Displaying 1 to 24 (of 238 products) $29.50 From Beyond: The Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz Volume 6Basil Horwitz
During his last years, Basil Horwitz recorded a set of new routines on audio tape. When he passed away his wife Heidi sent these tapes to Martin Breese to turn into a new book. Martin worked on it for a good while together with the help of Clifford Card and Mike Vance. They were almost finished but also Martin passed away before he could publish the book. Having purchased Martin's business I took over this project which I can finally present to you.
- Foreword
- Body Language, Heads or Tails
- Mental Hypnotic Suggestion
- ESP Body Language
- Lesson in Body Language
- Challenge, ESP, Body Language
- Three Experiments...
$200 Parallax: a topological miracle (used)David Britland Softcover stapled booklet in excellent condition (like new). Included is a jumbo-sized version of the prepared card. Also included is a letter by Martin Breese to the Filofax company and a Filofax brochure. Martin pitched them on selling FiloTrix, magic tricks which fit into the Filofax clear pockets, and are sold wherever Filofax is being sold. Parallax should have been the first such trick.
To my knowledge, this FiloTrix idea was never realized. However, it is a nice example of Martin's business sense and constant exploration of business opportunities. A unique association piece for collectors.... ★★★★★ $5 The Professional Smoking Thumb Gimmick (Instructions)Patrick Page [Note: These are only the instructions that came with the gimmick. You will not receive any gimmick.]
The Smoking Thumb effect is one of the most magical feats possible. Made famous by Laurel and Hardy, Ade Duval, and the incomparable Fred Kaps it has become one of the most sought-after secrets of the stage performer.
Imagine reaching into the air, forming your hand into a pipe, your thumb protruding upward like a stem, and being able to create clouds of smoke at will, just as if you were smoking your thumb. Pat Page's excellent instructions will help you to do just that.
The effect is always under your control and may be used at any point in the act. No chemicals are involved and it is not technically... $15 Edwin the Supreme MagicianEdwin Hooper This is the story of Edwin, told in his own words and recorded by Martin Breese at the Supreme Magic Headquarters in Devon in the late 1970s.
Ian Adair, who provides a 10 min introduction before the interview with Edwin starts, wrote:
Edwin Hooper was a remarkable man. And when I say he spent a lifetime in magic, I really mean that. Day by day, hour by hour he was solely devoted to magic and magicians. He lived for magic. He loved performing and he loved creating magic. He thrilled at manufacturing magical equipment but, like us all, he had his likes and dislikes.
Edwin really enjoyed his food.... ★★★★★ $15 It's Better Than Digging RoadsKen Brooke Ken Brooke was known throughout the world of magic. He was a magic dealer who achieved such a reputation for reliability and quality that there are thousands of magicians throughout the world, amateur, and professional who bought almost every trick he produced. Visitors from every country in the world made a beeline for his studio within minutes of arriving in London because just to visit Ken Brooke was an experience not to be missed. In partnership with Frank Farrow, he built the Ken Brooke Magic Place into a magical institution second to none.
Considered by many to be the greatest magical... ★★★★★ $15 Bobby Bernard's Magic ClinicBobby Bernard This is not a lecture - it is a clinic.
This is one of the first magic videos Martin Breese released. It was produced by Duncan Trillo and features Bobby Bernard teaching a number of great close-up moves and effects. Compared to today's slick videos this is a minimalistic low budget production. Occasionally you can even hear cars and traffic noises in the background. But what it lacks in slickness it has in spades in terms of teaching value for the magician. Bobby Bernard was a legendary magician and as this video demonstrates also a great teacher. I could watch him all day.
- Introduction by Bobby Bernard
$5 Martin Breese Video Catalog (used)Martin Breese Softcover stapled in very good condition.
Martin Breese was an early adopter of video technology. He produced a number of videos in-house, and also retailed some of the earliest instructional magic videos available. This was the first video catalog Breese issued.
1st edition 1986, 20 pages. $5 Martin Breese Video CatalogMartin Breese Martin Breese was an early adopter of video technology. He produced a number of videos in-house, and also retailed some of the earliest instructional magic videos available. This was the first video catalog Breese issued.
1st edition 1986, 20 pages; PDF 20 pages. $5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 20 (March 1988 - February 1989)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Magneskill / Tan Choon Tee
- Triple Divination / Tan Choon Tee
- Cards to Pocket / Peter Warlock
- Fortunato 5 / Peter Warlock
- Venue, Date and Resources / Ian Adair
- The Albakarlisle Card-Stab Routine / Stanton Carlisle
No. 2
- Ian Adiar Issue
- Flashback over the Years
- News Bits
- Polo Mint Just Chance - Again
- Backward Vision
- Twin Book Test
- Time Factor
- Another Last Card
- Ten Out of Ten
- Slately Mysterious
- Circular Colour Force
No. 3
- Eddie Malcolm Davison - Biographical Notes
- Six Coin Repeat
- Scientific Sorcery Jr.
- Crystal Aide Memoire
- Selling the Act
- Improved Masterpiece
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 19 (March 1987 - February 1988)Peter Warlock No. 1
- The "Hey Presto" Caper / Jack Avis
- Bolivian Chance / Peter Warlock
- The Body Snatchers / Lyndon B. Wainwright
- Out of Cards? Way Out! / Stanton Carlisle
- Scientific Rope / John P. Hamilton
- More Magic Ian's Ideas: Little and Large / Ian Adair
- Mark Your Words / Ian Adair
No. 2
- Two from Jack / Jack Avis
- Unites States of Magic / Stanton Carlisle
- Japanese Magic / Ishi Black
- Rescue to Rescue / Peter Warlock
- Button-Up / Ian Adair
No. 3
- A Poker Player's Picnic / Stanton Carlisle
- Cut Throat 2 / Peter Warlock
- Adair-Ities: Every Word - Every Page Book Test / Ian Adair
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 18 (March 1986 - February 1987)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Half Staggered / Dr. H. N. Harley
- An Opening for an Envelope Idea / Ian Adair, Robert Harbin
- Thought-Flight / Stanton Carlisle
- More Magic Ian's Ideas: A Do-As-I-Do Ribbon Effect / Ian Adair
- Again a Look at the Marlo Theme / Peter Warlock
- Early Harbin: Hammatap / Peter Warlock, Robert Harbin
- Kismet / Will Dexter
No. 2
- The Z' Factor / Peter Warlock
- The Mystery of the Writing Pad / John Brearley
- More Magic Ian's Ideas: Line-Up Just Chance / Ian Adair
- Travelling Stickers / Tan Choon Tee
No. 3
- Tribute to Harry Stanley
- Magical Endings for a Puzzle / Jack Avis
- Out...
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 17 (March 1985 - February 1986)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Peter Warlock Tribute Issues
- Arithmomancy / L. De Bevere
- Palette Blendo / Michael Symes
- The Ultimate 3 Card Prediction / Dr. Nicholls Harley
- A Christianer Conception / Nicholls Harley
- The New Perfect Matching / Paul Flory
- A Tune for Peter Warlock / Stanton Carlisle
- Hidden Identity / Arthur Setterington
- Another Slate-Writing Method / Robert Parrish
No. 2
- Mr. Colman (or Green) and The Red-Head / Alfred Gabriel
- Further Ideas for the Cups and Balls / Michael Seacome
- The Arabian Three Card Trick / Bill Shew An
- Colour Caprice / Stanton Carlisle
- ESP Miracle / Royal V. Heath
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 16 (March 1984 - February 1985)Peter Warlock No. 1
- The Card You Took Before You Picked The One You Chose / Jon Racherbaumer
- The Annemann Torn Card Method / Theo Annemann
- A Chance In Four / Jack Avis
- Slates / Peter Warlock
- Take an Advertisement / Peter Warlock
No. 2
- Rovfs Quick on the Draw / Alan Kennaugh
- The Cap and Pence / Eric de la Mare
- Rosareveal / Phil Goldstein
- Back to Devant / Peter Warlock
- Vulcan / Peter Warlock
- Vocal-Vibro / Orville Meyer
No. 3
- Max Malini
- Eric de la Mare
- Future Tense / Howard A. Adams
- Reputation Maker / Stanton Carlisle
- Cone and Colour-Changing Ball / Michael Symes
No. 4
... $5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 15 (March 1983 - February 1984)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Thoughts on Take Three / Jack Avis
- Adair Devils / Ian Adair
- Quick Turnover / James Douglas
- Mirror Thought Again / Peter Warlock
- Aces - Red or Blue / Francis Haxton
- Pentachoice / Peter Warlock
- Sympathy in Red / Peter Warlock
No. 2
- Forklift / Ken de Courcy
- Adair Devils: Crossed Purposes / Ian Adair
- Bohlendo in Silk / Peter Warlock
- Dinner Time Dollar / John Brown Cook
- Take It Or Leave It / Al Koran
- Simplex Stranger / Peter Warlock
No. 3
- George Blake on Bohleno
- Adair Devils: The Leader of the Pack / Ian Adair
- News Flash / Arthur Setterington
- Hopscotch Deception...
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 14 (March 1982 - February 1983)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Close-Up Version of Peter Warlock's Classic Ring and Rope Release / Les Sunderland
- Alternative Ending for Peter Warlock's Classic Ring Release / Les Sunderland
- Rupert and Stella / Peter Warlock
- Two Card Change Routine / Remo
- A Set of Setterington's / Arthur Setterington
- A Comedy Version of Paul Morris' Let the Audience Do the Work / T. Bridge
No. 2
- A Warlocks Second Prediction / E. Malcolm Davison
- A Set of Setterington's / Arthur Setterington
- Trapped / Francis Haxton
- The Astronaut / Marconick
- The Slate Syndrome / Floyd Thayer, Peter Warlock
No. 3
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 13 (March 1981 - February 1982)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Pentamonition / Phil Goldstein
- Murder by Suggestion / Lyndon B. Wainwright
- Esplate / Peter Warlock
- Aces for Connoisseurs Again / H. Nicholls Harley
- Early Stewart James Famous Folk Test
- Thanks to Stewart James / Peter Warlock
No. 2
- Poor Man's Fred / Jack Avis
- Let's Choose A Word / James Douglas
- Legerdebrain 2 / H. Nicholls Harley
- Legerdebrain / Peter Moffat
- Prelude to Book of the Mind / Peter Warlock
- Oscar Paulson's Last Letter
- The Million Dollar Mystery, Holborn Empire 1928
No. 3
- Colours and Coins / Peter Warlock
- The Extraordinary Rising Cards / Peter Warlock
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 12 (March 1980 - February 1981)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Murder by Suggestion / Stewart James
- The Curse of Dracula / Arthur Setterington
- Surprise by the Numbers / Phil Goldstein
- Close-Up Fishing / Edward Bagshawe
- Precog Speller 1980 / Peter Warlock
- Round Five / Phil Goldstein
- Rope Revels / Leslie May
- Horace Goldin: The Merry Magician
No. 2
- The Multiple D. J. Knot / Phil Willmarth
- Everywhere and Nowhere Simplified / Dr. Nicholls Harley
- John Brearley's Writing Pad Mystery
- ESP Count / Leslie May
- Doubly Impossible / Michael Symes
- A Routine for Rule-It / Jack Avis
- Prince Kuroki
No. 3
- Laced / John A. M. Howie
- The Witch...
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 11 (March 1979 - February 1980)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Second Choice / Gus Southall, Francis Haxton
- The Ring Express / Peter Warlock
- Tri-Mental / Stan Lobenstern
- Dexter and a Very Old Trick / Peter Warlock
- U.F. Grant's "Two Deck Card Trick" / Peter Warlock
- Herbert Brooks
No. 2
- Mirrors, Mirrors, 'Tell me True' / Michael Symes
- Louis Nikola's Croquet Trick / Peter Warlock
- Double Digital Divination / Paul Flory
- I'll Get Your Number / Doug Alker
- Truly Pseudo-Psychometry / Peter Warlock
- Takase - The Japanese Magician
No. 3
- Money, Money, Money / Arthur Setterington
- Still Five Thoughts Ahead / Peter Warlock
- Cleaning...
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 10 (March 1978 - February 1979)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Blind Man's Bluff / Doug Alker
- The Wishing Well / Jesse Schimmel
- The Snowman / Woodhouse Pitman
- The Truly Impromptu Paperback Book Test / Peter Warlock
- Villiers de Caston: The African Magician
No. 2
- The Cards Up Sleeve / Hans Trixer
- Again the Sympathetic Silks / Dr. H. Nicholls Harley
- Early Harbin: The Tower of Cards
- A Letter from Phil Goldstein: Contrasting Prediction
- Chris van Bern: The Surprise Packet
No. 3
- Alternating Current / Norman Houghton
- Elment Alism: A Pseudo-Occult Happening / Arthur Setterington
- Similize / Francis Haxton
- Chop Bill / Arthur Setterington
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 9 (March 1977 - February 1978)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Willow Pattern in the Seventies / Peter Warlock
- Chinese Divining Rods / Jack Avis
- Addition to Poker Chip Chicanery / J. Dem Aline
- What the? / Ronnie Gann
No. 2
- Lubor Die Plus / William G. Stickland
- Untouchable / Arthur Setterington
- The Card in Balloon
- Okito Die / C. T. Tadman
- Combined Book Test and Colour Prediction / Doug Alker
- Four Coins Across / Paul N. Rylander
No. 3
- Message from Hades / Jack Avis
- Secret / Arthur Setterington
- Evolution of Idea: 1. Out of Sequence / Francis Haxton
- The Happy Horoscoper / Phil Goldstein
- Jack's Card in Balloon 2 / Jack Avis
$5 New Pentagram Magazine Volume 8 (March 1976 - February 1977)Peter Warlock No. 1
- Briefly - A Brief-Case Book-Test / Ian Adair
- The Diligent Deck / Allan Slaight
- The Mystery of the Sixth Card / Arthur Carter
No. 2
- How to Lasso a Silk / Marconick
- Rope's End / Arthur Setterington
- I Know What You Are Thinking / Doug Alker
- Bluebeard .. Afterthoughts / Bob Gill
- Gemini Cards / Dai Vernon
No. 3
- Dice Dice Dice / Milton Kort
- Magic Chains / Robert Harbin
- Charles Tadman Writes a Letter
- Take Three
- Still Taking Three / Jack Avis, Francis Haxton
- Think a Chance / H. Nicholls Harley
- That River's the Jordan / Tom Ransom
No. 4
Displaying 1 to 24 (of 238 products)