September 1969 - August 1970
William Larsen, Jr., Publisher and Editor
548 pages (1 double page)
September 1968 - August 1969
William Larsen, Jr., Publisher & Editor - Geraldine Larsen Baker, Advisory Editor
520 pages
September 1967 - August 1968
William Larsen, Jr., Publisher and Editor - Geraldine Larsen Baker, Advisory Editor
576 pages
September 1966 - August 1967
William Larsen, Jr., Publisher & Editor - Geraldine Larsen Baker, Advisory Editor
548 pages
September 1965 - August 1966
William Larsen, Jr., Publisher & Editor - Geraldine Larsen Baker, Advisory Editor
528 pages
September 1964 - August 1965
William Larsen, Jr., Publisher & Editor - Geraldine Larsen Baker, Advisory Editor
639 pages (1 double page)
September 1963 - August 1964
William Larsen, Jr., Publisher & Editor - Geraldine Larsen Baker, Advisory Editor
483 pages (1 double page)
September 1962 - August 1963
William Larsen, Jr., Editor & Geraldine Larsen-Baker, Publisher
540 pages
September 1961 - August 1962
William Larsen, Jr., Editor & Geraldine Larsen-Baker, Publisher
495 pages (1 double page)
September 1960 - August 1961
William Larsen, Jr., Editor & Geraldine Larsen-Baker, Publisher
522 pages (6 double pages)
September 1959 - August 1960
Geraldine Larsen, William Larsen, Jr. & Milton Page Larsen, Editors
426 pages (6 double pages)
September 1958 - August 1959
Geraldine Larsen-Baker, Publisher 7 William Larsen, Jr. & Milton Page Larsen, Dorothy Larsen Editors
446 pages (6 double pages)
September 1957 - August 1958
William Larsen, Jr., Geraldine Larsen-Baker, Milton Page Larsen, Dorothy Larsen Editors
461 pages (3 double pages) and 2 duplicated page numbers
September 1956 - August 1957
Geraldine Larsen, William Larsen, Jr. & Milton Page Larsen, Editors
468 pages (4 double pages)
September 1955 - August 1956
Geraldine Larsen, William Larsen, Jr. & Milton Page Larsen, Editors
491 pages (5 double pages) (page numbering off by 2 in No. 7)
September 1954 - August 1955
Geraldine Larsen, William Larsen, Jr. & Milton Page Larsen, Editors
425 pages (11 double pages)
September 1953 - August 1954
Geraldine Larsen, William Larsen, Jr. & Milton Page Larsen, Editors
471 pages (5 double pages)
September 1952 - August 1953
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Larsen & Milton Page Larsen, Editors
507 pages (9 double pages)
September 1951 - August 1952
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Larsen, Editors
488 pages
September 1950 - August 1951
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Larsen, Editors
512 pages
Here you have a unique cups and balls routine created by Ken Brooke, using just three cups and three balls with a surprising climax: The production of a fruit or vegetable. This routine is not difficult to do and is performed by Cameron Francis as part of the Aldo Colombini Tribute series.
This routine appeared in The Art Of Close-Up Magic Vol. 1 written by Lewis Ganson. A Chinese bowl is shown empty and placed mouth downwards on the table, sponge balls appear and multiply repeatedly. Eventually there is a fruit or production. A top class routine that was performed by the late Fred Kaps in his close-up routines. This routine is not difficult to do and is performed by Cameron Francis as part of the Aldo Colombini Tribute series.
Brain Bracking represents my innovative take on the "Think of Any Word" plot, and unlike the traditional methods, with Brain Bracking you can immediately perform with a 100% success-rate after reading this manuscript. Also, unlike the traditional method which involves a "process" requiring a tremendous investment of time and energy, Brain Bracking is done without any fishing and without any questions - questions apparent to the audience that is. The method involves an instant stooge and you will have to ask the instant stooge a question.
This is the powerful "think of ANY word" plot, done...
Have you ever played "Which hand" with somebody, and they hid the coin behind their back? Here is a way to overcome this problem.
A spectator takes one of his coins, and puts it in any hand behind his back. You won't look either. They can even hide it in their back pocket, or on the chair, if they decide to cheat. You find out where the coin is (which hand, or which pocket).
100% improvised and hands-off.
(The method here is different than in Coin Games or in Bluff.)
1st edition 2014, 7 pages.