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Burling Hull

Burling Hull

(9th September 1889 - 19th November 1982)

Born in Brookly, New York City. Inspired by and learned in 1893 at age 4 when invented first trick. Pro since 1907 or 1908 when he began his life-long career as a mail-order magic dealer, initially under own name. Soon turned to teaching and writing booklets on specialized subjects in magic. His first was the 93-page Expert Billiard Ball Magic (1910), an instant success and also the first step-by-step photo-illustrated how-to magic book. Subsequently a prolific author. Invented Svengali Deck (1909), Menetekel Deck (1910), and probably the Floating Lightbulb (by 1931). Retired in Florida. Although an important figure in magic, his often outrageous claims and many empty promises led him to be widely known as 'Hurling Bull'.

Used many pseudonyms, including 'Clif Westfield' (in 1907), 'The White Wizard' (1912-18), 'Gilbert Galt' (pen name of novelettes in pulp magazines c1916), 'Gilbert Gault' (as pretend editor in 1930s), 'Sylvester Walters' (as pretend editor of Sealed Mysteries), 'Volta' (stage name since 1932), 'Lou Hall' (his pretend agent in 1950s), and 'Gid Dayn' (1959-61, his coy rendering of 'God Damn').

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Burling Hull
Bulletin of Latest Sleights and Tricks by Burling Hull
  • The Pass Surpassed
  • Chameleon Card
  • Henry Hardin's Handkerchief Production
  • B. H. Additional Wrinkle To Show Both Palms At Once
  • Additional Wrinkle
  • Super-Supreme Force
  • Concluding The Effect
  • Auto-Operative Shuffle
  • Handkerchief Creation
  • Climax Color Change
  • The Wonder Pass
  • The Impromptu Magician
  • The Indeceptive Deception
  • Burling Hull "Invisible Pass"
  • A Unique Thimble "Move"
  • Burling Hull Thimble Production

1st edition 1914, 26 pages; PDF 20 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Burling Hull
How to Answer Questions for Crystal Gazing and Mind Reading Acts by Burling Hull

Explaining the Burling Hull method of reducing the subject to a system - by classifying questions in four divisions and rendering answers according to a set of prescribed principles for each classification.

This work provides a clear description of a highly practical method of how to answer questions, and how to avoid or answer difficult questions. It also includes information on how to construct the introductory talk. This was part of Annemann's Five Foot Shelf and is therefore required reading for mentalists. It does not explain how to get knowledge of the questions themselves but there are several ways to do that,...

★★★★ $10
Burling Hull
Nine Great Card Tricks by Burling Hull

Most tricks explained require a double backer, sometimes the same back double-backer, sometimes a different back double-backer.

  • Introductory
  • The Two Fold Miracle
  • Insto-Transpo!
  • The Startling Stop!
  • The Double Force
  • Double Comedy Relief
  • "Satan Behind You"
  • Chameleon Backs
  • Remote Control
  • False Faces

1st edition 1933, 8 pages; PDF 14 pages.

★★★★ $8
Burling Hull
Double Magic with Cards by Burling Hull

Card tricks requiring one or more double-facers.

The 18 tricks were supplied by U. F. Grant. Burling Hull writes:

Once in a decade, comes an array of unique and miraculous card mysteries - and introducing revolutionary magical principles in this branch of mystification. Such are the card feats in this book. Many of the experiments have been viewed by American foremost magical critics, and pronounced "Amazingly Ingenious".


This book includes some amazing deceptions with DOUBLE FACE CARDS (cards with faces printed on both sides) which may be introduced into almost any standard pack (and frequently...

Burling Hull
Expert Billiard Ball Manipulation Part 2 (used) by Burling Hull

Softcover stapled in good condition. Some discoloration on the spine and one small spot on the front. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

★★★★★ $10
Burling Hull
Expert Billiard Ball Manipulation Part 2 by Burling Hull
  • Settings
  • Chapter Eight More Original Hull Effects
    • Rainbow Spheres
    • Novel Method Of Obtaining Balls
    • Ball Through Handkerchief
    • Finish For Ball And Hkf.
    • B. H. Latest Color Change
  • Chapter Nine Special Balls
    • The Excelsior Ball Trick
    • Chameleon Ball
    • Multiplying Balls
    • Rouge Et Noir
    • Hkf. And Ball
    • Polychromatic Ball
    • Ball And Goblet
    • Ball And Hkf. Change
    • "Top Vest Servante"
    • Attachments
    • Ball - Holders
    • Ball Pull
    • Clutch Pull
    • Vanishing Ball
    • Henry Hardins Auto Vanishing Ball
    • The Sucker
    • Ball Spider
    • Other Apparatus
  • Chapter Ten Special Balls Designed By Author
    • The "Poufe" Ball ...
★★★★★ $10
Burling Hull
Expert Billiard Ball Manipulation Part 1 by Burling Hull

Burling Hull was indeed an excellent billiard ball manipulator, and this is a very good introduction to the art.

Paul Fleming wrote about part 1 and 2:

For thirty-five years we have been giving and watching programs of magic, and in all this time we have not known a single instance of an audience failing to receive with enthusiasm a first-rate exhibition of billiard-ball work. Properly done, with a moderate display of grace and with appropriate musical accompaniment, the "billiard-ball trick" is as pleasing a demonstration of dexterity as anyone could wish to see. Among the performers of the past who...

★★★★ $8
Burling Hull
The World's Greatest Mental Tests by Burling Hull

Contains some of the most closely-held secrets for apparently reading the minds of your spectators in a clear, convincing manner. Nearly $600 worth of valuable secrets (based on the catalog values in today's money).

Partial contents:

  • Introduction
  • Number-Vision Flight
  • Volta's Spiro-Predicto (2 Methods)
  • Annemann's Fourth Dimensional Telepathy
  • Variation
  • Master Memory Feat
  • Thought Transference Superb
  • Thought Projection
  • Dunninger's "Television" (3 Methods)
  • About the Author
The Annemann effect by itself makes this compendium a huge value. But we predict that you'll also get much mileage from the Master...
★★★★ $8
Burling Hull
The Miracle Floating Light Effect by Burling Hull

Get more mileage from your floating lamp or ball effect with this outstanding ebook. The floating light is a beautiful and mysterious stage effect whereby an illuminated light bulb (that may be in a lamp) visibly detaches itself and floats across the stage, apparently under the performer's control. The performer makes mystic gestures toward himself and the lighted bulb floats toward him and lands in his palm. It may be carried to the footlights and shown all around. It can even be laid on the palm of a spectator. The magician then throws the bulb away from him several feet, and at a snap of...

Burling Hull
A Modern Handkerchief Act with Patter (used) by Burling Hull

Softcover bound with a string and folded. For details on content see the digital edition.

Burling Hull
Master Sleights with Billiard Balls (used) by Burling Hull

Softcover stapled in landscape format. A nice copy with small tears in front cover. For details on content see the digital edition.

★★★★★ $8
Burling Hull
Last Word Blindfold Methods by Burling Hull

Over $500 of professional mentalists' blindfold secrets are divulged in this insider's publication. The use of a blindfold adds a flair of mystery and showmanship to any mental or psychic presentation. It lends a dramatic touch that makes the audience sit up and pay attention. An astounding twelve different blindfolds are revealed -fourteen methods in all, making this one of the most complete compendiums on this subject ever to be assembled.

Explained are methods used by stage mentalists, club entertainers, psychic "office" workers and phony mediums to present "eyeless vision", "seeing with...

★★★★ $12
Burling Hull
52 Sealed Message Reading Methods by Burling Hull

Over $1,200.00 of professional mentalists secrets are divulged in this illustrated volume, originally released as a limited edition that is now out of print.

To make it even more compelling, three new methods are included in this newly revised and updated edition (the original edition actually only contained 49 methods). Now you get a full 52!

Explained are methods used by stage mentalists, club entertainers, psychic "office" workers and phony mediums to obtain the data and, if not captured by the performer himself, how to secretly send this information to the mentalist.


★★★★ $12
Burling Hull
The World's Best Psychic Book Tests by Burling Hull

Book tests comprise some of the most stunning effects in the mentalist's arsenal. Here, completely explained, are many of the cleverest, most transparent mental demonstrations ever assembled.

Selling for the equivalent of over $50 in today's buying power when it was first released, this manuscript contains some of the most jealously guarded secrets ever developed for apparently reading the minds of your spectators in a clear, convincing manner.

Not just bare bones descriptions, Hull provides complete patter and the thought behind the workings for several outstanding tests using books...

Burling Hull
Master Sleights with Billiard Balls by Burling Hull

A series of original sleights with miniature billiard balls including an explanation of the author's ball stand and vanishing apparatus, and a thirty minute manipulative act.

Owing to the remarkable increase in the popularity of experiments with Miniature Billiard Balls, since the publication of “Expert Billiard Ball Manipulation,” and to the frequently expressed wish that I might have something further on this subject to offer Manipulative Artists, I have been induced to delay the publication of the next volume of the series and give preference to a supplementary volume of original ball...

Burling Hull
A Modern Handkerchief Act with Patter by Burling Hull

The subtitle reads: An up-to-date program of selected tricks with handkerchiefs for magical entertainers playing Lyceum, club or stage engagements with humorous patter for all tricks introduced in the act, accompanied by instructions for gesture, facial expression and intonation to which is added a supplement explaining, and illustrating with diagrams, the construction and preparation of the apparatus, faked handkerchiefs and devices employed and their mechanical operation.

  • Introduction
  • Nature of the Act
  • Preparation...
★★★★ $7.95
Burling Hull
33 Rope Ties and Chain Releases by Burling Hull

The art of rope tying and methods of obtaining releases from ropes, chains and shackles. New cut and restored rope effects including a number of original ties and releases.

  • Houdini Did Not Steal This Book!
  • Introduction
  • Special Instructions For Beginners Suggestion As To Arrangement And Application
  • Handling Committee
  • Rope Tying And Release Methods
    • The Mysterious Knots
    • The Kellar Tie
    • The Improved Kellar Tie
    • The Figure 8 Tie
    • The Mysterious Tie
    • B. H. Strangle Rope Tie
    • Important Points
    • "New Spirit Tape Tie"
    • The Twentieth Century Tie
    • B. H. Triumph Tie
    • The Ten Ichi Thumb Tie
    • The Excelsior...
★★★★ $5
Burling Hull
The G-d D--n Truth About Magic by Burling Hull

This magazine, consisting of 9 issues, was primarily Burling Hull's way to attack and undermine mentalist and dealer Robert Nelson of Columbus, Ohio. Burling Hull was known for his short fuse. He took issue with Robert Nelson criticizing him. Hull's revenge was to start this magazine and attack Nelson.

Hull would later sell reprints of Nelson's manuscripts, to whoever would buy them, for a fraction of what Nelson had been charging. This and other antics, got Hull booted out of the Magic Dealers Association.

1st edition 1959, 38 pages.

★★★★ $5
Burling Hull
Sealed Mysteries by Burling Hull

This is one of the earliest publications which has Burling Hull's Svengali deck described. Hull called it originally the "Cards Mysterious". Even in this early publication he complains about unauthorized copies being sold by unscrupulous dealers. A hundred years later and nothing has changed. We still have magic retailers and manufacturers producing and selling illegal and unauthorized copies of magic products.

One thing has changed though over the last 100 years - the use of Bicycle cards. Hull writes:

One of the objections to the trick is that the design of the backs are that of Bicycle...

★★★★ $7
Burling Hull
The Volta System by Burling Hull

The Volta System For The Feat Of Reading Sealed Messages ... says it all! Burling Hull’s personal verbosity shows up in this 16 page booklet of "the latest advances for the reading of sealed messages." In 1929, when this was released, it was the final word in sealed message reading. Today, it still ranks at the top of any list of secrets of this kind.

It covers: impromptu work with borrowed stationary; the first practical solution of what was once considered an impossible feat; the ability of this "Power" to always be available to the performer

These words from Burling Hull were used...

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