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DVD (download+stream) in Magic & Mentalism: page 7


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Rus Andrews
Dual Edge by Rus Andrews

"I've been playing with this today. It really is great and I'll be using it at this weeks weddings for sure! Rus has taken the "reversed card match" effect to another level with this. The added kickers of the odd backs followed by a deck of blank cards will fry laymen, and most magicians alike. The quality of the DVD by Magic Tao is first class. A live performance followed my a clear concise explanation. Rus is a clever thinking honest guy, an I can't wait to see what lease he releases for us in the future!!" - Matt Wainwright

Imagine telling a spectactor that, with their help, you...

★★★★★ $22
Rus Andrews
Numbers: ACAAN by Rus Andrews

"A devious deception …It's all in the hands! Whether it's gambling, influence or magic your number's up with Numbers." - IAIN - themagiccafe

"When it comes to 'card at any number' effects, I've tried most and Rus Andrews' 'Numbers' is the one I always come back to." - Sean Giles - themagiccafe

Numbers is a great twist on the ACAAN plot.

Imagine placing a prediction, openly in front of your spectator, and handing them a deck of cards. You then ask the spectator to create a 2 digit number. After the spectator has checked that the deck is a normal shuffled deck you ask them to...

★★★★ $22
Rus Andrews
Evolution: cap in bottle by Rus Andrews

"Beutifully Devious" - James Brown

"The cleanest and most natural impromptu cap in bottle that I've seen in years, I'll be using this for sure!" - Richard Bellars

"The combination of a devious principle and clever psychology make this effect a real winner! Probably the best impromptu cap in bottle routine I've seen!" - Cameron Francis

Evolution is an impromptu approach to the classic cap in bottle effect.

Imagine being able to take an empty beer bottle from a random table in a bar or nightclub, then taking any bottle cap, perhaps from behind the bar or from another drink… Have the spectator...

Wolfgang Riebe
Live at Canal Walk by Wolfgang Riebe

This is a performance only download DVD where you see Wolfgang Riebe, followed by three camera men, perform for shoppers and clerks at Canal Walk shopping mall. Also included is a short 'teach a trick' section where you will learn a couple of easy magic tricks.

★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Bone Appetite by Aldo Colombini

An entertaining routine on the Cannibal Card theme. Several effects tied together to create the perfect 'cannibal card' routine ever. The cannibals appear, change 'clothes', capture victims, eat victims, eat each other and reappear!

Requires a double-backed card.

Aldo Colombini
Blank Imagination by Aldo Colombini

You show five cards completely blank on both sides. A card is selected from a regular deck (say the QH). The same card appears on the face of every blank card. Then all the cards are blank again including the spectator’s selection; this card now re-appears face up in the middle of the deck!

Requires four cards blank on both sides, a blank-backed card and a blank-faced card.

Aldo Colombini
Back Off by Aldo Colombini

This is an amazing close-up trick which is a mystery to any audience. Two cards are selected from a deck of cards. You show several Jokers. One at a time, the Jokers turn over and during this process change one by one into duplicates of the first card. Then, all together they change into duplicates of the second selected card!

Requires two double faced cards.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 11 by Aldo Colombini

More great magic of Nick Trost. All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • FOUR-WAY MATCH-UP: You lay four cards on the table. The spectator separates the deck into four packets and at the face of each packet he finds the matching cards of the previous four.
  • THREE MATCHED PAIRS: A spectator picks three pairs while you deal cards and they are the only matching pairs of the packet.
  • SUITS OF SYMPATHY: A stunning routine. You place the hearts cards in a glass. The Diamonds cards are shuffled by a spectator and they match the Hearts cards. Stunning.
Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 6 (Video 3): Tricks to Teach by Dave Arch

Teach your class members to do the 20 magic tricks on this video. All of them are different from any others taught on his other videos or in his Tricks 4 Trainers ebooks. Watch as your class participants perform the magic - showing others and reinforcing your content at the same time.

run time: 33:40

Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 5 (Video 2): Tricks to Do by Dave Arch

Here Dave Arch has selected 20 magic tricks completely different than found in his Tricks 4 Trainers series of ebooks or other videos designed to be performed by the trainer in a training classroom to help reinforce the learning points of the teaching.

run time: 40:23

★★★★★ $15
Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 4 (Video 1): Tricks to Watch by Dave Arch

If you've enjoyed Dave Arch's Tricks 4 Trainers series of ebooks, here's even more. Trainer of corporate trainers, Dave Arch, performs 20 magic tricks - demonstrating how to use them as openers, closers, or illustrations in training and teaching. (The tricks themselves are not explained because this video, or portions of it, are meant to be shown as is to the group of people you train. This is for trainers who do not perform magic. Of course, if you are a magician you will know many if not all of these effects and you can then certainly perform them yourself if you like.)

[None of the effects taught in the other volumes are duplicated here.]

run time: 35:40...

Aldo Colombini
5-Card Mystery by Aldo Colombini

The routine is based on Frank Garcia's "Five-Card Stunner" but also on handlings by Ken de Courcy and Herb Rungay. It is perfect for stand-up performers (parlor or stage) with no table required. You show a black card (say the 9C) and four red cards. When the cards are fanned, there are only four and they are all red; the black card has vanished. You eliminate one red card and then you remove the missing black card from the pocket. Again the cards are shown and then fanned. There are three red cards; the black card vanishes for the second time. You eliminate another red card and remove the black...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
4' Wave by Aldo Colombini

An uncanny demonstration of apparent thought-reading.

THREE SMASH HITS: You show a packet of cards (saying that it contains the four Queens) and leave it aside. You also show another packet of four cards and they are seen to be the four Queens. A spectator FREELY touches any card and this is revealed to be, say, the QC.

FIRST EFFECT: The QC is seen to be the only reversed card in the other packet.

SECOND EFFECT: This card has a red back, while the other three are blue-backed cards.

THIRD EFFECT: The three blue-backed cards are seen to have blank faces.

Easy to do. At the...

Scott Xavier
Deeper Underground by Scott Xavier

Filmed in his Las Vegas Condo, this download DVD is taught as a lecture video that showcases some 'go anywhere' mentalism. From street performing to a crowded bar, theses concepts will make you look like a psychic!

Within this video you'll learn to perform the following miracles:

Fortunate - A lottery ticket prediction in your shoe! Six spectators stand and randomly create a number. It really is quite strange until you pull off your shoe and the number they just selected is the number PRINTED on a lottery ticket in your shoe!

$1.99 Clipboard - A utility clipboard that is ideal for street...

Aldo Colombini
Bedazzling Colors by Aldo Colombini

An effect by Paul Gordon performed by Aldo Colombini. You show some Jokers. The backs of the cards are red. One Joker with a big X on its back is placed among the cards and now all the cards have a big X on their backs. One card with a big O on its back is placed among the cards and now all the cards have big O’s on their backs. Finally, the cards are all back to normal. The big surprise comes when five cards are turned over and a letter appears on each card spelling the word MAGIC (or any other message, a Royal Flush, etc).

You will need five blank-faced cards.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
New Pentagram Magazine: 10 Tricks from Volume 2 by Aldo Colombini

More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock’s legendary magazine.


  • COIN GO (Phoa Yan Tiong): A coin placed into the folds of a banknote (bill) disappears.
  • ANSWER TO A PROBLEM (Francis Haxton): Three cards from a blue-backed deck are placed on the table. A spectator selects three cards from a red-backed deck and they match the previous cards.
  • GILS’ GAME (Peter Kane-Gustave Southall): An amazing routine with a gambling theme with several climaxes.
  • THE THREE FOUR ACES (Herb Runge): A very easy and unique four-ace assembly.
  • TRIODENAL CARDS (Peter McDonald): You leave a prediction in view....
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
New Pentagram Magazine: 10 Tricks from Volume 1 by Aldo Colombini

Peter Warlock's legendary monthly magazine New Pentagram ran for 20 years. During those two decades some of the finest close-up and stage magic of the period was explained in its pages. Aldo has selected ten routines from each volume (in chronological order), so you should expect 20 download DVDs dedicated to this great magazine.

You will have: Card tricks, mental effects, coin routines, tricks with rings, etc, from magicians like Alex Elmsley, Peter Warlock, Max Maven, Francis Haxton, Ian Adair, Al Koran, Eddie Joseph, Ali Bongo, Milton Kort, Arthur Carter, Robert Neale, Peter Kane, Jack Avis and many more!


  • STRANGERS TILL WE MEET (Francis Haxton): Two cards appear at the same...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 13: Nick Trost Part 5 by Aldo Colombini
  • DESIGN BY ACCIDENT: A card is selected. A packet is dealt into four piles and the top card of each pile matches the selection.
  • ESP PARADOX OF PAIRS: A spectator picks three pairs while you deal the cards. These pairs are the only ones containing two matching symbols.
  • DUAL ESP TEST LOCATION: Two symbols are selected under very fair conditions, yet, you can announce them.
  • TRIPLE MATCH BY DESIGN: A spectator shuffles the deck. You take a prediction card and the spectator finds two more matching symbols.
  • SYMBOL SENSE: A deck of cards is mixed and three spectators think of a card each. You...
★★★★ $20
Giacomo Bertini
Revolutionary Coin Technique by Giacomo Bertini

"Giacomo Does some of the finest and most innovative magic I have ever seen." - David Roth

"On our recent European tour, Roth and I were fortunate to spend time with someone who has techniques that will ROCK the coin magic world." - Michael Rubinstein

"Bertini's coin magic is not like anything I have ever witnessed in well over half a century of doing coin magic. It is nothing short of incredible. It truly looks like 'real magic.' All of his techniques are ground-breaking and far more refined than anything I have ever seen anyone else do before." - Harvey Rosenthal

"Bertini is the...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini
Two Magicians and a Deck of Cards by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini and Cameron Francis, two friends with a common passion: Card Magic. This is the type of magic that can be worked anytime, anyplace.


  • YET (Aldo Colombini): A card is selected and it is seen to be the only different colored card. It disappears and reappears face up in the middle of the deck.
  • SIMPLY AMAZING (Cameron Francis): This is a fun, off-beat four-Ace assembly.
  • FOLLOWERS (Aldo Colombini): Follow the Leader theme but the entire packet follows each time.
  • S.P.C.A. (Cameron Francis): An almost self-working small packet "card at number".
  • NUMBERED (Aldo Colombini):...
Brian Barnes
Al Koran's Miracle Blindfold Card Act by Brian Barnes

Performed and explained by Brian Barnes.

The explanation for the performance and method is in Al Koran's Legacy but as Brian Barnes has been performing this act for around 50 years he has taken bits of the routine out and has added some of his own subtle touches.

This is a brilliant act for any full time magical entertainer. It just requires the minimum of props including a blindfold, cards and a table. It can be worked absolutely surrounded and for audiences of virtually any size.

Brian Barnes not only performs the act in front of an audience of twelve but then explains how to perform it in detail....

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 12: Various Authors Part 3 by Aldo Colombini
  • WILD ESP-RESSIONS (Aldo Colombini): You show two sets of ESP cards. You predict a choice of an ESP symbol (say the Star), then four different symbols change to blank cards and four letters appear on the back of four cards to spell the selected symbol: S-T-A-R!
  • PERFECT (Jozsef Kovacs): Five (say) red-backed cards are used as predictions and are dealt onto five blue-packets, at random. If the red card is a Square, the other cards are all Squares, etc. Perfect match.
  • ESP-ABILITY (Aldo Colombini): A deck is shown all shuffled and a spectator deals the cards switching pairs (or triplets) of cards. When the...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 11: Nick Trost Part 4 by Aldo Colombini
  • THE THIRD DIMENSION: In this triple-barreled test, you discover three thought-of symbols in a baffling manner.
  • SYM-SATIONAL: Three spectators each peek at a symbol. The performer reads their minds and names each symbol.
  • MILLION TO ONE ESP: One of the strongest routines with ESP cards. Five spectators each select five face-down cards apiece. At the end they find out they have selected one each of the five symbols.
  • SYMBOL DISCERNMENT: In spite of not seeing the cards, you reveal how many of the spectator's selected symbols have been dealt and you are able to detect if a packet contains a...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 10 by Aldo Colombini

All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards!


  • DOUBLE PINOCHLE WITH AN ELEVATOR FINISH: Four cards, two JD’s and two QS’s change into four Aces. Then the Aces travel up and down through the deck.
  • FOUR-ACE VANISH AND RECOVERY: The four Aces are seen to vanish in a deck of cards and then they reappear face up in the middle of the deck.
  • INTUITION: A spectator reverses a card in a deck and you reverse a card in another deck. When the decks are dealt the two cards appear at the same time, but not only that, they match.
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