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Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels in Magic & Conjuring: page 3


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Patrick Page
The Pull Book by Patrick Page

Pulls, reels, and threads are some of the most usefull gimmicks to a magician. Just think about the popular ITR (Invisible Thread Reel). But you might say: "I only do cards, I don't need to know these stage methods." Think again. For example, Patrick Page illustrates in what he terms the 'pendulum principle', a method how you can with a simple piece of thread clean up a lapped card such that you can get up from the table clean. So even for the pure pasteboard afficinado, there is something to be found that will take your effect to another level. And I love when Page starts with 'a little bit...

★★★★★ $12
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Milbourne Christopher
Stretching A Rope by Milbourne Christopher

What a fantastic effect, from the audience's standpoint. The performer exhibits a three foot length of rope and mysteriously begins to S-T-R-E-T-C-H it to an unbelievable 20 feet!

Completely revised, these greatly enlarged instructions include both of Milbourne Christopher's exclusive methods for stretching a rope to many times its original length. No hidden reels, magnets, or special rope needed. Regular, soft cotton magician's rope works fine for this. This will be a show-stopper in your act. Also makes a terrific introduction to a cut 'n restored or ring-on-rope routine.

1st edition...

★★★★★ $3
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Michael Skinner
Cut & Restored Rope by Michael Skinner

This is a wonderful classic cut and restored rope routine performed to a lovely script. The rope is cut and restored twice and in the end the rope vanishes only leaving a short piece behind in the spectator's hand.

runtime: 10min 22s

★★★★★ $6
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MP4 (video)

Maurice Fogel
The Gambling Ghost: Fogel's Top Secrets No. 1 by Maurice Fogel

In this publication Fogel reveals his famous rope tie technique. From the foreword:

It is a routine which can be adapted to be performed either solo, or with a partner; entirely surrounded by an audience in a small room, or from the stage of a large hall; as an entertainment at a function or banquet, or even as a demonstration-lecture before Occult Research Societies and Scientific Circles.

  • Foreword
  • Introductory Address
  • The Routine
  • Requirements
  • Explanation
  • The Fogel Rope Tie in Action
  • Production of the Whisky Bottle
  • Summary
  • Concluding Observations
  • Finale

1st edition 1961,...

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Mats G. Kjellstrom
Jump-O-Ring by Mats G. Kjellstrom

Once upon a time I saw a magician do a routine with three ropes hanging from a stick. At the end of one rope there was a silk. He made the silk to magically jump between the ropes. This was amazing. I wanted to do this, but how? Then I invented this routine that's very impressive. Charles Bertram's old routine "Here, There and Everywhere" has the same effect but the method is very different, my method has the big advantage that you can let the spectator check the rope and knots out before the magic happens! Which makes this an impossible illusion. One nice aspect of Jump-O-Ring is that you can...

★★★★ $5
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Martin Breese
Instructions for Martin Breese's Reel Collection by Martin Breese
  • The Unique Classic Reel
  • The Unique Classic Locking Reel
  • The Unique Classic Double Reel
  • The Unique Classic Double Reel in a Wristwatch
  • Ken Brooke's Method for the Serpent Silk

1st digital edition 2017, 8 pages photo illustrated.

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Mark Leveridge
Safety Catch by Mark Leveridge

This is ideal for walkabout performance or a set close-up or parlour show. A length of rope is handed out for examination and the ends are then tied to form a rope loop. A spectator's watch is borrowed and the strap done up so that the watch is also in a loop. The watch is then threaded onto the double strands of the rope loop which is held between the two hands. By moving his hands up and down, the performer shows how the watch can slide up and down the rope, but provided he does not let go with either of his hands, the watch is safe on the rope.

Then the magician says he will demonstrate...

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Lewis Ganson
The Hindu Thread Trick or Gypsy Thread Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

The Gypsy Thread trick is one of those classic effects in the same league as a linking ring or cups and balls. A thread is broken into several short pieces and then magically restored into one long piece of thread. Many of the best magicians have made the gypsy thread a feature of their performances: Fred Kaps, Dany Ray, Ricky Jay, Billy McComb, Ali Bongo, Hans Trixer, Marconick and Eugene Burger to name just a few.

Lewis Ganson teaches in detail with text, photos and illustrations the ins and outs of this routine.

This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned...

★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson
Give a Magician Enough Rope ... and he'll do a trick by Lewis Ganson

Some of the finest rope magic from Lewis Ganson, Peter Warlock, Van Rinkhuyzen, Anverdi, Faucett W. Ross, Jay Ose, Martin Gardner, Edward Victor, Stanley Norman, Norman Rashleigh, Harold G. Beaumont, C. F. Germelman, Horace E. Bennett, H. Fernandes, Bill Shewan and H. Fernandes.

  • Give a Magician Enough Rope
  • Cut-Knot-Join
  • Impromptu Neck Penetration
  • Rope Thru' Wrist
  • Red and White Ropes
  • A Remarkable Square Knot
  • Stretching A Rope
  • Equally Unequal Ropes
  • Equally Unequal Variations
  • More Variations
  • Equally Unequal Patter Story
  • Cut and Restored Rope
  • Fast Cut and Restoration
  • Variations on...
★★★★ $15
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Lewis Ganson
Reelistic Magic by Lewis Ganson

A collection of tricks, stunts and bits of business using a reel.

A reel is a very powerful stage and parlor tool. (In its miniature versions it can even be used in close-up environments.) It is small enough that it can be easily palmed, but powerful enough to pull silks, cords and other items in a fraction of a second. It is like an invisible hand that the performer can use at his command.

Includes care, repair and maintenance of reels.

  • The Reel
  • Re-Threading The Reel
  • Ken Brooke's Method For "The Untying Silk"
  • The Self-Tying Silk
  • The Untying Silk Again
  • Penetrations With Silk ...
★★★★★ $10
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Lewis Ganson
Rink's Rope and Ring Penetrations by Lewis Ganson

This profusely illustrated booklet. with 66 nice clear drawings, teaches you a complete and seemingly impossible rope and ring routine from Rink. The name of Rink of Holland is tied to many wonderful tricks and routines.

This Ganson description is, as always, a masterpiece and tells all you need to know to fool your audience with a simple piece of rope (with a little preparation) and a ring.

From the introduction

This series of penetrations was built up over a long period of time. The main theme is the linking and unlinking of a solid ring onto a piece of rope, the ends of which have...

★★★★ $10
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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #14: The Penrose Knot by Larry Brodahl

The Penrose knot has never been clearly explained until now. A strange effect that is not only made fun by the supplied script, but an "in the hands" tying method is revealed.

The magician ties a rope into a chain of 30 knots. Each knot appears identical.

The spectator grabs one of the knots. The magician now pulls on the ends of the rope, and every knot dissolves - except - the knot the spectator selected. That knot proves to be a common overhand knot.

The Penrose knot was published in Karl Fulves' Self Working Rope Tricks, but the description was less-than-clear, and the effect is quite strange. ...

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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #15: cut and restored ribbon by Larry Brodahl

A free e-manuscript that explores an age old method to show the power of scripting and analysis.

One of the joys of magic is going through old and dusty ideas and actually finding usable material. This is one of those.

An old, old trick - routined, and scripted - that will fit into a parlor or stage act with almost no difficulty. A trick that - while not a world-beater - will still fool and entertain your audience. A trick that you can keep in your act for those days where you need just a couple of minutes more material.

This ebook gives you every line, joke, piece of timing, setup,...

★★★★ $0
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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #22: vanishing figure 8 knot by Larry Brodahl

How to tie a vanishing figure 8 knot and a script that makes the process more enjoyable and entertaining.

Everyone probably knows how to vanish an overhand knot, or even a Chefalo knot. But how many know how to vanish a figure 8 knot?

How to tie a true figure 8 knot as well as the false figure 8 knot are both shown and are virtually identical. The script provided shows how it can stand on it's own, but it would also fit nicely into a routine with knots. An audience member can even help you tie the knot, and they'll be none the wiser.

Best of all, it's free.

1st edition 2018, 20 pages....

★★★★ $0
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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #30: Cornelius/Anderson Sliding Knot by Larry Brodahl

A practical, usable, and funny script that makes a simple false knot a wonderful interlude in your act. All venues.

  • Preface
  • Props needed
  • Methodology
    • How to store the ropes until ready to perform
    • Tying the knot
    • Miscellaneous stunts
    • How to move and display the knot
  • Script
  • Script Insights
  • Notes
  • Credits
  • An Additional Service
  • Final thoughts

1st edition 2020, PDF 22 pages, video 3:25.

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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #32: Teddy by Larry Brodahl

A parlor/small stage version of the Gypsy Thread that does not rely on florescent thread, but instead uses yarn. It comes complete with a offbeat and funny script.

  • Preface
  • Effect
  • Methodology
    • Materials
    • Preparation
    • Moves
  • Scripts
  • Analysis of the trick
  • Script Insights
    • Fixing flaws
  • Performance Notes
  • Errata
  • Credits
  • An Additional Service
  • Final thoughts

1st edition 2020, PDF 21 pages.

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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #33: Ring and Rope by Larry Brodahl

A multi-phase ring and rope routine using only a regular rope and ring.

Most ring and rope routines don't really look like magic. They look like the rope is looped and threaded and re-threaded, and otherwise fiddled with to account for the "magic". Not this routine. Simple. Easy to perform. Almost surrounded. No gimmicks, no gaffs. Everything's examinable, and nothing is added or taken away. A rope - and a ring. And a killer script.

The author of How To Write A Script reveals his 'Ring and Rope' routine, which he has used to close his act, and is nothing but visual, clean magic. This ebook gives you every...

★★★ $10
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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #34: Thumb Thing Fun by Larry Brodahl

An age old penetration of your own thumb using a string or chain has been revisited and reworked into a clever and deceptive trick. Simple. Easy to perform. Surrounded. No gimmicks, no gaffs.

A classic of magic we all learned early on and never do, as it's not a very good trick. Until now. The trick has been transformed into a very cute and clever brain teaser with nothing more than a little modified handling and some clever scripting.

1st edition 2021, PDF 24 pages, video 1 min 48 s.

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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #39: The Chain Game by Larry Brodahl

A quick routine for the Chain Game, Endless Chain, Loopy Loops, etc. that entertains your audience, and gives them a feel for the con game without taking too long. They are even given a consolation prize, which is immediately taken back, and they are left with "something to think on".

This ebook gives you every line, joke, piece of timing, setup and nuance of the routine. The ebook also takes you through an overview of some of the steps of script writing and routine design used to create the script.

NOTE: Part of this routine relies on wordplay that may not work outside of the English...

★★★★★ $10
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L. C. Collier
Big Ring on String by L. C. Collier

A parlor sized ring with a stage sized routine.

This is a compact ring and string routine which uses some of the most visual moves one can do with these props. For many years I have performed a very similar routine. I used a red cotton ribbon instead of the standard white rope, because a ribbon lies flat on the ring and is wider than a rope allowing for some sequences a stronger illusion.

1st edition 2003; 10 pages.

★★★★ $5
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L. C. Collier
Full Circle Rope Routine by L. C. Collier

The magician pulls out a six foot piece of rope, pulls it up in the center and clearly cuts the rope into two pieces. He then picks up the bottom ends, brings them to the top and the rope fully restores. He then grabs the rope by the middle and cuts it in half again. He trims off the pieces at the top and the rope restores a second time.

He folds the rope into thirds and cuts it at the top and bottom. He clearly counts off the three separate and equal pieces from one hand to the other. With all the pieces held in one hand he brings the bottom ends to the top and individually pulls out three...

★★★★★ $5
more than one
type to choose



Ken Muller
Snap Rope by Ken Muller

A unique cut and restored rope effect.

  • no weird loop in the hand - just cut the rope in the center as a layperson would
  • both cut ends are shown separately and apart
  • no knots or fumbling
  • the rope is snapped like a whip and is fully restored (other endings possible)
  • it can be used in another effect or passed out
These techniques were developed during communications with MagicIan (Ian Garrison) just before his untimely passing. He was going to add it to his lecture tour material with a different ending. The Method is old. The ability to show the cut ends separately and apart is new....
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Ken Muller
Cross Lock Penetration: Magic More Series by Ken Muller

A novel and powerful ring on rope effect. The cord is woven about your spread fingers to form an impassible gate with a loop beneath. The ends are far from the metal ring, yet it visually jumps onto the loop.

No gimmick or unnatural moves. Opportunities for audience participation and you can be completely surrounded.

Idea for when a ring & rope effect is added to a linking rings routine, cut and restored rope or stand-alone for walk-around or table hopping as a prelude to a later routine.

However, this effect is so impossible in comparison with many simpler ring on rope effects to...

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Ken de Courcy
It's Knot Impossible by Ken de Courcy

Get the most from a classic trick. All you need is a single piece of rope (that can be borrowed) and you are always ready to entertain your audience. It packs so small but it plays so big. You can perform it close up or for a big audience.

"The Impossible Knot", originally called "G.W.Hunter's Puzzle Knot", was well-known to magicians fifty years ago but appears to have dropped out of use. This is a shame because it is easy to do, not well-known and, due to the method, almost impossible for a spectator to work out even when he is apparently shown how it is done. In short, it's a useful thing...

★★★★ $4
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