This is a very efficient and deceptive move by Steve Draun. A card that is inserted into the deck automatically ends up in the gambler's cop.
Chris Wasshuber independently developed this move in 1993 during his stay in Japan including an important visual convincer. If you want to learn this improved variation email him. He might be talked into releasing it. If you can't get Chris to talk then check out the Huot/Duperre control from Magic Menu volume 10. It is very similar to what Chris is doing.
runtime: 33s...
This is an idea by John Cornelius where a card is pushed into a fan and during closing the fan the card is stolen into a Tenkai palm.
runtime: 1min 17s
Tony Slydini used this move for his famous Helicopter Card trick. A card is stolen into a Tenkai palm while it is inserted into a fan.
runtime: 56s
This is Larry Jennings' version of Joe Berg's palm, originally published in Classic Magic of Larry Jennings. It is a multiple-top palm.
runtime: 46s
If you need to palm several cards at once, this is an effective method. Originally this move appeared in The Royal Road to Card Magic.
runtime 54s
This is the set of 8 download DVDs at a special low bundle price. It is an encyclopedia of card moves, taught and demonstrated by one of the best card handlers alive - Allan Ackerman. On top of it Ackerman also teaches many wonderful card routines where he applies the moves just taught.
This is not a set of download DVDs you will sit down and watch from start to finish. It is a body of work you will refer to piece by piece. For example, you might be in the process to study an effect that uses a move unfamiliar to you. Then you will turn to this encyclopedia, find the move and learn it from...
Palming. Allan Ackerman takes you through a staggering list of palming techniques including Tenkai Palm, Gambler's Cop, Vernon Top Palm, Slydini Fan Steal, Marlo Bottom Palm, Side Steal to Palm, Bluff Control, and many more.
Allan Ackerman is one of the world's foremost experts at sleight-of-hand magic with playing cards. Allan is one of those humble down to earth guys with incredible chops. He executes the moves flawlessly and teaches them in a straight forward easy to grasp manner. On this incredible multi-volume series of DVDs, you will be treated to an instructional course encompassing...
Sleights & Moves:
Sleights & Moves:
Sleights & Moves:
Sleights & Moves:
Sleights & Moves:
Controls. Breaks, peeks, glimpses, crimps, jogs, passes, shifts, twists, reversals, replacements, shuffle controls, hofzinser control, convincing control...all the good stuff you need to know to have full control of your deck of cards.
Sleights & Moves:
False Deals. Allan Ackerman teaches the Second Deal, Bottom Deal and Center Deal, plus a number of variations and methods including effects with these moves. The Side Glide developed by Dai Vernon is a piece of beauty - minimal movement - maximum impact.
Allan Ackerman is one of the world's foremost experts at sleight-of-hand magic with playing cards. Allan is one of those humble down to earth guys with incredible chops. He executes the moves flawlessly and teaches them in a straight forward easy to grasp manner. On this incredible multi-volume series of DVDs, you will be treated to an instructional...
Allan Ackerman is considered one of the top cardmen in the world. He has an incredibly broad repertoire with cards. In Las Vegas Kardma you'll find over 50 choice Ackerman masterpieces, ranging from completely self working to the knucklebusters that cardmen love to study. Allan's routines are designed with one main goal, totally devastate an audience.
Table of Contents