più di 50 giochi sensazionali
F A V O L O S O è senza dubbio l'aggettivo giusto per descrivere questo libro!
U. F. Grant, che coloro che ci seguono da tempo conoscono, era veramente geniale, si dice inventasse almeno tre nuovi trucchi al giorno! Alcune delle sue straordinarie creazioni sono descritte in quest'opera insieme ad alcuni classici del mentalismo, tutti però con il tocco di Grant.
Troverete in esso molto materiale da poter utilizzare nei vostri spettacoli siano essi di close-up a da scena. Inoltre troverete molti principi poco conosciuti per ottenere straordinari effetti...
Questo opuscolo tratto da un classico di Grant contiene ben 16 effetti da cui potrete trarre materiale da inserire nel vostro repertorio, sia che facciate giochi in scena che per gli amici. Per giunta diversi degli effetti sono stati annotati per renderli più pratici e attuali.
Tutti i giochi portano il tocco di quel Genio di U. F. Grant e sono veramente eccezionali, alcuni hanno dei metodi veramente straordinari
Eccovi alcuni degli effetti che troverete:
Only 4 mental effects are explained by Grant in this old manuscript but they are really strong ones.
Read carefully the effects:
This rare manuscript by U. F. Grant, originally sold as The Devil's Scrapbook, contains a lot of interesting material. Hidden in its pages are some little gems that you will not find anywhere else. There are no long descriptions of the methods, as Grant himself explains. He goes directly to the point. The style is typical of Grant and we made only some minor corrections of typos.
From the introduction:
This is a collection of picked items taken from an exclusive scrapbook....items that would have normally been sold separately at One...Two....Three Dollars A Piece. We are not going to...
Un altro Grande Classico di Grant
In questo tempo di crisi economica è davvero utile questo libretto che insegna a costruire ben 5 tra sospensioni e levitazioni pratiche ed economiche.
Tutto materiale facilmente trasportabile e funzionale nel consueto stile di quel genio di Grant- Eccovi in breve i cinque effetti contenuti nel volumetto:
Autolevitazione – un sistema unico!
Immaginate di poter entrare in una qualunque casa, qualunque ufficio, qualunque posto voi vogliate e apparentemente essere capaci di volare! Leggete quanto segue e capirete quanto facile sia poterlo fare.... ...
Se sei stanco di spendere tanti soldi per inserire una grande illusione nel tuo repertorio ....
Se vuoi un illusione facile da costruire....addirittura improvvisata.....
Se vuoi eseguire grandi effetti in qualunque situazione....
Allora HAI BISOGNO DI " LEVITAZIONI MODERNE " un grande Classico di quel genio di GRANT!
In questo opuscolo Grant ti spiega come costruire con una spesa davvero minima, a volte irrisoria, ben 6 levitazioni ! Bada che stiamo parlando di levitazioni complete vere e proprie non del sollevarsi da terra di pochi cm come va tanto di moda oggi. Benché scritto diversi...
Grant's storehouse of material! Like ten books in one. Contents include 25 Tricks and Ideas, 20 Tricks With a Short Card, Card in Envelope, Rising Floating Silk, Two Other Cigarette Routines, 25 Tricks and Ideas Part II, Five Super Card Mysteries, Thimble Routine, Lighted Cigarette Routine, 30th Century Magic. Illustrated.
1st edition 1964, pages 64; 1st digital editions 2012, 60 pages.
This booklet is in very good condition. A nice collector item as well as reading copy. For details on contents see the digital edition.
This is the first and to this date one of only two English publications exclusively devoted to the rising card effect (the other being Knowing the Rising Cards). This was an early publication by U. F. Grant and is therefore exceedingly rare. Some of the methods described are well known others are quite unusual and therefore highly interesting.
It is likely that the effect of the houlette swinging on two ribbons in Samuel Hooker's famous rising cards is done exactly the way U. F. Grant describes in this manuscript.
The cover boldly states the price: $1 - in 1935 that is. According to the inflation calculator one dollar in 1935 is $15.53 today....
Self-levitations have been recently popularized by street performers like David Blaine and others. U.F. Grant as usual was way ahead. Here you will find a lovely self-levitation as well as four other easy to build levitation apparatus.
If you are into levitations you should also check out Modern Levitations by U.F. Grant.
14 pages
Five easy to build and practical levitations by the creative master of thrift, U.F. Grant. One could even be called an impromptu levitation because most supplies are available in a typical household. Every levitation is illustrated.
Paul Fleming wrote:
The "levitation" illusion has long been a favorite among magicians. Robert-Houdin featured it approximately a century ago, in the form of "The Aerial Suspension," which we saw presented effectively by William Neff only a year or two ago. Early in the Twentieth Century, Harry Kellar was performing "The Levitation of Princess Karnac," the greatest piece...
Although published anonymously, this was very likely written by U. F. Grant. 19 easy to build illusions.
Enjoy some new tricks — pocket tricks that you can make yourself, card tricks you can do with anyone's deck of cards, stage routines with various magic props that you can make.
This is the first of a series of writings by U. F. (Gen) Grant and Frank Lane, who formed a partnership in the writing magic books.
1st edition 1935, PDF 31 pages.
A wonderful self-working rendition of the classic "Out Of This World" effect. This was the first real card trick I saw - and I was baffled.
A borrowed deck is shuffled. A red and a black card are placed face up on the table. The performer then removes cards, one at a time from the deck. Without the spectator seeing the faces of these cards, he indicates whether he thinks a card is a red or a black. If he thinks it is a red card, the performer places it, face down, on the face up red card. If the spectator thinks it is a black card, the performer places it face down on the face up black card....
This ebook describes store window displays which are magical in one way or another causing pedestrians to stop and look into the window. Once a person stops and looks at the display the chances for them to actually enter the store have dramatically increased.
Several of these contraptions use magic principles. One can think of them as magic apparatus displayed in action. Although these displays could be employed by pretty much any store, I would think that they would be most appropriate in the window of a real magic store. I have never seen any magic store use anything like this. An innovative...
Perhaps no other effect is so much associated with the magician as that of producing a rabbit from an empty hat. And, oddly enough, so few magicians today use a rabbit in their act.
Where the idea of producing a rabbit from a hat originated is not certain. The favorite story seems to be about the 18th-century English woman who felt that she was not getting the attention she deserved. She told her husband and neighbors that she had been accosted by a rabbit and some time latter she took to her bed. The story immediately went out that she had given birth to several rabbits. The story naturally...
This is a remarkable collection of 45 individual single sheet trick instructions, many of which are illustrated.
original 45 pages; PDF 49 pages.
Few people consider paper, cardboard and carton high-tech products, but they are. Go visit any paper factory and you will find out that some of the largest and most complex manufacturing machines in operation today are paper machines.
Since my father worked for many years for a paper manufacturer, I have learned to respect paper from a very early age. This is part of the reason why I am so excited about this e-book. It describes 12 stage illusions which you can build entirely from carton. Carton is inexpensive, easy to work with, light weight, pretty durable and packs flat. These are characteristics...
The title "Secrets - Malini, Leipzig, Vernon, Jarrow, ..." suggests a lot, but these are merely the interpretations and versions of U. F. Grant to some of the classics of Malini, Leipzig, Vernon, Jarrow and others. Grant uses only one page to describe each effect and method. This book is therefore to some degree a disappointment. Nevertheless I think it is a cheap way to learn the plots and a method to several of the greatest tricks of all time. Just don't expect very detailed descriptions. Grant displays in this book an arrogant writing style with comments like 'This is good' or "The best method" or "Fools...
U. F. Grant presents several clever ideas on billet reading or how to use a svengali deck for mentalism. He also has a completely different version of "Grey Elephants in Denmark".
Chuck Smith writes: "Twenty-four illusions as mysterious to audiences today as when they were performed years ago. Most are so easy to construct and execute that a teenager could do them. I know because I, as a student in highschool, built and entertained with several of them. A couple of three fold screens and a large sheet gives you the material for several of the illusions. Recently in a magic periodical I saw an ad for an illusion that looked extremely familiar. It was selling for over $5000. It's method, I'm sure, had it's roots in Grant's Super-Fine Suspension on pages 27-28 of this book....I...