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Day One

Scott Cram
Day One by Scott Cram

The classic "Day For Any Date" feat has been updated!

Day One is a new approach to appearing as a human calendar. You ask for the year and month of the spectator's birthday, and instantly create that month's calendar for them on the back of your business card.

Day One is designed to be simple to learn, as well as quick and impressive to perform.

The role of math and mnemonics has been greatly simplified and minimized, and you don't need any previous experience with other mnemonic systems. Entire centuries are covered with less than a third of the mnemonics required by other approaches....

★★★★ $9.99
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Stone Cold Magic (download video)

Jeff Stone
Stone Cold Magic (download video) by Jeff Stone...
sizable frame. A fun approach to card magic." - Jim Spinnato

"All of these tricks I could see myself performing for walk around, and for friends. All of it is very visual... the ace productions, and especially the shrinking card. It looks like trick photography! I need to go back and learn that one. There's a lot of effects on there too... and it seems to be easy material to learn. Thank you Jeff for a wonderful DVD, and I promise I will learn them good! - Jesse Feinberg I just got my copy this weekend. Great value for the money in a DVD. $25.00 and free shipping It will keep me busy for a while." - Norituck ...

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MP4 (video)


Jeff Stone
Gemstones by Jeff Stone... you'll have a utility at your disposal that will allow you to completely and cleanly vanish and/or switch any small item that you can fit in your hand. You'll see how Jeff uses classic moves in unique and different ways that will catch even the most well-studied magicians off guard. You'll witness one of the cleanest vanishes of a playing card or dollar bill imaginable. Plus you'll have access to a special bonus website full of extras and additional effects.

"Got this yesterday and took a look at it this morning. One word: COMMERCIAL! Really good stuff on here. My personal faves were Quarterback,...

★★★★★ $20
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MP4 (video)

Stone Frixion Fire (download video)

Jeff Stone
Stone Frixion Fire (download video) by Jeff Stone

"Jeff Stone's new 'Frixion' dvd features an entire world of ideas and will undoubtedly inspire many viewers to create their own exciting variations. Very fun stuff!" - Jay Sankey

"I dove into the [Frixion] DVD a little bit last night. Awesome stuff, man . . . Very well put together and thought out ....

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MP4 (video)

Stone Cold Magic Magazine Volume 1

Jeff Stone
Stone Cold Magic Magazine Volume 1 by Jeff Stone

120 Pages ... 6 Effects ... 18 essays ... 1 Weird Trip Down Memory Lane ...

"Jeff's magazine is one of the most professional and informative magic publications I've ever read." - Jay Sankey

"I'm thinking of putting a card act together at $10,000 dollars a ticket and only doing your stuff, LOL. Love reading your stuff, even the stuff that is not my style, love the magazine and mostly I appreciate your offerings, thanks." - Richard Dominguez

Over the past 8 years, Stone Cold Magic Magazine has been an outstanding resource for magicians around the world. A year ago, the magazine was officially...

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Birthday Calendar

Unknown Mentalist
Birthday Calendar by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical products, a set of 4 business card size gimmicks, which will be shipped to you. The ebook can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf. Once the initial set of gimmicks is gone this will only be available as PDF without any mailed gimmicks.

A powerful combination of methods makes this a versatile tool for birthday divinations. You can always carry this set of 4 cards in your wallet. Any participant's exact birthday (date and month) can be divined using any of the dozen combo methods built into the cards. The range of different methods enables one to repeat this...

★★★★★ $18
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PDF & softcover

Money and Sovereignty as Expressed in Gold Coinage

Douglas A. Mudd & Michael Fagin
Money and Sovereignty as Expressed in Gold Coinage by Douglas A. Mudd & Michael Fagin...
  1. ... of Peru, 1930
  2. Gold 5 Franc Pattern of the Democratic Republic of Congo
  3. Numismatic Bibliography

Reviewed by Bert Britton

Reading an e-book will probably come as a new experience for many, as it did for me. I approached the prospect with some trepidation fearing the loss of a comfortable feeling one gets from curling up with a book in hand, and perhaps a warm fireplace and glass of Port. Sitting in front of a cold computer screen seems an unlikely exchange for that relaxing old easy chair.

Yet the new experience was not nearly as taxing as I had anticipated. Navigating through the well-constructed...

★★★★★ $19.95
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Day For Any Date for the Million

Federico Ludueña
Day For Any Date for the Million by Federico Ludueña

Providing the weekday for a given date has never been easier. Day For Any Date for the Million selects ideas from different methods to achieve a synthesis that renders a difficult process absolutely simple. The inclusion of a prop that can be accommodated on the back of a business card does away with the cumbersome and numerous steps that were usually necessary.

"The Day For Any Date is a classic effect that warrants the best methods available. Federico provides them with an innovative prop and clear instructions on how to succeed with accuracy, quickness and ease. The result is a comfort...
★★★★ $8
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Phone Mysteries

Gerard Zitta
Phone Mysteries by Gerard Zitta...
  • ... to determine the number.
  • SERIAL KILLER A borrowed bill serial number is found by the audience with a borrowed iPhone.
  • BOOK TEST A book test where a random number identifies the page, the line and the word on a line in a borrowed book. Works with any borrowed iPhone.
  • TELEPHONE NUMBERS Phase 1: The audience gets your telephone number. Phase 2: You get the telephone numbers of many participants in the audience.
  • THOUGHT NUMBERS DIVINATIONS A few spectators select a business card from many ones. They all have different calculations written on them. The participants each think of a big number...
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Blackstone the Magic Detective: Episodes 19-24

Walter Gibson & Nancy Webb
Blackstone the Magic Detective: Episodes 19-24 by Walter Gibson & Nancy Webb... the real Blackstone but veteran radio actor Ed Jerome. Many episodes were written by Walter Gibson, though, with Nancy Webb penning the rest. These are great stories for magicians and anyone who appreciates the exciting, if sometimes a bit sensational, storytelling found in old time radio.

At one time, there were as many as 78 episodes. However, about two dozen have been lost over the years. This represents the most complete collection known to exist, minus the so-called Shark Island Story, which is sometimes represented as an episode from an unknown date. It is actually The Voodoo Treasure. ...

★★★★★ $3.99
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Blackstone the Magic Detective: Episodes 49-51, 54, 55, 78

Walter Gibson & Nancy Webb
Blackstone the Magic Detective: Episodes 49-51, 54, 55, 78 by Walter Gibson & Nancy Webb

All these episodes have been digitally restored and remastered. Each episode has had the major clicks, pops, and distortions removed while preserving the vintage sound.

  1. The Vanishing Brooch
    While attempting to get his watch repaired, the jewelers ask Blackstone to solve a rash of robberies that are leaving their own detectives baffled. Could one of the store's oldest and best customers be to blame?
    After another mystery is solved by magic, Blackstone teaches a strange little card trick with a singing revelation. Originally broadcast 09/04/1949
  2. Crimes on a Merry Go Round
    The police are...
★★★★★ $3.99
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R. Shane
One by R. Shane

Strange magic to amuse, frighten and entertain!

"One & Two are simply the most impact-laded and thought-provoking books I've read in ages!" -- Ben Harris, creator, "Exit51", "Cosmosis"

"One absolutely dazzles me. I am quite taken by the effects, the methods, the props, the presentations and the advice on performing. The results are novel, thoughtful, funny and scary. To be blunt, I wish I had created it all myself... This is the best thing in bizarre magic to have happened to me in years." -- Robert Neale, Author, "Life, Death, and Other Card Tricks", "Tricks of the Imagination", "The Magic Mirror"


★★★★★ $15
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The Supernatural?

Lionel A. Weatherly & John Nevil Maskelyne
The Supernatural? by Lionel A. Weatherly & John Nevil Maskelyne...
to speak with such authority on Magic, on Spiritualism, or on the so-called Miracles of Theosophy, as Mr. Maskelyne? Who was it exposed the Davenport Brothers? Who was it who threw many a bombshell into the Spiritualistic camp? Who is it who fearlessly cautions those at the bottom of these latter-day miracles, and bids them Beware? The man whose friendship I value, whose assistance to me has been absolutely indispensable, and who will, I know, as long as he lives, devote himself to the exposure of fraud, deception, and trickery, whenever carried out under the guise of supernatural religion. ...
★★★★★ $12
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Phone Mysteries & Mimosa

Gerard Zitta
Phone Mysteries & Mimosa by Gerard Zitta

It is impossible nowadays to be a magician or mentalist and not perform an effect with a phone, smartphone, ipad, laptop, etc. It is also perfectly justifiable to use it as a prediction, as an out, a cueing system, a cribsheet, a storyboard, etc.

This bundle is about phones, but it also contains...

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One Hundred Fifty Parlor Tricks and Games

Frank Wehman
One Hundred Fifty Parlor Tricks and Games by Frank Wehman

This collection features lots of little tricks, stunts, science experiments and games. It also has an extensive advertisement section in the back.

  • The Disappearing Egg
  • "Ghost Rings": A Pretty Party Trick
  • The Invisible Candle
  • Home-made Ping-Pong
  • Animal Magnetism
  • A Curious Illusion
  • The Dancing Skeleton
  • The Floating Corks
  • Restoring the Cut Thread
  • Invisible Photographs
  • A Laughmaker
  • The Magic Coin Box
  • A Match Trick
  • The Balanced Coin
  • The Disappearing Coin
  • A Peculiar Number
  • To Name all the Cards in the Pack in Succession
  • The Indian Duck Trick
  • The Latest Cigarette Vanish
  • The Balanced...
★★★★★ $5
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Phone Box Mentalism

Christopher Bolter
Phone Box Mentalism by Christopher Bolter

Mentalism On-The-Go

  • Crusher - immediately cause a plastic bottle to crush itself
  • Taster - correctly name the chosen flavor of gum just by having them imagine the taste
  • Alarmer - a random time is written down by an audience member and hidden … several minutes later an alarm goes off ... at the...
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One Man Q&A Act Supreme

Claude Alexander Conlin
One Man Q&A Act Supreme by Claude Alexander Conlin

Alexander's own method of a convincing Question-and-Answer (Q&A) routine that borders on genuine ESP. Learn it and you, too, can be "The Man Who Knows!"

At one time Alexander offered his original Q&A routine through Thayer as a separate manuscript. Out of print for years, this clever method is once again available to mentalists and psychic entertainers to baffle a new generation of audiences.

The act is specially devised and arranged for the performer who caters to Lodge, Club and College lecture tours since no assistant or apparatus is required. A truly one man act. This act had previously...

★★★★★ $10
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One Liners You Will Use

Wolfgang Riebe
One Liners You Will Use by Wolfgang Riebe

Short one-line jokes, alphabetically categorized for speeches, speakers, entertainers and comedians.

"One liners you will use is an A to Z of snappy, funny one liner gags that you will be able to inject into your own show. Between the covers of Wolfgang's book is a whole battery of one liners, all suitable for the right occasion. These one liners are all carefully categorized according to subject and so it is an easy, quick reference method of finding the right gag for the right spot in your show. Take advantage of years of practical experience going into this book. Imagine how long it...

$13 $9.99
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None of the Above: one coin routine

Scott F. Guinn
None of the Above: one coin routine by Scott F. Guinn

None of the Above is Scott F. Guinn's anytime, anywhere coin routine that uses just one coin and nothing else; no extra coins, no tricky coins, no gimmicks, no secret utility devices. (The only utility device required, if you want to call it that, is that you must be wearing a shirt or jacket with a left breast pocket.) It includes the complete, commercial con man/hustler-themed storyline that will hook your audiences and reel them in. Like all of Scott's books, the writing is thorough, understandable, and conversational, accompanied by clear and helpful photographs.

From the introduction: ...

★★★★★ $10
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Birthday Card Surprise

Wolfgang Riebe
Birthday Card Surprise by Wolfgang Riebe

Another killer close-up packet card trick from the creative mind of Wolfgang Riebe. 3 blank cards are shown and a spectator is asked to write their name and a picture on one of the cards. Suddenly the freely drawn name/picture duplicates onto all 3 cards. Now the surprise ... suddenly all cards have HAPPY BIRTHDAY written on them!

A completely unexpected surprise and incredibly personal magical birthday greeting. Of course you can have any message written on all 3 cards at the end too - it’s all up to you.

Use any normal blank cards. Ideal for table hopping. Incredibly visual with an...

$20 $10
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MP4 (video)

Today's Tools

Jim Kleefeld
Today's Tools by Jim Kleefeld

With these instructions and the included artwork, you can quickly make up a fascinating magic trick to perform in children's shows about building, construction or tools. You show a folder with over 20 different tools and have a child choose just one to think of. The child never says the name of her tool out loud, but you will magically know which one she chose. Next you show seven cards that each have a picture of a toolbox. Each toolbox is filled with different tools. You set aside some toolboxes where the child sees her tool. Then you automatically know which tool the child has chosen. ...

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793.8: Where is The Magic?

Jeff Stone
793.8: Where is The Magic? by Jeff Stone... a simple and beautiful presentation piece.

Leaving Decks:

A deck is shown to be normal and mixed. The spectator can shuffle the cards. The deck is tossed into a paper bag and shuffled about. Yet you can (blindfolded if you wish) reach into the paper back and remove their selected card. Only one deck is used. No palming, no peaking and you can even do the trick naked.


An audience interaction piece that plays solemn and serious. A fake military battle is played out on stage. In the end, you've predicted the number of survivors in a poignantly written letter that the General...

★★★★★ $29.95
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Vanish Magazine Year 1 (Apr 2012 - Mar 2013)

Paul Romhany
Vanish Magazine Year 1 (Apr 2012 - Mar 2013) by Paul Romhany

"We have been readers of Vanish Magazine since day one and love watching it's continued success and growth since its inception. We love the ease and convenience of downloading each issue, yet it has the feel and layout of a real magazine. What more could you ask for? MORE VANISH MAGAZINES!!!" - Michael Giles

"ALL the Vanish magazines are with me everywhere I go (on my laptop and mobile devices) so that I can read them while I'm on the road and refer back to all the great articles whenever I want to. Vanish magazine is the best collection of articles by working professionals. It gives...

★★★★★ $9.95
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Dracula Ebook Test: for iPhones

Alan Rorrison
Dracula Ebook Test: for iPhones by Alan Rorrison

"The easiest and most portable book test to date!" - Erik Jansson

The iPhone has loads of apps designed to do magic in the app store but there is one problem. None of them really are organic. As soon as you performed one of these effects with the phone everyone screams: "Its an app! Very clever but its an app". So here is one of the most organic apps on the market.

You show the spectator an ebook on your phone and run through how it works (scrolling etc,) for them... You let them see that every single page is different before you have a page randomly selected. You hold the phone...

★★★★ $4.50
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iPhone App

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