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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Karomania 2 by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Dieses Heft ist von einem der innovativen Köpfe im deutschsprachigen Raum geschrieben. Kaldy-Karo beschreibt einige tolle Effekte mit Feuer. Er weiss um Feuer bescheid, da er selbst ein Feuerwehrhauptmann ist. Kaldy-Karo wurde von der Deutschen Magiervereinigung zum Author des Jahres 1986 erchoren.


  1. Vorwort
  2. Kartenblitz
  3. Mirakel
  4. Verschwindender Handflasher
  5. Brennende Fingerspitzen
  6. Automatik Fackel
  7. Wie der Blitz
  8. Mann, ist das Irre
  9. Feuerwerk aus der Hand
  10. Feuerwerk zu Spazierstock
  11. Wall Street oder Der 150 Schilling Trick
  12. Wie Baue Ich Meine Kaschees Selbst


★★★★ $5
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster
Der Moderne Kartenkünstler by Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster

Dieses Buch ist ganz der Zauberei mit Karten gewidmet. Am besten kann es mit dem Amerikanischen Werk New Era Card Tricks, welches 1897 in Chicago erschienen ist, verglichen werden. Es beschreibt ausführlich mit 289 Abbildungen Griffe, Präparationen, Routinen, und Apparaturen. Kennen Sie die 'Deutsche', 'Amerikanische', 'Italienische', 'Französische', oder 'natürliche' Methode Karten zu markieren? Alles wird in diesem Buch beschrieben. Das Buch beginnt mit einer kleinen Kartenschule die dem Lehrling die Volte, das Glissieren und Filieren und vieles mehr beibringt. Das folgende Kapitel erklärt mehrere wunderbare...

★★★★ $9
Fritz Anders
Der Junge Tausendkünstler by Fritz Anders

Dieses Buch ist für den jungen angehenden Zauberkünstler geschrieben. Es ist in einem netten Dialog verfaßt und lehrt dem jungen Zauberkünstler alle wichtigen Lektionen. Einige Kunststücke sind recht schwierig und nicht unbedingt für den Anfänger geeignet. Die zweite Hälfte des Buches widmet sich dem Schattenspiel und dem Puppenspiel.


  • Erste Abteilung: Die große und die kleine Kunst
    1. Vorbericht
    2. Erster Abend: Vorbereitungen und Kleinigkeiten
    3. Zweiter Abend: Das Becherspiel und die Escamotage
    4. Dritter Abend: Die Kartenkästen, das Tinteglas, der Eierstab und...
★★★★ $12
Bernard Zufall
Zufall's Memory Trix by Bernard Zufall

Back in 1940, a performer named Bernard Zufall ("The Mental Magician") put out a series of six booklets titled, Zufall's Memory Trix. These six booklets are here combined into one ebook. They cover memorizing feats such as calender memorizing, memorizing a deck of cards, the knight tour, memorizing facts and figures, a.s.o.

  1. Magazine Memorizing
  2. Mental File Index
  3. Calendar Memorizing
  4. Memorizing A Deck of Playing Cards
  5. Memorizing Numbers
  6. Memorizing Facts and Figures
★★★★★ $7
David M. Roth
Roth Memory Course by David M. Roth

This is a wonderful course in seven lessons to improve your memory. It covers all fundamentals and shows how to apply these mnemotechnic tools to remember for example names, faces, spelling and numbers. It also gives applications for magic tricks. You will learn how to memorize a shuffled deck of 52 cards or how to remember the knight tour on the chess board. It is likely that Roth was a magician himself, since he mentions his friend Henry Hatton from Magicians' Tricks fame. Dai Vernon learned from this course and mentions it on the Revelations video tapes.

Written in 1918 and as good as any book on 'how to improve your memory'...

★★★★ $39.90
Dominic O'Brien
How to Develop a Perfect Memory by Dominic O'Brien

Dominic O'Brien is the eight times winner of the The World Memory Championships and has a number of entries in the Guinness Book of Records including the memorisation of 54 packs of shuffled cards after just a single-sighting of each card. How does he do it? What is his system and how can it help YOU remember names, faces, telephone numbers, pass exams, learn languages, win at Trivial Pursuit and clean up at the Blackjack table? How to Develop a Perfect Memory will show you in simple language and easy stages.

We have an exclusive on this ebook from Dominic O'Brien. The book is long out of...

★★★★ $3
George Parker Bidder
On Mental Calculation by George Parker Bidder

George Parker Bidder is one of history's greatest mental calculators. In the early 19th century he toured Britain as a 'calculating boy'. The amazing demonstrations he gave caught the attention of eminent scholars who offered to fund his education. Bidder went on to become one of the leading engineers of his time. His position as vice president of the Institution of Civil Engineers afforded him the opportunity to speak openly about his views on mental calculation in a lecture to fellow members of the institution. That lecture, given in 1856, is the subject of this document. In it, Bidder describes...

E. W. Scripture
Arithmetical Prodigies by E. W. Scripture

Arithmetical Prodigies by E.W. Scripture is a remarkable paper about remarkable people. Published in 1891, it gives the first comprehensive account of those individuals who have displayed an astonishing capacity for mental calculation. The numerous and fascinating biographies alone make this work a 'must read' for anyone with a taste for the curious and sensational. The paper can also lay claim to being one of the first works of popular psychology. Its style - essentially that of a treatise that reads like a novel - has been replicated right through to the present day. In short, Scripture's...

★★★★★ $7
Arthur Toskana
Mysterien des Kartenspiels by Arthur Toskana

Dieses Buch ist in Deutsch verfaßt und ganz dem falschen Spiel mit Karten gewidmet. Es behandelt unter anderem Griffe wie das Falschmischen, Spielaustausch, präparierte Karten und Gehilfen.


  1. Vorwort
  2. Die Geschichte der Karten und ihrer Spiele
  3. Die Volte
  4. Das Falschmischen
  5. Das Eskamotieren der Karten
  6. Das inkorrekte Abheben
  7. Das korrigierte Kartengeben
  8. Vorbereitete Spiele
  9. Karten-Präparationen
  10.    A. Gezeichnete Karten
  11.    B. Beschnittene Karten
  12.    C. Gebogene Karten
  13.    D. Durchstochene Karten
  14. Das Vertauschen präparierter Kartenspiele
  15. Der Gehilfe...
★★★★★ $2
Geo DeLawrence
Some Card Effects and Magical Talks by Geo DeLawrence

This is quite an interesting booklet with very nice ideas for patter, as well as some card effects. Particularly noteworthy is a hilarious burlesque mind reading act. You have to check this one out!

1st edition, 1919, F. G. Thayer, Los Angeles; 45 pages.

  1. A Few Remarks
  2. Opening Patter
  3. Some Card Effects and Accompanying Patter:
  4. Four Ace Combination
  5. The Wrapped Cards Divided by a Knife
  6. Transposition
  7. Miscellaneous Patter:
  8. Kling Klang
  9. Solid Through Solid
  10. Straight Jacket Escape
  11. The Rabbit Pan
  12. The Spirit Hand
  13. The Egg Bag
  14. The Twentieth Century Handkerchief Trick
  15. Cards from the Pocket ...
★★★★★ $5
Edwin Sachs
Sleight of Hand by Edwin Sachs

This is an all time classic with 57 beautiful illustrations. It is one of the most complete books written on magic, because it teaches both stage and close-up magic (cards, coins, silks, cups and balls, etc.), technique, presentation, and all the peripheral skills necessary for great conjuring.

"I beg to say that it is far and away the very best work of its kind ever published" - Harry Kellar

"My den contains a large collection of books on magic, but none has a cover so worn as 'Sleight of Hand' by Edwin Sachs." - David Devant

The official byline read: The standard texbook on how to become a magician. Sleight-of-hand...
★★★★ $2
Jean Hugard
Houdini's Unmasking by Jean Hugard

Houdini wrote a very nasty book about Robert-Houdin claiming that Robert-Houdin stole many tricks and was in reality not as great a magician as he usually is portraid. Jean Hugard sets with this book the record straight and reveals Houdini's fabricated arguments. Houdini's unmasking of Robert-Houdin was just a revenge on Robert-Houdin's family and had little to do with reality. But you can find out for yourself and read The Unmasking of Robert-Houdin. Houdini's Unmasking originally appeared serialized in Jean Hugards magazine Hugard's Magic Monthly.

Published as part of "Hugard's Magic Monthly" beginning with volume 15, number 1, June 1957; 78 pages; PDF 48 pages....

★★★★★ $5
Jean Hugard
More Card Manipulations by Jean Hugard

This is the sequel to Card Manipulations. It is a collection of four booklets. Emphasis is put on practical methods without any apparatus.

1st edition, 1938-1941, Max Holden, New York; reprint, 1974, Dover Publications, New York; 205 pages.

  • No. 1.
    • Part I. - TRICKS
      1. The Three Musketeers and D'Artagnan
      2. The Sheep and the Goats
      3. Snap - A Quick Trick
      4. Crime Club Detection - Dr. H. Walter Grote
      5. Infallible Prediction - Audley V. Walsh and Hal Haber
      6. The Continuous Spelling Trick - Jack McMillen
      7. The Burglars - Orville W. Meyer
      8. The Magic Thrust - Orville W. Meyer
      9. The Two Jokers - P. W. Miller
      10. The Ladies'...
★★★★★ $4
Jean Hugard
Card Manipulations by Jean Hugard

This book is a collection of five little booklets. Each booklet typically has a section with sleights and a section with tricks using these sleights. The name Hugard guarantees for first rate material and so it is no surprise that Card Manipulations and the follow up More Card Manipulations includes some of the very best tricks and routines one can do with cards.

1st edition, 1934-1936, Max Holden, New York; reprint, 1973, Dover Publications, New York; 163 pages.

    • The one Hand Top Card Palm
    • The Hindu Shuffle or Running Cut
    • The Hindu Shuffle as a Substitute for the Pass
    • And yet...
★★★★ $4
Ted Annemann
Annemann's Card Magic by Ted Annemann

This book is actually two books: Ted Annemann's Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks and Annemann's Miracles of Card Magic. Annemann, perhaps more famous for his mental magic, was an extraordinary card man, a master of subtleties and misdirection. That is why most of the tricks in this collection do not require difficult moves, which does not mean that they are all easy to perform. His tricks have often the impromptu quality and can thus be performed without any prior preparation. You will also find contributions from such famous masters of card magic as Dai Vernon, Dr. Daley, Jean Hugard, Al Baker, Audley Walsh, Stewart Judah, and many others. ...

★★★★ $6
Jean Hugard
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks by Jean Hugard

This book is indeed worthy the name Encyclopedia. Originally compiled by Doctor Wilhelm von Deusen in collaboration with Mr. Glenn G. Gravatt (published in two volumes Encyclopedia of Self-Working Card Tricks and The Second Encyclopedia of Card Tricks), and later rewritten by Jean Hugard. It has a very interesting introduction by Ted Annemann where he addresses the issue of inventing new tricks and claiming ownership. This book will provide you with more card tricks than you ever wanted. The combined value of its contents, were the tricks to be computed at their original marketed price, was in the thousands of dollars. Now you can have it for a few bucks.

Hugard added a number of items over what...

★★★★★ $6
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser & Ottokar Fischer & Sam Sharpe
Hofzinser's Card Conjuring by Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser & Ottokar Fischer & Sam Sharpe

Hofzinser was born at the beginning of the 19th century and lived in Vienna during a time called the 'Biedermeier'. This was a time where people enjoyed art and entertainment in drawing-room presentations and at little receptions in the houses and villas of the rich and famous. Hofzinser thus never performed on a stage but perfected the branch of magic today known as 'Close-up'. One could argue that Hofzinser is the grandfather of close-up magic in particular close-up card magic. And this book is all about card magic. We have to thank Ottokar Fischer for collecting Hofzinser's material about...

★★★★★ $6
Jean Hugard & Fred Braue
Expert Card Technique by Jean Hugard & Fred Braue

This is the 3rd edition which includes an additional chapter by Dai Vernon and another one by Dr. Daley. (The popular Dover version is a reprint of the 2nd edition and is lacking these two interesting chapters.) This book describes serious stuff. Card moves and tricks for the advanced card man. (For an excellent introduction to card magic see The Royal Road to Card Magic or the Card College series.) Expert Card Technique lists and explains in detail a large quantity of card moves. Card moves are abundant and any good card man will come up with his own variations and twists due to his constant use of cards and tireless perfection of...

★★★★★ $5
Jean Hugard & Fred Braue
The Royal Road to Card Magic by Jean Hugard & Fred Braue

The younger generation of card magicians probably knows or has heard of Card College by Roberto Giobbi. The Royal Road to Card Magic is very similar but of older vintage and doesn't cover as much ground. It introduces the novice into the art of card magic one move and principle at a time, always with tricks accompanying the moves. It is therefore not a mindless list of moves but a well prepared and thought out textbook. It will take the beginner to an intermediate level. Once The Royal Road to Card Magic has been mastered one can move on to Expert Card Technique which requires a higher skill level.

Actually because Expert Card Technique did not sell well...

★★★★ $24.50
Harlan Tarbell
Tarbell Course by Harlan Tarbell

The Tarbell Course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and most encompassing magic literary work in existance today. It has almost 1300 pages and nearly 2900 illustrations. It covers practically every form of magic: sleight of hand with cards, coins, thimbles, cigarettes, silks, ropes, ..., up to mentalism and illusions. It goes beyond the mere technique and teaches patter, routining, marketing and other often neglected facets of being a magician. There is no other book which comes even close in breadth and depth of the material covered. It is amazing that since the late 1920s nobody has...

★★★★ $3
Jean Hugard & Fred Braue
Show Stoppers with Cards by Jean Hugard & Fred Braue

Jean Hugard and Fred Braue stand for quality. This is a booklet for all card enthusiasts. It has tricks from Bert Allerton, Stewart James, Bob Madison, and several Braue routines. The now famous 'Homing Card' is one of Braue's creations and described here for the first time.

1st edition 1948; 16 pages

Table of contents

  1. The Braue Double Lift
  2. Allerton's Amazing Aces
  3. Pockethereal
  4. 10 - 6 - 9 - 4
  5. Nail Cutting
  6. Nailcutting the Aces
  7. Dunbury Delusion
  8. Fan False Count
  9. Triple Do
  10. The Homing Card
  11. The Great Trunk Trick
★★★ $3
Howard Thurston
200 More Tricks You Can Do by Howard Thurston

This is the sequel to 200 Tricks You Can Do.

published 1927 by George Sully and Company; published 1939 as one volume together with "200 More Tricks You Can Do" as "400 Tricks You Can Do" by Blue Ribbon Books; 186 pages

    1. 1. An Amazing Discovery
    2. 2. Finding a Chosen Card
    3. 3. Maltese Crosses
    4. 4. Mysterious Coincidence
    5. 5. A Card Through the Plate
    6. 6. An Easy Four Ace Trick
    7. 7. The Paddle Trick
    8. 8. Telephone Telepathy
    9. 9. A Mysterious Card Trick
    10. 10. Card and Coin Trick
    11. 11. The Mysterious Joker
    12. 12. Card Changing Under Foot
    13. 13. United Kings and Queens
    14. 14. The Circle of Cards
    15. 15. The Rosette ...
★★★ $3
Howard Thurston
200 Tricks You Can Do by Howard Thurston

This book shows that Howard Thurston, sometimes refered to as the World's Master Magician, knew a lot about the Close-up side of magic, not just stage magic. He explains tricks with coins, cards, balls, matches, paper, ... There is something for everybody - easy and self-working tricks for the beginner, and more advanced ones for the intermediate skilled performer. Make sure to also check out More Tricks You Can Do

published 1926 by George Sully and Company; published 1939 as one volume together with "200 More Tricks You Can Do" as "400 Tricks You Can Do" by Blue Ribbon Books; 200 pages

  1. Preface
  2. A Brief Biography...
★★★★★ $5
S. W. Erdnase
The Expert at the Card Table by S. W. Erdnase

Originally entitled Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table, is probably the most cited and referenced book about card gambling moves - a classic in the history of magic literature. A must read for any card magician or aspiring gambling expert and an indespensable reference book. While the authorship of this book is hotly debated we are convinced it was Edward Gallaway. (For a detailed work on the search for Erdnase see Hurt McDermott's Artifice, Ruse & Erdnase.)

[A copy of this book is also included in Michael McDougall's Card Mastery. This ebook is also available in a German translation.

Paul Fleming wrote:

The information contained in this book is the very basis of modern card conjuring. When first...

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