add-A-Number Pad by Basil Horwitz

An amazing utility prop which enables the performer to force any number. Perfect for forcing a phone number or special date.

"The Horwitz Add a Number Pad is, as far as I am concerned, the ultimate of its type." - Graham Jolley
New manufacturing run. This new batch is made with even higher-quality leather than earlier batches. The size of the pad is 9.2 cm (3.6 inches) x 12 cm (4.7 inches).

It is based on the principle of the Basil Horwitz Wallet with the hip-pocket sized leather writing pad locking firmly using embedded magnets. This tool allows a range of mentalist effects for large and small...

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Eric Mason's Pandora (Instructions)

Eric Mason
Eric Mason's Pandora (Instructions) by Eric Mason

[Note: These are only the instructions that came with the gimmick. You will not receive any gimmick. However, with the instructions you are able to construct your own gimmick if you want to.]

Walt Lees wrote in the Pabular:

"This is one of the funniest and most startling ways of producing a selected card that I have even seen. In effect a card is selected and returned to the pack. The card can be marked if so desired. A small box is shown; it is circular with a hinged lid, rather like a ladies powder compact, but smaller. It is placed on top of the pack and opened. Out pops a jack in the box type of snake with the chosen card stuck to its nose. It is as quick and clean as that: There is no fumbling, palming or anything of that kind. The impact comes because the card is bigger than the box...
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Martin Breese Catalog

Martin Breese
Martin Breese Catalog by Martin Breese

This is a very nice catalog designed by David Britland and additional illustrations by Max Maven, Eric Mason and JAT. Products are grouped in the following sections:

  • Tricks
  • Miscellaneous
  • Audio Tapes
  • Video Tapes
  • Books

1st edition 1984; PDF 87 pages.

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Florentin Hold-Out Instructions

Martin Breese
Florentin Hold-Out Instructions by Martin Breese

These are the instructions, including several photos, of the Florentin Hold-Out Martin Breese sold.

1st edition 2010, 8 pages.

★★★ $5
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The Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz: first 5 Volumes

Basil Horwitz
The Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz: first 5 Volumes by Basil Horwitz

Five volumes of creative, practical and professional mentalism created by a master performer. Many effects rely on subtlety rather than complex sleight of hand or expensive props. Basil Horwitz is not as well known as others such as Annemann or Corinda, but purely based on his creativity he can easily hold his ground among the greatest mentalists.

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Al Koran's Original Flying Ring Instructions

Al Koran
Al Koran's Original Flying Ring Instructions by Al Koran

These are the instructions Martin Breese supplied with the Flying Ring trick. This routine can also be found in Al Koran’s Professional Presentation book.

1st edition 2009, 3 pages.

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Instructions for Martin Breese's Reel Collection

Martin Breese
Instructions for Martin Breese's Reel Collection by Martin Breese
  • The Unique Classic Reel
  • The Unique Classic Locking Reel
  • The Unique Classic Double Reel
  • The Unique Classic Double Reel in a Wristwatch
  • Ken Brooke's Method for the Serpent Silk

1st digital edition 2017, 8 pages photo illustrated.

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The Key to Borley Rectory

Martin Breese
The Key to Borley Rectory by Martin Breese

These are the instructions Martin Breese sent with the key. It includes the story how Martin managed to have the perfect keys manufactured. (No key included.)

1st edition 1983, 3 pages.

★★★★ $4
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You Won't Believe Your Eyes

Dave Campbell
You Won't Believe Your Eyes by Dave Campbell

Dave Campbell may be a new name to you but in Scotland he is a highly respected card worker whose creations are both numerous and commercial. You Won't Believe Your Eyes is one of the finest card printing effects we have seen. Five cards, blank on both sides, instantly become duplicates of the spectator's selected card. The routine is visually stunning yet is quite easy to do. The instructions are detailed step by step and are fully illustrated.

One of the strongest points about Dave Campbell's routine is that it can be adapted to so many different themes. Using his handling you needn't restrict...

★★★★★ $7
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Routines for the Bendix Bombshell Wallet

Martin Breese
Routines for the Bendix Bombshell Wallet by Martin Breese

This is a compilation of routines for the Bendix Bombshell Wallet contributed by some of the most recognized performers. The printed version of this booklet comes with every Bendix Bombshell Wallet produce by Martin Breese. A good place to get the wallet is directly from the manufacturer on the Martin Breese website.

  • Card to Wallet by David Bendix
  • A Roy Roth Alternative
  • Marlo Variation of Bendix Presentation
  • Two Selections and a Wallet by David Solomon
  • The Wallet Game by David Solomon
  • The Roy Roth Bombshell Routine
  • The Enigma Bombshell Routine by Bob Driebeek
  • Marlo's Wallet Combination...
★★★★★ $20
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Secrets of a Commercial Card Magician

Paul Gordon
Secrets of a Commercial Card Magician by Paul Gordon
"I have seen Paul performing many times now and I am amazed how he can captivate an audience with just one pack of ungimmicked playing cards. His act is full of comedy yet he cracks few jokes and above all he is a master of misdirection. I know no one else who sets off for top venues with his act in his pockets. As he says, "I wear my act". He takes a back up pack of cards and sometimes a couple of close up items and he is set for complete show." - Martin Breese
This is a recording of Martin Breese interviewing Paul Gordon. You will hear stories from Paul's magic life, how he got into magic in the first...
★★★★★ $10
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Roger Crosthwaite
Mindboggler by Roger Crosthwaite

This is Roger Crosthwaite's method of working the Classic Force and Contrapuntal Switch.

1st edition 1982, 1st digital edition 2016, 7 pages.

★★★★★ $5
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The Cosmic Connection / The Cosmic Deck

Alec Pendle
The Cosmic Connection / The Cosmic Deck by Alec Pendle


You show two packs of cards. One red and one blue backed. You ask a spectator to touch one of the packs. The pack is offered to the spectator and she is asked to put the pack of cards in a pocket. Taking the pack of cards with the blue backs you fan them face and back to show that the cards are normal. You shuffle the cards, cut and complete the cut. The cards are spread face down on the table and you ask a spectator to run his fingers backwards and forwards across the cards...using his hand rather like a pendulum. At any moment he chooses you ask him to touch the back of one of the...

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Al Koran's Secrets

Graham Jolley & Martin Breese
Al Koran's Secrets by Graham Jolley & Martin Breese

Performed and explained by Graham Jolley in conversation with Martin Breese

This download DVD is the final work of Martin Breese’s long career in magic. So determined was he to see this produced that whilst ill he forced the hospital to send him home for the filming. He had a great passion for the work of Al Koran and great respect for Graham Jolley – ‘Britain’s most baffling mind reader’.

Martin had spent many years trying to bring these together and the passion and humor is evident as they talk about their hero. The two discuss the life of Al Koran and Graham Jolley demonstrates and...

★★★ $20
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MP4 (video)

Amazing Unfaked Book Test

Val Andrews
Amazing Unfaked Book Test by Val Andrews

"A brilliant and versatile principle that has stood the test of time." Ian Rowland

This is an unbelievable book test. Just imagine taking a modern book; perhaps a best seller in the bookshops right now. The book is genuine and is completely unfaked in any way. You can even ask a member of the audience or perhaps someone on a radio show that you will be talking to, to bring along a copy of the Da Vinci Code or whatever you choose to use. Or you could do this impromptu with any book as long as you have a couple of minutes private time with the book.

You have the book examined and you...

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The Master Key: book test

Terri Rogers
The Master Key: book test by Terri Rogers

This is probably the finest book test using special books that has ever been released.

This is a remarkable set of three books which allow you to do four different book tests:

And if that is not enough The Master Key is so cleverly constructed that you can immediately repeat it for the same audience. It took Terri Rogers several years to create this book test.

The Master Key book test runs like this: A spectator has a completely free choice of any of the three different books. Then they can also...

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This, That and the Other

Stephen Tucker
This, That and the Other by Stephen Tucker

This is a miracle trick from the fertile, inventive and, dare we say, dangerous mind of Stephen Tucker.

You have three red-backed cards: two cards marked THIS one card with the word THAT. All you have to do is keep your eye on THAT but most of the time you get THAT wrong and it is THIS and when you get THIS and THAT wrong suddenly the back of THIS turns blue!

At the end of the routine you deal the three cards down on to the table and a new card appears bearing the word OTHER. So you have to explain as you deal the cards that to do this trick properly you will need THIS, THAT and a bit...

★★★★★ $15
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