Elbow, Knee, and Neck is a genius routine by Daryl. Using only three ungaffed coins, you start and end clean, with three coins magically traveling from your closed fist to your elbow, knee, and neck. The routine is an "up" effect that plays for groups large and small.
You will also learn "easy pop," a simpler version of the pop-up move, and "hinge pop," a variation of the pop-up move that enables you to get two coins ahead, for a very clean, magical routine.
Upon purchasing this routine, you will be able to download a photo-illustrated pdf and several instructional videos.
1st edition...
Effect: After displaying a glass and a handkerchief freely, the close-up artiste borrows a coin (or uses his own) and passes it right through the folded handkerchief placed on top of the glass, which a spectator is holding in his own hands. The effect is repeated.
This routine requires a gimmick that is not included with this PDF. The gimmick consists of a precision-made ring that fits a 10-Penny piece (or whatever coin you want to use) so exactly that, when placed in the folds of the enclosed handkerchief (which is folded so that twice the thickness of the cloth lies over the ring), a...
A sleight-of-hand reference work for cards, coins, billiard balls, and thimbles.
Magic without Apparatus is the first English translation of La Prestidigitation sans Appareils, which has been recognized by authorities on magic as the world's greatest treatise on legerdemain with cards, coins, billiard balls, and thimbles. The French edition elicited such comments as these:
Leo Rullman (Connoisseur of magical literature): "The greatest work on pure sleight-of-hand in any language."
Professor Hoffmann (Author of Modern Magic, More Magic, Later Magic): "A contribution of the first rank to the literature...
Excerpt from the Foreword:
Certain pieces of apparatus, not many, have a sort of built-in glamour. Maybe charisma is a better word. I'm talking about props you enjoy seeing and handling. Supreme's Jumbo Chinese Coin comes into this category. To coin a phrase ... "It looks good ... it feels good ... and, by golly, it works good!" For the close-up performer it will add an expensive appearance to your routines as well as a completely unexpected climax to any trick with coins. For the cabaret magician, it can be easily seen and appreciated and, since it is unfaked, examined if necessary.
Gregg Webb discusses some aspects of coin magic that have bothered him for a long time. How to best get rid of an extra coin without arousing suspicion? What is the problem with the Bobo Switch? Why do Jumbo Coins make no sense? What to do about the disappearance of the Half Dollar, the basis of so much classic coin magic?
1st edition 2022, PDF 3 pages.
A new take on Fechter's Flying Eagles.
Double Cross Doubloons is my version of Fechter's "Flying Eagles" routine, which is a tabled coin effect that has the advantage of not needing gaffed coins, gimmicks, or a soft surface like a close-up mat, nor are there any clothing requirements like sleeves, making it very practical for the restaurant worker or impromptu performer.
Double Cross Doubloons uses only six normal coins.
In this routine, each coin travels across via a different method, and ends in a flash crossing of all three coins, providing a climax that is missing from the original....
Gregg Webb presents ideas based on Slydini's use of Classic Palm and dropping coins to the cupped hand instead of lapping. Here, you will learn subtleties:
1st edition 2021, PDF 3 pages.
A three-way transposition in the hands of three spectators - and the performer far away.
This could follow a CSB Routine (or come first), or pick up three different poker chips from the game table, or three colored Chinese coins, or follow my China Spice routine.
Three distinctive objects have magical powers or attributes attached and become talisman to be freely chosen by two volunteers with a third getting the power that is left. Each holds and protects their selection while verbally announcing their new power and talisman with the performer across the room. But each secretly desires a different...
Perhaps the cleanest coin disappearance. You will also learn production, change, and transposition. Watch your angles. It is not so easy to deploy the simple gimmick (which you have lying around in your home) during a performance, but it allows for a really clean vanish and reappearance of a coin.
1st edition 2021, video 8:29.
A unique coin routine similar to CSB, but using coins you already own. Using the enhancements of sway methods, these coins transpose in ways not possible with traditional moves. Two and then three coins handled by spectators jump from one hand to another, then from pocket to hand, and finally to a spectator's hand. These coins take on an international identity and cultural bias that is amusing and mystifying.
This is a multi-phase routine involving three different types of coins that goes far beyond a traditional C/S/B approach. A Kennedy Half, English Penny, and Chinese coin are used...
Gregg Webb explains how to make several poker chips change color, then change back using sleight of hand and simple props. (Note: this is not the Sol Stone trick explained in Super Sessions #13.)
1st edition 2021, PDF 2 pages.
A special secret approach for enhancing any coin routine using a very natural way of displaying a coin or passing it to the other hand.
Learn Twiddling, Twiddle Transfer, Twiddle Dee, Twiddle Dum, Twiddle Dee Dum, Twiddle Switch, Twiddle Swap, French Twiddle. Twiddle Shift, Twiddle Count, and Twiddle Twaddle, all while showing both hands to be empty other than the known coin.
Only moderate skill is required and can be used with other small objects too.
This is so powerful you might add it to every coin routine just to establish a pattern. Then, when you need to switch in a gaff or...
An in-depth exploration into four innovative approaches to coin production methods.
Swidle - the continuous concealment of a coin during other actions so that it is available for production when needed. The coin is idled with both hands shown empty using natural hand movements.
PileUp - adding a magical spin to the normal process of picking up three coins from the table. This plays with audience attention, expectations and sets several patterns of performance for later productions or coin effects.
OnceLoad - a method of supporting multiple coin productions without repeated trips to...
Routine by Harry Stanley, updated by Ken de Courcy, edited by Barry Laymond.
This was one of Al Koran's popular routines, and a hit on T.V. and during his cabaret and stage performances. It is baffling yet easy to do and, more important, it employs apparatus with immediate appeal to everyone ... money! Al worked the effect continuously and this is the professional presentation he used. The apparatus consists of cloth bag looking like those used by banks and several coins. The effect develops in three stages as follows:
1) A spectator reaches into the bag of money and grabs any number of coins. Miraculously you...
The ebook details the history, theory, psychology, and techniques of the 'Full-On' coin production approach developed over many decades.
Four different methods are explained, each slightly different to accommodate different settings/framing, but each remembered as Full-On.
There are no effects in this ebook. Check out Eminent Coin Production as one way to combine all four methods. Each method can be a 'stand-alone' production mixed with other favorite methods.
The search was for the perfect coin production of one or several coins from thin air where both hands are displayed as completely empty. The standard...
Originally written for Genii Magazine as a "one-handed Wild Coin," this effect is direct, startling, and fast-paced. It requires the following props:
1st edition 2021, PDF 4 pages.
This is a multi-phase impromptu routine using three borrowed quarters or other found objects - just an introductory "attention grabber" I have used for many decades.
One coin penetrates your hand, then all three. With full attention now, the coins migrate one at a time to the other hand - not a 3Fly as the coins are waist high and the hands are shown empty between phases (no gaff or extra).
Five simple bits of magic in growing intensity and under increasing scrutiny - fully surrounded. Not for beginners. Moderate coin skills, confidence, and live human interaction experience required....
An "almost perfect" production of four individual coins from thin air. This is ideal as a prelude for an effect like Coins Across, Coins Thru Table or even 3Fly.