[Please note that this is a four part course. If your intention is to become a stage hypnotist we strongly discourage you from only getting one or two parts. You will not get the full breadth and depth of information.]
This fourth part, a download DVD, shows again an entire hypnotism show (a different one than the one shown in Part 3) which takes place in a high school. There is a running commentary and interview in the background which instructs the viewer while the show is ongoing. This commentary is very valuable information which will assist the aspiring hypnosis student to gain profiency very quickly. We do not advise watching this video unless part three is viewed first to accustom the viewer to the show sequence. Otherwise it will be hard to follow the show and the commentary at the same time....
[Please note that this is a four part course. If your intention is to become a stage hypnotist we strongly discourage you from only getting one or two parts. You will not get the full breadth and depth of information.]
This third part, a download DVD, shows an entire hypnotism show from begin to end. It is an outdoor fair show that starts quite slow - almost boring. There is lots of distracting noise. Still Mark Lewis spins his hypnotic web and leads the audience to a hypnotic experience many have never seen before.
This video should be watched for entertainment only since there is no instruction of any kind depicted on it. The purpose of this recording is to amplify the information on the Audio recording and on Part 2. Another very important purpose, however, is for the viewer to understand the sequence...
[Please note that this is a four part course. If your intention is to become a stage hypnotist we strongly discourage you from only getting one or two parts. You will not get the full breadth and depth of information.]
This second part, a download DVD, is a very thorough overview of waking suggestion tests which are performed at the beginning of the show. These all occur before the actual hypnotic induction and are excellent entertainment in themselves even though nobody is actually hypnotised just yet. These tests also have the valuable purpose of conditioning people to react to suggestions and help in selecting the best possible subjects.
This recording is a mix of a taped seminar and recordings of actual hypnotism shows performed by Mark Lewis....
Aldo Colombini's favorite plot is Oil and Water. He has collected literally hundreds of variations over decades of performing magic. He has selected the best and most unique representatives of his collection here in his Oil and Water series of download DVDs.
Ten more powerful routines on the classic theme.
Aldo Colombini's favorite plot is Oil and Water. He has collected literally hundreds of variations over decades of performing magic. He has selected the best and most unique representatives of his collection here in his Oil and Water series of download DVDs.
Ten powerful routines on the classic theme. All performed with regular cards.
Funny stuff for magicians, MCs and other entertainers. For a pro just one new gag or bit of comedy that fits into his program is worth a lot of money. Even though Aldo demonstrates these gags not in front of a life audience, it is so much better to see a video and get a sense of how they have to be delivered, rather than just reading about them. Here you have a sampling of some great gags:
Performed by Cameron Francis himself. Stacks can allow you to perform miracles under the fairest and cleanest conditions imaginable. Stuff you just can’t do impromptu. Stuff that will seriously blow your spectator's minds. This download DVD contains three such effects. Each trick requires a full deck set up and each one is self-working. Just add presentation and stir vigorously. The three effects use completely normal decks which, after the trick is over, can be shuffled up and used to produce all sorts of impromptu miracles. All of them make very good openers. Give at least one of these effects...
Impromptu card magic performed with a regular deck of cards.
Ten easy routines with rings and ropes. All the effects are performed with regular props (3 to 5 inch diameter rings, ropes and silks). They are suitable for close-up, walk-around, stage, etc. You may tie several effects together to create a unique routine.
A candid intimate interview with the Italian Teddy Bear. With wit, honesty, and lots of inside details, Aldo shares with his fans his life as a comedy magician and lecturer; his view on magic, tells about his career, the move to the USA, his hobbies, and how he was able to survive until 60 just with a deck of cards and a piece of rope! He also teaches an easy Italian recipe for a great pasta dish, and he may even play the guitar and sing a song if pressed by Rachel (and helped by a glass of wine). Of course, he will also show and explain a trick never before released.
Aldo and Rachel have...
These effects are creations by Didier Dupré. After the DVD Cartemania, the DVD that made Didier famous all over the world, we now present three more routines from this clever French magician. You will love them and we predict you will use them all the time. They all use regular cards.
An effect by Nick Trost. One of the most incredible routines with two (regular) decks of cards. A spectator selects four cards from a red-backed deck, without looking at their faces. These four cards are inserted into the middle of the blue-backed deck. Now you remove four blue cards, show them to be indifferent and insert them into the red deck. The spectator’s four red-backed cards are turned over, and they are all Kings. Your four blue-backed cards are turned over to show they have changed into the four Kings! A double climax! Two regular decks are used (not supplied) and you end clean with two complete...
"The definitive book on the subject....This book oozes quality. Get it while you can. It is my pride and joy book." - Harry Scott, MagicBunny.co.uk
You might think that some of these crazy flourishes are impossible to do. You might think they are 'made up'. Well, here is your proof that Jerry can do all of them and then some. This is a performance-only download DVD. It does, however, include many invaluable suggestions for routining flourishes and making even the most mundane move look spectacular.
See the Flourishman perform every flourish in Chapters 9 through 12 of what is already...
"I've been performing card fans for years in my stage and close-up acts and often receive compliments from audience members about them. But Cestkowski embodies perfection in his fanning work that is downright intimidating." - Wayne Kawamoto, About.com
You might think that some of these crazy flourishes are impossible to do. You might think they are 'made up'. Well, here is your proof that Jerry can do all of them and then some. This is a performance-only download DVD. It does, however, include many invaluable suggestions for routining flourishes and making even the most mundane move...
"I firmly believe that the Encyclopedia of Playing Card Flourishes is destined to become a true classic and I do not hesitate to give this book my highest recommendation. Buy this now." - Steve Brooks, Owner, The Magic Cafe
You might think that some of these crazy flourishes are impossible to do. You might think they are 'made up'. Well, here is your proof that Jerry can do all of them and then some. This is a performance-only download DVD. It does, however, include many invaluable suggestions for routining flourishes and making even the most mundane move look spectacular.
The Flourishman...
"Perhaps the top dog today is Jerry Cestkowski....Jerry has written a hefty book on the esoteric subject of flourishes that is the most comprehensive treatment extant." - Jon Racherbaumer
You might think that some of these crazy flourishes are impossible to do. You might think they are 'made up'. Well, here is your proof that Jerry can do all of them and then some. This is a performance-only download DVD. It does, however, include many invaluable suggestions for routining flourishes and making even the most mundane move look spectacular.
See the Flourishman perform every flourish in Chapters 1 through...
All the routines involve the four Aces. Most of them are totally impromptu and all of them use regular cards.
"I'm not a big fan of twirls flourishes but the way Maciej does them it is really beautiful!" - Dominik Mastrianni
"Very nice combination of classic and original sleights. Nicely flowing flourish overall." - Alexander Melnik (Decemberboys)
"cool stuff dude :)" - Sebastian Skowron
"I like the card transpo-thing. :)" - Jonas Haglund
Ekaf is 'fake' reversed. The reason for this title is that these card flourishes and manipulations look stunning and difficult, but are for the most part relatively easy to do. It is therefore the ideal entry routine for somebody to get into flourishes,...
A routine by Peter Warlock - performed by Aldo Colombini. This is a reputation maker. A stunning routine for close-up or stage, using a regular deck (even jumbo size). In three phases; one stronger than the other.
A packet of cards is removed and a spectator moves a certain number of cards from top to bottom. You are NOT looking during this. You take back the packet, spread it and a card is face up indicating the amount of cards moved by the spectator. The spectator repeats the same action (maybe selecting a different number of cards) and you place the packet in HIS pocket. Remove one card from his pocket...
The great Card Magic of Nick Trost. Nick was a master in creating amazing tricks and routines based on subtleties rather than difficult sleight of hand. Due to the amazing success of the three DVD set the Colombini's produced and the numerous requests, here’s another one, the fourth in the series. This is a humble tribute to a very creative magician. Most of these tricks are impromptu and they all use a regular deck of cards.
Ten more card tricks using regular cards.