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with Demo Video in Magic & Mentalism: page 24


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Brick Tilley
The Unkindest Cut by Brick Tilley

A false cut that uses the action of burning a card as misdirection. Particularly useful for cheating at BlackJack.

Chuck Smith was recorded doing this cut. (A letter from Chuck Smith to Brick Tilley is reproduced in the PDF.) He used it to beat players during the years of WWII. The sequence of actions is the following. You first openly cut the cards and complete the cut. Then you take the top card, turn it face up and place it as the bottom card. During the action of burning the top card you undo the cut. The demo video will prove how honest and fair this looks.

You will receive a PDF...

★★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Spirit Slate by Brick Tilley

The Davenport Brothers caused a sensation in the last century by seeming to contact spirits. Leaving messages on blank slates was a common method of achieving this. Flaps, magnets and switching were among the ways to achieve results. Here is your chance to reproduce this phenomenon using an ordinary craft store slate, and a piece of chalk. A blank slate is cleaned as it is shown. Yet a bold chalk message appears without any cover or false moves. A stunning effect that startles onlookers. Easy to perform.

1st edition 2019, 4 pages.

Bandual by Doan
"WTF, some witchcraft?? I can't figure it out. Amazing!!" - Mario Tarasini
My name is Doan and here is a new effect with rubber bands. Imagine you just have one rubber band which you instantly turn into two rubber bands. A flash duplication of a rubber band. Everything is done in front of your spectator's eyes. Or, you can also do a very cool and visual rubber band color change effect.
  • No gimmick used
  • Do with any size (within reason) rubber band
  • Watch your angles. This looks great from certain directions, but you are exposed from others. Certainly not a trick to be done surrounded.


Max Francis
Hospitality by Max Francis

One can, two different drinks.

Hospitality in a can: You pour the complete contents of a can into a glass; the can is now empty. You then place a straw inside the can, and take a sip, just to make sure. In fact, the can is not empty, it now contains a completely different liquid! Pour this 'new' liquid into a glass to amaze spectators.


Cocktail: You turn a cocktail shaker upside down to show that it is empty. Place the lid on the shaker and start to shake it as you would if you were mixing a cocktail. You then take the cap off and start pouring two glasses of cocktail....

★★★★★ $6.95
David Jonathan
Destined by David Jonathan

The spectator finds their card in an incredible way, with a stunning kicker revelation.

The jokers are given to a spectator to hold, then a card is selected. The chosen card is shuffled and lost in the deck. The cards are spread face down and the spectator freely inserts the jokers face up around any single card, isolating it from the rest. This mystery card is now turned over to reveal that, incredibly, it is their selected card. The effect could end right here, but in an unexpected finale, the jokers are turned over to reveal a jaw-dropping prediction.

  • Any deck can be used
  • No gimmicks ...
★★★★ $7
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Floating Straw by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A straw floats from a cup or can into your hand.

The method goes back to Joseph Dunninger. Ralf explains the gimmick, setup and performance in detail in his video.

1st edition 2019, length 15min

★★★★ $10
Chris Congreave
Diception by Chris Congreave

Showing that your deck is mixed and ordinary, you also show a card with a prediction written on the back. The spectator chooses a card completely at random, by rolling 1, 2 or 3 dice. You deal to their number (no force). When you reveal the prediction you have not only predicted their chosen card, but also what number they rolled on the dice.

You will need a blue and a red deck (or any two decks with matching faces but different backs) to make this yourself. No arts and craft, just a sharpie and a bit of writing. The dice are optional. You can use real dice, you can use a dice app on your...

★★★★★ $30
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossi-Bill Twist by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

You show the old gag where with two folding actions a dollar bill is turned on its head. You now have the spectator sign the bill and repeat the folding actions. However, now only the front of the bill is upside down, the back is not upside down. In other words, only one side of the bill turned. How is that possible? You give the dollar bill as souvenir to the spectator who can keep this impossible bill for the rest of his life in his wallet.

Remember that this is not some fake misprinted bill. Ralf will teach you how to prepare a real genuine dollar bill for this effect. This also works...

Brick Tilley
Vanishing Doll by Brick Tilley

Also known as "Ne Plus Ultra" and "Bonus Genus", this was a favorite pocket trick at the turn of the century. Even Houdini was known to have fashioned a crude version of this out of a scrap of wood. Modern day toy companies create small dolls that make handcrafted ones a thing of the past. We located an ideal version at a local 99¢ store, it's a small figurine of a cherub playing on a flute.

EFFECT: A small doll is covered with a cloth. The cloth has a hole in the center, out of it protrudes the doll's head. The head is allowed to drop into the folds of the cloth. Immediately the cloth is shaken...

★★★★ $9.50
Scott Xavier
Rubik's CU3ED by Scott Xavier

A light and heavy Rubiks cube effect.

Have you ever wanted to perform a light heavy chest but didn't want to spend huge sums of money on a tacky magic prop? CU3ED is a carry everywhere method for making it impossible to lift a Rubik's cube from your outstretched palm. You in essence steal the strength of your spectator. This is an ideal set up for a Rubik's cube solving or matching effect. It gives credibility and a method as this magic is occurring. I use it in every show. You get a brief PDF and a several videos teaching the methodology. This the ultimate street hypnosis that uses pseudo-hypnosis...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
The Smallest Card Through Window by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A corner of a spectator selected and signed card (no force, no exchange of the card or corner) penetrates the glass of a wrist-watch.

The effect and the method of this trick are incredible. Normally you would think that an effect like this would involve a forced card, or a secret exchange of the torn corner. But this effect uses neither. You start with a completely fair and free selection of a card. The card can be signed and marked all the way into the corner that will be torn off. Then the magician tears off a corner of the card. And that corner will penetrate the watch glass. The corner...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Bionic Coin by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

This is an exceedingly clever and versatile way to gimmick a coin to create a stunning and visual effect. It works with many coins including US quarters, half dollars and dollars, some Euro coins, as well as many other coins from various countries.

Effect: You ask a spectator for a coin. The spectator or performer marks or draws something on the coin. You show your hands empty and you show the coin clearly from both sides. At this point there is no secret second coin involved. You simply move your finger across the face of the coin and the drawing instantly changes, either vanishes or transforms...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
The Leaf by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Magic is mostly performed with man-made products - cards, coins, silks, ropes, ... Why not perform magic with items nature provides? This is even more powerful, because there is inherently no suspicion of gimmicked objects. Ralf has created a stunning miracle that is easy to perform during a stroll in the woods, or during a garden party, or other places where plants are in reach. All you need is access to leaves growing on a tree or a shrub and a pen to sign a leaf.

Effect: You and your spectator collect a couple of leaves. The spectator tears one in half, and signs it. Miraculously the torn...

★★★★ $10
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Visual Coin in Bottle by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

This is a wonderfully visual effect. Take a coin throw it at a water bottle, can or other liquid container, and have the coin visibly penetrate the bottle and sink to the bottom.

1st edition 2019, length 17:27

★★★★★ $185
Fraser Parker
Opus by Fraser Parker
"Fraser Parker is one of the finest thinkers in contemporary mentalism. If you are interested in practical, impressive effects based on subtlety and often breathtaking ingenuity, you will love his work." - Ian Rowland​
Limited to only 200 copies. Contains over 8 hours of video, including thoughts on prop-less as well as a two-part interview with Fraser.

Opus is a "master-class" from Fraser released in video format, detailing his unique approach towards creating believable mind reading. In this video project, he outlines his use of words to create shifts in perception, in order...

★★★★ $10
Peter Pellikaan
Twisting Version 50 by Peter Pellikaan

This is the classic twisting effect on steroids with multiple changes and a climax that hits you between the eyes. First you show four cards that have the same face and back designs, for example four kings of diamond with black backs. When you turn one king face up, they magically all are face up. Suddenly one of them turns upside down but it has a different colored back. Then two more different backs appear. Then all revert to the original backs. The climax is that all kings change to four different aces that have each a different back and each card is shown and tabled individually.


Peter Pellikaan
Queens by Peter Pellikaan

You show four Queens of heart with a red back. Suddenly the backs become blue and then all four backs change again into four completely different back designs.

You will need four Queens of Heart with four different back designs. One double backer (one back matching one of the Queen's back) and one blank face card where the back matches the other back of the double backer.

1st edition 2019, length 2min 50s

Peter Pellikaan
More Wild Cards by Peter Pellikaan

You will need four cards with same face but different back. And two cards with same face and same back.

1st edition 2019, length 2min 22s.

Michael Daniels
Poker Deals by Michael Daniels

Poker Deals includes two self-working card effects, ideally suited to performing for spectators who are familiar with the rules of poker. Both effects utilize the StayCard Principle and were first published in OCD and Other Effects: The StayCard Principle.

Ten Card Poker Deal Variation

A procedural variation on Arthur Buckley's celebrated Ten Card Poker Deal. The magician and a spectator are each dealt five cards (either person can deal). The spectator decides whether to keep his cards, or whether the cards should be mixed by dealing again. No matter how many times the dealing is repeated before the cards are examined, the magician's hand wins....

Brick Tilley
Ghost Cards by Brick Tilley

Display four cards printed on both sides and the cards go blank on both sides. The effect is reversed and you end up with four printed cards again.

The instructions take you through step by step, which is easy to follow including illustrations. No difficult sleight-of-hand.

You will need a blank face and four blank back cards.

1st edition 2019, 4 pages.

Blake Vogt
Envelock by Blake Vogt

Make any small object appear inside a sealed and locked envelope. Print template is included.

Your spectator signs the sealed envelope before the routine starts. Perform an effect with any small object and then... as your big finish... ask them to tear open the signed envelope and they will find their object inside. They get to keep everything.

Blake will take you through how to make this incredible utility device, plus a load of really cool routines and ideas. When you purchase Envelock, you will receive a PDF file (download from your lybrary digital shelf) which will allow you to print...

★★★★ $19.95
Mike Powers
Power Plays by Mike Powers

This ebook contains a large collection of visual magic including 20 impromptu card mysteries, 12 mathematical mysteries, 10 prepared card mysteries, 11 coin mysteries, and 6 miscellaneous mysteries. The focus is on card magic but you will also find mentalism, coins, rubber bands, drinking straws, paper money and other types of magic. Illustrated by Tony Dunn with a foreword by Allan Ackerman.

A couple of highlights are:

ITH Triumph: An in the hands triumph effect with three distinct phases.

Impromptu Terror: An impromptu moving hole effect with a card signed by the spectator on both sides. A hole...

★★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Gypsy Switch by Brick Tilley

A shortened, up-to-date version of the 11 Dollar Bill Short Change routine. As a finish, the bills are sealed in an envelope. Upon opening, the envelope is found to contain pieces of newspaper. Here is a demo of the count only:

1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages + 2 videos

★★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Flat Out: cards through newspaper by Brick Tilley

A matrix effect using playing cards instead of coins. A simplified and better version of Albert Goshman's classic cards through the newspaper (Genii vol. 30, June 1966).

1st edition 2019, 4 pages + videos.

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