Burling Hull
(9th September 1889 - 19th November 1982)
Born in Brookly, New York City. Inspired by and learned in 1893 at age 4 when invented first trick. Pro since 1907 or 1908 when he began his life-long career as a mail-order magic dealer, initially under own name. Soon turned to teaching and writing booklets on specialized subjects in magic. His first was the 93-page Expert Billiard Ball Magic (1910), an instant success and also the first step-by-step photo-illustrated how-to magic book. Subsequently a prolific author. Invented Svengali Deck (1909), Menetekel Deck (1910), and probably the Floating Lightbulb (by 1931). Retired in Florida. Although an important figure in magic, his often outrageous claims and many empty promises led him to be widely known as 'Hurling Bull'.
Used many pseudonyms, including 'Clif Westfield' (in 1907), 'The White Wizard' (1912-18), 'Gilbert Galt' (pen name of novelettes in pulp magazines c1916), 'Gilbert Gault' (as pretend editor in 1930s), 'Sylvester Walters' (as pretend editor of Sealed Mysteries), 'Volta' (stage name since 1932), 'Lou Hall' (his pretend agent in 1950s), and 'Gid Dayn' (1959-61, his coy rendering of 'God Damn').