Henry Hatton
(16th December 1837 - 24th December 1922)
Born in New York. Stage name of Patrick Henry Cannon since 1867. Inspired seeing Heimbürger, J.H. Anderson, and Macallister. Self-taught. Wrote (as P.H. Cannon) the Lessons in Magic series, which ran from 1865 to 1868 in Our Young Folks (Boston). Notable because, like Hoffmann's later Modern Magic, it was largely based on Ponsin. Pro since 1867 when he interrupted the Lessons in Magic series to begin touring. Joined SAM 1902 as Member #21. Co-authored (as Henry Hatton with Adrian Plate) Magicians' Tricks (1910), a classic that Henry Hay rightly called the 'first American general textbook' of magic. The co-authors drew the wrath of many colleagues for public exposure by permitting key sections to be reprinted in St. Nicholas, a bestselling magazine for boys. Hatton weathered this scandal to become President of SAM 1912-14.
Coauthors: Adrian Plate