This is a system that you can use with different card values, for example AS and 8D. Instant disappearance and appearance of suits on the card, but it can also be a change of color of suits or transformation. Easy to do, easy to perform. No reset. The tutorial demonstrates two methods of how you can make this gimmick.
1st edition 2021, video 32:28
A modern version of this classic gaffed card. Detailed are the two methods: splitting cards and printing them yourself to achieve this mysterious effect. Included is a self-printed example. This card has a matte finish that is enhanced by the candlelight used to effect the transformation. This is a remarkable illusion that takes no skill and differs greatly from Hofzinser's original construction. As seen in the video, the image seems to melt from one card value to another. Simple in construction.
1st edition 2021, PDF + gimmicked card
Look carefully because this effect is a real fooler. I have shown it to many magicians and no one of them had a clue. This is the perfect end to your sandwich card routine. It looks like real magic. The two queens inexplicably approach each other inside the card case to capture the card signed by the spectator. It looks amazing! Really easy to do. You have all the materials at home to build the gimmick. I am really proud of this routine. I show you how you can end clean.
1st edition...
A great ebook for those interested in creating their own mechanical (rough and smooth) trick decks or restoring old ones.
The mechanical decks described in the first part of this ebook were brand new when first published, and represented a value - in today's dollars - of nearly $195 if purchased from a dealer. But that's not all. In this revised and expanded edition, you also get complete instructions for making your own Brainwave and Pop-Eyed Popper decks. While you can buy them ready-made from a dealer, making them yourself allows you to create custom decks, such as with airline or other...
You show four red nines and four black nines. Then you interleave them openly and fairly one red, one black, one red, one black, a.s.o. into two piles of four cards each. One simple wave of the hand and the colors have separated themselves, one pile has all the red cards, and the other all the black cards.
1st edition 2021, video 3 min 50 s.
You show four nine of hearts face up. Count them again and one has turned face down showing a red back. Count them again and a grey-colored back is showing. Then a gold-colored back. When the fourth turns over, and reveals a green back, all cards are now face down showing four different backs. Then you turn them face up and they are now all queen of spades. You can go again through the same sequence as before, where one card at a time turns face down showing four different backs. The climax is that at the end all four faces have changed to aces.
It is hard to imagine more color changes mixed...
An extraordinary magic trick in which the spectators will see four jacks turn face down one by one. For the final climax, the magician explains that sometimes, if poker cards are used for magic, very strange things can happen: That's when the four jacks suddenly turn into a Royal Flush. A trick with which I bluffed the audience and magicians. All you need is a special card, which is very easy to find. But this little effort is really worth it.
An impromptu version of the effect is also described, in which the cards from Ace to Four, one at a time, turn face down and then magically transform...
You show four blank cards and one ten of clubs, five cards in total. They all have red backs. Suddenly the ten of clubs has a blue back. Then you fan the remaining four cards and all the blank faces have changed to a royal flush, an ace, king, queen, and jack. The ten completing the royal flush. As a final climax all cards are turned face down and they all have different colored backs.
1st edition 2021, video 2 min 36 s.
You show four queens. The two black queens are placed on the table, the two red queens are retained in the hands. But despite this separation, they change places and the red queens are now on the table and the black queens are in the hands. The next phase is a little 'oil and water' sequence where the queens are mixed black, red, black, red but quickly separate themselves again into two black and two red queens. The startling climax is that all four cards change their back colors.
1st edition 2021, video 4 min 57 s.
You show four cards blank on both sides. Suddenly one changes to a Jack of Clubs with a regular blue back. One moment later all four change to blue backs and Jack of Diamonds on the front. Barely a moment later they have all red backs and Jack of Hearts on the front. If you haven't seen enough color changes the four backs change to yet another color. The fronts are blank again with one exception, a Jack of Clubs. You end where you started with all four cards blank on both sides.
1st edition 2021, video 3 min 25 s.
You start with three cards one of which has a big hole. Mixing them up a bit and suddenly the card with the hole has two holes. One moment later it has three holes. Another mixing and everything is back to where it started, one card with a hole, the other two regular cards.
1st edition 2021, video 3 min 42 s.
Visual movement of holes on a playing card.
Show a playing card which has random holes in it. This is best done by putting it in front of a light source, such as your phone's screen. In an instant the holes rearrange to something meaningful. It could be a simple image, the name of a card, a spectator name, a date, anything you can think of. It is a great way to reveal a prediction.
1st edition 2020, video length 17 min.
It's not a trick, it's a system ... Imagine that you have an option to change the color of a freely chosen and signed card. Mario Tarasini introduces his new portable flap system. You can place a special portable flap system on any card to immediately change its color and hand it over to the spectator.
1st edition 2020, video length 10 min 51 s.
There is nothing new when a card visually changes color. The market is flooded with hundreds of visual color changes variations base on a few dozen methods. But what if you can do a visual color change with a coin on top. The same coin on top of a card before and after the card color change. Crazy right? Give yourself a chance and watch the trailer.
[Please note that the video is in Korean with English subtitles. Everything is clearly described visually as well.]
1st edition 2020, video length 29 min.
Visual and practical effects are rarely combined into one trick. Hallucination is a very practical and visual trick. Imagine you draw 4 points on a playing card, after which you shake the deck and they line up, and that’s not all, you shake the deck again and the points completely disappear.
1st edition 2020, length 6:27.