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Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading in Mentalism & Spiritism: page 4


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★★★★★ $10
Robert A. Nelson
Dantes System of Livespan Reading by Robert A. Nelson

Without any written or preliminary foolishness, The Dantes System allows you to deliver a terrific psychological reading to most any spectator. A reading so cleverly conceived and thought-out that it smacks of genuine mindreading.

This sight-reading is apparently the answer to the sitter's innermost thoughts, touching upon the trials and tribulations of the individual, delving into his or her past, discussing the present and probing deeply into the future.

Dantes devoted his life to "sight reading" and is regarded as a most successful reader. If you want to devastate a total stranger by...

★★★ $8
W. G. Magnuson
20th Century Mindreading by W. G. Magnuson

20th Century Mindreading is a classic and is considered to be one of the best things that G. W. Magnuson ever released. It is the Holy Grail when it comes to cold-readings. It contains the Alain DeLysle cold reading spiel which many mentalists consider the best cold reading ever written.

The DeLysle reading is brilliantly conceived and will hit 99 out of a 100 sitters. When you first read it, you will think someone has written a detailed life history of you! It's that good. This is considered a full-blown reading and goes from cradle to grave.

All you have to do is read it over a few times...

★★★★★ $8
Numerology for Everybody by Montrose

Discover the fascinating subject of Numerology and see what your personal numbers reveal about you.

This ebook is an excellent introduction to the fascinating world of numerology. With no special equipment or training, the student can use the methods revealed in this handbook to determine if his or her date of birth is considered "lucky" or if their name or address used in correspondence or business carries a favorable impression on others.

The author also identifies common personality traits associated with specific numbers, allowing the reader a unique opportunity for introspection....

★★★★ $49
B. W. McCarron
Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart Pitch Book Kit by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book and give private readings to clients after your show to double your performance income!*

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table - money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for printed copies of the Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart booklet. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you.

Your audiences will flock to the sales...

★★★★ $8
Floyd Gerald Thayer
Dr. Q's Tarot Telepathy by Floyd Gerald Thayer

Finally, a two-person mentalism act that doesn't use complicated codes, expensive electronics or stooges.

This is a godsend for the average mentalist, who may be wary of the time spent in training (and retraining) partners for the traditional two-person act. Tarot Telepathy transcends the code requirement, relying instead on the clever application of the "cradle-to-grave" type of psychological reading offered by the professional medium.

The performer, acts as the Medium, and is blindfolded and seated upon stage. His female assistant circulates among the audience, and randomly stands beside...

Robert A. Nelson
Private Medium's Secret Guide by Robert A. Nelson

What is the Private Medium's Secret Guide? What "secret" information does it contain? Is it the "Secret Blue Book" of the Spiritualists, often whispered about, but never seen? Just what does the guide contain?

The author is a person who has devoted his life to psychic research, both fraudulent and real--and writes not from theory, but from years of practical experience as a practicing psychologist and reader. His conclusions will be found in the pages of his guide. His advice and counsel on successful reading and counselling--and page upon page of "psychological readings", those exclusive...

★★★★★ $75
Devin Knight
The Ultimate Psychic Secret by Devin Knight
"I do a lot of Q&A act in my shows and I have different ways to get people info. This for sure is another tool I will have at my disposal when I can. Thanks Devin for releasing this." - Luca Volpe

"This is a shocking book. I will never use it, but every mentalist should own it to know what is going on. It is a valuable reference, but do not use it. Like a modern-day nightmare alley, it exposes the dark underbelly of the art. It should be in your library, but much feels immoral, and you must be hip to it. Treasure it, like a radioactive isotope, but keep your distance." - Marc Salem


★★★★★ $15
Matteo Filippini
Tarot Magic by Matteo Filippini

Tarot Magic is an ebook about ... you guessed it, magic with tarot cards. (Several effects use marked tarot cards.)

Matteo Filippini, Italian musician and mystery artist, provides his view about it. Between the pages you will find suggestions, hints and tips to include this magical tool in your performances. The second part of the ebook features several routines with a tarot pack from Matt and a bunch of friends. Whether you are a magician, a mentalist/mindreader, a bizarre magick performer, you will find something for you.

From the Foreword:

"Tarot Magic, a collection of routines and...

★★★★ $10
Robert A. Nelson
Psychological Reading by Robert A. Nelson

NOTE: This reading is also contained in the Nelson book, Confessions of a Medium.

Amaze any spectator, even one whom you've not met before, by giving an in-depth character reading that reveals psychological insights your client hasn't shared with anyone.

Spectators are more readily convinced by fortune tellers, and the like, if the reader begins the reading without first asking a lot of questions. In other words, the psychic gives the reading "from the cradle to the grave," as though the spectator's life were the pages of an open book.

No sooner does the client enter the room, then immediately the reader...

Robert A. Nelson
Technique of the Private Reader by Robert A. Nelson

Nelson reveals the special techniques that enable psychics and mentalists to give spectacular private readings.

Successful operators are able to astound and bewilder clients with apparent facts and reason, though unbeknownst to them. Where does this strange and uncanny power come from?

It's easy to "give readings," to apparently read the innermost thoughts of your subject and to chart their life from "cradle to grave," if you possess the technique - the knowledge of how to judge your client. What to tell him or her and how to accurately read their reactions. Such is the true secret. ...

★★★★ $10
Robert A. Nelson
Projected Answers by Robert A. Nelson

The first and only book on the technique of "projected answers to questions!"

Learn the professional mentalist's secret of projecting or carrying the replies to questions. Don't just provide a simple answer or restate the question. Use Nelson's projection technique to turn an ordinary Q&A act into a masterpiece. Not only does the spectator receive an answer to her question, but she is given a bonus in the form of additional information pertaining to her question, plus other predicted events.

The spectator is doubly intrigued at this mysterious source of information. Other spectators become...

★★★★★ $15
Robert A. Nelson
The Horoscope Pitch by Robert A. Nelson

Here's a complete selling plan for the Horoscope Pitch, where the income can run to thousands of dollars per week!

Learn how to enter this very profitable business. Detailed information on the full presentation - what is needed - what to sell, including descriptions of the best and most profitable horoscopes - where to work - how to book, terms and profit possibilities.

The investment is small and the profit potentials are tremendous. Work parks, resorts, fairs, stores, exhibitions, theatres - indoors or out of doors - in fact, wherever people gather. This is a great venture for the man...

★★★★★ $10
Robert A. Nelson
The Secrets of Doctor "A" by Robert A. Nelson

"Dr. A" was a real-life figure, having devoted 33 years of his life as a very successful office reader and clairvoyant. He gave Robert Nelson full permission to publish his unique secrets, however he requested that he remain anonymous.

He devised, created and used what Nelson regarded as one of the finest - if not the finest - methods of giving private readings and (apparently) reading the minds of others.

The system described is so subtle and versatile that Dr. "A" and Nelson both were able to give thought-staggering readings and demonstrations under the most adverse of conditions, whether...

★★★★ $20
Peter Turner
Mentalism Masterclass 9: astrological/zodiac based mindreading by Peter Turner

This volume is about star sign divination. Peter Turner teaches you different methods to do the cleanest Star Sign Divination that you can imagine. The teaching is crystal clear no stones left unturned. In this eBook, you will find methods, routines and everything that you need to perform the strongest zodiac routines.

The content:

  • Monkeying Around - Zodiac Anagram
  • Additional Thoughts - Elliot Watson, Alan Nu, Robert Watkins
  • The Bob Principle - Hearting Stars
  • Additional Ideas - Mark Chandaue
  • Liar, Liar
  • Truth Teller
  • Additional Idea - Colin McLeod
  • A Simple Divination
  • Truly...
Devin Knight
Fortune Telling Card Trick by Devin Knight

After working a few card tricks, how many times have you been asked "Can you tell fortunes with cards?" Fortune telling with cards has always been interesting; but, how many of us have wanted to spend the time to learn and memorize the meanings of all the playing cards? I would dare say, very few of us. Besides, there is no trick to it.

Now you can say, "Yes." Not only that, but you can actually tell people how many brothers and sisters they have, how many children they have including their gender, number of pets and the month of their birthday, including their current age (without doing...

★★★★ $12
Robert A. Nelson
The Art of Cold Reading by Robert A. Nelson

The secret book of the mental profession that teaches the mentalist or psychic to "read" a person "cold" with no gimmicks, no advance knowledge, and no preparation.

The Art of Cold Reading is the learned ability to cleverly read another "from the cradle to the grave" - and without important error. It is amazingly easy - if you understand the technique and methods. Possess it and you are always prepared to give readings - any time, anywhere, for fun or for profit.

The inner secrets of "cold reading" have been closely held and guarded for many years. Knowledge of this kind has been passed...

★★★★★ $8
Robert A. Nelson
Confessions of a Medium by Robert A. Nelson

There has never been such a complete and thoroughly accurate exposé of the inner workings and guarded secrets of the professional medium, psychic and healer.

Describes how fake psychics get their certificates, making them immune from police interference. How anyone can obtain such a certificate. Explains how mediums and psychics work in "closed" towns so city authorities can't touch them. Includes sample ads as used by the phony seers, fake diplomas, how and where the psychics get their business, and how mediums can even work spare time and still make big money. Shows how the psychic obtains...

★★★★★ $12
Robert A. Nelson
Pages from a Medium's Notebook by Robert A. Nelson

Would you like to open the secret notebook of a successful medium and psychic reader? To study and absorb the personal notes and information gleaned as a result of years of experience? Would you like first-hand observations and instructions on how to give successful "psychological readings?" To know what to anticipate when a client enters your office? To know what type of reading to give for the satisfaction of the subject? To discover how and why the client is so easily fooled? To learn the closely guarded bits of "business" that build private readings and reputations?

The information contained...

★★★★ $8
Howard P. Albright
A Message From The Sky by Howard P. Albright

Here is an outstanding routine for psychic entertainers to provide a personal Zodiac reading. It will leave your client breathless! It seems incredible that you are able to divine so much information.

This attractive eBook contains seven practical, tested methods expressly for use under close-up and impromptu conditions, such as you will encounter at clubs, parties and private engagements. It's an absolute "must have" for your mentalism library for those opportunities where you can't rely on mechanical gimmicks or pre-show work.

No previous knowledge of astrology is required, nor are great...

★★★★★ $35
Robert Marsi
Cartomancy: Fortune Telling Using Playing Cards with The Advanced Marsi System by Robert Marsi

A reading system that gives you the necessary ammo to deliver a highly effective private reading for paying clients.

Have you ever wanted to be able to deliver a quick or full-blown reading for members of your audience or clients using something you carry every day, especially if you are a magician or mentalist?

If you are a magician or mentalist, have you ever considered maximizing the impact your card effect has on your audience, by giving your spectator a quick reading about themselves?

Or, if you've always wanted to learn how to give people readings using nothing but a deck of ordinary...

Jesse Lewis
Simple Tea Leaf Readings by Jesse Lewis

Have you ever wanted to learn Tea Leaf Readings? Now you can! In just over an hour you will learn how to give basic past present future tea leaf readings. With this easy to use system you will be able to read any symbol using your intuition.

Imagine holding a person spellbound by what you read in their leaves. Add to this, your natural intuition (and yes, you do have it), you'll be shocking, amazing and helping folks for fun or for profit.

In the video we cover how to set up a reading and go over 5 cups with five basic problems that people want to know about. Love, money, health, travel...

★★★★ $8
W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight
Just Think by W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight

If you really had psychic powers, you could answer questions just thought of. There would be no need for the person to write the question or tell you what it was. He would just think of a question in his mind. If you really had psychic powers you would immediately answer the question WITHOUT any pumping or fishing! There would be no hesitation! Of course, this sounds 100% impossible; unless, you really were psychic.

A noted performer once said, "The man who can create an act whereby you ask a spectator to just THINK of the question and then you answer it...will be doing something. In fact,...

★★★★★ $15
Simon Caine
Winnebago: an experiment in remote viewing by Simon Caine
"A wonderful presentation! This is going directly into our act, highly recommended. So good, I hope no-one else buys it!" - R Lee Davis (
In 1978, the US military commissioned Project Stargate, a team of researchers and scientists with one goal in mind: creating a psychic spy capable of seeing through someone else's eyes. They failed. You won't.

Winnebago is a stunning 'moment-maker' routine that uses nothing more than a regular, ungimmicked deck of playing cards: one participant takes any freely chosen card into another room, only looking at it when they are totally alone...

★★★★ $18
Robin Gillett
Ask Pythagoras by Robin Gillett

The performer selects a participant from the audience (no stooges, no pre-show) who is asked to think of a significant date in his/her life (nothing is written down nor told to anyone).

The participant divides three numbers into the thought of date and the performer interprets the results as Pythagoras (the Father of Numerology) would have to reveal aspects of the participant's past, present, and future. Then, he surprises every one by revealing the thought of date!

This is one of several presentations described in this e-book, including one contributed by the Unknown Mentalist. The method is a sophisticated...

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