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Silks & Flags in Magic & Mentalism

Silks are the ideal stage props. They are large and colorful but can still be stored in tiny places. Many stage production acts end with a flurry of appearing silks. That is not to say that silks aren't effective close-up. Think about Slydini's silks or the classic vanishing and reappearing silk.

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★★★★ $7.95
Dustin Marks
Knotted Silks: a new approach by Dustin Marks

If you have been thinking about including a rope or handkerchief effect in your routine, this is the one. Here is why: This classic magic trick is popular for several reasons. It's easy for spectators to understand, easy to perform, and captivating. The effect works well in noisy or dimly lit environments. If you're only doing the first two phases, the reset is instant. Involving the spectator in tying the knots adds an interactive element. It's an excellent choice for table-hopping, and the handkerchiefs take up little pocket space.

The new approach focuses on the relationship between...

★★★★★ $20
D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini Knotted Silks by D. Angelo Ferri

Dennis Barlotta teaches the famous Slydini Knotted Silks routine. You will learn in minute detail the false knots used, which are of course key to the routine. You will learn the right silks and fabric to use. And you will learn a story that Tony Slydini told Dennis about one time when the routine failed and what he changed to avoid this problem.

1st edition 2023, video 37:18

★★★★★ $10
Hal Saxon
A Different Silk Vanish by Hal Saxon

You will learn a new way of handling a silk vanish. This is accomplished with a thumb tip or dye tube. A real crowd-pleaser. Very angle-proof chock full of misdirection, and deceptive handling. Not the typical silk vanish. I have been performing this version for 25 years because ... it is different. This silk vanish throws everyone off of the scent of the thumb tip.

Edition 2.5 2023; video 14:13

★★★★★ $25
Hal Saxon
Dye Tube Masterclass by Hal Saxon

The dye tube reimagined. The silk color change is no longer stale and boring.

The Dye Tube is Devious: "What? The old Dye Tube? Devious? Most magicians will say no the dye tube is not even remotely devious. It is stale, boring, and blaaa."

I say yes, the dye tube is incredibly devious when handled differently than the traditional handling of the last 100 years. Let's make your dye tube a valued part of your EDC Every Day Carry again.

Devious is defined as insidious, deceitful, not straightforward; shifty or crooked. Imagine professional magicians using these terms to describe your...

Ulysses Frederick Grant
50 Methods of Producing a Silk by Ulysses Frederick Grant

A useful little handbook full of ways to produce a silk - fifty of them in all. Easy ways to obtain a silk magically. Methods that can be blended into the silk effect you desire to do.

1st edition 1943, 8 pages; PDF 5 pages.

A. K. Dutt
Silk and Flower Magic by A. K. Dutt

Excerpt from the Introduction:

Though I don't claim anything original in this book, I have tried to blend two existing effects to create a new one, or to use the usual accessories like utility reel, pull etc., in some unusual ways or to position them in some unexpected places for unexpected purposes. Most of the tricks explained in this book are in one way or another connected to body load methods and hence this book comes under that category.

  • Introduction
  • The Half and Half Colour Change Record
  • Card on Rope
  • Fifth Dimension Thimbles
  • Bare handed Garland of Spring Flower Production ...
★★★★★ $12
Ken Muller
Ring and Silk Progression by Ken Muller

A 'walk-around' style three-phase magic routine using a handkerchief and borrowed finger ring, with progressing mystery and astonishment.

Use most any pocket kerchief, napkin, scarf, etc. and a simple finger ring. No gimmicks, attachments or duplicates. A truly impromptu presentation using found objects that can segue into other magic effects.

The ring penetrates the cloth material in three different ways of increasing impossibility and visual impact. The observers are drawn in to anticipate magic to occur, and you then exceed those expectations and hopes.

Moderate finger dexterity...

Edward Bagshawe
Novel Mysteries Part 1: Original Silk Effects by Edward Bagshawe

From the introduction:

The reader will find herein a number of specially selected effects, each complete in detail. Wherever necessary, suggestions for patter have been included in the belief that this will materially assist in the presentation, and so help on that desirable, and not quite unattainable result, which I will call "the Complete Illusion."

  • Introduction
  • Silk Effects
    • "Silk Projection"
    • A Silk Diversion
    • A "Sympathy" Problem
    • "The Ghost Silk"
    • The Ever-Change Silk
    • The "Flying Knot" Experiment
    • "Penetrato"

1st edition 1927, 44 pages; PDF 25 pages.

Will Blyth
Handkerchief Magic by Will Blyth

How to entertain and amuse children or adult audiences with a pocket handkerchief.

From the introduction by Clive Maskelyne:

A feature of the book is, that the descriptions, aided by well-drawn diagrams, are so simple and lucid that no one should find any difficulty in entertaining and amusing at festive gatherings. Handkerchief tricks are always popular, and the selection given in Handkerchief Magic is not only ingenious and amusing, but, where an old principle or an old piece of apparatus has been employed as the foundation of an effect, the author has given it such new surroundings...

★★★ $7
Keith Clark
Silks Supreme by Keith Clark

The routine was met with favor all around the world (England, France, Norway, Sweden, and the United States) before all types of audiences and under all conditions. Mr. Clark presented it with great success during his engagements at New York City's famous Rainbow Room and Loew's State Theater on Times Square.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Forty years ago, in 1902, Hamley Brothers of London published Stillwell's Handkerchief Manipulation Act, which purported to explain a vaudeville act with which George Stillwell was then creating something of a sensation in English music halls. Silks Supreme, which is the subject...

★★★★ $3
Ulysses Frederick Grant & B. W. McCarron
Fifty Ways to Produce a Silk by Ulysses Frederick Grant & B. W. McCarron

Here's an astounding collection of 50 entertaining methods of producing one or more colorful silk scarves in your magic act. Perhaps the most comprehensive collection ever published. Includes methods requiring no props, some with gimmicks that you can make at home, and a nice section on apparatus that you likely already have (or can buy from a dealer) that explains the basic principles involved.

Audiences love effects using silks and handkerchiefs. Make those tricks appear even more magical by producing the scarf from thin air instead of simply picking it up from a table. A true compendium...

Prisoner Silk by Marconick

The ultimate visible 20th Century Silk Routine.

At a magical convention the packed audience of magicians gasped audibly with surprise at the wonderful visible climax they had just seen. The magical effects which gain most applause from modern audiences are those in which things happen smartly and visibly. Marconick's Prisoner Silk certainly produces a startling visual effect in record time and is a trick which pulls applause from all types of audiences. Things happen quickly and they are seen to happen right before their eyes!


From his pocket performer takes two separate silks...

★★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Growing Hank by Brick Tilley

Milbourne Christopher demonstrated this in his final lecture at the Magic Castle, revealing that he had taught it to Harry Blackstone, replacing a less deceptive version Blackstone had been doing for years in his show. A small handkerchief, held by opposite corners, is twirled between the hands and seems to grow to massive proportions.

This is highly recommended as an opener, and can lead into a dove production of other effect with the handkerchief.

1st edition 2020, PDF 4 pages, video 48 seconds.

★★★★★ $6
Phoa Yan Tiong
Cut and Restored Silk by Phoa Yan Tiong

Phoa Yan Tiong performed this clever effect in his cabaret act and it never fails to produce a gasp of amazement.

Effect: A handkerchief becomes visibly restored after being cut in half and the halves held well apart to prove that no trickery is involved. Indeed there is no trickery in the cutting, for both halves are quite separate. The effect has proved a great hit also, in the act of Will Ayling who used a regular linen handkerchief for its performance.

Phoa used to demonstrate and explain a version of this trick in the lecture he gave to Magical Societies and at Conventions, but the method he...

Jack Chanin
J. C. Grand Finale by Jack Chanin

Silks at your finger tips.

From the introduction:

I have performed this silk act many times and have received numerous requests to put it in print. I am certain that if the reader of this book will apply himself to the contents and study the illustrations carefully he will have at his command not only a beautiful act but one that he will be more than proud to present any place and under any conditions. The possibilities for adding to this act and making it still more spectacular are unlimited. Within these pages you will find added suggestions that I have used myself and found to be practical,...

Jack Chanin
Jaysee Silk Color Change Supreme by Jack Chanin

From the introduction:

The author believes, along with several other well known professional magicians, that it is one of the cleanest cut color changing routine to be obtained, and in closing wishes to thank Mr. William H. Hanna for the valuable assistance given, with several of the moves and the fine illustrations in this book.

1st edition 1936, 10 pages; PDF 8 pages.

Burling Hull
A Modern Handkerchief Act with Patter by Burling Hull

The subtitle reads: An up-to-date program of selected tricks with handkerchiefs for magical entertainers playing Lyceum, club or stage engagements with humorous patter for all tricks introduced in the act, accompanied by instructions for gesture, facial expression and intonation to which is added a supplement explaining, and illustrating with diagrams, the construction and preparation of the apparatus, faked handkerchiefs and devices employed and their mechanical operation.

  • Introduction
  • Nature of the Act
  • Preparation...
★★★ $3
Edward Bagshawe
Proudlock's Sympathetic Silks by Edward Bagshawe

Now you, too, can present this award-winning silk routine in your show.

Here is a beautiful routine using two sets of three silk scarves that magically knot and unknot themselves "in sympathy" with each other ... even from across the stage. Best of all, you can do this with your own silks, as they contain no hidden pockets, sewn-together pairs, or similar fekes.

Edward Proudlock's Sympathetic Silks are a joy to behold, no less to the magician than to the uninitiated beholder. That it was a feature of Proudlock's act for 15 years is a testament as to its beauty and strength. Anyone who...

A. C. Gilbert
Gilbert Handkerchief Tricks by A. C. Gilbert
  • Foreword
  • Practice
  • Misdirection
  • Important Warning
  • If Something Goes Wrong
  • Essential Apparatus for an Evening's Entertainment with Handkerchief Tricks
  • The Opening Trick
  • Dyeing a Handkerchief
  • The Conjurer as a Dyer
  • The Handkerchief Vanisher
  • The Mirror Glass
  • The Disappearing Handkerchief from a Lamp Chimney
  • Herman's Vanishing Knots
  • Stretching a Handkerchief
  • The Instantly Knotted Handkerchiefs
  • The Vanishing Ring from Goblet of Water by Means of a Handkerchief
  • The Burnt Handkerchief Restored
  • Juggling
  • Producing a Handkerchief in Full View from a Glass
  • Handkerchief Casette
  • Drum...
★★★★ $4
Harry Blackstone
Spirit Dancing Handkerchief by Harry Blackstone

[This is an edited and abridged version of a manuscript originally released by Harry Blackstone Sr. as The Spirit Handkerchief.

A borrowed white handkerchief takes on a life of its own, it moves and dances around the stage as though it has become a real spirit.

Exactly as performed by the great magician (and his successor son)! All the masterful comedy touches. Learn this electrifying effect as only the Blackstone's can perform it. Every beautiful move. Every innermost thought that has made the Spirit Dancing Handkerchief famous. Learn: The handkerchief in the cabinet. Learn: The handkerchief in the bottle. Learn: The handkerchief in the hat. Detailed directions for every move.


★★★★ $12
Marconick's Unique Silk Magic by Marconick

Marconick's was a master of silk magic. Here you will find several of his feature routines. This book was edited by Lewis Ganson and Hugh Miller.

  • Introduction
  • Silk Flash
  • Twentieth Century Rope And Silks
  • Bewildering Silks
  • Stretching A Silk
  • Fountain Of Silks
  • Silken Bombshell
  • Glass Of Liquid Production
  • Three Silks On A Ribbon
  • Rainbow Silk And Balls
  • Massal
  • Silk On
  • Dream Silks
  • Flying Silks
  • Six Silks In A Flash
  • Blendo In Reverse
  • Silk Chain
  • Four Balls From A Silk
1st digital edition 2017, 48 pages.
Larry Brodahl
Scripted #12: Color Changing Silks by Larry Brodahl

A script and performance video that is based on the work of Ron Wilson and makes the Color Changing Silks a practical and mysterious trick, loaded with laughs.

One of the more difficult tasks facing magicians is coming up with scripts – of any sort. And the color changing silks, using the hand dye tube, makes it even more intimidating since there are multiple steals, hand to hand transfers to make, etc. All without getting caught!

But, coming up with a script that makes sense of the handling, preserves the mystery, gets laughs, and is a perfect opener...well, that's really difficult. ...

Philip Reed Willmarth
Fun with a Handkerchief by Philip Reed Willmarth

You always have a handkerchief.....! Here's how to have fun with it, anywhere, any time, any place, with kids, or with adults. If you don't have a handkerchief, borrow one - or use the restaurant napkin. With a flip of the handkerchief, make the Bunny That Eats, The Little Hindu, Miss Fatima, Dr. Finkle's wonderful and lively Mouse, Handkerchief Chapeaugraphy, Melodrama with a Handkerchief, and other clever bits and pieces that will make you the talk of the town.

  • Introduction
  • Part One: Gags, Catches, Nonsense
    • The Ghost
    • A Gag
    • Character Reading
    • Burned Up
    • Grandma Face
    • The Jumping Handkerchief ...
★★★★ $3
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Rising, Dancing and Floating Silk by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Do not confuse this with Blackstone's Dancing Handkerchief. This method does not have to be done on stage and requires no assistants like the Blackstone version does.

Borrow a handkerchief and a hat or use your own. Tie a knot into the handkerchief and toss into the empty hat. In a few seconds, the handkerchief peeks out of the hat and jumps into your hands. Place the handkerchief on the floor and it stands straight up by itself and starts dancing around. It jumps into your hands and then floats between your outstretched hands. The magician can even walk into the audience with the handkerchief floating...

★★★★ $5
Geo DeLawrence
Silken Secrets (Miscellaneous Handkerchief Tricks) by Geo DeLawrence

Originally titled Miscellaneous Handkerchief Tricks.

Here's an exciting look-behind-the-counter of the local magic dealer to examine many beautiful silk and handkerchief effects. You'll learn vanishes, appearances, color changes, transpositions, solid thru solid and more. Several utility devices are explained and illustrated, as well.

This is more than a "tell all" book, as DeLawrence also includes an entertaining, 15-minute silk act that uses the very effects described.

Silks and scarves add color and glamour to any magic routine. Audiences will fall in love with your presentation...

Brick Tilley
Inthedark by Brick Tilley

You will learn two effects:

  • The Alien (see performance video below)
  • Fantasy Coins: materialize a coin chosen by the spectator (self-working coin routine as long as you can finger-palm a coin in each hand)

1st edition 2016, 4 pages

★★★ $5
Joseph Ovette
Silk Creations by Joseph Ovette

Stage magician Joe Ovette reveals the inner workings of his famous silk act in this 77-page ebook. You'll find productions, vanishes, color changes and more here. There's sure to be something here that you will use.

Not content merely to divulge the methods of the individual effects, Ovette goes on to provide several professional secrets that are worth $20 each to any working pro. You'll find ways to double the size of your silk production without increasing to cost; how to remove wrinkles from your silks without using an iron; a do-it-yourself vanisher that's superior to ones you can buy;...

★★★★★ $10
Timothy Rose
Steve: animated silk by Timothy Rose

Steve is a simplified and totally organic animated silk suitable for all lighting conditions, indoors or out. The easy to build and easy to operate gimmick allows you to bring any silk 12" or larger to life. Carry this in your pocket and you are ready to go at all times. Great as a quick "hey check this out" between routines or with some creativity, a featured animation perfect for all performing situations. Steve is so easy and fun you will catch yourself passing your free time with "Steve" in hand!

1st edition 2016, 10 pages.

★★★★ $8
Larry Brodahl
Scripted #3: Sympathetic Silks by Larry Brodahl

A fairly forgotten classic turned into a beautiful performance piece for any group. Includes the script, full instructions, and a performance video.

One of the more difficult tasks facing magicians is coming up with scripts - of any sort. How do you explain to an audience in a reasonable manner how and why this fabulous magic is happening?

Well, the author of How To Write A Script shows you how he used his methodology to write a script that successfully a bare minimum of script...the Sympathetic Silks.

Part of the scripts' charm is that the audience sees a trick performed in just FOUR words. ...

★★★★ $4
Thomas (Tom) Osborne
Napkin Folding by Thomas (Tom) Osborne

From the introduction:

This is not to be considered an encyclopedia on napkin folding, it is the fulfillment of the Author's desire to preserve for the future some of the most interesting of the napkin folds with his own illustrations and descriptions. These folds have been gathered from all over the world. Some are the Author's creation, but the majority of them appear to be the Property - of Public - Domain, and of this latter group the Author has made an honest effort to trace the origin of the different folds, and in every case they seem to be lost in antiquity.

  • The Brassiere ...
★★★★★ $14
Glenn G. Gravatt
Jap Box Tricks by Glenn G. Gravatt

The Jap Box or "Japanese Handkerchief Box" is a simple rectangular box without a lid and a removable bottom. The bottom has a hole in the center to facility its removal from the rest of the box. The basic effect is that the box is shown empty by showing it from all sides as well as removing the bottom. Then the bottom is replaced and silks appear in the box.

Producing silks is just the very beginning of possibilities with this prop. This ebook describes many other things that can be done with the basic version of the Jap Box. It is unclear where this trick originated. It is believed that...

★★★★★ $4
Jerry Andrus
Vampire Needle by Jerry Andrus

Performer borrows a white handkerchief in order to show them a trick with a 'needle and thread'. He then produces the needle and has a spectator thread it with a piece of rope. He then pushes the needle thru the center of the handkerchief and pulls the 'thread' thru after it. This leaves a jagged hole which he trims with a pair of scissors. Handkerchief is finally shown undamaged.

1st edition 1974; 1st digital edition 2015, 3 pages, 20 illustrations.

★★★★ $6
The Magic of Marconick by Marconick

Here Marconick demonstrates many of his signature pieces with silk and some billiard ball manipulation, rope magic and cigarette magic.

  • Silks vanish from cage ball. (Silken Bombshell, see Gen Volume 21 page 322)
  • Four billiard balls from silk.
  • Two purple silks are knotted on a rope. A third yellow silk appears knotted on the rope.
  • Cigarette manipulation with a magical way to light a cigarette.
  • Five billiard balls from silk.
  • Yellow silk appears knotted between a green and a blue silk.
  • Splitting a silk in two.
  • Four white billiard balls from silk twice.
  • Silk vanishes and reappears knotted on a rope. ...
★★★★ $9.95
Ade Duval
A Rhapsody in Silk by Ade Duval

A world famous silk magician designed this beautiful finale to his show. Based on the use of a tube like a Phantom Tube, these clever and subtle methods create a great act. Anyone interested in silk work can make up the act and do it. Many clear sketches, photos, careful explanations teach you how.

  • To Dorny...
  • Prelude
  • Preface
  • How it all began . . .
  • Audience eye view
  • Frightening imitators
  • Scientific loading
  • The gimmicks
  • The box
  • The "suitcase" prop
  • Switching tubes
  • The soup ladles
  • How to load
  • Concealment
  • Count down!
  • Note to reader
  • Author!

1st edition 1962, 64 pages; 1st digital...

★★★★ $6
Marconick in Silken Sorcery by Marconick

This is a silent film produced by Harry Stanley's Unique Magic Studio. It features Marconick performing some of his feature items with silks and rope. Marconick was primarily known for his creative work with silks. His vanish of silks from a cage ball is very pretty.

  • Silk to cane
  • Several silks vanish from a cage ball (Silken Bombshell, see Gen Volume 21 page 322)
  • Cup of water from silk
  • Water from paper cone to glass
  • Selected card appears knotted on rope
  • Rope through neck
  • Rope and ring
  • Silk production from larger silk
  • Silk to rope
  • Another silk production where the silks change how they are knotted...
Alberto Sitta
The Colourful Magic of Alberto Sitta by Alberto Sitta

Alberto Sitta specializes in commercial magic that you can use in your stage, cabaret and close-up shows. His Leopard Silk is perhaps his most famous effect and has been performed and copied by magicians all over the world. In this ebook Alberto reveals more of the mysteries that have gained him a reputation as one of Italy's most creative performers.

There are no pipe dreams here. All the magic has been regularly used by Alberto Sitta in his professional performances and lectures throughout Europe. Practical, colorful and commercial these are the hallmarks of Sitta's creations and here are...

★★★★ $9
Devin Knight
Silken Sands by Devin Knight

A novel and flashy effect that your audience hasn't seen before. This was a limited release a few years ago. Now you can make it up yourself in less than an hour, using items found in most of the larger box stores. NO TOOLS of any kind required to assemble!

Effect: The performer shows a metal bowl to be empty. He then puts in three large handfuls of different colored sands, red, blue, and yellow; saying from these base colors, all colors can be made. Magician then pours a quart of water into the bowl and mixes the sand and water with a wooden chopstick. He takes the stick and begins to fling...

★★★★★ $5
Henry Bohlen
Bohleno's Mysteries by Henry Bohlen

Five original performance tested routines:

  • Triple Ring-Silk Penetration
  • Impossible Floating Handkerchief
  • Devil's Own Knife-Cut Ribbon
  • Multi-Cut Paper Strip
  • Master Silk Through Ropes

1st edition 1947; original 14 pages; PDF 16 pages.

★★★★★ $10
The Dancing Handkerchief by Peki

A close-up version of the famed Dancing Handkerchief routine used by many stage magicians. A miniature handkerchief jumps out of a small container, dances, bounces around and walks across a magic wand before going back into it's jewel box. The entire routine happens in your hands while standing.

You will learn the secrets of Peki's invisible thread that makes it much more invisible than other threads even in close up instances where viewers are only a few inches away from the action.

Professionally dubbed into English from German.

runtime: 13min 33s

★★★★ $4
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 09: Handkerchief Magic by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content
  2. Candle Flame Production
  3. The Sleeve Production
  4. Production from the Wand
  5. Thumb Tip Vanish
  6. The Sugar Bag
  7. The Phoenix Handkerchief
  8. The Vanishing Handkerchief
  9. The Dyed Handkerchiefs
  10. The Colour Changing Handkerchief
  11. The Self-Knotting Handkerchief
  12. Check Mate
  13. The Blended Handkerchiefs
  14. A Trick With A Tube
  15. The Sympathetic Silk Handkerchiefs
  16. Mr. Green and Miss Brown
  17. The Unfortunate Sunshade

1st edition 1931; 26 pages.

★★★ $6
Martin Lewis
Sucker Silks by Martin Lewis

A very commercial routine where all is in the delivery and the script. Martin starts with a lovely Ping Pong ball gag. The main effect is the classic push a white handkerchief into your fist and pull out a red one. The method should be clear to everybody even though Martin will explain the basic mechanism and move. What you learn here are the lines and little bits of business that make this a commercial routine.

runtime: 6min 16s

★★★★★ $8
John Rivav
My Magic Balloons by John Rivav

Effect: Performer shows a yellow 9” silk. Spectator is asked to sign the silk for future identification. Performer says that he will vanish the silk with the spectator's help. Something goes "wrong" and the silk does not vanish, instead it changes to a yellow balloon.

A second spectator is called to help to vanish the yellow balloon. Something goes "wrong" once again. The balloon has changed from yellow to red. Performer proceeds to inflate the red balloon and burst it with a knife, revealing that the yellow balloon was inside. The yellow balloon is inflated in the same way and burst...

★★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
The Sympathetic Silks Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Colorful, visual magic - certainly The Sympathetic Silks is a real classic of effects with silk. Performed by most of the old top-of-the-bill magicians on the variety stages around the world, it can be just as big a hit today as it was then. From a program dated 1926, we see that Houdini performed it in his full evening show - he often declared that this was his favorite trick. Chris Charlton opened his show with it; Cecil Lyle featured it; Jane Thurston performed it beautifully in her spot in the Thurston Show and it was certainly a masterpiece in the hands of Horace Goldin.

This was part of the...

★★★★ $19.95
D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini's Production Silks by D. Angelo Ferri

Slydini used to open his stage act with this routine.

Slydini's Production Silks is a routine he cared deeply about. This is an opening stage effect. (He used to say: "If you wait too long the silks will get stale".) The magician shows his hands empty then picks up a silk from the seat of a chair. The silk is displayed and placed on the back of the chair. The magician reaches into the air and produces a second silk, which is also placed on the back of the chair. Two more silks are produced from the air and then all four silks are picked up. These silks multiply into a beautiful 'fountain...

★★★★ $9.95
D. Angelo Ferri
Silk in Apple by D. Angelo Ferri

Dennis writes:

This is Slydini's version of the Silk in the Apple. He told me he performed it on Cuba television in the 1950's. When he walked through the streets of Havana people recognized him and came up to saying "The apple... the apple...".

The lessons here are the Slydini's approach to handling the device that makes the routine possible, the head, hand movement, which is the same movement he used in his Paper Balls Over The Head, and his Helicopter Card. This routine will give the student a greater insight into the natural mechanics of the hand, how those natural mechanics can be...

★★★★ $3
Jean Hugard
Silken Sorcery by Jean Hugard

You will find 143 magnificent and entertaining uses of silks and handkerchiefs. Sleights, tricks, and the famous Stillwell Silk Act are explained in detail with 90 illustrations. Jean Hugard details vanishing methods, production techniques, color changes, knots, and flourishes. He also describes how to care for your silks to keep them in great shape for a long time.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Tricks with silk handkerchiefs have been very popular ever since their introduction by Bautier de Kolta more than a half-century ago. There is a sound basis for this popularity, for handkerchief tricks are colorful...

Displaying 1 to 46 (of 46 products)