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DVD (download+stream) in Magic & Mentalism: page 10


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Cameron Francis
Packet Mania Vol. 3 by Cameron Francis

After the success of the first two volumes, Cameron offers here five more incredible packet tricks using some special cards which are very easy to find.


  • SON OF A WAVE: A unique double prediction using only eight cards.
  • DALEY DOSE: Daley's Last Trick with a big Twist.
  • MAGICIAN'S HOLD 'EM: A crazy game of Texas Hold 'Em involving a transposition, an appearance of a Royal Flush and color changing backs.
  • UNFATHOMABLE: A great combination of mentalism and magic.
  • MAKING FRIENDS: A printing effect with a funny kicker ending.
★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Packet Mania Vol. 2 by Cameron Francis

More great packet tricks using some special cards, which are very easy to find.


  • FRYER: One selection and four Aces make for a unique assembly effect with a killer kicker ending.
  • WHAT THE BLANK, TOO: An examinable Wild Card routine with four blank cards and four sections. Three of the blanks print copies of three selections before a huge twist at the end.
  • SKETCHERS: A three phase stunner! Three "stickmen artists" drawn on blank cards, sketch a selection on another blank card. The drawing then switches places with the selection. Finally, the stickmen all turn into mates of the...
★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Packet Mania Vol. 1 by Cameron Francis

Great packet tricks using some special cards, which are very easy to find.


  • B-O-X-!: A truly offbeat four King assembly.
  • TROUBLEMAKERS: Xs appear on the backs of four Jokers, then two of them jump to the faces of two other Jokers.
  • NO LONGER: Four double blank cards are shown. A mentally selected King appears on one of them. Then it is seen to be printed on all the cards. One is placed aside and the magician claims that the other three are no longer Kings. He proves it by turning the cards over. On their faces are printed NO LONGER KINGS! Totally examinable.
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Nick Trost's A Coincidence and Divination Routine by Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini performs and explains an amazing three phase routine from Nick Trost, which requires only a regular deck. Very easy to perform.


1) The deck is shuffled and divided in half. A spectator reverses a card in one half. Both halves are placed side by side face down. You turn the top card of each half over dealing them above the halves. The dealing continues. All the pairs are different. When the spectator´s card is reached, the card of the same color and value turns up in the other half!

2) The spectator now riffle shuffles the halves together (read that again). You hold the...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 17: Various Authors Part 6 by Aldo Colombini

Several famous performers have contributed to create a high standard product with strong effects and routines.


  • HENRY CHRIST & ESP (Arthur Carter): The deck is cut by a spectator and he then picks a card. You have predicted that card.
  • CASE FOR ESP (John Yager): A spectator freely picks a symbol from five. You show that you knew in advance what the selected symbol would be.
  • THAT’S THE ONE (W. Rory Coker): A self-working effect where a spectator finds the four symbols similar to your prediction.
  • STRANGE ESP (Max Maven): A spectator cuts a packet of cards and picks the top...
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 16: Various Authors Part 5 by Aldo Colombini

Several famous performers have contributed to create a high standard product with strong effects and routines.


  • PERSONALITY TEST (Ken de Courcy): You show a chart with ESP symbols. A spectator names his (or her) month of birth and on the same chart the symbol that corresponds to the month is selected. You predicted that symbol.
  • STRICTLY STRAIGHT ESP (Aldo Colombini): A spectator (or more) picks five cards each time forming four packets of five cards each. Each group contains the five ESP symbols.
  • ESP ASSOCIATES (Peter Duffie): A spectator deals two packets of cards at random and finds two matching...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 15: Howard Adams Part 5 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • QUINCIDENTA: A spectator freely selects a design. Two other persons select a design each. The designs match. A deal leads to two more designs and they all match.
  • FACEY ESP: A freely selected symbol finds its matching sign. All is done in the hands of a spectator.
  • REPEATOTEST: You find three designs a person is concentrating on. Then you reverse two cards which prove to be duplicates of two more designs he has selected.
  • THIRTEAM ESP: Great routine and a new principle. Cards are shuffled and dealt in pairs...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Double Decker 3 (download DVD) by Aldo Colombini

Ten more routines with two decks of cards.


  • DOUBLE S'ENTENDRE (Ken Krenzel): Two decks and two spectators. Every action is performed with the decks in their hands. They pick a card and each spectator finds the other spectator card.
  • INFLUENTIAL PAIRS (Karl Fulves & Roy Walton): A deck is shuffled and a spectator sorts the cards face up according to colors. You follow the moves of the spectator and at the end the colors have separated.
  • UNSURPASSED (Aldo Colombini): A blue-backed card is placed in a red-backed deck. Three cards are removed from the red deck. The blue card vanishes from...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Sleights and Subtleties 4 by Aldo Colombini

These are detailed explanations of sleights and subtleties with cards used in many tricks and routines. They come with tips, history, applications, etc.


  • KISS COUNT (Boris Wild)
  • AN OPTICAL CONTROL (Alain Choquette)
  • INZANI FORCE (Remo Inzani)
  • EASY DOUBLE LIFT (Aldo Colombini)
  • THE ELMSLEY SWITCH (Alex Elmsley)
  • CHRIST FORCE (Henry Christ)
  • OVER COUNT (J. K. Hartman)
  • KARDYRO-BIDDLE MOVE (Elmer Biddle-Tony Kardyro)
  • DOWNS CHANGE (T. Nelson Downs)
  • HAMMAN SWITCH (Bro. John Hamman)
  • AN UNDER-DOWN FORCE (Werner Miller)
Aldo Colombini
The Seventh Floor by Aldo Colombini

An act in itself. Seven cards are selected. One card is signed by a spectator and then all seven cards are lost in the deck. Eventually, one by one, they are found by the performer. The signed card continuously reappears and then finally, it is found inside your wallet. It also contains a multiple control of cards called Colombini's B.S. Control.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Cardboard Curiosities by Aldo Colombini

Effects created by George Hills. George Hills comes from the UK and performs for kids, after dinner parties, close up and basically everywhere. He has a unique ability to produce entertaining and commercial comedy items. On this download DVD you will get a sample of his productions - performed by Aldo Colombini.


  • JUMBO JAPE: Small cards stuck on regular sized cards to create a funny look are shown and used to obtain an entertaining routine. This is a comedy item that can be presented with jumbo cards.
  • ART CLASS: Using an amusing storyline about your time at an evening art class,...
Aldo Colombini
The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams Vol. 3 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with no sleight of hand.


  • SIMULDU: A person rips five cards in half and splits them in two packets. One card is selected. The two packets are dealt at the same time and only two halves match: The selected card.
  • THIRTEAM: Great routine and unique principle. Cards are shuffled and dealt in pairs. Each pair totals 13.
  • REMARKOBO: You predict a number reached apparently totally at random.
  • ENTERFORCE: You reveal a selection under what seems impossible conditions, with a previously written prediction.
  • FACEY: Cards are torn in halves. A freely selected...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
New Pentagram Magazine: 10 Tricks from Volume 6 by Aldo Colombini

More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock’s legendary magazine.


  • SYNONYMOUS SELECTION (Francis Haxton): Two decks of cards. You and the spectator pick a card each from each deck and, of course, they match.
  • SIMPLE PREDICTION (Alex Elmsley): Two spectators each select a card. The cards have been predicted.
  • FINESSE 1 AND FINESSE 2 (Peter Warlock): Two clever utility moves you will want to use for any standard cut and restored rope routine.
  • THE G.D. COIN FOLD (Gus Davenport): A coin is wrapped in a piece of paper and it vanishes. The feature here is that the coin REALLY is wrapped all around...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
New Pentagram Magazine: 10 Tricks from Volume 5 by Aldo Colombini

More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock's legendary magazine.


  • NEAR FUTURE (Karl Fulves): A prediction card is placed between two Aces. Any card is chosen from the deck and the prediction card turns out to be the chosen card.
  • SECURITY PLUS (Francis Haxton): The four Aces are clearly seen between the two red Jacks. They disappear and reappear between the two black Jacks.
  • MONTE PLUS (Trevor Lewis): A FIND THE LADY routine which gets away from the usual Monte throw and allows you full control over the Queen.
  • THE LAZY MAGICIAN DOES A CARD TRICK (Al Koran): A very entertaining card trick where the spectator finds his own...
★★★★ $15
Fred Robinson
Snap, Crackle and Pop! A Brief Interlude with Fred Robinson by Fred Robinson

This movie was taken by Ake Hallberg from Sweden. Location is Hyde Park in London during the 1980s. The 8mm film was sent via Ulf Morling to Martin Breese who released it on DVD. You will see two performances of Fred's fantastic Ambitious Card routine together with numerous sleights and color changes. You will also see his incredible Vanish of Coin in tie.

This film is really short but a gem for all who have never seen Fred Robinson perform life. For more on Fred's magic see The Magic of Fred Robinson by Peter Duffie.

1st edition 2006, length 5:48

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 13 by Aldo Colombini

The Great Card Magic of Nick Trost continues! All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • THE OBSERVATION TEST: A very effective trick that makes a great opener. An observation test where the back of the entire deck changes color. [Note that Trost published another trick by the same title. See Cardman’s Packet.
  • REVERSED COINCIDENCE WITH ONE DECK: You take one card and a spectator takes another card. The cards are placed reversed in two piles and they appear to be the mates.
  • SPECTATOR FINDS THE ACES: A spectator touches two cards at random and on each side of these two cards the four Aces are found.
  • ACES FROM NOWHERE: A spectator himself seems to...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 12 by Aldo Colombini

All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • QUADRUPLE MATCH-UP: A spectator finds the mate of your prediction, say two Kings and he also finds the remaining two Kings.
  • ROYAL MATES: You place the four Kings face down on the table. The spectator places the Queens on top and he pairs them all (Clubs with Clubs, Hearts with Hearts, etc).
  • DOUBLE POWER POKER: A spectator freely picks five cards out of ten and you still win. Then, he picks the cards while he SEES them and you still win.
  • AFFINITY CARDS: Two cards disappear from their original positions and reappear...
★★★★★ $10
Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 3 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • THE FRENCH CARD TRAP: Here is a non-sleight-of-hand method of locating up to twelve selected cards.
  • 4TUITOUS: A principle that can be used as a simple prediction in its own right, or as a number force in another effect.
  • AS EASY AS COUNTING: A freely selected card is revealed in a very humorous way.
  • GO WEST: Another funny and very interesting way to reveal a card with messages written on face cards. Just follow them. (For an exploration of this...
★★★★★ $10
Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 2 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • DIAMOND SPELLER: The thirteen cards of Diamonds are used to reveal a freely selected card.
  • FREE CUT DUO: Two spectators pick a card each and lose them in a packet of cards. You reveal these cards.
  • FETCH + HOFZINSER: A spectator cuts any amount of cards and selects two cards. The sum of these two cards corresponds to the number of cards cut by the first spectator.
  • CAUGHT TOGETHER, HANGED TOGETHER: One card is selected. Two Jacks capture four cards...
Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 1 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • FLIPDOODLE 1: You use the twelve face cards to produce an astonishing result that finds three of the same suit.
  • I'M NOT OGEN: A spectator 'makes up a card combining any two cards. You spell the name of that card and you find it. Finally, you find the other three cards of the same value.
  • CHEERS!: You show seven cards with name of drinks on them and a prediction. A spectator selects a drink and you show that the prediction is correct… with a laugh. ...
Aldo Colombini
That's It by Aldo Colombini

Ten stunning packet tricks.


  • THANKS TO WALTON (Cameron Francis): Great packet trick! Four black spot cards and four red spot cards. You switch out the red cards for the black ones, but you always have red cards. The other four cards are now the four Aces.
  • CHAMPAGNE (Aldo Colombini): Cards change around; assemble in order in one pile; some changing color as well.
  • DEATH ROW (Karl Fulves): A spectator picks a card and it is the only missing card to make a royal flush.
  • THE MARTIAN (Aldo Colombini): Four astronauts (Jokers) come back from Mars and they change into blue except for one. When shown again, it...
Terri Rogers
Secrets: the original magic of Terri Rogers by Terri Rogers

This recording was made many years ago by Patrick Page and released as a Trik-a-Tape Video. Martin Breese was able to purchase the full rights to the tape. It is now available as a video download.

The material on this download DVD consists of demonstrations and explanations of the following effects:

  • The Razor Blade Trick
  • Last Second Ring on Rope
  • The Flying Ring
  • The Aggravating Arrows
  • Smaller Than That
Some of these effects plus many others have been released in the three Terri Rogers ebooks that can be found here on Secrets (1986), More Secrets (1988) and finally Top Secrets (1998). Terri Rogers had an ingenious mind and...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Taking Chances: ten routines by Aldo Colombini

Ten routines, with cards and other objects.


  • ELEVATION 39 (Aldo Colombini): An 'elevator' routine with a surprising double climax.
  • FUTURE SHOCK (Roy Walton): A card is selected and found by your two predictions, which eventually find their mates.
  • AVENUE (Hiro Sakai): A spectacular way to produce the four Aces.
  • NUMISMATRICK (Al Thatcher): Several coins are placed on the table and shuffled by a spectator while you are facing away. One coin is covered and you can tell if it is a head or tail.
  • ITALIAN POKER (Aldo Colombini): You show a strange poker game, a sort of magician vs...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Rings and Things by Aldo Colombini

Ten routines with large rings and finger rings. All effects are performed with rings and other props such as silks, ropes, padlocks and pens. They are suitable for close-up and walk-around magic, and most are impromptu and can be performed with borrowed objects.


  • RING ON STICK (Bill Simon): A finger ring escapes from a handkerchief and reappears on a stick or a pen.
  • PICK A FINGER (Ken de Courcy): The perfect opening for a ring routine. You show your hand empty, a spectator picks a finger and on that finger a ring suddenly appears.
  • DIRECT RING/ROPE PENETRATION (Michael Sondermeyer): A ring...
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