AA3Fly stands for "Anytime, Anywhere" 3 Fly. Using just 4 ungimmicked coins, you are prepared to perform a stand-up coin routine suitable for almost any venue. Start clean and end clean, with the coins examinable and your hands otherwise empty, both at the start and the end of the routine. You'll learn several novel ideas to wring the most magic out of 4 normal coins. This routine also includes my patter for the effect.
1st edition 2016, length 13 min
Phones are now very personal items. Long time ago in order to perform an effect with pictures; you would have to carry the pictures with you. But now people carry pictures with them all the time. Million of pictures! Using your spectator's phone and his Instagram account the effect goes like this:
Your spectator freely selects any category of pictures. He searches for this category himself; then your spectator selects any picture he wants. This picture could have been uploaded by anybody in the whole world. Yet you read your spectator's mind and accurately find the username that uploaded that...
This is a fun, interesting effect, in which a free selection multiplies itself, leaving you with 3 of the same selection. It ends with a 3 card change, followed by a surprising transposition!
This is entirely clean, requires no forces, and is sure to astonish and amaze your audience.
In this video you will learn folding techniques on how to make your own impossible folded cards and banknotes.
[Note: This compilation overlaps with Ralf Rudolph's earlier series of impossible foldings (1-6). There are some new things here and not everything from the six volumes is taught here, but there is a good amount of overlap.]
You will learn:
1st edition 2016, length 1 hour 24 min.
No slits! No thread! Take a borrowed Pad!
Borrow a paper pad (Post-it) and let the spectator sign the front page. After you draw the wrong card you add a few lines to make a box. Then the chosen card rises out of the drawn box. After that you rip of the signed paper and fold it (if you wish) and heat up with a lighter (you don't have to do this). When the spectator opens the paper, the card is gone. He could check the pad and keep all items as a souvenir! No threads, no slits! (like the first Version). If you follow the routine you end up clean. You can build the gimmick in a few minutes....
In this new video you will learn a new peak technique using a standard window envelope or a windowed wallet. It's completely clean and passes all scrutiny. It also justifies the need to peak. Also included is a whole section on zip ties you will learn three methods for escaping zip ties which will allow you to create new stage effects and publicity stunts. You can dress up all your existing escapes including the Cabaret Rope Escape by using this new 21st century handcuffing method. Also included is a new take on a Russian Roulette with water. This is great for family mentalism and always gets...
This is a wonderful "Dancing Ball" routine. You can have the ball dance on the heads of spectators, inside a glass, etc. The possibilities are many.
You will need a special gimmick for it. The video explains what you need and how you need to prepare it. If you do not have the necessary supplies and do not want to find them yourself, Peki does also sell a kit with all the supplies for an additional $30. At the end of the video you will be informed where you can purchase the kit.
1st edition 2016, length 7 minutes
Two Deck Switches for the workers.
This is the evolution of the MIQa Box 3.0, including the previous two versions. This box allows you to easily switch one deck for another, under the guise of starting to put the deck away or putting the box off to the side. It's a very natural movement, without the discrepancies of other devices.
There are two versions included. Both of them work very well, so you choose which one you like better.
[Don't forget to download the PDF that goes along with this video from your digital shelf.]
1st edition 2016, length 36 min.
Another silent film from the 1950s showcasing magic performed and explained by Peter Warlock. He teaches mostly magic with ropes and silks. It was recorded in the Harry Stanley Unique Magic Studios. The man behind the camera was Lewis Ganson.
Live from the European Close-up Magic Symposium 2012. This routine is taken from Giobbi's professional repertoire. It is his revised and expanded interpretation of a coin assembly created by the famous Japanese magician Shigeo Takagi (from the book Amazing Miracles of Shigeo Takagi, published by Richard Kaufman). Here Roberto has devised a presentation that makes everything more magical. A true act of magic. This is artistic Close-up Magic at its finest.
MP4 (video)
Learn the skills of the side show performer...
Within this 40 plus minute video, you will learn the skills to make a living as a side show magician and freak show performer.
Introduce your business cards or credit cards in a fun new way.
Your Business Card / Credit Card or a Playing Card eerily emerges out of the inside compartment. [One time setup and you are good to go for hundreds of performances. The speed is completely under your control.
Resets Instantly.]
Your Business Card / Credit Card jumps out of wallet. [Even for the laziest person set-up will takes less than 10 seconds]
Works with any regular bi-fold wallet. You can keep all your stuff in there and still perform these. Also included in the explanation is CARD DART II which is an impromptu take on it's earlier version.
(For the PDF please check your digital shelf.)
1st edition 2015, length 18 minutes....
Pop any balloon with your mind!
With this method you are able to burst any borrowed balloon at your fingertips. Even better, lay the balloon on the table and blow on it. A moment later the balloon pops without touching!
1st edition 2015, length 8 min
Here Marconick demonstrates many of his signature pieces with silk and some billiard ball manipulation, rope magic and cigarette magic.
In this 40 minute instant download video Scott explains and demonstrates how to manufacture the Empty Multiple Out Envelope, a utility device he has been using in both his close up and stand up performances for years.
If you can use a pair of scissors, you can make The Empty Multiple Out Envelope.
With a couple of envelopes and a pair of scissors, once you have watched this video you will be able to manufacture one of these deceptive envelopes in less than a minute. Finally Scott will teach you the simple handling required using different styles and sizes of envelope, along with two of...
Link any signed playing card with itself.
1st edition 2015, length 31 min.
One advanced coin move - three awesome applications
NP technique is a coin move with three applications:
1st edition 2014, length 14 min 40 s.
"That's Absolutely brilliant, I'm soooo going to be using that!" - Iain Moran
"Bloody Genius" - Tony McMylor
"Love It" - Peter Arcane
For the first time ever, in this 30 minute video, Scott explains and demonstrates how to manufacture the cheap and easy to use, real time impression pad he has been using for years. Once you have the materials together (they are cheap and widely available) and have watched this video, you will be able to produce one of these pads in about ten to fifteen minutes.
If you can use a pair of scissors and tape, you can make "The DIY I-Pad"
No special...
California Gang Knives, Raymonde Crowe's routine for the color-changing knives, includes two new sleights. The routine includes a comedy presentation, bonus comedy lines, and ends strong when a knife magically shrinks into a miniature knife. At the finale you are automatically reset. California Gang Knives can be performed in short sleeves and jeans.
My aim in this routine was to move beyond repetitive color changes, and over-reliance on the paddle/turnover move, and to conclude the routine strongly. I also wanted to move beyond just describing black and white knives changing places, but...
In the coin routine Fred Miser, three silver coins change to copper one at a time, and then back to silver. Although you will need gaffed coins (a sun and moon coin and a half dollar from an unexpanded shell set), the gaffs allow for very clean displays and make the routine relatively easy to perform. This is a coin routine performed in the hands, which automatically resets.
As an added bonus we have included Raymonde's handling for Royal Magic's "Coin Funnel," which is like a chop cop routine using ungaffed or even borrowed quarters, and ends with a surprise production. The routine is performed...
This fourth volume of Ralf's impossible objects series is a little bit of a departure in his methods. He is still not using any glue. However, all these objects have hidden cuts to make the illusions possible. The "Interlocking Banknotes" can be handed out for examination. The other two need to be kept behind glass.
length 21 min
"Brilliant T&R! One of the best I've seen!" - Tony Chris
"Vivid is the strangest T&R card routine I've ever seen!" - Stephen Tucker
Introducing a wild test of a spectator's imagination...
A card is selected - say, the King of Hearts - and placed inside the card box. A second card - say, the Five of Spades - is then selected and lost in the deck (really, it's completely lost!). You ask your spectator to imagine that she's tearing off a corner of the King of Hearts. You then ask her to imagine taping that corner to the back of the Five of Spades. The magician removes the King from the box...only...
"Flat Pack packs quite a punch!" - Stephen Tucker
"Flat Pack is cool as Ice. Love it!" - Tony Chris
Inspired by David Regal's "Sudden Deck" and Stephen Tucker's "Tardis Deck".
You display an unfolded card box, and clearly show it inside and out. You then proceed to fold it up, snap your fingers and slide a full deck of cards out of the box! It's that simple. It's that effective.
Flat Pack is great for close-up as well as stand-up work. It's super easy to make, and the angles are great.
1st edition 2014, length 20 min.