reviewed by Paul Budd (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 17 November, 2007)
Please note: if you like Vaudevillian-style patter (and I do), you'll LOVE this book!!
At only 25 pages, it's more of a pamphlet really, and please be aware: you really only get about 3 "tricks" within the book (and not much explanation of those at that).....they're common effects, well documented in magic literature (you'll probably already know them). What you get, really is the VERBATIM patter of a (roughly) 16-minute Vaudevillian magic act, clearly outlined with instructions for: A. How to set the stage before your performance B. Orchestra cues (and comedic bits of how you might interact with the orchestra conductor) C. All the "walk here - stand there" blocking notes you might ever need for this act.
I love Vaudeville and this drips with that certain "style". The cost is reasonable. Get it only to help you remember how important self-depracating asides can be when you want your audience to laugh during your act. A great investment and will be treasured addition to my magic library.
reviewed by Carlos Negron (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 15 November, 2007)
I hate to give this review but I want to give the author some credit after reading this book. Why? Because I want this information to be all mine.
If you have been doing magic in your bedroom, mirror, family, and friends and want to take the show on the road. Here is a no-nonsence book on what you need to do. I think even if you have been performing and don't think your doing what you think you should be doing...well this book might have some tips for you.
An easy read that is packed with the facts.
This is the best book I've downloaded yet to date from Lybrary. What more can I say...
No tricks, just straight talk on what one must do in order to perform, get gigs, and keep gigs.
reviewed by Richard Hanson
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 09 November, 2007)
This is a truly wonderful book. Don't be fooled by how short it is. There's plenty packed in here to think about. For those new to the Himber wallet, this should be required reading. For those who have used the Himber, there's new food for thought. Dig out that Himber, stop thinking about it as just another prop and read this book!
reviewed by Erick Castle
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 08 November, 2007)
The routine is straight to the point, and it is definitely my cup of tea.
reviewed by Peter Emerald
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 30 October, 2007)
What a wonderful ebook about a most fascinating personality and a most inexplicable effect. Mr. Wasshuber has done an outstanding job bringing Samuel Cox Hooker to life, explaining his scientific background and achievements as well as his interest in magic and how and why he created his rising cards. Wasshuber's explanation of how the trick could be done makes a lot of sense and I would be surprised if not at least a number of aspects of his method are indeed the way Hooker achieves his miracles.
I love the fact that a host of unpublished as well as published source material is included in the ebook. This way I can read not just Mr. Wasshuber's well researched and thought out deductively argued theory but I can also check myself the source material and come to my own conclusions.
Highly recommended. I wish Mr. Wasshuber would write a few more ebooks like this one.
reviewed by Feras Kh.
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 15 July, 2007)
Mr.Duffie released this booklet on card magic while back, and after its success he released the Englland Up Close, which is a MUCH larger book.
In this book, you will find 26 card effects, many utilizes unique sleights. I shall describe the routines and give my opinion on them. I will describe the routines and give the comments. Here you go:
Autograph Hunter: By Roy Wolton. The effect is as direct as the description. The reason that I don't do it, because it uses alot of classic passes. Something that I don't like.
The Hands of a Surgeon: A VERY good spectator cuts the aces routine by Gordon Bruce. Very commercial with little setup ( the one you're thinking of ). An EXCELLENT packet reverse is taught here.
The ESP Shuffle: ESP effect. I don't use ESP cards, so I don't use this one.
Hot Flush: Self working Royal Flush production. Very easy, very direct. Without going into details, spectator deals four piles, where you show a 10S, KS, JS and QS on top of each. So its not shown as a poker hand.
Justice is Mine: Gambling demostration of bottom dealing by Jim Boyd, where you actually bottom deal. You show four cards on top, deal them to show the kings. You explain the bottom deal. Kicker is that you offer to demostate again, then you deal the aces instead. Really effective, if your bottoms are great. Mine aren't.
Hofzinser 2001: A GREAT variation of the Hofzinser problem. Problem is there are some angle issues, but can be easily covered with misdirection. A use for The Jordan count.
A Hobbit's Tale: Nice routine by Euan Bingham. I don't perform it due to the need to do a pass with few cards. I'm not very good in that.
Phantom Aces: A routine by Euan Bingham that needs a Himber Wallet. Don't have one, so I don't do the routine.
Diamond Snatch: Utilizes a Bill Simon sleight that is overlooked by many. This is one great routine by Gary Middleton.
King for a Day: AWESOME version of the Hofzinser problem. The card turns over, then change into its mates. I'm working on the sleight needed, as its quite tricky to do, though I will be using the sleight alot.
Captives of the Cranium: Uses a full deck stack.
Stebbins Prediction: Uses a full deck stack. I only stack up the deck when the effect is REALLY brillant. This one and the one before it, are good, but not the best.
Veeser Meets Steranko: Spectator cuts to aces, very direct and also you learn a very little used sleight. If you are seated in a table, this is PERFECT.
Thanks to Collins: Oh my God .. The gem .. SO original uses in this effect.
Big bank Hunt: A classic sandwich effect that gets out of the usual methods. You learn a sleight here that is .. wierd, but very commercial and usable.
Stranger: Great effect with great method. Awesome.
Total Recall: A method of memorizing entire shuffled deck (!). I didn't even read it yet, due to way too long description ( which is a good thing )
New Wave Oil and Water: Unless you openly use dup.s, you cannot use this with playing cards. O&W cards are used, as said in the ad.
Walkaround: Perfect routine for walkarounds, a complete act! Love it.
Eight of Two Kings: Production of two-four of a kind by Dave Forrest. Fancy ( but not too fancy ), and brillant.
Skinned: Card to impossible location. Very neat.
Finishing Touch: Another great Duffie effect.
52 Minus 1: A use for that One Way Deck in your drawer.
Thinking Cap: Awesome effect by R. Paul Wilson.
ConCam Cards: Cards Across with envelopes. I don't use envelops, but if you do, you'll gonna love it. Simple method.
L.K.D. Monte: AWESOME, AWESOME 3 card monte move ( not the monte with the V bend on it, just a flat, 3 cards monte ). A utility move that is very, very deceptive. I fooled myself when I first tried it.
Overall, this book demands some skillful card handling. If you are a beginner, or an intermediate, you will need to work on these material.
I would give it five starts, but when you compare the price of this ebook with the England Close up, the latter book has the most bang for buck ( MUCH more effects for 20$ ).
reviewed by Feras Alkharboush
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 21 June, 2007)
Hi there. I don't have any of Duffie's work, and I read that this is the book to get when it comes to Duffie. I bought it as a special offer elsewhere, and its really, really good.
Alot of effects contain dealing. Sometimes spelling is used ( combined with mathmatic priciples ). Sometimes dealing is used to mix the cards ... etc.
Standard sleights are not explained. Sleights like Elmsley count, Vernon Add-on, Faro, Reverse Faro ( even its not a move, but the term is used ), half pass and double lifts and false shuffles, are needed, but not explained.
I loved some effects, and liked others. I know I won't use some of them though, because they look more like puzzles, than a magic effect. I'll review the effects I use:
Kickstart Aces: Spectator locates the aces with a help of magic card. A VERY neat, clean 4 of a kind production. The spectator locates the aces in a very clean way. Its has some prepration,which can be done if you know how to cull effectivly. Other than that, its a winner.
Sweet Sixteen: Though the effect is fun to do, the plot itself is not the best. You show 4 cards, pointing out they are 16 in total. You turn them face down, turn of them face up, count the cards and the face up 4 changes to 2. You do another change, getting two 2's. You say 16-4 = 12. So I should have 12 left! No! I have TWO 12s! ( i.e queens ). The plot is not the best, but it might be nice to do once in a while.
Six Cards Interlude: any deck is shuffled, then top six cards are taken. One is fairly selected, and revealed later one. You never touch the cards, you don't have to be there anyway. You can instruct your friend in the phone! The effect takes awhile to do ( dealing and transfering cards ), but its *nice*.
By Pass: A very quick effect, which is really fun and nice to do. Two cards are selected, You take produce one from your pocket and the other is reversed in middle of the deck. The method *flows*, and is really quick. A very good card control is taught here, which is something I will use.
Halloween Location: A selected card revelation thought a fair process. Again the dealing card be boring here ( I've had the spectator dealing 45 cards once, his card is 46 .. ) Fact or Fiction: One of my TOP favorite effects! THIS IS the lie detector I will use! Its simply brillant! Performed it 4 times, each time got a kick out of it! There is some setup, but the effect is well worth it.
Make Mine a Double: An extremly clean way to produce 2 cards of the same suit and value. Spectator chooses a card for you, then a card for him. Both are the same in value and suit. Very simple method, very direct and quick effect.
Totalizator: As it reads, 2 value's of the selections are summed, and you produce two cards with the same summed result. Easy and direct. You will use it if you like the plot.
The Mental Pack: A card and a number are selected in a fair way, and the number is *produced*, and so is the card ( in a visual way, like in the standard card sandwich handling ). I will use this, though I'll use a short card instead of the crimp ( I'm telling this in case you bought the book! ). Some setup is needed, but well worth it for the effect. I use this in my performances.
Hour Magic: A little quickie for you to use. I don't use it in my performances, only in *here is my deck. Show me a quick trick* situations. Borrowed deck, no sleight of hand.
These are the effects I read and use. I didn't have time to read the others, I will do since holiday is coming. For now, some effects here are really amazing, while others are like *nice .. *. There is something for everyone here.
reviewed by Brian Chan
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 14 June, 2007)
I have read quite a few trick from this book, but only PERFORMED Joints, so I will only comment this one alone. I have tried it out in the real world, in front of many different groups of people and frankly, this trick was really well recieve by my audiences (both layman and magicians). It can be done at an impromptu situation, you can borrow the coins from your audience if you wish. The routine was really well thought of and Mr. Conn also provide some nice subtleties to enhance the effect (USE THEM, it's quite important). There are no suspicious moves, as I said it was really well thought out, everything flows in this routine. If you want to get into a nice Elbow, Knee and Neck effect, this is a great one to learn from. If you are a member the of the magic cafe, you can also look up reviews for this book.
reviewed by Anonymous
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 13 May, 2007)
all of Ian's teaching videos are of value. his website has a large number of tutorials for cards, coins, ropes - and toothbrushes! - and he concentrates on substance over style, in terms of giving you what you need to know and imparting that knowledge well. he has a pretty informal teaching style, and you get a good feeling for each of the moves. i've bought things from him before, and never been disappointed, and always felt that I've improved as a result
reviewed by Jim Kasmir (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 11 May, 2007)
A beautiful and inspiring work. If you love bizarre and spooky presentations, you'll treasure this. Fraughton is a genius!
reviewed by Jim Kasmir (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 11 May, 2007)
I like this very very much. If you have Pentalogy...if you like R. Shane...then you know what to expect. It is fun, antic, full of comedy. I'm surprised nobody has written a review yet. I will be trying this one out in the real world very soon. There is nothing technically demanding here, but you might require a light heart. And you even get to quote Damon Runyon! What more could you want!??! Oh get to hand out an extremely cool souvenir!
reviewed by Stuart Hayner
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 08 May, 2007)
PAUL ROSINI was loved by both Magicians and laypeople. He knew how to put art in magic. If you love magic read this book, but be forewarned it ends tragic.
reviewed by John Wells
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 26 April, 2007)
While this is very similar to a switch published by Walter Gibson, it has the touches that are only learnt in performance. This is a very good switch to have in your arsenal.
reviewed by Charles Stylesmith
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 10 April, 2007)
$80 for the instructions and a bit of hard labor. BUT... You'll have the most astounding audience knockout of your act!!!
reviewed by Joe Libby (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 06 April, 2007)
This is a very enjoyable read; in fact it's basically a swipe file of ideas that present-day entertainers can model for posters, publicity stunts, etc. A lot of the ideas presented are so old they're new. Recommended; it's a bargain at $9.00.
reviewed by Sam Weiss
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 06 April, 2007)
This is a really good ebook and every illusion you will want to use. The 1st one that I made was the dog vanish and I fooled everyone. all I have to say is 3 words
reviewed by Jim Kasmir (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 23 February, 2007)
I thoroughly enjoyed this well-written ebook from Mark Piazza. The accent is on presentation, which should come as no surprise to learned students of the bizarre. Variety is abundant. Inside Shuddershadow Mansion lurk routines so dark that I would not suggest performing them at your next restaurant gig, yet there are whimsical effects suitable for all ages. One of my favorites is a chilling prediction effect entitled 'Timmy's Toy Chest' that could definitely become part of a longer seance. Then there is the comedic routine involving three ghostly stooges (or four, depending on how you perform it!). There is also a chapter of useful ideas for putting together a Poe Seance. I found the humor in this book refreshing and urge you to check it out. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
reviewed by Feras A. Alkharboush (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 15 February, 2007)
This is pure gem. This booklet is quite known to the knowledgable magicians ( Richard Kaufman mentions it in his DVD, "On The Pass" ). I'm a fan of Braue and Hugard books ( Expert Card technique, Royal Road and Miracle methods ), so I had to get this. As always, Braue and Hugard maintain the high quality work in their material.
This Pass is a variation on the Herrmann Pass, although what’s different is the unique mechanics of the move. Users of the standard Turn-over pass ( the first pass taught in Expert Card Technique ) know that there is a flash, which can be observed to the close observer. This one IS Invisible, the cover is perfect. It can be done almost surrounded ( although from the left and the back angles, "something" WILL be noticed, its like the standard turn-over pass ). It is invisible as long its below eyes' level ( somewhat like the standard turn-over ).
The mechanism is new, and it will awhile to make it smooth. I'm writing this review after about 4 months of buying the ebook, and now I can do it quite well.
If you are a serious card handler, you want to learn this pass. The teaching is EXCELLENT ( the whole booklet is only for one move .. ). There are photographs ( not illustrations ) in EVERY page, along with the description. Then, Hugard goes into some notes regarding the pass, then you see some illustrations ( for those who love them more than photographs! ).
This baby is a joy to perform. Five Stars, fully deserved.
4 bucks? Maaaan ..
reviewed by Stan Sieler (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 28 January, 2007)
Somewhat disappointing pamphlet. In some cases, it looks like the hat created is larger than would be possible with the given starting piece of fabric. Some hats require the aid of a "clip". There are about 25 hats described. The book comes in HTML format and is 15 web pages.
reviewed by Todd Landman
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 20 January, 2007)
Daniel Young is a fantastic young mentalist with superb ideas that take 'lateral' thinking to a new dimension. This collection of works is outstanding and should be in every mentalist's collection. I have read these through and through, and I have adopted one of his methods in the development of my own ideas. These are fresh and strong effects that will play well in a variety of performance settings. His work is akin to that of Looch, author of Simple and Direct (SAD) mentalism. Get this collection now and start performing the impossible.
reviewed by Andrew Loh
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 04 December, 2006)
Title: 7 Author: Peter Duffie Category: Cards and mentalism Pages: 48 Price: $15 ------------------------------------------
Here's my honest review of Peter Duffie's new ebook - 7. It's a collection of 7 effects plus a bonus effect which I believe one of the best or favourite in this ebook. This ebook covers both card magic, diary tricks, predictions, etc. Most of the materials are usable.
Without wasting time, I will take some time to break down and review each of the effects as following:
Automatic Gambler ----------------------
This is a very nice routine. I am not a big fan of gambling tricks, but after reading Peter's version, I think I will certainly give it a try. I really like the idea where the Aces vanish visually and spectator deal themselves with the four Aces in their hand which I thought very strong. I like it!
Satanic Writes --------------
Another excellent diary routine from Peter, I should say really amazing or really freak people out! I enjoyed Peter's previous diary tricks such as "Mind Master", "Devious Dates", etc and this one is really something different and it's a very strong routine.
Klektors ---------
This effect is one of the best, very direct and I am a big fan of Walton's The Collectors plot. I have read numerous Peter's version in many sources in his ebooks such as "With cards", "Card School", "Covert Concepts", Jason Alford's "Cyber Sessions", and etc, and I like this version a lot. This version is very direct and definitely will add this routine in my repertoire.
Jack of All Trade-offs ------------------------
A nice routine, it's a prediction effect that based on Dave Campbell's FRED trick. Very easy to do and it's a small packet trick.
Off-Centre Point -------------------
This is something very unique and interesting. In appearance, it seems you share the secret knowledge of locating spectator's selection at its location. At the end, somehow their selection amazingly rises to the of the deck.
Laughing Queens -------------------
When comes to anything related about Oil and Queens by Roy Walton, I will certainly will have the interest of the routine. I watched Peter's Laughing Queens clip quite some few years ago and I liked it. This version eliminates the Hamman Count and it's more streamline. This effect immediately added in my repertoire. I really like it.
Paradise Found -----------------
This routine is very entertaining and combined with the interesting patter. I really like the ending part which I thought it has a surprise climax and it's nice finished for the routine. It's a kind of routine that very enjoyable to perform.
Snap Happy (Bonus Effect) -------------------------------
I think this effect alone worth the price of this ebook and Peter was very kind to offer this as a bonus. I really like this a lot, I have performed this many times with my friends today and the reaction was so overwhelming. This effect is very visual transposition in apperance and best of all, in this effect, it can be done no special setup and as an impromptu nature. Just four cards and you would be able to astonish people with this small packet trick.
There you go and thanks for reading.
In closing, I would like to say one thing, just purchase this ebook and you will not be disappointed. I have added a lot of effects into my repertoire. I believe the materials in this ebook are something for everyone and I am sure there are 4 or 5 effects that you will actually use.
High Recommended!
Ratings: 9/10
reviewed by Feras A. Alkharboush (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 01 December, 2006)
This is one hidden gem. I just cant recommend this one enough. For 1.5$? C'mon!
Here are some of the effects/sleights you will learn:
1- Braue Double Lift: A super clean Double/Triple lift with NO get ready. Its the FIRST time I see this double .. its not even in Greg Wilson's DVD Double Take .. !
2- Homing Card: A group of cards are fanned, a card is discared, the cards are fanned again .. and the card is still there !! This is done couple of times!
3- A card is selected and shuffled in the deck. The performer shows and deals 3 cards .. and the selected card is one of them! He still doesnt know the selected card though .. he deals a forth card .. and its the selected card! Spectators rush to the 3 cards dealt before, and of course, the selected card is not anyone of them.
4- a Fan false count. You can count seven or ten cards as five .. or any number less than it ( depends on the stack ).
5- 4 cards are selected and shuffled in the deck. The performer cuts the deck 4 times, finding each card and deals it. After discovering all the four cards and dealing them .. spectator discovers that the 4 cards are all Aces!
These are my fav.s .. there are some tricks in the book. For 1.5$? Why not getting it?!
reviewed by Anonymous
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 27 November, 2006)
Well at least for my $4.00 I worked out why it's titled "Tragic Magic". (Apparently not the original title but came to be named so by its legion of happy readers......not.) Old texts at a low cost cannot be expected to provide anything approaching a well rounded introduction to conjuring for the beginner or a polished source of material for the experienced practitioner. Although cited as having 122 pages when transposed to A4 the printout is 58. Of that a substantial use of space is used by Mr. Leat to lecture on the apparently poor ethics of his fellow colleagues. His approach to his craft rests on negativity toward anything other than his own ego and self righteousness. Many of the routines are in pre development form with the author passing only opinion regarding their viability (the promotional disappearing "Pail of Water"). Mr. Leat explains in the introduction that the book will be a vehicle for his verse/poetry (about 25% of the book), I found the remainder devoted to hypnotizing roosters and describing a con using three "dancing" mussels without their shells threaded on a piece of cotton. Now in case you consider the reviewer to be as negative as Mr. Leat I did consider the placement of a four inch dice into an empty hat with the subsequent production of a glass of wine, cigars, powder puff and a 16 inch by 12 inch cross suitably covered in flowers so as to give the appearance of a wreath which reflected a "Rakes" life and demise of some value. (Page 7) Although I read the whole book I considered going beyond page 8 was of little value.
reviewed by Steven S
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 20 November, 2006)
Excellant effect. Another masterpiece from Danny... Heres the effect. You show a $1 Front and back (really!). Then, you fold it in half. After a simple and quick wave of your hand, it changes to the $5 bill. Really, it is only a wave. Nothing more. Then, you fold the $5 in half. After another wave, it turns to a $10...seriously. Just snap your fingers, and then you have a $20. Then, after a little shake, you have a fully examinable 50 cent piece. Or, if you want to give it away, I sometimes use a quarter. And I always end with the perfect line... "DON'T GET GREEDY!".
This is an awesome effect...the only downfalls are it will cost you $7 to make the gimmick. But after that, it will last you for years. No lie. But get this, it is unbelievable. Seriously.
reviewed by Feras A. Alkharboush (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 10 November, 2006)
6$ .. and you get one of the best mentalism books out there.
This book is FILLED with material, which are all clever and practical.
It has sections on bullets, cards, large mental stunts, and lots of other categories. I highly recommend getting this book. The best mentalism book I have.
By the way, if you have the brainwave deck, this book will teach you killer routines with it. Plus, it will teach you how to make your own deck.