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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 4


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Peter Duffie
Devious Dates by Peter Duffie

Use any pocket diary. Completely self-working. No reset.

Effect: To begin, you hand a spectator your diary for examination - you point out that each day in the diary has the name of a playing card entered against it. This he can verify as he studies the diary, before putting it in his pocket. (Note: it doesn't need to be playing cards - you can fill the diary with anything you desire - people's names, phone numbers, words, symbols, etc.)

Next you bring out six blank business cards. You write something on one of the cards, without showing it to the audience. This card is left on the table...

★★★★ $10
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Bob Cassidy
The Dart Shoot by Bob Cassidy

A spectator loads a dart into a regulation pellet/dart pistol and fires it at a target ten feet away. The performer is blindfolded and stands in front of the target. He rolls up his right sleeve and puts his open right hand (palm toward the spectator) directly in front of his face.

On the count of three, the spectator fires the pistol at the performer's open (and clearly empty) hand. The performer's hand clenches shut and is slowly opened to reveal the dart. At no time does his hand move from its position in front of his body, nor is it approached by the other hand.

(If desired, the mentalist...

★★★★★ $25
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Bob Cassidy
Crossroads Crosswords by Bob Cassidy

A unique effect. The performer produces - or borrows - a crossword puzzle magazine of the type commonly found in any supermarket. A spectator opens it anywhere and concentrates on any clue. The mentalist not only reveals the clue, but its definition as well. Unlike any other crossword effect you may have seen - and completely unbelievable!

1st edition 2003; 17 pages.

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David Numen
Cellular Forecast by David Numen

Cellular Forecast has been called the next step in predictions by none other than Paolo Cavalli. It's a low-tech, direct way of using your cell phone as a powerful mentalist tool - imagine sitting with someone in a cafe and asking them to name something they see. You direct them to your cell phone which has been in full view all along. They go to the video folder and see that there is only one video - they play it and see a video of you predicting correctly what they would say.

That's the ultimate version and it's not a pipe dream - the basic idea can be adapted to cards, coins, book tests...

★★★★ $35
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Luke Jermay
Telling Tales by Luke Jermay

The Power Of A Story Repeated!

In this manuscript Luke Jermay details two routines that are designed to be performed in casual settings. Jermay recommends they be used in interview situations in which the performer is being interviewed for a newspaper, radio station, school newsletter or any other printed media.

The routines are designed to become myths and legends after the performance. As the story is repeated to others the effect will grown and grow.

Jermay details his personal feelings on how to use these effects to their maximum potential as well as providing all the details...

★★★★ $29.99
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Bob Cassidy
The Art of Mentalism 3 by Bob Cassidy

Twenty years have passed since Bob wrote The Art of Mentalism. He was thirty-four years old at the time. While he is pleased that the book has been well received over the years, much of what he wrote no longer accurately reflects his approach to the art.

In The Art of Mentalism 2 (1995), he focused primarily on the presentation of a complete mental act. In the present volume, Bob gives you effects and essays that focus on the theoretical basis of successful mentalism.

1st edition 2003; 25 pages

★★★★★ $25
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Bob Cassidy
The Black Book of Mentalism by Bob Cassidy

Joseph Dunninger has often been credited with saying. "Every time you add a prop to your act your price goes down." His reasoning should be obvious - every additional prop takes the illusion one step away from what "real mind reading" would look like. And, as Bob has noted many times in his previous ebooks, every additional type of mentalism you demonstrate (apparent telepathy, precognition, psychokinesis, clairvoyance, etc.) also detracts from the overall illusion.

Recently a "mentalist" challenged Bob on this point: "How entertaining is it to demonstrate the same ability over and over again? It is much...

★★★★ $25
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Bob Cassidy
Working It by Bob Cassidy

The companion volume to Staging It, this exclusive ebook for mentalists is devoted to audience handling. Bob has probably worked for the most difficult audiences in the world and this ebook reveals the techniques he has used that have enabled him to be successful in virtually any conceivable venue.

This, Bob believes, is among the ebooks he has written that he considers most important for those looking to succeed in the world of professional psychic entertainment.

1st edition 2004; 25 pages

★★★★★ $25
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Bob Cassidy
Triple Edge by Bob Cassidy

The Corvus Manifesto - a thought provoking essay by Bob.

The Photon Phenomenon - A low cost way to achieve an impressive visual effect. This is typical Cassidy brilliance. Imagine. You are on stage and have just asked the audience to concentrate on their thoughts. The houselights dim and, suddenly, your face is illuminated in an eerie glow. No doubt it is effective showmanship, but you would normally assume that a special lighting effect like this requires, well, special lighting. It doesn’t.

Dark Impressions - Those of you who are familiar with Bob's previous writings are well acquainted...

★★★★★ $25
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J. G. Thompson Jr. & Ned Rutledge
Between Two Minds by J. G. Thompson Jr. & Ned Rutledge

Thompson and Rutledge are two extraordinary creative mentalists who have created entertaining and incredibly deceptive mental routines. Thompson writes in the preface: "I've enjoyed the joint effort. It tended to point up a number of basic truths that I hadn't thought about for a long time...such as how different two people can be, and how much better an effect can be made if two minds work on it."


  • - Basic Glide Force
  • - Squaring With The Left Hand ...
★★★★ $15
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Bob Cassidy
Side Effects by Bob Cassidy

One of the inherent difficulties in presenting effective mentalism is that it generally lacks the element of surprise. The performer states that he will read a thought and proceeds to do so. He says he will predict tomorrow’s headlines and he does. Many would-be mentalists infallibly demonstrate so many different alleged mental powers that the element of believability is lacking as well.

By applying the "Side Effects" principle, the element of surprise is returned to the art and variety is introduced into a performance without sacrificing believability. Bob's good friend Ross Johnson, one...

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Peter Duffie
Miraculous Minds by Peter Duffie

Scotland goes mental! (If you want the English version of this theme see Mind Blasters.)

Roy Walton
Guardian Ghost: A dead Pharaoh summons a frightening object to deter tomb raiders from robbing his tomb. In this case it is a ghost; the ghost of the Pharaoh himself!

George McBride
Streamlined Who Knows the Card: A card mentally chosen by one spectator is found by another spectator. Clever stuff!
Mirakill: Predict the colors of cards that have been freely mixed by a spectator.

Jim Cuthbert
Have a Drink on Me: A multiple prediction of hotels and drinks freely chosen by members of your audience.
Book Test: Jim's rendition...

★★★★★ $19.95
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Bob Cassidy
Staging It by Bob Cassidy

There is no argument about the dilemma faced by many newcomers to mentalism. Are mental effects best presented as natural phenomena of the mind, or as examples of rare paranormal or supernatural abilities?

Most of today's mentalists use the "mental skill" as opposed to the "psychic gift" approach, but only rarely are they particularly consistent about it. Even Joseph Dunninger, the pre-eminent mentalist of the twentieth century, sometimes made conflicting claims. While he stated that his thought reading skills were "scientific" and not those of a fortune-teller or psychic, his promotional materials often...

★★★★★ $25
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Bob Cassidy
Swami Tech by Bob Cassidy

The "Swami Gimmick", aka "Nail Writer", "Thumb Writer", "Ghost Writer", "Medium's Secret Device", et al, has often been referred to as one of the most useful secret devices in mentalism. And it is - provided, of course, that no one knows the mentalist is using one.

While the existence of the Swami may be widely known, very few performers actually use one on a regular basis and even fewer have truly mastered the device. Used properly, even those who have heard of a nail writer (or "that little piece of lead under the thumbnail"), will have no idea that the mentalist is using one.

In Swami...

★★★★ $25
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Bob Cassidy
Psychic Secrets by Bob Cassidy

You will learn the following effects:

  • The Zener Effect
  • The Black Book of Light & Dr. Crow’s Post Box Prediction
  • The Medium’s “Office Switch”
  • The Juice
  • Dr. Crow’s Billet Routine
1st edition 2002; 34 pages.
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Bob Cassidy
The Hanussen Proof by Bob Cassidy

The premise of Hanussen's Proof, and Bob's search for an effective method, were inspired by an event that took place in the spring of 1930. The mentalist/psychic Erik Jan Hanussen was indicted and tried on charges of criminal fraud arising from a public demonstration of alleged "clairvoyance". As the trial neared its conclusion and the evidence against Hanussen grew, he concluded that his only chance of acquittal would be to demonstrate his ability to the court. His offer of proof was accepted, and, under the watchful eyes of the judge and prosecutor, the demonstration proceeded.

Hanussen asked his inquisitors...

★★★★ $25
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Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #6 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the letter number combination SO85999, the state Texas and the name Nora. The guests are senator Ford, Joe Laurie Jr. and Harry Hirschfield.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod, any other MP3 player or on your computer.

★★★★ $3
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Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #5 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from 26th April 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the name Sallye Kaufman and the birth date May 8th 1902. The guests are congresswoman Ruth Bryan Rhoda, newsman Fred Archibald and musician and movie star Vaughan Monroe.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod, any other MP3 player or on your computer.

★★★★ $3
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Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #4 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from April 12th 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the number 3150 and the names 'Cobin' and 'Forman'. The guests are Betty Smith author of "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn", Richard Rodgers songwriter and Bea Wayne singer.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod, any other MP3 player or on your computer.

★★★★ $3
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Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #3 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from July 19th 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the name Malini and then divines places and addresses. The feature effect is a murder divination. The guests are Raymond Edward Johnson of "Inner Sanctum," Muriel Stafford graphologist, Marion Chocket "Ellery Queen's" Secretary and Dick Brown singing star.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod or other MP3 player.

★★★★ $3
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Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #2 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from February 23rd 1944. The feature effect is a ticket divination and the guests are Brigadier General W. A. Danielson, W. B. Fowler president of the 19th Century Club, Jimmy Brown captain and second baseman of St. Louis Cardinals, Roy Acuff Grand Ol' Opry maestro.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod or other MP3 player.

★★★★ $3
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Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #1 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from January 19th 1944. The feature effect is a ticket divination and the three guests are Beatrice Kay, singer, Carmel Snow, editor and John G. Shalit, entrepreneur.

This show #1 recording is not of the best sound quality. The other shows are of better quality. However, remember that these are old radio shows from the 40s. These are not your typical hi-fi CD quality recordings.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod or other MP3 player.

★★★★ $3
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Lorin Wiener
Mental Miracle by Lorin Wiener

Read minds in just minutes. Know the image someone has drawn on screen and is merely thinking of using your Palm Pilot™. The spectator draws any number, image, or symbol on the Palm Pilot™ and then visualizes it in their mind. The magician then reads the spectators mind as he sketches the image they are thinking of right in front of their eyes!

The results are different every time, it's immediately repeatable, and it's easy to do! Spectator can examine everything without being able to figure out how it's done.

Effect: The spectator is shown a drawing program on the Palm. You draw a...

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Lorin Wiener
Topsy Turvy by Lorin Wiener

This is a very clever card trick for PalmOS devices (PDAs, cell phones), so good that it can be performed several times with little worry that the secret will be revealed.

Read minds and know the spectator chosen card without you seeing, touching, or hearing your Palm Pilot™! You can even do it over the phone!

The trick uses no sequences, no calculations, no audio cues, no timed events, no secret buttons or patterns, no beaming, no stooges, no guessing, and it is immediately repeatable. No Reset!

Let them try it over and over. The results are different every time! The spectator can...

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