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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 33


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Michael Daniels
Kalenda and Speed Dating Combo by Michael Daniels

Two excellent routines for a reduced price.

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Michael Daniels
Understanding and Using Gilbreath Principle by Michael Daniels

This ebook is a beginner's guide to the famous Gilbreath Principle and its applications in card magic and mentalism. It includes two ESP-type routines:

Fingertip Sensation

The spectator shuffles the deck. The mentalist (who can be blindfold) then uses his fingertips to correctly identify the colour of cards.

Trinities Card Divination

The mentalist correctly divines attributes (colour, suit, value) of playing cards which the spectator has shuffled, dealt, and covered with his hands while the mentalist has turned away.

[Note: This ebook is a revised extract from Michael Daniels' ebook Trinities, plus an additional routine (Fingertip Sensation).

1st edition...

★★★★ $4
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Michael Daniels
Almagest by Michael Daniels

Almagest is a simple, completely propless, star sign divination.

Almagest allows you to very easily determine a spectator's star sign while giving an engaging palmistry reading.

  • Completely propless
  • Nothing is written down
  • Works in any language
  • No preshow
  • No anagrams, verbal chicanery, or dual reality
  • No numerical calculations by spectator or performer
  • Simple memory work that incorporates traditional astrological principles and interpretation

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Michael Daniels
Zodiac Oracle by Michael Daniels

Zodiac Oracle allows you to determine a spectator's star sign and (optionally) age while giving an engaging astrological reading.

  • 100% accurate
  • Nothing is written down
  • Works in any language
  • No preshow
  • No anagrams, verbal chicanery, or dual reality
  • Simple memory work. No difficult calculations
  • Can be performed over the phone or via webcam
  • Get automatic readings using the associated web application (optional for remote performance)
1st edition 2020, PDF 10 pages.
★★★★ $8
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Michael J. Fraughton
The Dark Waltz by Michael J. Fraughton

Michael J. Fraughton's material has been difficult to find—until now. For many years The Dark Waltz, a text on the fine art of Bizarre Magic, has rested within the ownership of L&L Publishing. Now, it is available at last. Within its pages you will find many of Michael’s signature routines like 'The Dorian Hand of Glory' and 'The Phantom Violinist'.

It has taken time, but at last Michael has opened his world to you. Welcome to the dark side of illusion.

Michael J. Fraughton is being recognized as one of the foremost up and coming Bizarre magicians. This is his full show, along with...

★★★★ $50
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Michael L. Clark
O.M.G: PIN code prediction by Michael L. Clark

How would you like to be able to predict anybody's PIN number and be 100% correct every time? The victim is truly shocked when you tell him his number, how could you possibly know. Also comes with a kicker ending that will fry your audience.

[Note: Uses dual reality and requires good spectator management.]

1st edition 2013, 16 pages.

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Michael Paul
First Impression(s) by Michael Paul

This is the piece that Kenton Knepper called "Brilliant". Alain Nu and Luke Jermay both gave this the thumbs up. Craig Browning flipped over it. But what exactly is it?

This is not a magic trick. This is real mind control. Yes, seriously.

First Impression(s) was written for anyone that uses business cards to promote their magic or mentalism business. First Impression(s) will teach you a special way of designing your card that will influence others to show it to every one they know. This is not a "Magic trick" as you would typically think of it.

This is the business card layout, powerful cold/warm reading script, and influence...

★★★ $20
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Michael Paul
ABK by Michael Paul

Poltergeist Coins: Coins bend inside of a heavy glass vase held by a spectator... then, all of a sudden; the vase begins to move across the table as he tries to hold it in place! No magnets or threads required, and you can do this while on the complete other side of the room! This is a dream routine for meetings with media.

Un-Dead Head: A spooky looking doll's head scares the hell out of everyone when it leaps off the table at a spectator! Not in the mood to give unsuspecting spectators heart attacks? No problems... use the same gimmick to gracefully float a rose.

Silver Lining: Take...

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Michael Paul
3 by Michael Paul

Not just one, but three “packs small, plays big” routines that have been audience tested in the real world. Each of these power-house effects is loaded with personality and entertainment. Also, each effect is fully polished and ready to go right into your act. Also included is a brief, but important essay on the art of mentalism and entertainment that just might change the way you look at your show. This is stand up mentalism with an edge. This is 3.

Cutting Edge

Cleanly rub a double sided razor blade through the skin of your neck, and re-produce it from your teeth! Wonderful for...

★★★★ $25
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Michael Paul
Urban Legend by Michael Paul

I've used Urban Legend to close my show for my theatre act, my Monday Night Magic parlor act in New York, and even the close up room at the Magic Castle in Hollywood. To say it's the ultimate showstopper for me is an huge understatement. Now it can be your show stopper too!

Introducing Urban Legend ... straight from the working repetoire of Michael Paul.

You know the classic razor blade trick: The magician swallows a number of ultra-sharp razor blades, and regurgitates them tied together on a length of string. Now, check out Urban Legend ... do the classic razor blade routine without...

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Mihwonkuoy Refizul
The Book Without Words by Mihwonkuoy Refizul

The real secrets on how to become the greatest magician in the world. Dedicated to the discerning conjurors, the cheaters, the liars, and all other lost souls - whatever age, who want to impress, manipulate, and magish other people for profit, fun, or just entertainment.

Included is a very clever and creative book test, for all of you who require a strong effect to justify the purchase.

The truth is delivered as a satire, which makes it a fun read, but at the same time delivers a profoundly deep and true message.

  • About the Author
  • Part One
    • Introduction
    • The Basic Principles
    • The...
★★★★ $6.66
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Mike Kempner
The Perfect Lotto Prediction by Mike Kempner

How would you like to be able to predict the winning lotto numbers, anywhere? The odds of being able to achieve such a feat are astronomical. With this devilishly simple approach, you will be able to create the illusion of having predicted the winning numbers in advance of the drawing, without ANY sleight of hand. In fact, this is a hands-off miracle that will allow your spectator to swear that you are truly psychic. Once you give your spectator your prediction, that's never have to touch it again. It will contain the winning numbers!

[Note: this effect requires an assistant and a smart phone.]

1st edition 2014, 2 pages....

★★★★★ $4
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Mike Kempner
Mathematical Amnesia by Mike Kempner

A little math brain teaser turned into a mental effect...

Would you like to be able to make someone (even a Harvard graduate!) forget basic math? I'm talking math that even an elementary school student could do, like 545 + 5? Well, this manuscript is perfect to seemingly induce your spectator with mathematical amnesia.

After you "hypnotize" your spectator, he or she will forget basic math functions. For example, he or she won't even be able to figure out what 545 + 5 equals. We all know, it equals 550, but the spectator WILL be stumped. Your audience (you can perform this one-on-one...

★★★★★ $4
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Mike Kempner
Cerebral Connection by Mike Kempner

Would you like to be able to connect with someone on a purely mental level? Monks in India have reportedly been able to meditate and attain a trance-like state that allows them to tap into someone else's consciousness. With cerebral connection, you will be able to display your monk-like properties, and in the process, amaze your spectator with something that cannot be explained.

You write something down on a piece of paper. It is a number between 1 and 100. You leave this paper face down on a table. You will not touch this paper, ever again...and it will not be switched. This paper is your...

★★★★★ $4
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Mike Kempner
Face Up Face Down Mentalism by Mike Kempner

You ask the spectator to blindfold you, or you turn around so that you can't see anything that the spectator is doing. You really do not see anything! You ask the spectator to create 5 piles of 10 cards each, so that 50 cards are in play. You tell her to make sure that there are 5 cards face-up and 5 cards face-down in each of those 10 piles. They can be in ANY order, and she is to do all of this ordering in ANY way she wants, without telling you (and, of course, you can't see anything that she is doing).

You then let her know that you are going to separate each pile of 10 cards blindfolded...

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Mike Kempner
Verbal Amnesia by Mike Kempner

From the creator of Mathematical Amensia comes its creative counterpart, Verbal Amensia. How would you like to cause any spectator lose the ability to speak? I have studied hypnosis for quite some time, and this is the easiest application of a secret principle that I consistently use with 100% success, and you will be able to do so also immediately after reading this manuscript.

You give a piece of paper to the spectator (not a stooge) on whom you will perform Verbal Amensia with some very simple instructions on it. You have another spectator (again, not a stooge) confirm that what is written on that piece of...

★★★★ $4.99
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Mike Kempner
Brain Bracking by Mike Kempner

Brain Bracking represents my innovative take on the "Think of Any Word" plot, and unlike the traditional methods, with Brain Bracking you can immediately perform with a 100% success-rate after reading this manuscript. Also, unlike the traditional method which involves a "process" requiring a tremendous investment of time and energy, Brain Bracking is done without any fishing and without any questions - questions apparent to the audience that is. The method involves an instant stooge and you will have to ask the instant stooge a question.

This is the powerful "think of ANY word" plot, done...

★★★★★ $4.99
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Mike Kempner
Impossible Mentalism Compilation 1 by Mike Kempner

The Perfect Passcode PIN Reveal: You tell your spectator that you are going to try to guess their Passcode (or PIN) to their cell phone, but that in order to do so, you first need to see his driver's license. You see his driver's license. The performer only thinks (no asking ANY questions to the spectator or saying ANY words to the spectator) and then immediately writes down 4 numbers on 4 post-it notes (1 number per post-it note). You show the spectator the first 2 of these post-it notes containing the numbers in a random fashion, and the spectator confirms that they DO mean something to him....

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Mike Kempner
Forget Your Mom by Mike Kempner

INTRODUCTION: Everyone has a mom. And everyone knows just how hard moms work to give their children the love and attention they need to grow into successful adults. Is it possible to forget your mom? Not unless maybe you have Alzheimer's. Or, unless you are the spectator in this effect. This is an application of an underutilized (and somewhat lost) principle that will cause a spectator to forget his own mom!

EFFECT: Using a hypnosis premise, you tell the spectator a very simple story that involves his mother. Despite the fact you ask him to say the word "mom", he will be unable to do so....

★★★★ $4.50
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Mike Kempner
Silent Whisper by Mike Kempner

Honesty. Integrity. These words form the foundation of our society. Without people being honest and without people having integrity, our world would crumble into a place of bad intentions and negative actions. In this routine, you will apparently hypnotize a spectator to not resist lying, even when pressed to tell the truth. Good thing it’s just “hypnosis”, as your power to control the intentions and actions of people in this act will have people believing that you can truly alter the way in which society operates in a world characterized by both truth and deceit.

Specifically, you...

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Mike Kempner
Code Red by Mike Kempner

Code Red, from a non-mentalism perspective, has several meanings, including being a code used in hospitals to alert staff to various emergencies. The use of codes is intended to convey essential information with zero misunderstanding so that errors can be avoided. Within hospitals, codes can be posted on placards throughout the hospital, or even on employee ID badges for ease of reference. Code Red in hospitals is certainly an established protocol. Within mentalism, however, I first introduced Code Red in my performance in 2014, so it is a new concept. As the technique’s originator, I define...

★★★★ $4
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Mike Kempner
Perfect BDay Divination by Mike Kempner

Birthdays. They are the most intimate part of everybody's existence. Every single person celebrates his or her birthday. But, for the most part, besides family and friends, birthdays are not known by just any random person. With this effect, you can walk up to a person, and without asking any questions or pumping for any information whatsoever, you simply tell them his or her date of's just that SIMPLE!


You approach a stranger. You truly have never met her before, and you don't even know her name. You propose a little experiment. You tell her to remain completely silent,...

★★★★ $9.99
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Mike Kempner
Cemented Thought by Mike Kempner

Have you ever wanted to create the illusion of being able to cement a thought into the mind of your spectator 100% of the time even if she has the ability to freely choose ANY thought...yes, literally any thought? Welcome to Cemented Thought, an underutilized and somewhat lost principle that will enable you to do exactly this.


You tell your spectator that she is to think of any word only in her mind. She will not write this down, as it is completely mental...and there is no process at all. She simply thinks of any force at all. You tell her, "the thought is now cemented...

★★★★ $5
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Mike Kempner
The S&S Method by Mike Kempner

Have you seen the Derren Brown episode in which he blindfolds a spectator? She truly cannot see and is asked to focus on a word that Derren has drawn and just shown to the entire audience. She truly has not seen this word and has no idea what the word is. There truly is no pre-show. After Derren provides the instructions to her, she puts something on her own notepad. At the count of three, she takes off her blind-fold, and shows her drawing to the audience. It is a perfect match. The S&S Method has never-before been revealed, and it allows you to exactly replicate this impossible feat of mentalism. ...

★★★★★ $9.99
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