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Ken Muller
F.U.N. Magic: Coin Production Inspirations by Ken Muller

An in-depth exploration into four innovative approaches to coin production methods.

Swidle - the continuous concealment of a coin during other actions so that it is available for production when needed. The coin is idled with both hands shown empty using natural hand movements.

PileUp - adding a magical spin to the normal process of picking up three coins from the table. This plays with audience attention, expectations and sets several patterns of performance for later productions or coin effects.

OnceLoad - a method of supporting multiple coin productions without repeated trips to...

Ken Muller
Full-On Mystique by Ken Muller

The ebook details the history, theory, psychology, and techniques of the 'Full-On' coin production approach developed over many decades.

Four different methods are explained, each slightly different to accommodate different settings/framing, but each remembered as Full-On.

There are no effects in this ebook. Check out Eminent Coin Production as one way to combine all four methods. Each method can be a 'stand-alone' production mixed with other favorite methods.

The search was for the perfect coin production of one or several coins from thin air where both hands are displayed as completely empty. The standard...

★★★★★ $8
Ken Muller
Tap 3 Times by Ken Muller

This is a multi-phase impromptu routine using three borrowed quarters or other found objects - just an introductory "attention grabber" I have used for many decades.

One coin penetrates your hand, then all three. With full attention now, the coins migrate one at a time to the other hand - not a 3Fly as the coins are waist high and the hands are shown empty between phases (no gaff or extra).

Five simple bits of magic in growing intensity and under increasing scrutiny - fully surrounded. Not for beginners. Moderate coin skills, confidence, and live human interaction experience required....

Ken Muller
Eminent Coin Production by Ken Muller

An "almost perfect" production of four individual coins from thin air. This is ideal as a prelude for an effect like Coins Across, Coins Thru Table or even 3Fly.

  1. both hands are displayed as completely empty
  2. a coin is snatched from the air by the openly shown right fingers
  3. a second coin is seen to visibly materialize and is plucked for thin air by the left fingers
  4. the righthand coin is added to the one on the left palm with both hands shown otherwise empty (Note: There is no movement to the body and then hands never touch - no gaffs either.)
  5. a third coin is seen to materialize in the air...
★★★★ $20
Ken Muller
Cup of T by Ken Muller

Unique magical effects and routine ideas made possible by the handle on a tea, demitasse or christening cup. Dozens of new moves, sleights, and subtleties beyond traditional cups and balls and chop cup routines.

Descriptions and definitions of T-cups and objects suitable for producing minor miracles and new feats of conjuring with free and ungaffed materials – simple teacups and small, common objects.

Explanation of more than sixty (60) moves using T-cups.

Detailed patterns of performance with T-cups using these moves.

A complete description and identification of 57 cup and ball...

Ken Muller
Mental Recipe by Ken Muller

A complete, multi-phase mentalism routine using a standard cookbook and recipe cards as a demonstration of mind-to-mind communication in a blending of telepathy and empathic awareness. No boring single words or numbers. Food. Tasty dishes.

A progressive series of telempathy effects using images of food, flavors and party fun in which the performer and audience members take turns sending and receiving accurate mental pictures for recipe cards and any common food recipe book. These employ 'Beta Framing Techniques' that allow the performer to be across the room when the cookbook is opened...

Ken Muller
More Than Adept by Ken Muller

An enhanced pendulum demonstration for a group audience.

A volunteer uses a pendulum to "read the mind" of other spectators with the performer far away.

This demonstration can easily have the greatest impact on a lay audience of any mentalism effect you may ever perform. It is not a demonstration of your psychic skills but of latent talents of each spectator. The purpose is to enhance the perceptual awareness of each spectator, enhance belief in paranormal abilities, engender trust and align group energy and focus. Thus, More Than Adept can serve as a transition from a simple pendulum...

Ken Muller
Grandma Choice by Ken Muller

A small group mentalism demonstration.

This is a telepathy acuity test for 4-6 participants using colored stones, buttons, dominoes, or any objects of distinct identity. An ideal routine to acquaint spectators with mentalism and telepathic possibilities, leading to more profound experiments.

You orchestrate a demonstration of latent paranormal abilities using simple objects and an innocent random selection process. All participants test their ability in making intuitive guesses as to the location of hidden objects. The results are better than chance and usually very astonishing/profound....

Ken Muller
In Your Pocket by Ken MullerAn incredible impromptu mentalism effect where a spectator reads your mind. You think of an object and the spectator names it. A different result every time. Simple - profound! This is ideal for a lead-in to other mentalism effects. Just something I learned from Arnold Furst in 1959 and have done hundreds of times with business owners.

1st edition 2021, PDF 3 pages.

★★★★★ $8
Ken Muller
Untouched by Ken Muller

A Copper/Silver transportation in which the performer's hands never touch the coins.

A copper coin in the hands of one spectator changes places with a silver coin in another spectator. The performer is across the room and never touches the coins at all! No gaffs or gimmicked coins. Everything can be handled and is.

This effect can easily combine with other C/S effects, and the unique "Tweener" method can be applied to other effects.

1st edition 2021, 4 pages.

★★★ $8
Ken Muller
Close Call by Ken MullerA profound demonstration of psychic or paranormal acuity utilizing a single volunteer while engaging the entire audience.

It is ideal as an introduction to any mentalism act in which spectator participation and rapt attention is critical, but can also work as a stand-alone presentation or a transition from conjuring to mentalism. You leave the audience in a state of stunned silence, trust and respect. There are no tricks - nothing to learn - no practice (not possible, actually). It is real. This is a natural, innate ability of all humans demonstrated in a dramatic way.

Impromptu. Can be...

Ken Muller
Satchel of Secrets: F.U.N. Presentation Series by Ken Muller

Learn some "real secrets of magic" - not the stuff that comes in the box. Gleaned from 60+ years of performing under various conditions. Dozens of quotes, ideas, ponderings and quips about performing magic that will change the way you perform, deal with audiences, create routines, select volunteers, practice and more.

No magic effects are taught here, just exciting ways to be better at what you do - and to appreciate being a magician.

1st edition 2018, 16 pages.

Ken Muller
ESPlosion Telempathy by Ken Muller

Take your ESP card effects to a new dimension. This is a complete, multi-phase telempathy routine, that progresses from a simple match card effect to a magazine test, then a book test, then a more profound reveal of complex and detailed information - above and beyond expectations and traditional telepathy routines.

There is a bonus ESP card effect that will leave the audience speechless.

The 'explosion' is the belief in mind-to-mind communication.

This uses 'Once Removed' techniques and requires an ESP deck and book test familiarity.

1st edition 2021, PDF 52 pages.

Ken Muller
Chop Sign by Ken Muller

Expanded uses of a Chop Cup.

Theory, sleights and several unique effects. This explores flaws in traditional Chop Cup routines and offers solutions. Move beyond "what came in the box."

1st edition 2009, PDF 43 pages.

Ken Muller
Scout Around by Ken Muller

One cup effects using a silicone collapsible drinking cup.

Innovative sleights, moves, and effects created when the Boy Scouts changed to this cup in 2009. Now, many silicone cups are available. These methods work with them all. One can use crochet balls, or nuts, candy, pebbles - most any small objects. No need for the expensive versions from Europe. This came first and is much simpler.

Chop Cup? Yes, several ways to gaff this cup, but you don't have to. Many exciting magic effects without the limitations of the traditional gaff. Move beyond a Chop Cup. Move beyond a solid cup. Always...

★★★★★ $8
Ken Muller
Furst Time by Ken Muller

Glimpses into the mind of one of mentalism's pioneers.

"Arnold Furst taught me a thing or two back in '59 that you ought to know - about presence and timing, charity and goodwill, and keeping an audience on its toes. Oh yes, Magic, too."

Six effects and related stories about Arnold and his mentoring of young folks. Some methods are very old with a new approach. Others will be new to the reader. Something of value for every mentalist and entertainer.

JUST A MAGAZINE: An impromptu Mental Effect with a 'found' magazine, anywhere, anytime. Ideal for small groups, sales training or teaching...

★★★★★ $6
Ken Muller
BaseMental by Ken Muller

A collection of nine mental type effects and methods learned fifty years ago from people - not books. No confederates or gimmicks are used in any of these mental demonstrations. Simple - Profound - Effective. I have never seen these in print in any form. All were learned from older mentors during my teen years and never forgotten.

THREE for ALL: Three spectators freely select cards from a borrowed deck and place them in their pockets. You reveal all three by the "Whisper of a Lady."

ENVELOPED: Several spectators seal written items in envelopes. A second spectator holds these against his...

Ken Muller
Sanitized Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application as a variation of Thrifty Telempathy for use in a "no-touch" or social distancing environment, to include senior centers and venues with physical disabilities. It features several mechanical forces in place of Beta Framing including the "Manna Concept" that will be new to many performers.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 18 pages.

Ken Muller
Steroid Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application using a standard book test in a two-phase presentation that can greatly enhance its impact and astonishment. The book test must be of a novel "can be passed out" variety book. This can easily segue into Thrifty or Basic Telempathy. ABAT experience is recommended but not essential.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 19 pages.

Ken Muller
ABAT Telempathy by Ken Muller

Any book - any time

This is a 'stand-alone' application for a completely impromptu demonstration using any novel found at the site or provided by a spectator. This has less potential astonishment impact than Thrifty or Basic but gains in the completely "free choice" area. It features the "Teach Posture" and Beta Framing. This approach is an ideal back-up for the other applications and essential for the completely prepared mystic performer.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 18 pages.

Ken Muller
Thrifty Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application for situations in which no printed novel is common or available. This unique approach gets around the "your book" taint of a standard book test and features the "Mental Test Posture" and Beta Framing. Maximum flexibility for a variety of venues and audiences. The recommended "best place to start" in the Series.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 22 pages.

Ken Muller
Engage Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application featuring the basic application suitable for a home or business impromptu demonstration. It requires performing competence and experience with either Thrift or ABAT Telempathy and those ebooks for reference. This approach allows for the highest degree of audience engagement and impactful experience.

A Novel Thought ebook is also recommended.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 64 pages.

Ken Muller
A Novel Thought by Ken Muller

Not for those who already have Telepathy Once Removed.

This is the "Concept, Theory and Method" companion for the stand-alone ebooks Thrifty, ABAT and Steroid Telempathy, designed for those competent in one or more of these applications who wants a "Graduate Course" in presentation methods.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 91 pages.

Ken Muller
Telepathy Once Removed by Ken Muller

Telepathy above and beyond a book test. Innovative methods, sleights, and stratagems.

Once Removed offers a novel approach to demonstrating telepathy between two people. It allows a performer to receive multiple mental images from an audience volunteer, based on a freely selected book never read by either person before. Move beyond any book test to an astonishing telempathic experience.

This is the master guide for the Once Removed Series from which A Novel Thought, Engage, Thrifty, ABAT and Steroid Telempathy evolved.

This ebook includes all of these applications, plus the concepts and theory behind Beta Framing, Imbed, Tritech, Book...

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