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Theory, Articles & Reviews in Magic & Mentalism: page 4


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★★★★★ $2
Saturday Review by unknown

This is the review of Robert-Houdin's The Sharper Detected and Exposed that appeared in Saturday Review on May 9th, 1863.

1st edition 1863; PDF 5 pages.

Louis C. Haley
The Dramatic Art of Magic by Louis C. Haley

Subtitle of the book is: A series of artistic conjuring experiments fully explained in detail and supplemented by a preachment upon the art in the form of original essays upon the subject, The Actor Magician.

    • The Gloves And Pigeon Transformation
    • Chameleon Balls
    • The Astral Billiard Ball
    • The Phantom Billiard Ball
    • New Vanishing Billiard Ball. No. 1
    • New Vanishing Ball No. 2
    • The Travelling Balls No. 1.
    • The Travelling Balls No. 2
    • New Handkerchiefs And Balls
    • New Vanishing Handkerchief
    • The Multiplying Handkerchiefs
    • Handkerchief...
Brian T. Lees
Optical Character Recognition by Brian T. Lees

I remember reading an article about a magic trick. Not sure which magazine or issue it was in. But I want to read it again. I have two choices:

  1. I can start the magazine shuffle. Issue by issue looking for the article.
  2. Open a file folder on my computer. Then open the category folder and find the article.
OCR, Optical Character Recognition can be used to read the article into the computer. Once scanned the article can be pasted into a word processor, spell checked and formatted as needed.

An article written two months ago, or one that was published a few years ago can be found within...

Brian T. Lees
Audience Entertainment Factor by Brian T. Lees

Audiences rate magicians based on their entertainment experience. One can have the best of everything: magic, manipulation, etc. and still fail in front of an audience. This material is not new. It has been taught in the theater industry and at schools for a very long time. However, there are not that many materials written to bring these skills into the hands of a magician.

This ebook will identify key elements that the magician must follow, and be aware of as he/she performs. Suggested materials might seem unimportant or a waist of time. But those same elements could be the factors that...

Brian T. Lees
Timing by Brian T. Lees

One of the most important elements of a performance. Without allowing time for the audience to comprehend the magician is doing nothing more than running through a series of instruction steps. Time adds drama, energy and the sizzle needed to enhance magic.

Timing is a hard subject to cover. One does not learn from books or lectures. Those sources, like this text, help identify the value of time. The magician must acquire his/her own skills with the use of time.

This text will help identify how it is used, provide examples you can relate to, and get you started. Armed with this knowledge...

★★★★ $10
Brian T. Lees
Oops. Now What? by Brian T. Lees

Audience is on the edge of their seats. Every trick is working fantastic. Getting more applause then ever before on your routines. Then BOOM!!! Music cuts out, microphone starts to feedback and the mechanism on the change bag broke while you were trying to use it. Now you are front stage holding a bag you cannot manipulate with no music or microphone ... Now what?

This ebook helps you identify potential problems. A different form of rehearsal is introduced to help you work through these situations. Good magicians smooth over problems, work through situations and still leave their audience...

★★★★★ $10
Brian T. Lees
Magician's Journals by Brian T. Lees

A primer on when, what, where and why a magician would keep a series of personal journals.

  • Journals
  • Magicians Journal
  • Daily Planners
  • Daily Journal
  • Creative Journal
  • Magic Files
  • Dreams
  • Inspiration
  • Wrapping it Up

1st edition 2016, 25 pages.

Brian T. Lees
Paperwork by Brian T. Lees

The paperwork associated with being a magician.

We may think the world is going paperless and in a few industries it is. But we still have a document close by to print as needed. Many times, receipts have been printed out to correct charges on statements. People do not hire maintenance work to be done without some form of contract. The magic industry is the same.

This text covers the basic documents used. These documents range from a simple query letter to proposals/quotes and contracts. Nestled within this ebook are the basics used to form the paper trail of our performances. Though...

Brian T. Lees
Same Show Over and Over by Brian T. Lees

Magicians do the same basic show over and over. This text will help you prepare for a second, third or fourth show that same day. It covers the need to decompress from the first performance, relax, and reset. Then it identifies ways to pump yourself back up.

Every time you step on stage the audience should feel they are experiencing a premier performance. They don't care if we have done the same magic 100 times already. They want to see a fresh, energetic show each and every time.

This text will cover some of the things professionals do between shows. They follow steps that help them...

★★★★★ $10
Brian T. Lees
Tool Box Show by Brian T. Lees

A call comes in and their magician cancelled. They need a magic show in the next half hour. Can you be packed and ready to go? Maybe you are at an event and one of the sponsors comes up to you and says they need to fill a thirty-minute gap in their schedule. Are you ready to step on stage and go to work? The answer rests in what this text refers to as a tool box show. When the phone rings, if the money is right, all you need to do is grab your tool box and go to work. This ebook will help you take advantage of those "short notice" performance opportunities.

  • Real world
  • Tool box show purpose ...
Brian T. Lees
Setting the Environment by Brian T. Lees

A major portion of the audience's experience involves the environment. Their enjoyment can be pleasurable or highly distracted by the area they are given to watch you. This text covers the importance of the performing environment from both the stage and audience perspectives. It goes into details that need to be discussed before the room is set up. It covers many areas most magicians take for granted.

  • Seating
  • Staff
  • Performance Area
  • Sound
  • Flow Path
  • Emergencies
  • Get Ahead of Set Up
  • Meet and Greet
  • Wrapping it Up

1st edition 2016, 20 pages.

Brian T. Lees
Entertainment Factor by Brian T. Lees

Two magicians do a show. At the end one audience leaves the show walking out like students changing classes at high school. The other comes out excited, talking about some of the "WOW" moments of the show. The difference between the two magicians is the entertainment factor.

You can have the best equipment, do the latest/greatest magic and still fail. The true unit of measure for magicians is the entertainment factor. That factor is controlled entirely by the audience. This text identifies elements that impact the entertainment factor.

  • The Entertainment Factor
  • Entertainment Factor Impacts ...
Brian T. Lees
Working with a Partner by Brian T. Lees

A primer for working with a partner. This text addresses such questions as: why work with a partner, what do look for in a magician you want to work with, documents that both partners need to consider, the basics of putting a performance together and other information.

  • Why a partnership
  • What to look for In partner
  • The partner agreement
  • Partnered performance
  • Transitioning
  • Accent the positive
  • Wrapping it up

1st edition 2016, 21 pages.

Brian T. Lees
Transitioning by Brian T. Lees

Now for my next trick..... Ladies and gentlemen watch as I take this silk...... And now, right before your eyes I will...... For my next trick......

Announcing each and every trick you do during your show gets boring to the audience. Nothing makes you sound more generic then constant repetition. For that reason, magicians have come up with methods to create flow through their performance. The methods they use between their magic is referred to as transitions.

The three basic transition tools are: announce, lead and connect. This text identifies the three transitions and helps you use...

Brian T. Lees
Thinking of an Assistant by Brian T. Lees

Bringing on an assistant to work with you does not have to be expensive. But it does need to be planned out. From adding the employee, to work costumes and through performance this ebook sets the foundation to get started. Begin with the magic you already own and with increased marketing watch your shows evolve to larger venues/audiences.

  • Selection
  • Payroll
  • Sources
  • Appearance
  • Performance
  • After the Show
  • Train Wreck Performance
  • Wrapping it Up

1st edition 2016, 23 pages.

Brian T. Lees
Show Development by Brian T. Lees

A primer to help organize clusters of magic into a professional show. Rate your magic in terms of entertainment factor and establish a flow that moves your performance from show opening to close. Learn the reasons larger and smaller magic are blended into a performance. Then learn how to use these various waves to slowly build your audience to that big "wow" finish successful magicians close with.

  • Show Components
  • Mechanics
  • Inventory
  • Flow
  • Music
  • Produce Your Show
  • Specialty Shows
  • Documentation/Backup
  • Wrapping It Up

1st edition 2016, 27 pages.

Brian T. Lees
Working on Stage by Brian T. Lees

From the Preface:

An actor who has always been an inspiration to me once said:

"There are plenty of $400 magicians out there who are only worth $75 and there are plenty of $75 magicians out there that should charge $400."

That is a harsh, cold but very true fact. They all have the skills and potential. Still some do not take their performances up to the levels they should. The ending result is an audience that only gets parts of their show. The cheap $400 magicians shut out part of their audience. They do not allow the entire audience to listen to what they say. And they have serious...

★★★★★ $10
Brian T. Lees
Show Documentation by Brian T. Lees

"I used to do that trick many years ago. I just cannot remember how it went but the audience loved it." Have you heard that before? Everyone has files. We keep records of bill payments, taxes, bank statements and a bunch of other important information. Why would your magic be any different?

This ebook identifies the importance of keeping back up information on your magic. It offers suggestions on a file system that includes text, binders and DVD sources. Armed with this system you could bring back any magic that you have done in the past. Use your files to determine what has changed, what...

Brian T. Lees
Productive Rehearsal by Brian T. Lees

Whether you spend an hour a day, or a few hours before your performance this ebook helps you get the most out of the time spent.

The materials in this ebook help you identify dead spots, problems with angles, poor manipulation and other elements that directly impact your performance. Materials are included that help you prepare for the unexpected. The performance factor rests entirely on the audience. This ebook helps sharpen your performance skills.

  • What is rehearsal
  • Tools
  • Evaluation
  • Documentation
  • Sample documentation forms
  • Trick/Routine form
  • Train wreck rehearsal
  • Wrapping it...
★★★★★ $6
Maximiliano Yedid
The DaOrtiz Report by Maximiliano Yedid

This ebook is published with Dani DaOrtiz' permission and blessing.

Card magic is evolving. Card magicians are no longer looking for the latest "moves" and "techniques", no longer are they caring for more ways to deal seconds and bottoms. What they are looking for are psychological ploys and techniques that will allow you to create impossible magic.

Dani DaOrtiz is a new force in card magic. He revolutionized it. But how many times do I hear: "I would do that... If I were him". Many magicians feel that DaOrtiz' spontaneousness and carefreeness is not a match of their personality.

In this report...

Clarke Crandall
The Best of Senator Crandall by Clarke Crandall

Compiled and edited by Neil Foster. Illustrated by Sid Lorraine with an introduction by Robert Lund who says, "in his field, as the professional dissenter and commentator on the foibles of magicians, he is the most original entertaining writer on conjuring today." He was talking about Clarke "The Senator" Crandall and his ebook contains the following chapters:

  • It's a Mystery to Me ...
  • Let him who is without sin ...
  • Panties, Falsies and Lolly-pops
  • The Egg and I
  • Criticism should be a reward
  • ... and with much less effort
  • Those who watched ... saw an artist
  • Barbecueitis...
★★★★ $4
Mystic Alexandre
The Art of Performance in Magic and Mentalism by Mystic Alexandre

This was the first booklet I published way back in 2002 and it was born out of a lecture I did in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where I ended by discussing The Art Of Performance In Magic And Mentalism and answering questions on the subject.

It's a brief manuscript with strong messages to reflect upon concerning principles that will enhance your rounded approach to becoming a respected performer.

In this manuscript I touch on the following questions:

  • Is There a Quicker Way To Become a Better Performer?
  • How Do You Keep Spectators From Messing You Up?
  • What Is The Most Important Aspect of Performance? ...
★★★★ $10
David Devlin
Theoretical Reality by David Devlin

This is a very in depth work on The Gozinta Boxes. This is not just a little eBook that teaches a single effect. It is a book on theories, philosophies, and thoughts on the effect; however, the thoughts on the effect itself that David discusses can be applied to all magic. This eBook really lets you in on the mind of David Devlin, how he thinks, how he puts routines together, and his feelings about magic as an art and the performance of magic. So, even if you do not use the illusion that is discussed you will learn ways of creating and improving routines of your own. The effect of the Gozinta...

★★★★ $29.90
Roberto Giobbi
Secret Twitter by Roberto Giobbi

Secret Twitter is now available as a PDF compilation. In addition you will get a readworthy introduction by Roberto. We have also added all replies to Roberto's daily tweets. Max Maven was the most vocal and opinionated one, but you will also get thoughts by Pit Hartling, Denis Behr, Ian Kendall and others.

What is Secret Twitter? If you are familiar with Roberto Giobbi's book Secret Agenda you can probably guess. Secret Twitter is a completely new and innovative way for Roberto to share his thoughts, comments, advice and insight with you - via Twitter.

For fourteen months, starting with November 1st 2014 and...

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