The magician holds a card in front of his body and with a wave of the hand, the center vanishes only leaving the border.
This is an improvement to the older version because it does not require a black background. You will need the usual supplies and arts and crafts for gaffing cards.
1st edition 2022, video 19:20
A super visual partial vanish of a playing card.
Performer holds an empty card frame in one hand and a playing card in the other. By moving the playing card behind the frame the back of the playing card partially vanishes only leaving its frame visible. This looks incredible since the cards can be moved around and everything looks as it should. One could suspect CGI, but everything is achieved with gaffed cards and sleight of hand.
This requires the usual supplies and arts and crafts for gaffing cards, plus a black background like a black T-shirt.
1st edition 2022, video 33:40
A visual partial vanish of a playing card.
Performer holds a playing card in front of his body. Suddenly most of the card vanishes leaving only the border behind.
This requires the usual supplies and arts and crafts for gaffing cards, plus a black background like a black T-shirt.
1st edition 2022, video 27:24
A very visual and sudden spectator card rising to the top effect.
Spectator chooses a card (no force). The card can optionally be signed. It is inserted face-up in the middle of the deck. The performer places the top card by 90 degrees rotated on the top of the deck. He then removes that top card and suddenly the spectator's card rises to the top and is seen face-up on the top of the deck.
The gimmick is easy to make. It requires arts and crafts and some of the usual supplies for card gaffing.
1st edition 2022, video 13:30.
This is a very visual effect. Magically transfer writing from a card to your hand. Have a card selected (not forced), have it signed on the face, and then make a mark on the back. Wave your hand over the card and suddenly the mark has vanished from the card. It has transferred to the palm of your hand. Hand out the signed card as a souvenir.
The gimmick is easy to make and only requires a bit of arts and crafts with the usual supply for card gaffing.
1st edition 2022, video 15 min.
A gaffed card that allows performing a super-clean back color change of a signed card.
From a red-backed deck, a spectator selects and removes a card, signs the face, and returns it to the deck. The deck is spread and a blue-backed card is seen in the middle of the spread. When turned over, it is the card he signed.
A magician shows a card with cut-out pips and puts it into a playing card box. The spectator selects a card. When the magician takes out the cut-out pips card from the case and shows it one more time, it suddenly changes to a card without cut-out pips, and when turned face-up it has changed into the spectator's card.
Requires arts and crafts to construct the gimmick.
1st edition 2022, video 38:01.
Performer shows the red back of a playing card. One can see a heart and an arrow is drawn on the back. Suddenly the arrow slowly flies towards the heart until it penetrates it. In the final climax the color of the red card changes to blue. Making the gimmicked card requires arts and crafts.
Special thanks to Patricio Teran for helping to release this effect.
1st edition 2022, video 36:59.
Most tricks explained require a double backer, sometimes the same back double-backer, sometimes a different back double-backer.
1st edition 1933, 8 pages; PDF 14 pages.
Card tricks requiring one or more double-facers.
The 18 tricks were supplied by U. F. Grant. Burling Hull writes:
Once in a decade, comes an array of unique and miraculous card mysteries - and introducing revolutionary magical principles in this branch of mystification. Such are the card feats in this book. Many of the experiments have been viewed by American foremost magical critics, and pronounced "Amazingly Ingenious".
This book includes some amazing deceptions with DOUBLE FACE CARDS (cards with faces printed on both sides) which may be introduced into almost any standard pack (and frequently...
Two cards (2 x Queen of Spades) are shown to a spectator, who is then handed an "invisible card" the 9 of Hearts. The spectator throws the invisible card towards the magician who is going to catch it between the two queens. The spectator does this and the 9 of hearts instantly appears between them! Then, whenever the magician wants, the 9 of hearts vanishes - only to turn up in another location. This is a great self-working effect that gets great reactions.
You'll need to make the gimmick with a couple of things most magicians will already possess. It'll take you just five minutes and...
Bird One - Kingside Castling
Simply put, a spectator's signed king from a packet of four kings vanishes from underneath her hand. As a kicker, the other 3 kings in the packet become blank even though she just saw all four of the kings. There are no switches.
Bird Two - Brainwave: Card 8
This is a variation of Nick Trost's 8 Card Brainwave that does the effect in reverse.
From a packet of 8 cards with 8 different colored backs, the spectator freely (no force) chooses one of them without knowing the values of any of the cards. Yet, the one she freely chose is found to be the only...
A spectator signs a freely selected card (no force). The card is replaced into the deck which is shuffled and thrown loose into a McDonald's paper bag (or any other bag, or container, which can be borrowed and is completely ungimmicked). The bag is shaken by various spectators - the cards are genuinely mixed-up. The magician then reaches into the bag whilst looking away - and brings out a single card. It is the signed card! This is so easy, self-working, and perfect for close-up or on stage.
You can find the only blue card in a red deck - whilst properly blindfolded. Includes a fantastic,...
Have three cards selected (they can be signed), return them individually into the deck, shuffle, and miraculously the four kings turn face up, and between the kings the three selected and signed cards are found.
This effect is possible due to a simple gimmick you can quickly make at home. (No gimmick is included with this download.) There are many more ways to use this gimmick. Peter explains a variety of effects and ways to use it.
1st edition 2022, video 28:21.
You show seven Jacks of Hearts and one Ten of Spades. By putting the Ten of Spades face-down on the face-up Jacks, all cards turn magically face-down. But the climax is still coming. Once the cards are turned face up they are now all Ten of Spades except one Jack of Hearts.
1st edition 2022, video 3:11.
When I first saw Killer Card Case by JP Vallarino and Yuri Kaine I fell in love with the idea of a box with a window. I knew for sure that her potential was not 100% revealed, and therefore I took it upon myself to play with this idea. I present to you Miracle Box - a tool that will allow you to perform effects such as:
Anything that fits in the box can be produced, in particular: