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Michael P. Lair

Michael P. Lair

(Greenville, S. Carolina: 12 Nov 1959 - )

Learned at age 6 from father Robert L. Lair, a magician. Senior applications programmer/analyst with Timken Roller Bearing Company. Part-time pro close-up magician since 1981, billed as "Michael the Magician". Specialties: coin, cane, and fire magic. Wrote several booklets: Silver (1985), Silver 2 (1986), Candles (1988), Act I (1992, 31pp), Stage Cool (1998), Standup! (2002). Also videos, DVDs, and various product creations. A 1982 Linking Ring "One Man Parade" and creativity award for Shrink Drink.


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Bestselling Products for Michael P. Lair


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Michael P. Lair
Journey by Michael P. Lair

In February-March 2020, Pascal Marc sent Michael P. Lair on a 13-city magic lecture tour of Europe. Michael created his lecture notes Journey for this tour. They include 10 of Michael's standup magic routines featuring a mix of old favorites and brand-new effects.

If you enjoy standup magic with a poker chip, sponge ball, Red Bulls, a Jack in the Box, Fantasio candles, matches, a Fortune Teller Fish, rope, a ring, dimes, big coins, and a torn and restored 24 x 36" map, then you will love Journey. The notes are fully color photo illustrated.

  • Sponge Poker
  • Red Cola
  • Jack in the Box
  • Candle...
Michael P. Lair
Voyage by Michael P. Lair

En février-mars 2020, Pascal Marc a envoyé Michael P. Lair pour une tournée de conférences magiques dans 13 villes d'Europe. Michael a créé ses notes en francais de cours 'Voyage’ pour cette tournée. Elles comprennent 10 routines de magie standup de Michael, avec un mélange de vieux favoris et de nouveaux effets.

Si vous aimez la magie standup avec un jeton de poker, une balle éponge, des Red Bulls, un Jack in the Box, des bougies Fantasio, des allumettes, un poisson diseuse de bonne aventure, une corde, une bague, des pièces de 10 cents, des grosses pièces et une carte 24...

★★★★★ $15
Michael P. Lair
Drink Magic by Michael P. Lair

Featuring the International Brotherhood of Magicians' originality contest 2009 1st place award-winning entry 'Shrink Drink' plus nine other cool ideas with drinks to add to your magic act.

Ten visual magic effects with cans, bottles, and cups of drinks. All tricks and their complete construction and performance tips are fully explained. Three is something for everyone and several of the effects are so visual that you will enjoy fooling yourself in front of the mirror.

Shrink Drink: The winner of the 2009 IBM originality contest. A 12-oz. can of soda visually shrinks down to half its size....

Michael P. Lair
Coins! by Michael P. Lair

16 visual standup coin effects.

"If you're looking for standup manipulation ideas, Coins! is worth checking out." - Michael Close

"...several very visual coin effects, suitable for standup performances. Recommended." - Phil Willmarth

  • Invisiblair: The ultimate invisible coin gimmick is explained in its entirety.
  • Invisihop: Use Invisiblair to make a coin jump from hand to hand.
  • Pocket Drop: An excellent way to vanish a 3-inch coin.
  • Confetti Packets: Produce brilliant bursts of silver confetti anytime in your act.
  • Fire It Up: Strike a lighter and a 3-inch coin appears. Beautiful!
  • 1:4: A 3-inch coin melts...
Michael P. Lair
All Access by Michael P. Lair

A video catalog of 18 of Michael's top-selling magic effects. Demonstrations only. The effects presented are:

  • Animated Origami Bill
  • Beach Memories
  • Big Coins
  • Candle Rewind
  • Cane Fire
  • Chinese Appearing Sword
  • Chinese Fans
  • Chinese Lucky Envelope
  • Cool Coil and Silver Coil
  • Fanfire
  • Firefall
  • Fire Flower Rose Coil
  • Fire to Silk
  • Hot Coil
  • Spitfire
  • Sponge Poker
  • 20-oz Production

video 8:32

Michael P. Lair
Act 2 by Michael P. Lair
  • Safety Catch
  • Candle To Streamers: An 18” lit, white candle changes into a brilliant burst of white paper throw streamers.
  • Candle To Sword: An 18” white candle is lit. In a shower of sparks, it magically changes into a 36” gleaming Chinese sword.
  • Candle To Fan: An 18” white candle vanishes in a sparkle of light, turning into a 24” Chinese dragon fan that dramatically opens in a shower of confetti.
  • Invisiclip
  • Invisiclip: Torn & Restored Card: A playing card is selected and ripped into four pieces. The pieces are paper clipped together. A magical wave of the hand, and the pieces...
Michael P. Lair
Act 1 by Michael P. Lair
  • Jack-In-The-Box: A playing card is selected by a spectator and ripped into four pieces. The pieces are paper clipped and set on top of a jack-in-the-box. The handle is turned, the familiar tune played, and the clown pops up. When he does, the selected card appears fully restored in the clown's hands.
  • Silver Fire: When the magician lights a cigarette lighter, a half dollar appears. Light it again, and the coin vanishes. Light the lighter a third time, and the half-dollar reappears from within a cigar tube.
  • Les Fleurs: A bouquet of flowers magically appears in the magician's top hat. With...
Michael P. Lair
Standup by Michael P. Lair

A collection of visual magic to add to your standup act.

  • Dedication
  • Author
  • Foreword
  • Candle Shell
  • Candle Ring: With this setup, a Fantasio vanishing candle can be held at the middle and tossed from hand to hand, and then instantly vanished. This has been reprinted from my book Stage Cool.
  • Color Change: A white, lit candle changes quite spectacularly into a red candle. The color change is done openly and it is very startling to the audience.
  • Pocket Scarf Vanish: A red pocket scarf is placed in front of a red candle. The scarf magically adheres to the candle. In a flash, the pocket scarf...
Michael P. Lair
Stage Cool by Michael P. Lair

A collection of cool magic effects to heat up your stage performance.

  • Dedication
  • Purple / Green Santa
  • Author
  • Sparkle Matches: Matches are produced lit in your magic act, with electrical sparks showering off them. The sparks accentuate the lit match productions.
  • Confetti Packets: Produce a burst of shiny mylar confetti at any time during your magic act.
  • Throw Streamer Packet: A colorful burst of throw streamers appears at any point in your act. This setup makes them easy to steal from any pocket, table, scarf, or any place you wish.
  • Funbrella: At the end of a scarf routine, an umbrella...
Michael P. Lair
Candles by Michael P. Lair

Effects with Fantasio's vanishing and appearing candles.

Excerpt from the introduction:

Fantasio’s vanishing and appearing candles are in every serious magician’s bag of tricks. Lit candles add suspense and romance to an evening of magic. Audiences love fire!

Candles is dedicated to Fantasio, and everyone who has enjoyed his magical products over the past few decades. It is also dedicated to the new generation of magicians who are just getting acquainted with the Fantasio line. The best days of magic are ahead of you! May books like Candles, and other books on Fantasio magic, inspire...

Michael P. Lair
This Spud's For You by Michael P. Lair

A card stab is performed using Mr. Potato Head, and his sombrero is the knife. Mr. Potato Head then doubles as the infamous mindreader, Idaho the Great. The magician is enraged when Idaho fails to name the selected card, so the magician retaliates by mashing him into the selected card. A most unusual card revelation.

You will need:

  • two Mr. Potato Heads (available at most toy stores in the Preschool Section)
  • two boxes of mashed potato flakes (16-oz. size)
  • a razor blade
  • knife
  • a jumbo (5" X 7") Five of Clubs
  • a regular deck of cards
  • rubber cement
  • a handheld potato masher
  • a hand towel ...
Michael P. Lair
Invisiblair by Michael P. Lair

Invisiblair is a coin holdout with improvements. It is made of a synthetic material that is invisible even closeup. You will receive instructions on how to make this holdout, not the holdout itself. The hookup and basics of making a coin appear and vanish are described but no larger routines. For effects and routines with Invisiblair see Michael's other publications.

1st edition 1985, PDF 2 pages.

Michael P. Lair
Silver 2 by Michael P. Lair

The coin rolls on.

Tired of those sissified Coins Through the Table routines? Do you get an itchy trigger finger when someone says: "Would you like to see my unique handling of Matrix"? Have you sat through a Coins Across presentation that was so complex that even the magician got lost? Are we not men? Then what we need is Silver II. Packed with the bizarre. The common stuff got weeded out in the first edit.


  • Dedication
  • Introduction
  • CSI
Michael P. Lair
Silver by Michael P. Lair

A collection of 25 coin effects.

Coin effects have always been my niche in the world of magic. Since I was a boy, watching a coin vanish or appear has fascinated me. The effects use:

  • Invisiblair: A holdout (a gambling device that has been used for nearly 100 years) that I have modified specifically for coins.
  • Folding Half: A gimmicked coin that can be produced under the most improbable of circumstances.
  • Double Stick Tape: Providing an inexpensive means to vanish a coin from either hand impromptu and without a trace.


  • Dedication
  • Introduction
  • Section I: Invisiblair ...
Displaying 1 to 14 (of 14 products)