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Two Amazing (Thumb Tip) Vanishes
by Hal Saxon

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Two Amazing (Thumb Tip) Vanishes by Hal Saxon

These two TT vanishes are beginner vanishes, but they are oh-so different.

These are real foolers. Fit whatever you want in vanish one. It is a full gimmick vanish. Vanish two will hold just about anything as well. You will need a TT gimmick from your magic shop as described in the video. These are absolutely unmodified gimmicks. You probably already have one.

These two vanishes are angle-proof, close-up, easy to learn, and very deceptive. Perform these right in front of your spectator's eyes. No one, I mean no one sees the gimmick.

Vanish one is a deceptive play on the old beginner “Poke it in the fist” vanish, but it is incredibly different. Vanish two allows you to steal and even load the TT in the fist. Both allow you to show those thumbs because the gimmick is hidden or not on the thumb.

Get the video tutorial now and save 50%. Regular price of $20 now for a limited time just $10.

"Hal, this video is awesome. I love both vanishes, but I really like the poke vanish. It is a nice variation and easy to learn. I fooled some guys in our local club that met the other night. They didn’t have a clue. They knew it was somehow a tip but no clue. (No, I didn’t show them how to do it, I sent them to your website!) This is the best $10 I’ve spent on magic in years. Thanks again." - Jesse Wilcox

1st edition 2024, video 11:53.